Cardiovascular conditioning is how efficiently your circulatory system delivers oxygen and nutrients to the muscles and carbon dioxide and other metabolic wastes away from them.

Improved cardiovascular conditioning does not mean your cardiac output is always higher. Your cardiac output only needs to be higher when your energy demands are higher, such as during exercise or when performing some other demanding physical activity. Improved cardiovascular conditioning means your circulatory system is capable of greater output more easily when required, largely through increases in stroke volume due to strengthening of the walls of the atria and ventricles, along with other beneficial adaptations such as increased vascularity of the heart itself, improved arterial compliance, and more efficient venous return.

Realize your heart does not move your blood around your body by itself; respiration and muscle contraction also contribute to circulation by moving venous blood back to the heart. The majority of the veins below your heart have valves which only allow blood to move back to the heart when pressure is applied to them. When you inhale and exhale the changes in pressure in your thoracic and abdominal cavities function as a respiratory pump, moving this venous blood back towards your heart. When you contract the muscles in your arms and legs they act as a muscular pump, squeezing the veins and pushing the venous blood back towards the heart. The larger and stronger your muscles the more effectively they do this all of the time, not just during exercise.

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  1. 2 months ago

    yung hurn - ok cool

    • 2 months ago
  2. 2 months ago

    Not reading your blog, only here for the sauce before I go do some cardio.

  3. 2 months ago

    After looking at your Gif and completely disregarding your post, I have decided based off the criteria of that ass that I do in fact need cardio, and you are in fact a homosexual.

    • 2 months ago

      Not reading your blog, only here for the sauce before I go do some cardio.


  4. 2 months ago

    What's wrong, powershitter, get made fun of for getting gassed by a flight of stairs again?

  5. 2 months ago

    Do you think that she takes big stinky poops with that butt?

  6. 2 months ago

    Huh? It's cardio time.

  7. 2 months ago

    Not reading, going for another round of 1 hour on the Elliptical.
    Cry about it, fat powerlard. Or try to not to, feeling strong emotions might cause your heart to explode LMAO.

  8. 2 months ago

    I'm not saying I agree with your conclusion but the rest sounds right. I just do sets to failure and I don't do cardio. I obviously can't run far but I don't run out of breath when shit gets real. I think you may be onto something.

    • 2 months ago

      try a boxing class. You and OP are both woefully ill-equipped for shit to "get real"

      • 2 months ago

        > but I don't run out of breath when shit gets real
        you never faced a "shit gets real" situation in your life, let's be honest
        adrenaline can only do so much, but it won't give you magical cardio powers

        I've wrestled, played football, and been in the infantry. Of course I ran regularly in all cases but I honestly don't think that matters if you don't intend to transport yourself. Shit doesn't get that real now but I've never done the "lose my breath on the stairs" meme. I'm perfectly capable of exerting myself because I exert myself to 100% in the weight room.

    • 2 months ago

      > but I don't run out of breath when shit gets real
      you never faced a "shit gets real" situation in your life, let's be honest
      adrenaline can only do so much, but it won't give you magical cardio powers

  9. 2 months ago

    Yet the guys who don't do their cardio universally look like shit and have guts...
    I'm gonna keep running. You're free to keep seething because you can't run a mile without gassing lel

  10. 2 months ago
    Himbo Chad

    30 min jump rope
    10 emom 100m sprints
    6-10 rounds kickboxing in the heavy bag
    100 burpees as finisher
    Get massive pump and erection in the shower

    Do cardio, powershitter

  11. 2 months ago

    Always the same story
    >Be out of shape moron
    >The guys who are actually in good shape tell you to include cardio in your routine as well as lifting (because some idiots seem to think you can't do both)
    >"nah bro I don't need cardio to get fit and actually in good shape"
    >"Cardio is a meme bro it kills gains I'll just lower the calories I eat for the same results"
    >continues been out of shape moron with a belly and love handles
    >Continues ignoring good advice from people who are actually fit
    >Then blames it on genetics
    >Then despite still been skinnyfat out of shape moron, gives other people advice and tells them they don't need cardio
    >Continues getting mogged by the guys who lift and do cardio too

    • 2 months ago

      actually based. Cardio is a genuine gamechanger for aesthetics
      for the longest time I was lifting 6 days a week, got very strong, benching 3pl8 natty while weighing under 90kg, but I always lacked true cuts and definition. even when I tried dieting down, it was like I only 'scaled' down but didn't look any more shredded/vascular, never really got a slim midsection
      then I fricked up my wrist badly, lifting anything heavy caused pain in my entire arm. couldn't bench for shit, couldn't curl, couldn't even pick up a bar. so I took up running just while I recovered and my body transformed, ended up the most aesthetic I'd ever been while not even lifting for 4 months. Real definition everywhere. visible abs first time in my life. Fricking veins on my shoulders. wasp waist. you progress very quickly on cardio too, when you're consistent you see rapid improvement
      it's the best. i absolutely 100% recommend it for all anons who want to look better, if you don't do it currently I promise you will thank me in a month if you start now

      • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        Indeed. The breathing and the movement for extended periods of time is so important. The blood and the lymph need help getting around. You don't want your body getting all clogged up with old, stale cells and mounting wastes and toxins. That shit needs to be dealt with and cardio is the de-facto method for this. Temperature therapy can actually do this, but it looks much different and is not nearly as easy as just getting up and moving and breathing.

    • 2 months ago

      but what if I did get into good shape without doing any cardio
      >if you do your workouts fast enough it counts as cardio btw

    • 2 months ago

      did any of this ever happen even once, probably not
      >Continues ignoring good advice from people who are actually fit
      there's more people that don't do any running at all, just lift and are lean, the idea that because you run and you're lean means everyone has to run to be lean is moronic.
      Runners are also generally skinny fat.

      • 2 months ago

        >most runners are skinny fat
        This is like saying most lifters are dyel after one glance at the gym the first week of January.

        • 2 months ago

          go to a track meet, look at joggers, they're all skinny fat, I've been running for 2 years and I'm still skinny fat which just proves the point, running doesn't make you cut diet does.

          • 2 months ago

            No they are just skinny.

  12. 2 months ago

    >Improved cardiovascular conditioning does not mean your cardiac output is always higher.
    stopped reading there. are you moronic?
    >be (you)
    >be sleeping
    >your cardio demand is 10 units
    >your cardiolet heart and basic few veins and scarce mitochondria count and and and and means that you need 70bpm to provide for this demand
    >my superior cardiovascular system only needs 40 beats to provide the same 10 units

    >build muscle
    >my superior vascular system and numerous newly created blood vessels provide greater flow of energy
    >improved energy generation capabilities, higher lactic resistance and improved waste disposal capabilities provide greater muscle strength

    >start running
    >I dont even break a sweat when (you) get gassed out completely

    >get mogged
    >shrimple as that

  13. 2 months ago

    "Cardio kills gains"
    Explain Scooby then?

    • 2 months ago

      TRT/PEDs give gains back.

  14. 2 months ago

    that's very cool but I was getting out of breath just from walking up stairs when I didn't do cardio and only lifted.

  15. 2 months ago

    mfs will come up with the wildest theories just to avoid cardio

    they coulda easily done 10x the cardio they'd need in the time they spend reading some dork's blog about how 'you don't need cardio'

    • 2 months ago

      kek true
      i need more evidence that i dont need cardio
      >research showing how LISS 3-5 times a week can drastically improve overall health

  16. 2 months ago

    Cardio makes no sense to me and I don't get how you're supposed to improve at it and what the improvement looks like.
    I've tried to train cardio and nothing works. I would set a distance to run and I'd run it, next time I run slightly further, adding just a little distance. My cardio didn't become better at all. So I did HIIT where I run really fast and exhaust myself, wait and then run again, exhausted myself until I could no longer move. No improvement whatsoever. Nothing happens, it's not like weight lifting where you can see muscles grow and watch the weights go up. When I started running I'd run for about a minute and get gassed. After months of training it was the same.
    Yet when I actually need to have cardio I have it. Like once some cows broke a fence and got out and I chased them for literal hours without losing breath. I've worked for 12 hours doing hard work and didn't lose breath and walked and jogged so much my feet gave out from pain before my cardio failed me.
    Good cardio is something you just have when you're chasing down a deer.
    Can you answer what you are actually improving when you do cardio that isn't a circular non-answer like ''cardio improves stamina'' like you have a video game stamina bar. What are the physiological changes? It's not lung size. The heart does get enlarged and stronger, but so does the heart of a fat and it's generally not a good thing to have an enlarged heart.

    • 2 months ago

      dumbest motherfricker on IST, right here ^

    • 2 months ago

      >what you are actually improving when you do cardio
      Your main muscle and the pathways that fill it and other muscles with fuel.
      Start from coach to 5k program, with a slow pace that lets you comfortably breathe.

  17. 2 months ago

    nice argument, now give sauce

    • 2 months ago

      • 2 months ago

        nice, man.

  18. 2 months ago


  19. 2 months ago


  20. 2 months ago

    i like swimming, iceskating, rowing and cross-country. bike and foot to move from point a to point b. running only when no other option.

  21. 2 months ago

    Lifting hard for hypertrophy for two hours is cardio. I bet I do way more cardio than you.

  22. 2 months ago

    Makes sense

  23. 2 months ago

    you don't need to run you need to do steady state cardio around 140bpm like 6-9 hours a week, and you will be fine. do it after lifting.

  24. 2 months ago

    Nice argument OP, how about you back it up with a source?

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