You can immediately tell how long/hard someone has been working out by their wrist thickness

As we all know, tendons grow just like
muscles but it takes a long time for the
tendon to grow and, due to their density tautness, they only respond to heavy workouts (unlike muscle fiber, tendon fiber is not easily broken down) This being said, the wrist has lots of tendons close to the
skin and over the course of several years they grow and thicken -leading to higher wrist circumference (if you are lifting heavy - 4pl8+ deadlifts for years)

A few notes:
>Frank Zane does not have 6.5" wrists
>neither did Arnold
>just because they had "small wrists" (7-8 inches, small
for their frame) does not mean you, the 150lb weakling
can be proud of your 6" baby wrists

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    Hello wrenchlet from IST

  2. 10 months ago

    Cute wrists. I’m 6’8 260 lbs. can I take you out on a date?

    • 10 months ago

      Look at those teeny tiny hands kek

      Oh is it time to BTFO another incel!? I think it is!

      *clears throat*

      Lil celly. I hereby ask you to post wrists. We both know you're not going to post body (because you look like shit) so I will give you the opportunity to at least post wrists. Even fatasses can have vascular wrists/forearms and use them to LARP as someone who lifts. What this means is that if you cannot post wrists, your body is so garbage... so grotesque... so absolutely pitiful and pathetic that even something as arbitrary as WRISTS are indicative of that.

      So I tell you again: post wrists. You wont. We both know it. Because you are an abomination. A grotesque, pathetic sack of shit and a testament to laziness and a sedentary lifestyle. You are what people use as an example when they say they'd kill themselves if they ever ended up looking like that. You are used as motivation to pick ourselves up by the bootstraps and be active. You are everything that nobody wants to be. But feel free to prove me wrong


      • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        They wont do it, anon. They're a mcdouble away from a coronary at the age of 25 and the worst thing in the world to them is to be blown the frick out on a mongolian basketweaving forum.

      • 10 months ago

        You got called out on your troony wrists, now you're baby raging?

        • 10 months ago

          Big oof, I've posted a shitload in this thread and your dumb ass lands on the single post to reply to that essentially proves you have little b***h wrists? Incredibly stupid decision. Not only do you have a garbage "physique", you are also a total moron. Wow, what a combination

      • 10 months ago

        frick me. see this? this is a VALID post body request. because he ostensibly already posted his.
        i can't remember the last time i saw a valid one.

  3. 10 months ago

    Look at those teeny tiny hands kek

  4. 10 months ago

    >disliked here
    >dislike on IST
    >yet spends his entire day posting

    • 10 months ago

      >reads my posts
      >somehow manages to arrive at a conclusion that I care what a bunch of IST nerds think
      I am here solely to shit on you homosexuals

      • 10 months ago

        Nah, you're here all the time because you have nothing going on.

        • 10 months ago

          >all the time
          Monday thru Friday you will catch me on here from 9-5pm PT since I WFH and dabbing on you nerds passes the time. On the weekends I'll post here and there because it's more entertaining than YouTube. Now, for example, I am eating lunch and instead of doomscrolling I'll toy with you simpletons.

          • 10 months ago

            What’s for lunch?

          • 10 months ago

            >heh, yeah nerd my life is better than yours
            >that's why I'm on IST with you
            >I can mog people any other way, no one else likes to be around me because They're Insecure (definitely not me)
            >HA GOT YOU NERD

            • 10 months ago

              >Heh you're so jacked, eh?
              >but you go to the same gym as me, heh

              >Heh, you're so wealthy, eh?
              >but you go to the same grocery store as me, heh

              >heh, your car is nice, eh?
              >but you go to the same gas station as me, heh

              Once again, exposing your idiocy

      • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        >I am here solely to shit on you homosexuals
        Baiting people to hate you is still caring what they think. If you didn't care, you wouldn't post, but you crave attention, so you do.
        You're not above this place because you try to play heel. In a way that's almost more pathetic.

        • 10 months ago

          I literally do not give a shit if you like me or not. I'm sorry you are having trouble understanding this. "This place" is nothing more than an medium for me to shit on incels. It is a toilet bowl where filled with incels pieces if shit who talk about incel shit and I simply stand above the shit water that is IST and piss all over you turds.

    • 10 months ago

      nah, he always reminds me of the “shit was so cash” copypasta and I think triggering tards can be funny so I’m alright with his posts
      also there’s probably a bunch of larpers by now

  5. 10 months ago

    Nice car keys homosexual
    >were the vipers
    Drive a truck

  6. 10 months ago

    Wow, you drive a Ford. I'm so wet, right now.

  7. 10 months ago

    Has anyone actually seen the Shelby here? What color is it? Is the fob just a talisman he found in the Banana Republic dressing room? Just curious

    • 10 months ago

      i think he posted a red one with a black rooftop

      • 10 months ago

        Ty boss.

  8. 10 months ago

    lmao the "cobra package" is a bunch of shit that does nothing but cost extra money, frickin side skirts and shit

    • 10 months ago

      Lmao what an absolute moron. Why would you make such a moronic statement that a single Google search can disprove. Speaks volumes about your IQ

      • 10 months ago

        >spam your shitty 'cobra'
        >always the fob, never the car
        >buying a fob to 'mog' people you don't even know

        Post your car with body.

        • 10 months ago

          Cope harder nerd. You incels will ask for all this shit but can't even post your wrists LMAO. Then you're too moronic to even understand how hypocritical you are.

          If you have any question as to why I love shitting on you homosexuals, people like you are why. Genetic deadend biological debris who think they're in any position to critique literally anyone. Like a homeless shit-eater criticizing the types of curtains a billionaire puts up LMAO

          • 10 months ago

            >Heh you're so jacked, eh?
            >but you go to the same gym as me, heh

            >Heh, you're so wealthy, eh?
            >but you go to the same grocery store as me, heh

            >heh, your car is nice, eh?
            >but you go to the same gas station as me, heh

            Once again, exposing your idiocy

            >Spending a majority of your week on IST
            >Thinking you 'mog' anyone

            You come here and waste your time and energy for free. You don't appear as intelligent or superior as you believe.

            Go ahead, keep screaming how you're winning from your mom's basement. I'm sure she's proud of her 'special' boy.

            • 10 months ago

              You smashing your enter key tells us all how rattled you are. Keep imagining make believe scenarios to cope with getting dabbed on though, loser

        • 10 months ago

          Yet you claim all that but never posted your car.

          Everyone could buy a fob and do what you do, but they don't, even the morons on /fit think your shitty gimmick is too moronic

  9. 10 months ago

    I can’t believe one guy can farm threads on fit and o this easily. IST have the most basic people.

  10. 10 months ago

    Im literally the only gay ITT who could frick this guy in his ass. Most of you straight homies couldnt get hard around this guy without stuttering after every stroke. I'M the top, I'M the one in that ass. Come in my ass when I'm coming in his? Id publicly rape you the second you entered my butthole. In fact most of you would probably come into his ass and just stand there, taking down "bottom" tips in that thread you morons post in. If you decided to bust (aka say "im bouta buss bro") I'd not only grab your wiener (I'm only 4 inches erect, you'd barely see it) I'd give you a lesson on how to be a better bottom simultaneously displaying homosexual behaviour to everyone in this thread. Bam. 2 gays in one ass. In fact it would probably go better if you did interrupt our gay makeout.

    • 10 months ago

      You want to sit down for a minute anon? You seem a little overexcited.

    • 10 months ago

      Excellent post

    • 10 months ago

      Least gay man on fit.

  11. 10 months ago

    Do you really own a Shelby?
    I love those things.

  12. 10 months ago

    Thank you for triggering tards and poorgays shelbyhomie. Shit brings me back.

  13. 10 months ago

    you kids really need to get offa this board, reddit seems more your speed.

    • 10 months ago

      The worst thing to happen to this place was you homosexual Facebook boomers migrating to /misc/ after being trolled by Q and never left - then began spilling out to the other boards. Kindly frick off

      • 10 months ago

        No one believed q. That was gov psyop bs from the beginning lol.
        >Oh I'm an insider, let me tell you the grass is green! Trust the plan.
        The majority of the gays shitting up the board are people like you mentioning pol and q outta nowhere.

  14. 10 months ago

    isn't that the key fob for one of those cheap cars gay guys drive

  15. 10 months ago

    >buying an overpriced american car
    Damn this is some nouveau riche hilarity, also the way you talk, I can tell you are a colossally insecure dude. You sound like a huge gay, I'm peacing out of this thread so not gonna see what you say. Goodbye!

  16. 10 months ago

    Interesting thread and I tend to agree. I remember when my F-91W used to go about 7 notches in (I never paid any specific attention as I never thought it'd change), and now it's like on the 4th-last one and it's a bit tight there. People say screw it who cares because it takes so long, and that's understandable. But it's another addition to the benefits of working out. Do you want to be 35 or 45+ as a wristlet or do you want big strong hands and wrists. Wrists are also a common source of injury or a way to prevent injury, you fall hard which is all too common it'll be a strong wrist that could be the difference. I myself smashed my left wrist and had to have a big operation on it, they had to take bone from my pelvis. Wrists are very useful, whether for choking a girl hard or saving yourself in a fall.

    The only caveat to taking wrists as a measure of how long someone has been lifting is obviously that we all start with different sizes.

  17. 10 months ago

    >>just because they had "small wrists" (7-8 inches, small
    >for their frame) does not mean you, the 150lb weakling
    >can be proud of your 6" baby wrists

    Where do people get this shit?

    Show me a picture where arnolds wrist is measured

    • 10 months ago

      >reddit spacing
      Every. Single. Time. Google, you dumbass brownoid. Get the FRICK off my internet

      • 10 months ago

        Show me a picture of arnolds measured wrist you retaded mongoloid

        • 10 months ago

          >spoonfeed me info because I'm too stupid to use a search engine!
          have a nice day you dumb little Black person. Why in the FRICK would I care to Google for some sub-$30k a year brown poorgay moron? That's a serious fricking question. You are an ANT compared to me. And actually mentally moronic. And right now I'm essentially using my high IQ as a magnifying glass to roast you alive and study you as you squirm and burn. So dance for me some more you pathetic worm. Give me another (You)

          • 10 months ago

            You stupid fricking Black person. My point precisely is that there are zero pictures with arnolds wrist measurement.

  18. 10 months ago

    Hey how come you never post pics of you with girls?

    • 10 months ago

      He gets zero pussy. He simped for some fat girl on here once. Somebody post the screencaps.

      • 10 months ago

        Found it

    • 10 months ago

      He gets zero pussy. He simped for some fat girl on here once. Somebody post the screencaps.

      Cope harder incels

      • 10 months ago

        >incels searching the archive for this pic

        • 10 months ago

  19. 10 months ago

    My tiny wrists are the one thing that really gets me about my body. I'm decently strong, but my hands and wrists are so so small.

  20. 10 months ago

    >cancer shit-flinging thread
    >30 posters
    >not a single body posted
    bunch of abused dogs all bark no bite

    • 10 months ago

      >complains about shit talking but no bodies
      >shit talks, doesn't post body
      The fact you don't even realize how moronic you are is unreal. The browns infesting the place has collectively lowered the average IQ here to below 80

  21. 10 months ago
  22. 10 months ago

    I've been doing the "4pl8+ deadlifts for years" that you speak of (around 6 years since I first deadlifted 4pl8) and i'm pretty sure my wrists are the same size they've always been.

  23. 10 months ago

    Is it over for wristlets? My wrist is only 2.5 inches across.

    • 10 months ago

      Having a thick wrist is great for doing stuff but is overrated aesthetically. Mine are nearly as wide as my palm and that makes my (above average) hands look small.

      It’s part of how I’m stronger than all of my friends, however, so I wouldn’t change that.

      • 10 months ago

        The dude who is so overweight that his wrists have fat rolls is going to tell us what is and isn't aesthetic

  24. 10 months ago

    OP is moronic, ive seen armwrestler pulling for years and their wrist never grows or if it does it not noticable.

    If op theory was true, every pro armwrestler would have 8+ inch wrist but its simply not the case.

  25. 10 months ago

    Yes, but you didn't consider the initial bone size. Ectomorph who can deadlift 300kg will have smaller wrist than endomorph who can's deadlift even 100kg.
    So the addition to you statement should be
    >in proportion to his hip size

  26. 10 months ago

    most of your wrist size is bone, the tendons wont make them thicker. got a family full of miners and we have thin wrist genetics, but by your logic they should have thick wrists from lifting heavy ass drills in awkard postions day in and day out. rock solid forearms and shoulders though. im not a miner and their wrists are just as skinny as mine, but much stronger.

  27. 10 months ago

    My wrists have gotten a fair bit bigger since I started doing more farmers walks/pull-ups/chin-ups/deadhangs, just any form of grip related isometric movement really.
    That said I also have very pronounced veins on the sides of my wrists now as well and I feel like that is making my wrists look way bigger than they are.

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