"Your life is shit if the only good thing about it is the gym"

"Your life is shit if the only good thing about it is the gym"

A friend told me that when I had made a remark generally saying that at least I go to the gym consistently. It dawned on me that the only good thing in my life is the gym and all other facets of my life are complete dog shit. I have no girlfriend at age 32. Never had one. Complete weird gymcel. Complete moron working a 3rd shift job. Autistic. My life is basically gym, work, video games

Is my friend right? Is my life dogshit? Is the gym actually doing nothing for me?

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  1. 1 month ago

    Your friend is a asspained about being shackled to a stupid c**toid so he's taking it out on you like a stupid c**toid

    • 1 month ago

      If you use gay internet words like this you do not have much of a life either

  2. 1 month ago

    What the frick do you care what some clown says? If you like it, keep it. If you don't, change it. I have the same stats you do almost exactly and I enjoy my simple life.

    • 1 month ago

      >I enjoy my simple life
      You have learned to *cope* with your simple life and have brainwashed yourself into enjoying it, but deep down you know you live a life of mediocrity. As the years pass and you realize that your entire life has been wasted, the depression will set in and most likely you'll have a nice day. Most men kill themselves around age 50

      • 1 month ago

        Incel moment

        • 1 month ago

          Incels delude themselves into complacency. If you're upset by this post, it's most likely because you are in a similar situation as the guy I was replying to. Fix yourself before you become a statistic

          • 1 month ago

            Wouldn't that make them "volcels"?
            It sounds like you're the incel.

            • 1 month ago

              "volcels" are literally "fox and the sour grapes".
              >I didn't want sex anyways
              You're the one getting hung up on the incel part man

              • 1 month ago

                If you're calling strangers on the internet incels for almost no reason, you're probably projecting.

              • 1 month ago

                Cool mental gymnastics. Literally "no u". Back in reality, it is human nature to lash out in anger when offended. I've said many things but it's the "incel" part that irked you. Me thinks I know why

              • 1 month ago

                So then you understand how "incel" does not describe someone who is voluntarily celibate.

              • 1 month ago

                How would what I said have ANYTHING to do with "understanding voluntarily celibacy"? You literally just used my post to exclaim "ACKSHUALLY I'm voluntarily celibate" hahaha what the frick

              • 1 month ago

                I'm still unconvinced that you understand the difference between voluntary and involuntary. However, I'm positive that you don't have sex and are...irked...by it.

              • 1 month ago

                Black person, refer to

                "volcels" are literally "fox and the sour grapes".
                >I didn't want sex anyways
                You're the one getting hung up on the incel part man

                or is your brain so fricked from chronic internet use that you are incapable of understanding the idiom of "sour grapes"

              • 1 month ago

                I understand the sour grapes fable. I'm not defending being fatalistic or deluding yourself. The fox may be pathetic and misguided into rationalizing apathy, but it would still be a choice. Making it voluntary.

                For you to be an incel, there are two qualifiers: celibacy and it being involuntary. Someone choosing (even if it's misguided and pathetic) to not sex, would disqualify them as an incel.

                I believe you know you're wrong and can't admit it. Instead, you're trying to call me the worst thing you can think of: incel.

                And without any evidence up to this point of me being an incel, I have to assume it's all coming from you, you incel.

              • 1 month ago

                Lmao holy shit touch grass. Stopped reading the moment I realized your homosexualy formated wall of text was unironically trying to explain why you're "ackshually" voluntarily celibate hahahaha

                Black person, you could not have sex even if you wanted to. You're an incel even if you've given up all hope of getting laid and decided that you don't "ackshually" want it.

              • 1 month ago

                Technically that wouldn't make me an incel, though. That's my point. If you read my response, you may have learned that. Or is your brain too fried from Internet usage to read 7 whole sentances?

              • 1 month ago

                S O U R
                G R A P E S

              • 1 month ago

                Also, I pointed out how you can't admit you're wrong and instead project and try to call me an incel. And then you keep doing it, anyway. You accuse me of saying "no, you", and then ignore my response and call me an incel. You accuse me of being out of touch from being on the internet too much, then can't read 7 sentences and keep saying "ackshully". You're literally projecting all your shit onto an internet stranger. Get some self awareness dude. Question your motivations before reacting.

              • 1 month ago

                >another paragraph
                Jfc you're insecure...

              • 1 month ago

                You're still doing it

              • 1 month ago

                Doing what? Oh, let me guess. "No u", but the 15-year-old version: "projection". LOL. I'm not the one trying to prove himself to strangers online buddy

      • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        Of course I live a life of mediocrity, you baboon. I AM mediocre. That doesn't mean I can't enjoy what I do have.

  3. 1 month ago

    your friend was jealous

  4. 1 month ago

    >Is the gym actually doing nothing for me?
    Are you happy? Assuredly it's making you healthy, but are you happy?

    • 1 month ago

      OP here. I am definitely not happy. I wish I could experience dating but autism makes me act strange I think. Or maybe not. I have had women proclaim they like me but the woman never seems like a good fit to me. Most of them had kids already or they chain smoke cigs or are the insufferable kind of weed smoker. I thought about what I really want and that is to have a family and have a house with enough room to do craft stuff or a garden. Sounds moronic but I think that is what I would want. I feel unable to attain that though. Right now I live in a rat-like studio apartment. I have enough money to probably invest in a house but I just don't see a reason to.

      • 1 month ago

        Ngl your friend is probably a fatty but at 32 if all you have is the gym it’s pretty much over

      • 1 month ago

        >I wish I could experience dating but autism makes me act strange I think. Or maybe not. I have had women proclaim they like me but the woman never seems like a good fit to me.
        I think you'll probably have a hard time maintaining a relationship with a non-autistic girl. The social barrier between you two will mean you both have to work SUPER hard to understand each other and communicate.
        > Most of them had kids already or they chain smoke cigs or are the insufferable kind of weed smoker
        yeah. This is something I've encountered with a lot of prospective partners; you're gonna have to make concessions onto personality traits you can cope with compared to everything else a partner might offer. There's probably almost nobody who is exactly your 100% ideal partner, this is true of everyone tbh.
        > I thought about what I really want and that is to have a family and have a house with enough room to do craft stuff or a garden
        sounds comfy, having enough to start looking into that life is a super big first step, try finding hobby groups in your city if possible, you might meet some likeminded people along the way, they're more socially acceptable to approach people and talk in than the gym.

  5. 1 month ago

    Your friend is a a Black personhomosexual but he’s probably mostly right. At ducking 32 you should have a array of achievements, friends, a family (being very generous including this)
    It’s ok to gymcel at like 22 but he may be fat, moronic or whatever but he probably has a at least some or the things I mentioned
    Am I wrong

  6. 1 month ago


    >doesn’t deny being a blackpiller
    israelite detected, no (you) expected
    Got em

    • 1 month ago

      >unironically cares you "yous"
      Well if it wasn't apparent you spend way too much time on the internet, it is now.

  7. 1 month ago

    >still responding to me
    >he’s still seething
    Keep going, Abdul

  8. 1 month ago

    >My life is basically gym, work, video games
    Sounds like heaven anon, if you are happy I don't see a problem.

  9. 1 month ago

    You're working on your body and that's great but you also need to work on your mind. Fix your confidence. You should have cut your friend off during the first line of his envious rant by flexing your biceps and asking if they look bigger than last week. homosexual comments like this beta male said shouldn't have any impact on you at all. You're not going to get everything all at once, anon, but you're taking the steps to line the dominos up unlike your twink AIDS riddled friend. Even if you're faking it, be confident. Be confident. Be confident.

  10. 1 month ago

    The moment you realize you're happy with less is the moment you'll ascend.

  11. 1 month ago

    he's right if you don't have a visible 6 pack

  12. 1 month ago

    >Is my friend right? Is my life dogshit? Is the gym actually doing nothing for me?

  13. 1 month ago

    remember the days when we were kids and everyday was fun? now it's like this 1hour of my day is all I look forward to, this shit is no way to live.

  14. 1 month ago

    100% right

  15. 1 month ago

    >Is my friend right? Is my life dogshit
    Yes. Honestly, it's extremely frustrating to see the gift of life wasted on pathetic bags of shit like you

  16. 1 month ago

    Go do some daygame. The gym is useless if you aint trying to pick up women. A woman can go to the gym, put on makeup and then get noticed by guys who will eventually approach her. But you as a man need do the approaching. Do daygane, do online dating sites, do social media game, do penpal game, whatever. Just be constantly meeting new chicks. You will end up getting a gf.

  17. 1 month ago

    your friend sounds fat and ugly and just wants you to stop going to the gym so he doesnt feel bad that he isnt going to the gym and is fat

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