Youre a retard if you think squats are superior to this.

Better leverage. It’s in your center of gravity. Able to ask use body mechanics. Admit it the squat is overrated. The trap bar is the king of lower body lifts.

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  1. 3 months ago
    agreed. it's by far the best lower body exercise from the biomechanical standpoint. it's more of a conventional deadlift replacement, I'd still incorporate some form of squatting, at least as an accessory

    • 3 months ago

      >Better leverage.
      which isn't a good thing. you want to load the muscles, not make it easier on them.

      it's worse than SLDL's for hip extensors and worse than squats for knee extensors.

      • 3 months ago

        >Better leverage.
        it's not what it means, it's enhanced mechanical stimulus, meaning it's superior at efficiently transfering the load to the muscle, instead of wasting the force production on bar path corrections etc. what you're saying isn't correct either, otherwise inefficient meme exercises would be the best muscle builders

        it's the engagement ratio and has nothing to do with being better or worse. by your logic no one should ever do back squats, just good mornings and front squats or ,going outside the scope of this graphic, no one should ever do compounds at all, just leg curls and leg extension, because they'd be even further on the extremes

        • 3 months ago

          better leverage can be interpreted in different ways, and it be both better or worse for an exercise depending on what you want out of it. a forced bar path (and forced joint positions) can both increase and decrease muscle loading, and joint freedom can also both reduce and increase muscle loading. loading the muscles is the main goal, and depending on the exercise you can do that by allowing less or more joint movement freedom.
          >it's the engagement ratio and has nothing to do with being better or worse.
          lol, are you stupid? of course more engagement of the target muscles makes an exercise better. squats allow the quads to be loaded better and through a larger ROM and stretch than deadlifts, thus squats are better for the quads than deadlifts. SLDL's allow the hamstrings to be loaded better and through a larger ROM and stretch than regular deadlifts, thus SLDL's are better for hamstrings than regular deadlifts. those are simple facts.
          >by your logic no one should ever do back squats, just good mornings and front squats
          if your main focus is muscle development of the hamstrings, quads, (and adductors and glutes), then yes SLDL's + high bar squat is better than regular DL + low bar squat. front squats don't load the quads more in practice than high bar back squats because they're too limited by upper back strength.
          >going outside the scope of this graphic, no one should ever do compounds at all, just leg curls and leg extension, because they'd be even further on the extremes
          if your sole focus is muscle development, then yes, isolations are obviously best. but if you don't want to do 4 different exercises for the quads, hamstrings, adductors, and glutes, then high bar squats + SLDL's are almost as good.

          • 3 months ago

            are you literally moronic? just because a certain exercise engages e.g. 40% quads and 60% posterior chain, doesn't always mean it's a worse quad exercise than a different one that engages quads at 80%, there are many different factors, like the weight allowed to be used, how biomechanically efficient the movement is, etc. it's literally the whole point of the compounds. everything that sacrifices force production over technical adjustments limits muscle engagement and the study stated directly that a trap bar produces an enhanced mechanical stimulus

            • 3 months ago

              interesting how you apparently take in nothing of what I've said. I'm not talking about engagement "ratio" where you compare different muscles. I'm talking about engagement of the muscle itself. squats don't engage the hamstrings anywhere close to full and certainly not at high stretch. that's why squatting doesn't meaningfully increase hamstring size. that's also why regular deadlifts are worse than SLDL's for hamstrings.
              >the study stated directly that a trap bar produces an enhanced mechanical stimulus
              the study says that a trap bar uses more quads than straight bar, which everyone who's ever done a trap bar deadlift knows. but a trap bar deadlift is still shit for quads compared to a squat, because the ROM and stretch are much larger for the quads in the squat. also notice how the peak moment for the hips is lower for the trap bar, meaning that a trap bar deadlift is even worse than a regular deadlift for the hamstrings (and even a regular deadlift is worse than SLDL's for the hamstrings).
              thus a trap bar deadlift will result in worse hamstring gains than regular deadlifts and worse quad gains than squats.

    • 3 months ago

      so if i just want to do one sumo DL's are the middle ground of squat and deadlift?

      • 3 months ago

        yeah, but I'd still do trap bar, just with low handles to put more emphasis on the quads, because it's a more natural movement and isn't so adductor heavy

  2. 3 months ago

    Post body

    • 3 months ago

      Truth hurts, moron

      • 3 months ago

        literal homo

        I guess I'm just wondering why you act like an expert about this when you're very small and very very weak. Don't you think real world experience counts?

        • 3 months ago

          I'm not even OP, moron, I just wanted to call you a homo, because you beg men for shirtless pics on the internet. rethink your life

          • 3 months ago

            But you ARE really small and weak, like OP, right? Do you two know each other?

            • 3 months ago

              just get back to redit where you can continue to jerk of over pictures of attentionwhoring strong burly men, instead of shitting up an anonymous board with your homosexualry, you fricking bugcatcher

              • 3 months ago

                It's funny because you wouldn't say that in person, being so small and weak

    • 3 months ago

      literal homo

  3. 3 months ago

    > you're a moron if you like one highly effective exercise more than the highly effective exercise i like

  4. 3 months ago

    Also, if you do some shrugs right before, it’ll light them up and you’ll get doms the next day. I can do 16 sets shrugs to failure and I get zero doms the next day. But if I do 4 sets of shrugs and then hex bar squats right after, my traps are on fire the next day.

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