you guys ever gray out during a workout? i have and its not pretty.

you guys ever gray out during a workout? i have and its not pretty.

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  1. 2 years ago

    What does this mean

    • 2 years ago

      Gay out but he's misspelled gay as grey.

  2. 2 years ago

    Once my vision went black on a set of squats. Luckily doing them EOD programmed me to finish ,rack, and sit down.
    Now I try to breathe better.

  3. 2 years ago

    Yes. I was in the middle of life guard training and I grayed out before I could finish. I struggled to get downstairs to the locker room, trying not to throw up or pass out, I could barely see anything because my vision was blurry and my head was fuzzy. Took me what felt like half an hour to somewhat recover. I gave up on being a life guard after that and I never went to another training session. I’m just glad I didn’t drown in the pool.

    • 2 years ago

      Same almost happened to me. 20 minutes of doing laps and trying to keep up with swim team members. Nearly vomited in the locker room after and that was just the pretest for the course. They passed me but knew I was moronic since I was the only one not wearing goggles. I don't swim anymore

  4. 2 years ago

    Yeah I was in the development squad for rugby in high school because I was decent but I didn't fit in. I went hard at training and vision went dim, puked everywhere, fell into my puke. Decided then and there that I didn't give enough of a frick about rugby to do this stupid shit.

    Anyway I was gonna leave it a discrete number of weeks before quitting so it wouldn't look so much like a b***h move but a few days later we were running drills and one of the other guys on the team was being... not shitty to me, but just, unenthusiastic about me being there, like reluctant to pass to me and other shit. I was like they don't want me here, I don't wanna be here, frick it, and so I just called it there and fricked off.

    That's the only time I've ever puked from training or anything like that.

    • 2 years ago

      Oh I forgot to mention the most important part - because I didn't leave it long enough of course it stuck that I quit cuz I puked. If the fricking morons had thought about it longer they might have realised that the reason I quit is the same reason that they were glad that I did lmao: we didn't like each other. If you actually enjoy the training then going that hard is - well, it's not fun, but it feels good to leave it all on the field.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah I was in the development squad for rugby in high school because I was decent but I didn't fit in. I went hard at training and vision went dim, puked everywhere, fell into my puke. Decided then and there that I didn't give enough of a frick about rugby to do this stupid shit.

        Anyway I was gonna leave it a discrete number of weeks before quitting so it wouldn't look so much like a b***h move but a few days later we were running drills and one of the other guys on the team was being... not shitty to me, but just, unenthusiastic about me being there, like reluctant to pass to me and other shit. I was like they don't want me here, I don't wanna be here, frick it, and so I just called it there and fricked off.

        That's the only time I've ever puked from training or anything like that.

        You sound like a b***h. I had to stop playing because of injuries and miss it everyday.

        • 2 years ago

          >and miss it everyday.
          lol yeah I didn't miss it at all. That's the difference. If you actually enjoy playing then you put the work in but if you don't then you don't.

          People are too stupid to understand that not everybody likes the same things they like lmao.

      • 2 years ago

        You did quit because you puked, stop lying to yourself.

    • 2 years ago

      Oh I forgot to mention the most important part - because I didn't leave it long enough of course it stuck that I quit cuz I puked. If the fricking morons had thought about it longer they might have realised that the reason I quit is the same reason that they were glad that I did lmao: we didn't like each other. If you actually enjoy the training then going that hard is - well, it's not fun, but it feels good to leave it all on the field.


      You sound like a b***h. I had to stop playing because of injuries and miss it everyday.

      i lost my second half of football in highschool because of the shitty covid thing

    • 2 years ago

      We chucked at athletics like every other session during the conditioning block in off season. That is peak b***h m8

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah I've always cut my own training before I get to that point cuz there's no real reason to push that hard. You don't need to train to failure for progress lol.

        It's only team sports with dumbass coaches where people get macho'd into wrecking themselves for no reason.

        • 2 years ago

          Barfing your precious calories and exhausting yourself to fatigue provides minimal benefits compared to the extra recovery time needed.

          Anyone who trained like this learned that it was suboptimal for cardio and muscle gains real quick.
          If you can't do, teach. That's why there are so many shit coaches.

  5. 2 years ago

    Autists shouldn't be allowed on twitter

  6. 2 years ago

    What kind of a fricking workout could he have been doing to burn a bacon burger and ice cream? People actually think doing dumbell curls and leg extensions burn the 1100 calories he just ate?

    • 2 years ago

      It wasn't the workout, the idea would be replace everything he just barfed. And a burger and shake really does make you feel better after throwing up.

      • 2 years ago

        His post implies that he didn't pass out or throw up though, he just thought he was going to.

  7. 2 years ago

    There hasn't been a single person in history to unironically use the term "grayed out" and then benched 315lbs

    You gays and your gay reddit lingo to to all frick off

  8. 2 years ago

    I've passed out a couple times. Used to throw up too after particularly difficult sets. Turns out you can still get gains without going 95% intensity every time. Just take it easy. Gains are exactly the same or better at lower intensity.

  9. 2 years ago

    Is this one of those things where people will not use the word black in a potentially negative connotation?

    • 2 years ago

      No, but some terms are relatively close to each other but mean different things. Where I grew up, you had black out, gray out and brown out. Black out was a full passing out or total dissociation and loss of coherence to others. Gray out was more loss of coherence and slight dissociation. Brown out was dissociation, but somehow remaining coherent and functional (think functioning alcoholic who manages to clock in a full day of work despite being pissed).

  10. 2 years ago

    I can only white out. Because I'm white.

  11. 2 years ago

    When I do deadlifts that barely move, yeah

  12. 2 years ago

    if grayed out means getting ready to puke. I remember in high school they had an after school exercise circuit thing that we did in pairs. I was the odd one out so I paired up with my maths teacher who I had a crush on. I pushed myself to the max to try and impress her and ended up going so hard that threw up all over the place. I was so embarrassed I never returned (still had to see her the next day for maths though, she tried to be supportive and push me to go the next week but I was a broken man lol) it was probably because I was an underweight skelly that I died that day, I didn't have enough energy for that shit

  13. 2 years ago

    One time when I was a teenager and beginner I decided to superset my entire routine, ended up losing nearly all vision and fine motor control and had to lie down for the rest of the day

  14. 2 years ago

    nah but i gay out

    • 2 years ago
  15. 2 years ago


    Wasn't this homie an Arma youtuber or something

    • 2 years ago

      nintendo games

  16. 2 years ago

    you absolutely zero your glucose and keton and on top all of a sudden you get a drop in your blood pressure, it gives you a very persistant and quickly extending black vignette effect on your vision until everything goes black in a few seconds, while you feel like puking and you think your hearing got weird like you've been thrown underwater.
    obv I have but idk why this moron calls it grayout but not black out? because he didnt completely faint? and Im very certain its a larp. he might have felt an uncomfortable movement of fart in his intestines and thought he is dying and banged up 1k calories.

  17. 2 years ago

    Gray out? You mean like black out or brown out?

  18. 2 years ago

    Last summer when it was 95 degrees, humid, and the smoke particulate was over 200ppm, my vision went bright and fuzzy after lifting and pulling a trailer into a storage unit. Got light headed, sat down, tried to lay back but lost all control and smashed my head on concrete, cut the shit out of my arm on a screw trying to stop myself. Probably should have gone to the ER but instead I just laid there for a half hour. Got a cool scar from it though.

  19. 2 years ago

    I used to ride my bike for cardio.
    One night i decided to just do as many short interval sprints as i could.
    After the fifth sprint i decided to stop and relax for a minute or two. The first 30 seconds after being off the bike felt pretty normal, lung was aching and quads burning but that was still normal. Then it suddenly hit me, my fov got smaller and my "frame rate" sort of dropped. A ringing noise hit my ears and my mind couldnt think the most simple things. Also i had minor hallucinations and thought i was going insane, had a minor panic attack or some shit.
    This went on for a solid 5 minutes before it calmed down after downing like a gallon of water

  20. 2 years ago

    I use safeties so that if I fricking blackout I'm still making it

  21. 2 years ago

    After heavy squats and sometimes deadlifts I see stars and have to sit down for 5 minutes and sip water.

  22. 2 years ago

    I did once when my friend was pushing me hard and I didnt want to seem like a pussy so I kept going and eventually threw up. After that I just thought "that wasnt worth it" and since then, when Im done, Im done. Dont have anything to prove to anyone except myself.

  23. 2 years ago

    Haven't read too many of the replies, but I can only speculate about what greying out means and it's a kind of homosexual term.
    Sometimes, when I jump on the bench to do dumbbell presses, when I kick the weights off my knees, sometimes my vision becomes obscured, hearing becomes static white noise and I slip from reality a bit.
    I don't even press that much. I only press 35kg on each hand going up to 37kg soon.

  24. 2 years ago

    when i was a noob i pushed myself too hard and was always drinking so much water in between my sets that my stomach was just like no and my vision got all purple and faded and i threw up.

  25. 2 years ago

    When i started working out i often times nearly vomited or nearly fell into unconsciousness whenever tried to surpass my limit. Now 6+ months later my body luckily adapted and stopped doing this

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