You will never have the privilege of being like Talmage and having a dad like this.

You will never have the privilege of being like Talmage and having a dad like this.

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Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    what the frick kind of name is Talmage

    • 10 months ago

      A badass name is what
      My parents called me Caladan

      • 10 months ago

        U serious? You sound like a starwars planet.

      • 10 months ago

        kek, pretty based name

        U serious? You sound like a starwars planet.


    • 10 months ago

      You prefer Shortwiz, right?

      • 10 months ago

        Medlock sounds manlier.

    • 10 months ago

      Sounds like something out of elder scrolls

    • 10 months ago

      Sounds like something out of elder scrolls

    • 10 months ago

      >be me
      >tall mage
      >dad is a blood elf
      >wants me to walk in his footsteps
      wat do?

    • 10 months ago

      Sounds like something out of elder scrolls

  2. 10 months ago

    I know, I'm just happy for him. I won't have a privilege of being in my teens either, or my twenties. I will never have a privilege of living a good life. It's just how it is, by now I am content with having a roof over my head and food.

  3. 10 months ago

    Daddy is taking his blood though.
    The best parasites keep their hosts confortable and healthy.

  4. 10 months ago

    I had a good dad, but my mother was an autistic psycho femcel, she really fricked me up. Narcissistic and controlling, worst of all, absolutely incompetent. Didn't let me do anything, it had to be done her way, but she's moronic and has shit taste in everything. She was very insecure, and she grew up poor, she took out all her insecurities and psycho woman shit on me, she'd beat me up when I didn't do something "correctly", then I'd go to school and get beat up and spit in my face. I was born weak, bony, malformed and underdeveloped because the femcel and my dad were in their fifties when they had me. I couldn't fight the homosexuals at school, they would spit on me, or kick me and run away, and I couldn't even catch them to kick back.
    I'll recall one of the countless psycho momcel moments she had, so you understand what my childhood and youth was like.
    She'd always follow me like a shadow. When I went on a school trip, she tagged along. It was so embarrassing, even the small kids went by themselves, she did this shit until I was 15, fricking crazy hag. We went to this aquarium, first one for me. I loved fishes, I saw a clownfish like in Nemo, and even Dory, there were turtles, and other cool sea creatures, so I kept asking her to take pictures and she had a fricking temper tantrum out of nowhere. The fricking 50-60-year old grown HAG started fricking crying and SOBBING, causing a huge scene, telling my 9-10 year-old ass that I'm selfish because "I keep asking to have my photos taken" "maybe I want my photos taken, too". I was so confused, ashamed, guilty. Shit like this, all the time, molded me into a loser. I can write a whole FRICKING book.
    It all devolved into me getting raped at school by at least one of my bullies when I passed out.
    I'm fricking afraid of people. I'm learning to talk to other people without mumbling, I always apologize, and I feel guilty when I'm enjoying myself.
    My whole life is a fricking tragedy, it's just me getting SHIT ON all the fricking time.

    • 10 months ago

      We aren’t so different anon. Except in one regard. I have up on my parents and became my own parent.

      Frick those losers, it’s time to mold yourself.

    • 10 months ago

      Fricking wasted. My whole life, my youth, absolutely squandered, and I HAD potential. I mean, I still do, but I was actually pretty talented as a child. You know, this shit is why I'm working out and trying to be better, I just want to be happy, and do what I want to do.

      We aren’t so different anon. Except in one regard. I have up on my parents and became my own parent.

      Frick those losers, it’s time to mold yourself.

      That's actually exactly what I'm doing right now. Back then, I relied on her and actually didn't even dare to think I could be self-sufficient. Hell yeah, we will mold ourselves.

    • 10 months ago

      nice wall of text, pussy

    • 10 months ago

      Sorry anon. This is exactly why misogyny exists, women raise misogynists. It's perfectly explained in a book called "Under Saturn's shadow: the wounding and healing of men", I'd recommend it.
      It's a hard read what you wrote, and I hope you're just LARPing, if not, I sure hope you are getting professional help, because growing up like that can't make you a well adjusted person. Not that I am one either, but damn. I don't know how old you are, but life changes with years, not necessarily for the better, but it does. Also you can move somewhere and basically have a clean slate. I know it's easier said than done, but you HAVE to change your environment in order to escape your traumatic past.

      • 10 months ago

        I actually don't hate women at all. The only people that were ever nice to me are my dad, women and my cool uncles and aunts.
        >Under Saturn's shadow: the wounding and healing of men
        Thanks, I'll read it.
        >professional help
        I've more or less made my peace. I'm pursuing a life of egoistic hedonism. I will either kill myself in my thirties, when I'm no longer young and pretty, either intentionally, or by wearing out my body with self-destructive reckless abandon, or continue a life of debauchery and sin into my forties, fifties is when I'll stick to reading books, playing games, and occasional prostitute visits until my time comes. Either way, I'm not afraid of death, either outcome is fine by me. In any case, that's why I'm investing heavily into my future right now.
        >clean slate
        I feel guilty about leaving my friends, so I'm living a double life under a different name. I'll cut contact with them eventually, when I man up, and fully assume this new identity. They're not very good friends, either.

        >It all devolved into me getting raped at school by at least one of my bullies when I passed out.

        Wtf how? How did you know?

        The whole fricking school knew, and they told me themselves. I've intentionally avoided any details.

        Holy fricking shit are you me? Except for the getting raped part. The worst part is that now I have a social life and finally sort of moved out to rent. At fricking 25. I expect my money to run out within 7 months so at the end I'll have to go back to my monstrous narcissistic insane mom. She's the same ad you describe, always yelling, except she developed lung disorders from all the constant nagging and hysteria so she can't breathe now. So not only does she abuse me mentally but I'm also made to feel guilty, because every one of her outbursts can land her in hospital or kill her. I love my mom, I can't help it, but I also can't deny she ruined my life. I was the fat kid from overfeeding. She'd watch me jerk off and cum through the door locks and then confront me about it when I first started getting the hormones. She told me if I ever kept doing it, I would become impotent and no mattet how much I tried I couldn't stop.
        She had this thing where she'd get home from work all pissed off and would count to 3 and then beat me every 3rd second. Like 1... 2... 3... smack. And she'd chase me around the apartment and beat my ass lmao and my brother would watch in awe. And the reasons for that were because I didn't wear a shirt because Id "catch a cold" etc.
        I wasn't wasn't allowed to cross the street, have friends.

        >1... 2... 3... smack
        Holy shit man, that's some actual psycho shit. Hope you're doing alright.
        I have to go right now, but one more thing that you might relate to: When I disobeyed, she'd pretend she's dying and have actual hysteria meltdowns to guilt me into submission. Shit like this fricks you up.

        • 10 months ago

          Why not confront your rapist?
          Why not involve the law?

        • 10 months ago

          You sound like an absolute wreck, dont just piss your life away over a crap childhood.

        • 10 months ago

          Oh yeah for sure there was always the underlying context of "I might flip out so hard I might actually kill you or myself, oh no I'm dying I got so mad now I'm dying"

          Except now she's actually that sick so I don't have the luxury of brushing it off anymore. If you don't do what she wants, she goes into a breathing spasm that can last for days and nights. She doesn't like your friend or your new girlfriend? She can't breathe literally. Doesn't like how you dressed yourself? It's up to you to call the ambulance or she dies.
          The only way to prevent it is to not be around her but I also love her and I'll be guilty when she dies. So I spend time with her praying she doesn't die in my arms. It's so unfortunate that the things she always threatened me actually came to fruition. When I tell her this now she always says:

          >"see i must have felt it even then that's why you felt threatened!!"

          Maybe you can relate to this too. As much as she was controlling, cuddling and really smothering me with love she was also a deeply irresponsible or careless person. She'd disappear behind corners in crowded places and I'd have to cry and beg other parents to keep me safe. Come to think of it, this might have been some kind of subconscious tactic to have me hooked on her for life. Once she even locked me the whole day in a room in a locked house without saying anything. No note, no water or food, nothing. I literally thought she disowned me and left me there.

        • 10 months ago

          >fifties is when I'll stick to reading books, playing games
          good frickin luck homie todd ain't releasing TES6 any time

    • 10 months ago

      >It all devolved into me getting raped at school by at least one of my bullies when I passed out.

      Wtf how? How did you know?

    • 10 months ago

      Holy fricking shit are you me? Except for the getting raped part. The worst part is that now I have a social life and finally sort of moved out to rent. At fricking 25. I expect my money to run out within 7 months so at the end I'll have to go back to my monstrous narcissistic insane mom. She's the same ad you describe, always yelling, except she developed lung disorders from all the constant nagging and hysteria so she can't breathe now. So not only does she abuse me mentally but I'm also made to feel guilty, because every one of her outbursts can land her in hospital or kill her. I love my mom, I can't help it, but I also can't deny she ruined my life. I was the fat kid from overfeeding. She'd watch me jerk off and cum through the door locks and then confront me about it when I first started getting the hormones. She told me if I ever kept doing it, I would become impotent and no mattet how much I tried I couldn't stop.
      She had this thing where she'd get home from work all pissed off and would count to 3 and then beat me every 3rd second. Like 1... 2... 3... smack. And she'd chase me around the apartment and beat my ass lmao and my brother would watch in awe. And the reasons for that were because I didn't wear a shirt because Id "catch a cold" etc.
      I wasn't wasn't allowed to cross the street, have friends.

      • 10 months ago

        And as much as I know she kind of stole my life from me I can't bear to be away from her and I always do need to take breaks and see her.
        I've often asked myself if she really loves me and I think she does but in the only way she knows how.

    • 10 months ago

      Similar. Raised by a BDP religious psycho mom. Beat the hell out of me, never gave me any real relief or support, and then squandered my inheritance. I’d have a million dolllars in property right now but she burnt through my inheritance from my dad trying to do business and just ended up losing all my money. Every day I wake up having to wage slave I think of how badly she squandered my future. Every single thing I hate about myself or my life stems from her

      • 10 months ago

        and yet you wouldnt exist without her

        • 10 months ago

          There are days I don’t want to exist. She and my father are both dead and I have nothing to show for the suffering I was put through. Part of me is thankful for being alive, the other half of me can barely get out of bed some days and wonders why she had to ruin the best chance I had at a real future.

  5. 10 months ago


  6. 10 months ago

    He’s very lucky, my parents hate my self improvement, and try to stop it, slow it down. I’m worried I’ll miss out as I’m already mid twenties, but still look young

  7. 10 months ago

    >dad who's actually full of vigor and energy and teaches him discipline by example

    He has it so good it's not even funny
    Most people's dads are fat tired wagies who hate life

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