>Your gym muscles won't help you out here son.

>Your gym muscles won't help you out here son.

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 4 weeks ago

    *bad to the bone guitar riff*

  2. 4 weeks ago

    >thanks for helping me move that couch, anon. Looks like you got your workout in for today haha

    • 4 weeks ago

      I did manual labor in high school and my first two college summers. That shit was tedious, not hard.

      >Looks like you got your workout in for today haha
      One of those lame jokes that irrationally grinds my gears

    • 4 weeks ago

      Moving the couch was just the warmup, the real workout is pounding you on it

      • 4 weeks ago

        >haha you're really funny, anon. Anyway thanks again for you help, my boyfriend will be back soon so I need to get ready. I'll call you if I need help moving something else haha

        • 4 weeks ago

          Cool, that'll be $150

        • 4 weeks ago

          Cool, that'll be $150


        • 4 weeks ago


          >thanks for helping me move that couch, anon. Looks like you got your workout in for today haha

          I am a 5'8" manlet and this hit too close to home

        • 4 weeks ago

          Y..your boyfriend??
          Oh haha I just thought maybe you weren't seeing anyone haha
          >anon why are you taking my stuff back out of my house?!
          FRICK YOU prostitute haha HAVE YOUR BOYFRIEND HELP you

      • 4 weeks ago

        very smooth

    • 4 weeks ago

      >service call with my electrician
      >patio fan switching, 3 ways being weird
      >rich house in nice part of town
      >middle aged husband and wife couple
      >wife talking about her new nose job
      >husband is asking how tall i am, my gym, my job
      >husband talks about how great it is that i started electrical young and take care of my body
      >wife is eyeing me the whole time, doesn't say anything, just smiling
      >electrician is chuckling at me while putting switches back in the wall
      i really should have got her number. My electrician never let that go.

      • 4 weeks ago

        what were u doing there? u are not the electrician nor the customer

        • 4 weeks ago

          apprentice things

        • 4 weeks ago

          He preps the bull

        • 4 weeks ago

          He was just passing through

      • 4 weeks ago

        I know a girl with a blue-collar kink. Apparently it's a thing.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Yeah, it's called a heterosexual woman. She likes *real* men

          • 4 weeks ago

            Cope. Women love successful men but they are too often forced to choose between strong but moronic blue collar and smart but DYEL white collar. A "nerdy" guy who is also fit and strong is unstoppable.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Wait until she finds the high iq beast ass blue collar chad. Your slightly muscular flute player cannot compete

              • 4 weeks ago

                (1) If Chad was high IQ he wouldn't be blue collar. He would have a career where he actually makes money. (2) 90% of women don't care about men being huge. They have no idea what a 225 bench means. They take one look at 170 lb ottermode bro and say "wow he looks strong" and then think about his personality, face, hair, style, and how much money he makes before they decide if they actually want to frick.

              • 4 weeks ago

                20yo, 137iq. To me the prospect of sitting 10 hours a day for the rest of my life staring at a screen and doing pajeet work isn't attractive. Neither is being an e-mail writer working around bug men.
                Besides I'm sure i can make as much. What do you think

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Besides I'm sure i can make as much
                I think you are not making as much now and that your thoughts come from delusion from never working in your entire life

              • 4 weeks ago

                fair enough. i'd still rather not hate my life though

              • 4 weeks ago

                24yo, 63 iq. To me the prospect of sitting 10 hours a day for the rest of my life staring at a screen and doing pajeet work seems like a dream come true. I would love to just write E-Mails all day and do nothing else.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Can't tell if troll but I'll bully you anyway.
                See picrel. That's you for even mentioning what you think your IQ is. No one cares, especially employers.
                >I'm sure I can make as much
                No you can't. Blue collar is for people with no education. You will be punching a clock everyday for the rest of your life.

                Damn bro, you wfh?

                Yes and I make six figures in a low cost of living red state and I'm under 30. I work about 8 hours a week unless shit hits the fan, and spend the rest of my time fricking around. Get an education.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >No one cares, especially employers.
                A Black person had to bring an employer to court and cry racism to make it illegal for employers to do iq tests.

              • 4 weeks ago

                IQ means nothing. All an IQ test does is test your ability to solve meaningless brain teasers under pressure. Recruiters are stupid as shit for ever even considering IQ. If recruiters were intelligent they would have an actual productive job in the company instead of being a recruiter.

                Most IST homosexuals will argue tooth and nail for IQ because of race, but it's all cope because you're all fricking losers and think being white somehow makes you less worthless.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I’ll have you know I’m white and a complete loser and it actually makes me feel even worse because as a white person I should have lots of benefits in life and I managed to waste even that

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Most IST homosexuals will argue tooth and nail for IQ because of race, but it's all cope because you're all fricking losers

                Did you not read the thread? We all make 6 figures. I myself am making 6 figures "working" from home with my qt wife in the next room. Also I'm White and that does make me worth more.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Post qtwife plox.

              • 4 weeks ago

                You're speaking fricking facts bro, thank you

                I’ll have you know I’m white and a complete loser and it actually makes me feel even worse because as a white person I should have lots of benefits in life and I managed to waste even that

                Ay bro you'll figure things out, I believe in you 🙂

              • 4 weeks ago

                >no one:
                >you: my huge salary, cost of living, politics

              • 4 weeks ago

                You can't read, can't apply context, and can't understand that bragging about salary on an anon forum means nothing and the point was to motivate the reader to agree with my conclusion:
                >Get an education

              • 4 weeks ago

                as much as it makes you seethe that is my diagnosed iq, and no you will not bully me into pajeet work

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Yes and I make six figures in a low cost of living red state and I'm under 30. I work about 8 hours a week unless shit hits the fan, and spend the rest of my time fricking around. Get an education.
                Yeah you and every other larper on here. Did you get the vax?

                IQ means nothing. All an IQ test does is test your ability to solve meaningless brain teasers under pressure. Recruiters are stupid as shit for ever even considering IQ. If recruiters were intelligent they would have an actual productive job in the company instead of being a recruiter.

                Most IST homosexuals will argue tooth and nail for IQ because of race, but it's all cope because you're all fricking losers and think being white somehow makes you less worthless.

                You really come across as a dickhead. Anyways IQ is objectively real, it's not 'meaningless brain teasers.' You are not intelligent because you managed to graduate college.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Yes and I make six figures in a low cost of living red state and I'm under 30. I work about 8 hours a week unless shit hits the fan
                that literally sounds exactly the same as getting into a journeyman position at an HVAC or electrical union so what's your point

              • 4 weeks ago

                > 20yo, 137iq.

              • 4 weeks ago


                20yo, 137iq. To me the prospect of sitting 10 hours a day for the rest of my life staring at a screen and doing pajeet work isn't attractive. Neither is being an e-mail writer working around bug men.

                Besides I'm sure i can make as much. What do you think
                > > 20yo, 137iq.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Stupid fricking kid

              • 4 weeks ago

                >He would have a career where he actually makes money.
                Right, those low paying 90k a year journeyman positions with cushy union benefits and pensions are NOT making money. Not at all. Not in the slightest.

                kind of funny that you just admitted you don't actually know dick about shit lole good luck with your IT job or whatever

              • 4 weeks ago

                > high iq beast ass blue collar chad

      • 4 weeks ago

        No you should not have 'asked the wife for her number' wtf is wrong with you. If they were into that they would have said something.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >not fricking rich peoples wives and letting them raise your children
          shiggy diggy doo dah
          that's good genetics + good environment, what is wrong with you anon?

    • 4 weeks ago


      >haha you're really funny, anon. Anyway thanks again for you help, my boyfriend will be back soon so I need to get ready. I'll call you if I need help moving something else haha

      How cucked do you have to be to help girls looking like this do anything?

      • 4 weeks ago

        You learn the phrase "what's in it for me" and you deliver it so dryly (non sexual) they don't know how to respond.
        It becomes a lucky dip at that point. You really don't know what you're going to get.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Ok ok il practice.
          "Why are you brown and what-is-in-it-for-me?"

          • 4 weeks ago

            we get it, you only like dog-fricking white girls. most non gays just like basically all women so long as they're not fat

            • 4 weeks ago

              Truth is only brown girls frick dog.

              • 4 weeks ago

                > has to defend white women no matter how often they frick dogs
                Respect to the race loyalty but you are a massive simp

              • 4 weeks ago

                Listen dude, some brown chicks can look alright (once you look past the ugly skin), but I'd just never enter one. Who knows what kind of shit they've put up there. It's not hygenic.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Alternatively, you say the "What's in it for me?" with a smile. Have to put her on the spot either way, and have to make a judgement call on how to deliver it for max effect.

          Once the couch is moved, though, you absolutely have to say, "OK, now can I help you break it in?"

          • 4 weeks ago

            this is why nobody asks you to help anon.

            • 4 weeks ago

              good, I don't want to help

          • 4 weeks ago

            You get zero pussy.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Alternatively, you say the "What's in it for me?" with a smile. Have to put her on the spot either way, and have to make a judgement call on how to deliver it for max effect.
            >Once the couch is moved, though, you absolutely have to say, "OK, now can I help you break it in?"
            I have no words

      • 4 weeks ago

        I'd gladly help any girl move shit around without expecting anything in return. I'd also help anyone cause if someone asks me to move shit around and I've got time I'm glad to do a favor.

        If I can bang her afterwards that'd be amazing, but helping people is something I do selflessly just like I appreciate it when someone helps me for free.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I did manual labor in high school and my first two college summers. That shit was tedious, not hard.

      >Looks like you got your workout in for today haha
      One of those lame jokes that irrationally grinds my gears

      I don't think it's a joke, a lot of people do think lifting is the same as doing any minor physical activity. They don't get that lifting is a controlled environment where you can push yourself to the limit without a high injury risk

    • 4 weeks ago

      >hero u wan fry wice

    • 4 weeks ago

      Hahaha yeah I guess

      • 4 weeks ago

        Ok boomer

    • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      HehehHEHEHEHehohohohohoo good one

    • 4 weeks ago

      now its time for some cardio *unzips*

      • 4 weeks ago

        actually made me whistle-scream-laugh

    • 4 weeks ago

      One of my mates asked me to come help his female acquaintance move places and paint a room. Was wearing a wifebeater to paint and she came over to watch and mire every now and then. It got late, my mate had to leave and she said I can stay the night and finish up tomorrow. We watched some bollywood movie and drank, then we fricked in her bed all night while her kid was screaming in the room next door.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >then we fricked in her bed all night while her kid was screaming in the room next door

        • 4 weeks ago

          Yeah imagine not asking if the kids could join

      • 4 weeks ago

        how can i be more like you

      • 4 weeks ago

        >then we fricked in her bed all night while her kid was screaming in the room next door
        The West has fallen.

      • 4 weeks ago

        > then we fricked in her bed all night while her kid was screaming in the room next door.
        are you black? Is she white trash?

      • 4 weeks ago

        You cheap bawd

    • 4 weeks ago

      Thanks, you too.

    • 4 weeks ago

      This is the kind of joke you just laugh and agree with because the words don't matter, just her intent.
      She's being nice, she's noticed something about you and wanted to make a fun comment. So you agree to show her you are light hearted too, and try to appreciate the little fleeting moment of friendliness you never asked for but are quite happy to have received anyway.

      Normie joke comments are actually a fantastic thing once you stop being too good for them and just recognise that they just want you to like and remember them.

    • 4 weeks ago

      How autistically vile are you guys that you would put someone down - even inwardly - for just thanking you and being kind even in a silly way? Jesus christ.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Big teeth.
      Big teeth.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    >We work hard
    >We play hard

    • 4 weeks ago

      Buhn. Buhn buhn buhn

  4. 4 weeks ago

    "real world strength" is based more around balance and knowing how to carry awkward loads than how much you can lift. In a sense, it's more about skill than physical ability.
    Kinda like the "optimized bench press" people dunk on powerlifters for

    • 4 weeks ago

      very much this. i remember one muscled bro had problems with things skinny drunks could do. he used very different form.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I noticed that to a degree when I went from an office job to working on a farm (with no strength training).

      As a weak manlet I was used to throwing my weight around to move things that I didn't have the raw strength for.

      That being said there were a few times where I simply wasn't strong enough regardless of how much euphoric technique I tried

      >box of several lead-acid batteries I couldn't even deadlift
      >my boss simply clean and jerked it up on to a truck
      >big lads picking up trailer hitches that I could barely move off the ground.

      After a year I was fit as frick though, I would still be doing it if the pay wasn't so shit.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Can attest to this. Used to yeet hay bales around all day and my chest grew noticeably despite being a fat ass. My back hated me though

        • 4 weeks ago

          bracing you core (big breath of air, push into your stumach, should be slightly bulging out) prevents this iirc

      • 4 weeks ago

        IMO a ton of farm strength comes in the form of endurance, especially if you do things with hand tools because you are fricking poor like me. I had to use a hula hoe to rid 1/4th an acre of weeds and vines on fallow land, and proceeded to clear out 2 acres over a week. It was literally the most miserable experience I have had and after 15 minutes of hoeing (hah) my forearms were numb and by the 30 minute mark my back was killing me and my arms were about to fall off. It was brutal.
        On the plus side I now have forearms of steel and monster grip strength, but I also ended up getting kinda fat because of a farmers diet of beer + bread + cheese and fruit.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Yeah, I remember being a skinny frick working at Lowe’s and I could toss 80lb concrete bags like nothing once I got used to it. Customers who looked bigger than me would start struggling after their 4th or 5th one lol
      Same with drywall, big pieces of lumber, I always said it wasn’t that I was stronger, I was just used to it

    • 4 weeks ago

      example, loading hay bales

      if someone didn't tell you, you would just pick up the bale with your arms and tire yourself out by like the fifth one

      grampy taught me to use my hips to pop the bale up. now I can do it all day 🙂

      • 4 weeks ago

        Hip popping, oblique twisting, shoulder loading. Pretty straightforward once you get the hang of it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      True, I work at UPS moving boxes. Even if you could deadlift the weight, if the box is too big or weighted toward one side it becomes a lot harder to lift

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Natural strength training will

  6. 4 weeks ago

    Neither will the Fireball shooters and ciggie, tradie.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    >zercher squats
    >heavy farmer's walks
    >heavy kettlebell workout in general
    don't worry mate, I got this
    pass me that 24000 BTU condenser
    no, you don't need to assist me carrying it
    you can carry that baby lightweight evaporator instead

    • 4 weeks ago

      Bro your muscles are full of air. You are too short as well to grab any of the shit I want to pass down to you. Get ready to catch.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I'm actually glad I dont know what a 24000 BTU coondenser is.
      Get it yourself wagie tradie slavie.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    homies who said shit like this pick up pile of bricks with posture looking like pic rel and then wonder why they have back pain for the rest of their entire life because they aren't the brightest tools in the shed (hence why they're moronic tradesBlack folk at the first place). I actively and passively look down on every single DYEL trades"man" who thinks they are stronger than average gym goer.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Based and checked. Frick trade slaves.
      How do you actively look down, though?

      • 4 weeks ago

        He's taller than them because his posture is better.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I do some strongman and odd lifts and my back is regularly bended like this during odd object carries or zerchers.
      I also never had a lower back pain

      • 4 weeks ago

        >odd object carries
        Cleans ofc

      • 4 weeks ago

        >I also never had a lower back pain
        One day you will feel a sharp pain and you will regret those exercises. I suggest you ditch all that shit for bodyweight exercises.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I never understood that meme, there is literally no point in doing bodyweight if you're not training for specific skills

      • 4 weeks ago

        give it time if you keep doing it like that

    • 4 weeks ago

      wait wait wait
      It's my first week, I did deadlifts just like this
      did I frick up?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Don't do it again. If your form goes to shit as a newbie, probably best to lighten the load. Lifters tend to cheat once they get used to the weight but I wouldn't risk it starting out.
        >t. DYEL

      • 4 weeks ago

        a bitvof rounding is okay, not too much though

  9. 4 weeks ago

    Who the frick you calling son I’m a 22 year old grown ass man, gramps

    • 4 weeks ago

      Its ok little boy don't go crying to your mom about it

  10. 4 weeks ago

    kek i can actually hear him saying it

    • 4 weeks ago

      He's 100% got that deep, slow, slightly country voice they use in truck commercials that for some reason offends the bejeezus out of me.

    • 4 weeks ago

      crazy innit?

    • 4 weeks ago

      me too

  11. 4 weeks ago

    it's never your own companies old man, it's always some other company/trade. I was an electrician for a few years and other electricians just wanted to talk about how much we bench lol.

    I even got the name "big anon" at one shop because there was a skinny frick there sharing the same name, he worked there for years before me and was then known as "little anon". Frickin manlet told me about how his gf fricks around on him and he's a great guy for staying with her.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    >fricks his wife

  13. 4 weeks ago

    >anon, those gym muscles aren’t gonna help you out here. This is real work
    >hey anon, how come you’re able to work here all day without 3 herniated disks?

  14. 4 weeks ago

    >can't lift up anything above 25lbs with one hand

  15. 4 weeks ago

    >>Your gym muscles won't help you out here son.
    It's okay. I'm not a wagie like you old man. I work out to have big muscles to have sex. Enjoy being a slave

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Pretends to like working out
      >Nooo you can't work out all day and get paid that's slavery!

    • 4 weeks ago

      ok poorgay leech

    • 4 weeks ago

      >have big muscles to have sex
      With men? Women do NOT care about big muscles.

  16. 4 weeks ago

    Ok boomer

  17. 4 weeks ago

    >reduced risk of injury
    >better endurance
    >better strength
    >more adaptable
    Your boomer cope won’t work here bud

  18. 4 weeks ago

    yes but usually construction workers have good core and grip strength, the bigger the gut

  19. 4 weeks ago

    Anyone who's ever worked construction while being fit knows that lifting massively mogs construction workers. They break their bags picking up 25kg bags. It looks tough because of the volume and the amount of times they do it during a day, but if you lift weights and do cardio working construction feels like warmup pace for several hours and you do twice as much as any fat boomer with experience when it comes to moving shit around.

    What muscles don't make up for is technique and precission for stuff like banging nails. Experienced workers will nail them on three hits while a normal guy has to do like 20. Might bend the nail etc. And general technical shit like that. Cutting wood, using machines, soldering iron, so on.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >If you lift weights and do cardio working construction feels like warmup
      Agreed. I feel pumped when I go to the gym after a day of work unless it's an extra hard day. Not all trades are equal btw. Some trades don't do much more than a warehouse worker.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >If you lift weights and do cardio working construction feels like warmup

        lmao, yea try hardscaping and saying that shit. 80lbs stones for 10-14 hrs.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I know you have a little miniature skid steer to do all the hard work for you, you little b***h.

        • 4 weeks ago

          That's one of the many things I do actually

          • 4 weeks ago

            >That's one of the many things I do actually

            Everyday Black person not ONE of MANY things

        • 4 weeks ago

          Who the frick works for 10h+? cuck

    • 4 weeks ago

      >If you lift weights and do cardio working construction feels like warmup
      Agreed. I feel pumped when I go to the gym after a day of work unless it's an extra hard day. Not all trades are equal btw. Some trades don't do much more than a warehouse worker.

      I disagree. Some blue collar workers lift lighter objects for 8-10 hr shifts. I lift heavy for about 30 minutes, 3-4 days a week. We are not the same.

    • 4 weeks ago

      They are stamina beasts not powerlifters.
      Farmers are both.

  20. 4 weeks ago

    >be me
    >working as a temp worker at a furniture and appliances leasing company
    >shit ass job but whatever
    >spend all day moving couches, washing machines, fridges in and out of people's houses and apartments
    >boomer guy I'm working with when I start says "Ah you're in good shape, you'll see though I've seen lots of guys with big muscles but can't move a thing."
    >literally have to singlehandedly lift a washing machine up over a bannister while standing on a two-floor flight of stairs myself because boomergay can't get a handle on it halfway through

    • 4 weeks ago

      lol its crazy, when i was skelebro DYEL i would try to lift shit that i had no business lifting and whenever someone offered to help it was
      >*GRUNT* *DEEP BREATHE* no... *DEEP BREATH* ive got this dont worry
      and now that im somewhat stronger, i always gladly accept peoples help. a few times at work i even let the guys bigger than me handle more of the heavy lifting and just take the easy end of whatever were moving lol.

      i did get one fellow starving skeleton to start lifting weights, which is a feat in itself. most people just cope and say yeah dude i should totally get in the gym and 3 months later when you ask theyre like oh haha i forgot about that yeah i need to get in gym.

      • 4 weeks ago

        After awhile, the strength you build in the gym gives you confidence to be the alpha male and let other dudes do shit for you.

        And if alpha is the wrong word maybe it’s have the confidence to not give a shit whether someone else thinks you’re strong enough to lift [random heavy thing]

        • 4 weeks ago

          yeah its definitely that having something to prove to the world. i used to fricking try to make shit harder so i could prove to myself i could, but eventually i gave up on that and realized thats the most moronic mindset. should be doing everything i can to make the job easier, so i can prove to myself and the world i can do much much more.

          i feel like physical activity, getting stronger etc is something everyone needs to at least "go through" or experience even if they arent even built like that(aka 4'6 80lb girl or elderly woman etc). everyone can benefit from fitness in one way or another

  21. 4 weeks ago

    As of recently ive been seeing a lot of muscular guys work in min wage jobs and blue collar

  22. 4 weeks ago

    >Your gym muscles won't help you out here son
    Greg, you've only been here 6 months and you get paid the same as me. Cool it with the patriarch routine, okay?

  23. 4 weeks ago

    I would literally rather shoot myself than work any type of manual labor job

    t. college graduate

    • 4 weeks ago

      I'm sure there must be ok white collar jobs out there but everything I've seen suggests they are almost all vax HR feminanzi DEI insanity top to bottom. You pay for the cushiness with your soul and dignity.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Not if you WFH. I never see or interact with anyone unless it's someone on my team. However, I have a required DEI training every year about microaggressions, trannies, etc but you can hit the "next" arrows and skip everything and get 100% on the quiz at the end by guessing.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Damn bro, you wfh?

    • 4 weeks ago

      AI will replace all thinking-only jobs in a year or two. You're going to be doing manual labor whether you want to or not.

      • 4 weeks ago

        AI is a joke

    • 4 weeks ago

      I honestly would rather do hard labor for 10 hours than write a two page essay.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Electrician who said frickk it and went back to college

      Same, it felt like doing slave/moron labor, plus almost everyone there is dumb as shit. Saw what my future was like, breaking my body along side a bunch of sub iq moron and said frick it. The only downside is that the pay can be good but you gotta work like a Black person

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Electrical work
        >Slave labor
        That's one of the less physically demanding trades for the most part. I guess sometimes you've got to dig a little trench.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Look being stuck in an awkward place twisting wire is boring a shit and uconfortable, passing wire through the celling?Fricking boring

  24. 4 weeks ago

    Theres incredible amount of myth itt as expected. Most of you are homeboys. Dont let them fool you because blue collars manual workers are one of the most malnourished dyelest dyels you can get, and with multiple amounts of different combos of permanent injuries spread around on them from trying to do things they shouldnt as a dyel. They are above the söyslurping office söyboys in food chain. Thats all there is to it. Im a ship captain, when we are in dry dock I hire workers to handle the manual labor and I dont bother personally unless I have to, but when I do get involved its either to stop 3-4 of these dyels from wasting so much time putting together a makeshift winch just to move some 100-150kg metal gear around or to take over sledgehammering a metal sheet or such so they stop from banging on it for another 10 minutes to save me a headache. Ive watched 2 metalworkers spend nearly 30 minutes banging on a propeller to fail unhinging it from the shaft with the biggest sledge, whereas when I took over it took me 2 strikes to dislodge it.

  25. 4 weeks ago

    Love these threads, they trigger IST so much lel.

  26. 4 weeks ago

    Why did they shop Chris Hadfields face to a random steel worker?

  27. 4 weeks ago

    every single manual labor worker i know says that going to the gym is the biggest reason why they're not in snap city yet.

  28. 4 weeks ago

    ime, most of the younger blue collar workers are gym goers. it's how we bond, going to the gym after or before work.

  29. 4 weeks ago

    Is that mustache possible natty?

  30. 4 weeks ago

    I'll make a lot off you b***hes cry by saying this but it's the truth.
    The last 3-4 guys that visually and/or spoke about going to the gym are all on paid leave at my place. Every, single, one, of them for back pain.
    No, I don't know what most of them did wrong but the direct last one I know: Takes ''too long'' to use battery powered mover.
    There's a reason a company paid for a tool that will never directly increase revenue, it was forced to.
    Go ahead keep swinging those 1000kgs wheeled chariot by hands...

  31. 4 weeks ago

    >gee anon, that Burgum campaign didn't work out, can you help me take down the decorations and podium

  32. 4 weeks ago

    >That's fine but my design clearly called for copper pipes and those are obviously steel. You need to fix it or I will not sign off on it. Read my specs and stop cutting corners.

  33. 4 weeks ago

    Why is everyone on fit a millionaire?

  34. 4 weeks ago

    How do companies exist paying all their staff 6 figures for barely working?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Because I get paid for what I know, not what I do. Human capital.

      I never miss deadlines and never make my boss worry about me or my reliability. That's worth something because before I went to college I worked in a factory and it's constant fricking handholding from management.

      • 4 weeks ago

        This. If you make over 6 figs you don't work for a living, you think for a living.

      • 4 weeks ago

        What is your job then? Genuinely curious

        • 4 weeks ago

          Software engineer

          >Yes and I make six figures in a low cost of living red state and I'm under 30. I work about 8 hours a week unless shit hits the fan, and spend the rest of my time fricking around. Get an education.
          Yeah you and every other larper on here. Did you get the vax?

          You really come across as a dickhead. Anyways IQ is objectively real, it's not 'meaningless brain teasers.' You are not intelligent because you managed to graduate college.

          Chancellor Biden forced me to get the vax. I would have lost my job.
          >You really come across as a dickhead.
          It's IST you gay.
          >IQ is objectively real.
          You "tRuSt ThE eXpErTs" when they confirm the biases you already held. I'll repeat myself. Being a white doesn't make you any less of a fricking loser.


          >He would have a career where he actually makes money.
          Right, those low paying 90k a year journeyman positions with cushy union benefits and pensions are NOT making money. Not at all. Not in the slightest.

          kind of funny that you just admitted you don't actually know dick about shit lole good luck with your IT job or whatever


          >Yes and I make six figures in a low cost of living red state and I'm under 30. I work about 8 hours a week unless shit hits the fan
          that literally sounds exactly the same as getting into a journeyman position at an HVAC or electrical union so what's your point

          I don't know where you're from but I've worked the blue collar lifestyle. I worked with industrial electricians in a factory. It's hard work for very little pay relatively speaking and the men I worked with would literally tell me constantly to get an education to escape that lifestyle. Where I'm from there are no union jobs. The journeymen you are describing make slightly more than I made fresh out of college at 22 years old and they're in their 40s. The entry-level guys made around $12/hr. If you can't get an education because of lack of money, lack of intelligence, or lack of work ethic the trades are an honorable profession and pay better than only getting a diploma. But you're not going to do as well as a degreed engineer. Because he's the one designing the shit you build, of course he gets paid way more than you.

          • 4 weeks ago

            For me personally I've been considering getting into electrical because even though the entry level apprenticeship is dog shit pay and barely above minimum wage, it still comes with full health benefits and a guaranteed pension if you work for 20-25 years, and even with the lower pay it seems like it balances out if only because of the fact that there's a full retirement fund in tandem with me already putting money away into a Roth IRA on top of having benefits and top union jobs being very high paying with a lot of locals to work at where I am.
            Shit, even outside of that, my cousin works auto-tech at a dealership, he's only 27 and has less than 40 hours a week but still makes WELL over 100k per year. He doesn't do that much work but even just shit like auto-tech pays out the ass, I think it was something like 160 or 170k last time I talked to him about it, and overall it seems like a very low-stress job to him. Tradeshit seems to pay a frickton if you know where to work from what I've seen.

            Truth be told I don't even want to do electrical OR go into engineering but I know those are about my only real options since I only really care about getting paid. I'm 20 right now and have no clue what I want to do since the only things I really enjoy are lifting, fighting, and playing guitar, but I'm just trying to get a realistic picture of what options are out there since I know whether I choose engineering or finance or a trade there's a decent chance I'm probably gonna fricking hate it. I'll work hard at shit because that's just how I am, but if I'm gonna hate my life I wanna pick the thing I hate the least that gives the best returns.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Nobody can force you to do anything. You submitted because you're weak.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Unless someone physically stronger than you held you down and forced you,noone forced you. Better to say coerce or persuaded.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Nobody can force you to do anything. You submitted because you're weak.

              In the real world you have to make a living. Mommy can't pay my mortgage.
              Stop splitting hairs. It's homosexual.


              For me personally I've been considering getting into electrical because even though the entry level apprenticeship is dog shit pay and barely above minimum wage, it still comes with full health benefits and a guaranteed pension if you work for 20-25 years, and even with the lower pay it seems like it balances out if only because of the fact that there's a full retirement fund in tandem with me already putting money away into a Roth IRA on top of having benefits and top union jobs being very high paying with a lot of locals to work at where I am.
              Shit, even outside of that, my cousin works auto-tech at a dealership, he's only 27 and has less than 40 hours a week but still makes WELL over 100k per year. He doesn't do that much work but even just shit like auto-tech pays out the ass, I think it was something like 160 or 170k last time I talked to him about it, and overall it seems like a very low-stress job to him. Tradeshit seems to pay a frickton if you know where to work from what I've seen.

              Truth be told I don't even want to do electrical OR go into engineering but I know those are about my only real options since I only really care about getting paid. I'm 20 right now and have no clue what I want to do since the only things I really enjoy are lifting, fighting, and playing guitar, but I'm just trying to get a realistic picture of what options are out there since I know whether I choose engineering or finance or a trade there's a decent chance I'm probably gonna fricking hate it. I'll work hard at shit because that's just how I am, but if I'm gonna hate my life I wanna pick the thing I hate the least that gives the best returns.

              Like I said the trades are a very honorable career and the way you described yourself you will do well in it. Take it from someone who went to college, most people in college are fricking idiots and are studying useless degrees. You will do better than they will in the trades. A bachelor's degree is only worth it if you're studying engineering, nursing, maybe a few others like accounting. To get an engineering degree you have to make great sacrifices and live for math. If you didn't have this in mind in high school I wouldn't recommend it because around 75% of my class freshman year of college was weeded out.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Do you enjoy your work as a Software Engineer? I'm planning to go into Social Work myself, probably going to aim for my Masters too, I'm not a wiz with numbers personally so I don't think engineering would be a good fit for me.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Software engineer here, my work is 0 interest rate joke-tier level of cushy. I wake up at 10 am, probably do 3-4 hours of work a day, WFM 4 days a week. Make >$100k with a lot of room for upwards movement. I don't love my current job, I am very grateful for it, but it is low impact and not what I want to specialize in for career development (i am a python code monkey)

                I do however love my field (hardware/computer engineering) and I think its the most interesting work humans are doing in the world. Starting masters this fall which I will use to pivot out of this job.

                You do not need to be that good with numbers to get into this career. Not to lecture you, but the mentality you need is "I am terrible at this but can figure it out enough to get by". This applies to anything in this field, math, programming, physics.

                You get dropped into a couple million line codebase on a product you don't even know about and get asked to start making changes. All (anyone) can do is ask questions, learn how to teach themselves, and try their best

              • 4 weeks ago

                Not him but I have a cushy corporate job but I've always wanted to code, I'm most of the way through automating the easy stuff with Python. How do you break into the field if I'm too busy to go back to school? Is some udemy shit and a portfolio enough?

              • 4 weeks ago

                I don't think you'd have a lot of luck applying to outside jobs with just self-taught stuff. Unless you become some baller contributor to some well known open source project. It's good work but there are so many bootcamp people out there that they filter you out if you don't have experience or a degree.

                I'd tell you to go get an online masters, but if you can't do that I'd say your best bet to is by osmosis. Get in a software-adjacent position and work with software ppl, show interest in that area. Honestly, I don't know a have a great answer to this question. I would probably say approach a manager/director of a team and say you want to break into this area, what can you do.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >I don't think you'd have a lot of luck applying to outside jobs with just self-taught stuff
                >I'd tell you to go get an online masters
                are bootcamps a meme? I'm doing the free harvard one, CS50, and it seems pretty good even if it's hard. Once I'm done with it I'll start building my portfolio with odin projects and personal stuff but idk if any of that is going to be enough to get me in the door.

                One of the personal projects I'm going to work is going to use census data to spit out some fun facts about the prospective dating pool in your zip code depending on your preferences. Do you think something like that could interest a hiring manager?

              • 4 weeks ago

                >You do not need to be that good with numbers to get into this career. Not to lecture you, but the mentality you need is "I am terrible at this but can figure it out enough to get by". This applies to anything in this field, math, programming, physics.
                That sounds like a good mindset to have. I should probably adopt it, since I'm floundering at life lol.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I'm the OP you replied to. Yes I like it, but overtime it becomes a paycheck like any other job. This [...] guy has a very similar experience as me. I WFH and wake up at 10am everyday. I work about 2-3 hours a day and spend the rest of my day eating, watching anime, having sex with my wife, taking naps, playing on my phone, etc. I just have to make sure my MS Teams shows I'm online and I have to answer people right away if shit hits the fan, which is does sometimes.

                Getting the degree is the hard part, and getting internships is essential to make yourself stand out. And they are not easy to obtain. Once you have the degree you get a job, you have to be willing to learn and that period is not easy. You have to actually try for about 2 years.

                Once you learned the codebase, the job is a cakewalk because writing code in that codebase becomes second nature. I said earlier in the thread that I get paid for what I know, not what I do. This is why, it would cost them a lot of money to get someone else with the same skillset acclimated to the codebase so as long as I do my job they leave me alone.

                And I'll add, since you're not good at math. Don't do engineering if you're not good at math, your life in college will be hell. I took Calculus 1-3, linear algebra, differential equations, discrete math, and statistics. And in most of your engineering classes you will be doing a lot of math. Oddly enough, on the job I never do any math whatsoever. I think they do it to weed people out.

                Thank you guys so much for your insights and advice, I really do appreciate it and you've given me a lot to consider. Wish you guys the best!

              • 4 weeks ago

                I'm the OP you replied to. Yes I like it, but overtime it becomes a paycheck like any other job. This

                Software engineer here, my work is 0 interest rate joke-tier level of cushy. I wake up at 10 am, probably do 3-4 hours of work a day, WFM 4 days a week. Make >$100k with a lot of room for upwards movement. I don't love my current job, I am very grateful for it, but it is low impact and not what I want to specialize in for career development (i am a python code monkey)

                I do however love my field (hardware/computer engineering) and I think its the most interesting work humans are doing in the world. Starting masters this fall which I will use to pivot out of this job.

                You do not need to be that good with numbers to get into this career. Not to lecture you, but the mentality you need is "I am terrible at this but can figure it out enough to get by". This applies to anything in this field, math, programming, physics.

                You get dropped into a couple million line codebase on a product you don't even know about and get asked to start making changes. All (anyone) can do is ask questions, learn how to teach themselves, and try their best

                guy has a very similar experience as me. I WFH and wake up at 10am everyday. I work about 2-3 hours a day and spend the rest of my day eating, watching anime, having sex with my wife, taking naps, playing on my phone, etc. I just have to make sure my MS Teams shows I'm online and I have to answer people right away if shit hits the fan, which is does sometimes.

                Getting the degree is the hard part, and getting internships is essential to make yourself stand out. And they are not easy to obtain. Once you have the degree you get a job, you have to be willing to learn and that period is not easy. You have to actually try for about 2 years.

                Once you learned the codebase, the job is a cakewalk because writing code in that codebase becomes second nature. I said earlier in the thread that I get paid for what I know, not what I do. This is why, it would cost them a lot of money to get someone else with the same skillset acclimated to the codebase so as long as I do my job they leave me alone.

              • 4 weeks ago

                And I'll add, since you're not good at math. Don't do engineering if you're not good at math, your life in college will be hell. I took Calculus 1-3, linear algebra, differential equations, discrete math, and statistics. And in most of your engineering classes you will be doing a lot of math. Oddly enough, on the job I never do any math whatsoever. I think they do it to weed people out.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >If you didn't have this in mind in high school I wouldn't recommend it because around 75% of my class freshman year of college was weeded out.

                Blud thinks he went through Navy SEAL training. But on a serious note does the pay outweigh the fact you know damn well you do nothing meaningful on a day to day basis?

              • 4 weeks ago

                Why would you care about doing something meaningful. Work is to pay the bills, you find meaning in your own time. I know my job is fricking pointless but I make decent money to work from home. I feel way happier than when I worked construction and built shit that mattered.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >you find meaning in your own time
                I never understood people who say that shit and I'm not even envious and salty you got a good paying job or something like that I'm genuinely just dumbfounded at that statement. "Finding meaning in your own time"
                That being?.... Because I can't think of anything else other than raising a child.
                Is it going on a refreshing hike in your bright neon $300 rain neoprene jacket?
                Is it researching a way to press the ultimate espresso out of your $4000 coffee machine?
                Is it fricking birdwatching?

                Idk for me I guess my job has to be meaningful otherwise I will have to do cope shit like that

              • 4 weeks ago

                My hobbies, my gf, my friends and yeah someday probably having a kid bring me all the meaning I need. My job is purely a means to an end.

                I on the other hand never understand people who say shit like "oh when I retire I'll be so bored. That's fricking sad. I don't do any of that consumerist nonsense either. I don't understand brand prostitutes.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >I on the other hand never understand people who say shit like "oh when I retire I'll be so bored. That's fricking sad.
                Why is that sad (yes ill probably be like that thats why im asking)

                >I don't do any of that consumerist nonsense either. I don't understand brand prostitutes.
                Me neither, guess we agree on that.

                And I do get it being a means to an end I personally just couldn't cope with that.
                Congratulations for making it, wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors anon.

              • 4 weeks ago

                It just means you're not capable of giving yourself any meaning and require an outside force to do that for you. You haven't been able to find what makes you happy and fight for it. That's just so important to my happiness that I can't imagine not having it, so it makes me sad for them. I hope that's not condescending.

                And likewise I hope you find what you're looking for.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >oh when I retire I'll be so bored
                The perception of retirement for the normie is simply settlement into inactivity, since what they know of time off work is time wasted doomscrolling and sitting around. I intend to work in my retirement, for myself, and not for anyone else. So I get it, even if I don't agree with it anymore.

                Now getting to that point is the hard part. Maybe I should just get into investments. Get in that CEO mindset. 5 year plan type shit. I don't know.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Bro what the frick
                How are you not able to fathom how to occupy your free time ?
                There's plenty of non-job activities that aren't consooming. Or simply activities that you wouldn't ever do as a job but that you enjoy doing personally
                Like I wouldn't ever want to be an agricultor, but if I had all the time I wanted, I'd definitely buy more land to plant stuff in, I like tending my garden and I feel proud whenever I cook for people with the stuff I grew. Keeping bees, making furniture, going on overnight ISTings with the boys, the list is pretty vast. Also as you mentioned, having time for children is pretty big
                The good news is it's not too late to try and find things you're interested in anon, please don't let society turn you into a dumb little slave with nothing much to look for beyond a beer after work, some half insane fat wife, and the next football game. I have seen so many people become like that after 30 and it's really depressing

              • 4 weeks ago

                I think you misunderstood I just believe in a job that is very meaningful and fulfilling.

                >please don't let society turn you into a dumb little slave with nothing much to look for beyond a beer after work, some half insane fat wife, and the next football game. I have seen so many people become like that after 30 and it's really depressing

                That is exactly what I aim not to become bro dw I understand.

              • 4 weeks ago

                You reek of bitterness and jealousy. Everyone knows getting an engineering degree is difficult. You don't know how meaningful my work is. I'm a government contractor and I won't reveal what project I'm working on but if you knew you could Google it and it would come up on a government website. It's a multimillion dollar contract, and we compete with other contractors every 4 years. I will say that Lockheed Martin used to be our main competitor until they got out of the IT industry. Our software is designed by medical scientists and then we develop it for them. Yeah man it's totally meaningless bullshit.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >You reek of bitterness and jealousy.

                >Everyone knows getting an engineering degree is difficult.
                lmao. I'm majoring in chemistry shit-for-brains, you're not fricking Edward Snowden you're Jake from IT, take a hike

              • 4 weeks ago

                Yes and you're terrible at hiding it. Chemistry and chemical engineering are completely different. Chemistry as far as I understand isn't easy but engineering is so obviously on another level of difficulty. How do I know? Because I know people who transferred from ChemE to chem because they couldn't handle the workload.

                You ignored everything I said about my work and compared me to an IT guy. You are a bitter and resentful little man.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Yes and you're terrible at hiding it.

                shaboing boing get my meat out your mouth dummy

                >muh Lockheed Martin fighter jet prototype: cumlaser-14

                Holy shit bro did Tony Stark call you already???

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Everyone knows getting an engineering degree is difficult.
                I mean yeah you have to be intelligent to make it but if you have a good grip on mathematics then engineering courses are not very difficult conceptually. Every engineering student acts like they are going through some kind of academic gauntlet just for undergrad yet I graduated with a 3.8 in ME while wrestling all four years...

                The difficult part is dealing with all the inflated ego autists like you who have zero personality and make being le-engineer your entire identity. I did almost every group project all by myself since the rest of the students in my courses were always "sooo busy" that they would procrastinate until the last minute. I could never figure out what they were so busy with though...

              • 4 weeks ago

                > The difficult part is dealing with all the inflated ego autists like you who have zero personality and make being le-engineer your entire identity.
                From what I’ve seen that’s literally all engineers though. Even you, saying how it’s so hard yet kept a 3.8 gpa while doing a full time sport. Although I do forget that IST and fit in particular are filled with mostly geniuses

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Even you, saying how it’s so hard yet kept a 3.8 gpa while doing a full time sport.
                I'm not bragging though. My point was that it wasn't anywhere near as difficult to get an engineering degree as the egotards claim. It's like gymcel autists talking about how hard lifting weights is and how they are going to the "iron temple" and spending time "in the trenches" and how "normies wouldn't understand" when really all it takes to get fit is being moderately intelligent and disciplined. It's all the same thing, just your regular insecure nerd coping from guys who lack a healthy competitive outlet.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >3.8 playing a sport in Mechanical Engineering, claims it was easy
                Just admit you went to a joke school that gives out free grades.

              • 4 weeks ago

                What is that image supposed to prove? It shows the average gpa for seniors in ME is a 3.5. You're telling me out of those 475 students you don't think any of them could possibly have earned a higher gpa while also having extracurricular obligations?

                Considering a sub 3.0 gpa is grounds for dismissal from every engineering school I've ever heard of the gpa range likely spans from 3.0-4.0, so an average directly in the middle means that there was over 200 students with higher gpa's... and you think none of them played sports or had jobs? There was probably a couple dozen guys just like me in that class alone.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Total was 3.3. Maybe you did get a 3.8 with extracurriculars but if it was easy for you then you're either a super genius (doubtful, we're on IST) or you went to a joke school. Dude most schools are joke schools it's not a big deal but you're a massive c**t for going to one and then claiming "hurr durr it was easy anyone could do it"

              • 4 weeks ago

                > either a super genius (doubtful, we're on IST)
                What the frick are you talking about, everyone on here is extremely smart. Look at this thread, you’re all engineers from incredibly good schools and post screen caps of grade point averages from colleges. This is one of the smartest boards on the entire Internet

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Total was 3.3.
                Total isn't relevant or reflective of the gpa of graduates though since the average gpa improves each consecutive year because of attrition (students dropping out or changing majors) or in the case you presented, transfer students entering the program with high underclass gpas.
                > if it was easy for you then you're either a super genius (doubtful, we're on IST) or you went to a joke school
                I'm not a super genius, but I'm also not an idiot who gets filtered by basic stats.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >an average directly in the middle means that there was over 200 students with higher gpa's

              • 4 weeks ago

                Average =/= median. An average below 3.5 would suggest a right skewed distribution in that fixed range.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Some schools are easier than others. Maybe you went to a good school and still did that well, I really don't know. I graduated with a 3.52 and had to give it everything I had and had sacrifice everything else.

                I agree there are massive c**ts in engineering and I had to interact with them daily. I'm talking about my job because it's relevant but I honestly don't like ever talk about it IRL because no one cares and I don't want to spend my time outside work talking about work.

              • 4 weeks ago

                NTA, might go back to do an accelerated program just to make money (medicine) since my current degree is alright but probably not optimal (agsci). Dunno if I'm cut for math (fin / eng) but I can handle stress just fine.

  35. 4 weeks ago

    a guy that looked similar to this and sounded like a cowboy kept calling me miss and ma'am the other day. felt affirming.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I "ma'am/miss" and "sir" only to people below me.

    • 4 weeks ago

      He was mocking you, freak

      • 4 weeks ago

        no he was like the sweetest man ever.

        • 4 weeks ago

          He was laughing at you because you're a man in a dress

          • 4 weeks ago

            Wrong. I'm a cutie.

  36. 4 weeks ago

    Imagine working. I just squat in rich people's holiday homes. They have killer home gyms too

    • 4 weeks ago

      How do you get in?

    • 4 weeks ago

      How the frick do you not trip the alarms or get the cops called on you?

  37. 4 weeks ago

    >start working out and eating for it
    >finally 1/2/3/4
    >get asked to help roof my dad's place
    >don't really know what a roof is
    >everything fricking hurts by day-2 taking off old roof
    >day-3 leg falls through roof and just gets bruised
    >clean up and carry and organize all the material around the house
    >bounce back by day-5 and get a workout in before work
    >clean pressing plywood and shouldering shingle bundles by hand up ladder
    >find myself just chillin and enjoy helping from morning til night for a few days
    >kind of sad when it's over
    >dad says I would've died doing that shit if I didn't lift
    >horrified by the thought of trying to do all that as a pencil neck gaymer
    >realize I made myself useful

  38. 4 weeks ago

    I remember trying to crank one of those circular lever things to hoist a small boat onto a boat trailer.
    Holy frick, I just embarrassed myself. I couldn't even do a single fricking crank, it was like I was trying to move a metal bar that was glued stuck inside a wall.
    To be fair, I am skinnyfat, but I'm still amazed at how weak I was compared to an old alcoholic boomer.
    I don't think I'll ever mentally recover from that.

  39. 4 weeks ago

    When I worked construction I was able to tighten bolts no one else could reach without ladders because I was tall strong and agile and they were mostly fat as frick if I'm being honest.

    They all drank every single night and lamented the days when drinking and driving was legal because they'd get pissed on the job site.

  40. 4 weeks ago

    >yet another thread hijacked by engineers talking about how smart they are, how rich they are, how important they are, and how little work they do

    Is there a more insufferable career? Honestly.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Jealous b***h

  41. 4 weeks ago

    >15kg dumbells feel lighter now
    Finally some fricking power gains after 2 months.

  42. 4 weeks ago

    It’s ma’am!

  43. 4 weeks ago

    I worked as an engineer in a factory with blue collar dudes like this. They all think they’re such tough guys because they do “real work” and use their hands but man all they would do is whine and gossip like teenage girls. Really blew my mind. They were also either obese or severely malnourished from a steady diet of gas station burritos and bang energy drinks.

  44. 4 weeks ago

    Who are you? Why are you in my house?
    >t. WFH chad

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