45% protein, all the essential AAs, and 5x the calories of whole cows milk.

45% protein, all the essential AAs, and 5x the calories of whole cows milk. Bulking will never be the same once this hits the market.

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Insect based protein is low in bioavailability for humans. So you need a shit ton more of it to get the same results.

    • 2 years ago

      It depends on the insect. Some have DIAAS worse than wheat, some are about as good as onions.

    • 2 years ago

      Really depends on the insect and also what you've done to repair it. The protein from exoskeletons is not very bioavailable so animals where that makes up more of the mass will have issues there, but you might be able to make it more bioavailable through prep.

      But this is the "milk" we're talking about. Bee honey isn't high in protein but the carbs in it are plenty bioavailable.

      People cringe at eating insects in most of the world because we have a long history of agriculture and insects tend to spoil our grains and tubers and make them less nutritious. The presence of insects is also a sign that the food itself has spoiled because insects generally have a hard time eating uncooked dry cereals and freshly dug up tubers.

      Our hunter gatherer ancestors are insects all the time. If you find this hard to picture, recall that honey on a biscuit is normal and you probably eat bread products with honey in them all the time. Honey is partially digested insect vomit. It's also an excellent post work out food for getting glycogen back up.

      People have it that there is some big conspiracy of people who are evil just for the sake of being evil who want you to eat bugs because it's gross. That isn't it. People look at the massive amount of damaging chemicals used in modern farming that make it into our water, growing demand for calories due to growing population, and naturally look for ways to produce more with less waste. Bugs and meat grown on tubes are options for this to explore.

      If you're an American, on average you consume a credit card worth of microplastics per week. I'd much rather eat bugs like my ancestors than have that endocrine disrupting shit in my blood.

      • 2 years ago

        If bug protein isn't very bioavailable why the frick does my cat eat every bug he can get ahold of?

        • 2 years ago

          Cats are adapted to extremely high protein diets. They're obligated carnivores, we are not. Also their hunting instinct isn't totally fulfilled as a domestic cat so they enjoy the chase.

          But lots of bug protein is bioavailable.

          >wienerroach milk
          >wienerroach isn't a mammal

          I am fricking done. Re-defining recession so you don't lose elections is something you'd expect from despotic politicians but this shit is way beyond.

          Even trans-agenda can be somewhat credited to mental illnesses but this shit is just plain brainwashing.

          Try doing the bare minimum research. Some wienerroach species secrete a milk like substance to feed their young. It isn't the same as mammalian milk but obviously plays a very similar role.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, also shellfish are just giant bugs. If you shrunk a lobster down people would be disgusted by it as a food source, but now they pay out the ass for it.

        • 2 years ago

          they were disgusted by it pretty recently too (was chow for the lowest of the plebs), until marketoids pulled a debeers and convinced morons it's haute cuisine

      • 2 years ago

        My monitor is overheating from glowing this hard

        • 2 years ago



          >can't argue against the point, resorts to calling opponent a glowie
          >can't argue against the point, resorts to calling opponent racist/incel

          • 2 years ago

            Look hes broken already

            • 2 years ago

              (You) are the one with a bot-like thought-process using the same deflecting tactic over and over

              • 2 years ago

                The guy who talks like a lobotomized glowie android is calling anon a bot what an uno reverse card moment heckin epic brb shoving fistfulls of bugs up my ass in defeat.

              • 2 years ago

                Another algo-generated comment, a really basic one at that

              • 2 years ago

                Whatever Cointelpro agency you're working for should fire you, because you're noticeably subpar.

              • 2 years ago

                Ad-hom number whichever, very above par at arguing, Chud, you almost make it seem like you're more than a simple Algo.

              • 2 years ago

                Yes. I'm not debating you I'm actively mocking you. I am never eating the bugs. Call it whatever you want: illogical, toxic masculinity, selfishness. Whatever. I claim all of that cheerfully. Cope you impotent nerd.

              • 2 years ago

                >Call it whatever you want: illogical, toxic masculinity, selfishness. Whatever. I claim all of that cheerfully.

                Just wait until a make up a fancy new word then it's over for you! You can't resist our cool wordy words forever!

              • 2 years ago

                I just realized political terminology and memes are just sophisticated adult name calling.
                Instead of butthead it's "liberal/conservative" or whatever ideology.

              • 2 years ago

                I have nothing against you and I don't intend on insulting your character. In fact we probably agree on quite a few points, it's just that your tactics are cheap and laughably similar to those used by ones you claim you're rebelling against.

              • 2 years ago

                I don't have "tactics". Insisting that I shall continue to live as I always have isn't a "tactic", it's just my life. You're fricked in the head. This gaslighting will never work on me.
                >I don't intend on insulting your character.
                I think you're a c**t.

              • 2 years ago

                Then you could've just said "I don't like bug xyz, I won't eat it" and I would've absolutely respected that, I actually wouldn't like bugs as a part of my diet either. Instead, you resorted to a fallacious tactic (yes, an ad-hom is that, whether you like it or not), a hallmark of actual gaslighters.

              • 2 years ago


                >I guarantee the majority who fund and participate in this research, aren't eating bugs.
                The shills will never speak on this. Watch.

                I'll gaslight a brap in your mouth, gay.

              • 2 years ago

                Mom look, I called a rando on the internet a gay, that'll surely show him.

              • 2 years ago

                Note how the homosexual shill refuses to address that greentext, lole.

                I see you.

              • 2 years ago

                I already stated that I'm against bugs as a part of a diet, are you illiterate?

              • 2 years ago

                This all started because you were incredulous that anon "can't argue against the point". I'm not arguing anything, there is no argument to be had. Even the suggestion that an "argument" need take place over bug eating is a subtle shifting of the Overton and I will not entertain it for a single second.

              • 2 years ago

                My stance on the question is irrelevant to me calling out someone using bullshit deflections like calling their opponent a glowie. And again, I agree with them, it's just funny that an anti-globalist (or whatever this particular anon would like to call themselves) used the exact same tactic that they'd usually be screeching against if it came from the mouth of someone they disagree with.

              • 2 years ago

                >it's just funny that an anti-globalist (or whatever this particular anon would like to call themselves) used the exact same tactic
                Your language is codified in a way that naturally assumes there is a conversation that needs to take place, when there isn't. This is more tricky Overton bs. There is no "tactic" on my part, I'm just living my life, as I always have. Things are as they are, and shall remain so. I shrug off any notion otherwise. I'm not playing along.

              • 2 years ago

                Good for you, I'll keep calling out laughable debate double standards myself.

              • 2 years ago

                You are an evil motherfricker. I can tell from your rhetoric.

              • 2 years ago

                I find his devil may care rhetorical style refreshing. I wish more political debates carried language like "frick you" and "c**t". It enhances the aesthetic of political discourse, and dare I say, may lead to a more honest conversation.

              • 2 years ago

                ironically it's no arguments morons like you who almost make the bug-eating palatable, you should be working for the bug lobby if you aren't already

              • 2 years ago

                >some strangers argument online against eating bugs was bad so now I will eat bugs.
                At this point you really don't need a consciousness, just some ram and a cpu to run programs would suffice.

              • 2 years ago

                >it doubles down
                yeah you're a shill 100%

              • 2 years ago

                >it doubles down
                yeah you're a shill 100%

                Kek at the pathetic bug shills itt
                >b-but you're not giving proper arguments
                Yes. And?

                You will never win against autists you frickin losers. It's a fool's errand. My mind is cocooned in a fortress of stubborn childish autism, I win you lose. Always.

      • 2 years ago

        >words words words
        me n me mates a'jus not eatin them bugs, simple as

        • 2 years ago

          Bro, if you're eating ground meat, fruits, really a whole host of foods, you are most definitely eating the bugs. They're just in very small pieces and you can't see them and they don't make up most of the food.

          Where do you think fruit flies come from when you get fruits? They're in the fruits. You think slaughter houses are hermetically sealed and flies don't get in?

          Before modern safety technology and regulations people used to get lose fingers or even limbs and it would go into the ground meat and they'd sell it just the same. But even today there is a consistent amount of feces in your meat. When you're doing mass slaughter you're not going to avoid getting shit in the meat and you're not going to throw out product over a bit of shit. Hence there is measurable amounts of feces in meat products. This is ironically not nearly as bad for you as all the fricking microplastics in modern food.

          • 2 years ago

            lmao the more you post the most you actually seem like a glow c**t. wew. glow-sama are the rich elites also going to eat the bugs? pls respond

      • 2 years ago

        I don't think it's really a conspiracy. I went to an elite school for grad school and rubbed elbows with former top level policy makers and the children of very wealthy families. I was pretty non-descript about my own preferences so people generally tended to be open with me about their views.

        No one is rubbing their hands about making people into serfs. The more partisan ones accuse their opponents of this, but this line is also often for public consumption (manichean narratives for the plebs).

        The problem is supply and demand. For a long time demand for first world capital and first world skills let wages rise continually. Real wages began to stall in 1979 in the US, actually falling rather catastrophically for the poorest 20%, flat lining for people in the middle, and continuing to grow for people at the top.

        The main culprit here is competition. Obviously China and similar countries sucked up a ton of manufacturing jobs. Unions lost leverage and their ability to keep wages up disappeared in many sectors (they are still strong in the public sector in most states, which is somewhat gauling if you're one of the people whose wages aren't increasing).

        China and India have huge poor populations. Eastern Europe remains much poorer. But they still have frick huge populations of people with middle class incomes who are educated. The advent of the internet and spread of English education meant that they can now compete with middle class Americans for jobs.

        Supply for labor boomed but demand did not grow nearly as fast. Mass migration only added labor supply and demand for housing, but also increased inequality because these people had few assets and marginal skillsets. Since they can't afford the mortgage just on construction costs for homes in the places they choose to live, it has helped drive housing prices up. Local regs helped frick housing too.

        The other issue is that, historically, wealth inequality always increases over time.

      • 2 years ago

        I don't believe people criticize eating bugs only for the idea of it being yucky; It's viable, but it's depressing. From a chef's perspective, the portions are small and there's nothing you can do to make it better. Coming at it from the reduction in livestock farming angle, farming for bugs would just replace the current livestock farming industry (or add onto it), and could be just as environmentally damaging. And even if it were hypothetically successful, with no downsides environmentally, you would have to eventually ask yourself who's eating bugs and who's still eating meat? Maybe that sounds a little dramatic and gay, but I guarantee the majority who fund and participate in this research, aren't eating bugs.

        • 2 years ago

          >I guarantee the majority who fund and participate in this research, aren't eating bugs.
          The shills will never speak on this. Watch.

          • 2 years ago

            prove it?

        • 2 years ago

          Despite the fact this cook looking and sounding like a homosexual, look at all these recipes. They all look fricking disgusting and are mostly snack foods. Imagine trying to convince a kid to eat a termite burger.

        • 2 years ago

          Unsurprisingly, no shills addressing this. Huh.

          • 2 years ago

            Told you. All these pro-bug posters have an agenda. IST is getting astroturfed with this bug shit for some reason.

            • 2 years ago

              They do this so they can learn all the arguments people might use and come up with flawless counter arguments.
              When the news articles start coming out selling this, it's how they will convince everyone

              • 2 years ago

                This is why I'm intentionally belligerent and refuse to engage in any debate. They want to legitimize this as a conversation piece more and more, and they're trying to do it through appeals to logical enquiry and genteel discourse. I know what these frickers are doing. I see it.

      • 2 years ago

        I hope the anons replying to this one day understand how ridiculous their conspiratorial beliefs are.

      • 2 years ago

        >People have it that there is some big conspiracy of people who are evil just for the sake of being evil who want you to eat bugs because it's gross. That isn't it.

        I hope the anons replying to this one day understand how ridiculous their conspiratorial beliefs are.

        The point isn't some nonsensical belief that moustache-twirling supervillains are evil just for the sake of being evil. The point is a perfectly rational assessment of the vested interest that the plutocrats pushing these ideas have in convincing the masses to expect less and, ultimately, to think less of themselves. "You vill live in ze pod, eat ze bugs, own nothing and be happy" isn't just a conspiracy-theory meme, and it isn't the mantra of a villain who wants to destroy the world for its own sake. It's the mantra of a ruling class that wants its subjects - the workers of the world - to stop thinking of themselves as worthy and deserving People. It isn't meth-smoking paranoia to perceive the thin veneer of greenwashing bullshit and environmental alarmism painted over this campaign as dishonest. These people aren't giving up *their* steaks, *their* planes, *their* homes - they're campaigning to convince *you* troublemaking peasants to stop demanding such a bothersome cut of their take, to instantiate a set of self-effacing norms that take such irksome annoyances like "paying decent wages" and "worker's rights" off their balance sheets.

        • 2 years ago

          it's all based on sadism.

          • 2 years ago

            But it's not sadism for sadism's sake - that's the idea that gullible people who want to feel smart and reasonable latch onto to dismiss this all as conspiracy theories. It's sadism as a bargaining tool. It's sadism to make the freshly-humiliated, fearful, convinced-they're-destroying-the-planet workers and citizens on the other side of the negotiating table ask for less.

            • 2 years ago

              >But it's not sadism for sadism's sake

              To paraphrase DeSade "The sexual impulse tyrannizes". Once they get a taste for rape, it's not enough to rape people anymore, you've got to rape everything, even things that don't make sense to rape.

              Making people eat bugs, live in pods, and have social credit scores is fricking hot as frick.

        • 2 years ago

          Eh, rich hyperlibs I know but boutique sustainable meat or are more likely to be vegans. But they do fly a lot which is pretty bad, at least for GHGs if not so bad for local pollution.

          • 2 years ago

            >Eh, rich hyperlibs I know but boutique sustainable meat or are more likely to be vegans.
            Those people are still part of the managerial class, albeit upper strata. And even then who knows what proclivities they really have behind closed doors. Everything is optics for these people, if you think the hyper rich genuinely care as much about ethics as they profess then you're naive.

        • 2 years ago

          This anon gets it. The whole "you think people are cartoon supervillains" is a poor strawman to try and make anyone who argues look silly.

      • 2 years ago

        >I'd much rather eat bugs like my ancestors than have that endocrine disrupting shit in my blood.
        >he thinks that the bugs he eats will be harvested from pristine rainforests rather than factory farmed and fed plastic scraps and basedbean hulls

      • 2 years ago

        Nearly every single first world, meat eating country, is at a below replacement birthrate. If not for constant third world immigration, this "problem" doesn't exist. If they really cared, they would halt immigration, period, as thats where the growth comes from. But they don't.

        Imagine thinking that the gov has your best interest in mind. Absolutely fricking moronic.

        • 2 years ago

          >Pollution isn't up from new technology, only increasing population.

          No, for slightly higher margins staples are now grown by just shitting seed out and soaking the entire field in Round Up, which then runs off, because Monsanto makes Round Up immune crops.

          Also, I would love for migration to stop but Boomer gays who say they want it to stop would throw a fit when food prices spiked harder than any proposed green tax when farm workers demand $18 an hour instead of $3 because they aren't dirt poor illegals or on migrant visas that let them work below minimum wage.

        • 2 years ago

          Eliminating immigration wouldn't change the declining birthrate. It doesn't work for Japan, China, and SEA, it wouldn't work for the US or Europe. Wanting fewer children is a post-human paradigm that hinges on exceedingly high childrearing costs with insanely high housing costs, toxic work culture, stagnant wages, tuition inflation, automation, much of which benefit the very elite, regardless of political affiliation.


          >but it uses less area, produces less methane, and has a faster lifecycle while it is nutritionally not that much inferior to animal peptides so it does make sense
          counterpoint: I don't care about any of these things

          Yeah but it doesn't matter what you think. We're not talking about what you choose to eat but rather what you WILL be FORCED to eat. 99% IST is not grinding their own flour and baking their own bread and raising their own cattle in their own pastures. Most of them go to the grocery store and buy whatever comes off the shelf within their budget. That's why the opinion of WEF psychos matter in the first place.

          • 2 years ago

            >Yeah but it doesn't matter what you think. We're not talking about what you choose to eat but rather what you WILL be FORCED to eat.
            There will always be parallel societies and options for man to explore if he has the will and resolve. This demoralizing shit doesn't work on me. Tongue my anus you frickin loser.

            • 2 years ago

              Do you have the will and resolve? This is not demoralization, this is being part of society. I have a homestead (sheep, not cattle, but still), and I do a lot of permaculture and grow all of my own beans (mostly for nitrogen fixation but also food), potatoes, okra, peppers, onions, and Jerusalem Artichoke, and I've built my own house and regularly spend time boondocking and bushcrafting but I also still sometimes go to the grocery store, get gas at a gas station, buy some plates for the home gym, go to farmer's markets or rely on commercial dewormers because quite frankly you can't do everything in a way that doesn't take substantial friction.

              By no means am I saying that people shouldn't learn self-reliance or build their own enclaves, in fact quite the opposite. But if you participate in society to any extent you will face globalized goods because their market capture is much higher at a much lower price with much greater supply and ultimately that affects people with smaller lives too that are seemingly isolated, e.g. Monsanto, plastic packaging companies, water projects. People are more interconnected than it seems and it leads to societal progress, the point is that we should choose the most beneficial route for human progress. Don't understand why you're so upset.

              • 2 years ago

                Don't worry about me, anon. I will get by. And don't tell me what I WILL be FORCED to do. You can frick off with that sort of talk.

              • 2 years ago

                You are a literal autist on IST with the mental capacity of a fish, I don't think you have even the slightest semblance of free will. You WILL be FORCED to do it and you don't have a choice because you aren't even conscious about what you buy, eat, and do now. But good on you.

              • 2 years ago

                >You are a literal autist on IST
                >with the mental capacity of a fish
                wow rude
                >I don't think you have even the slightest semblance of free will.
                Our capacity for free will is informed by discernment drawn from divine Logos, and correctly lived teleology (or being on consort with one's 'Dharma'); "Free Will" is itself a spurious notion: like begets like, and you are most "free" when you are most your Self.
                >I'm sure it's a complete coincidence that what you're hearing is also something that you'd like to hear
                And this will forever frustrate those who'd rather subtly reorient what they'd have me hear. I am both very stupid and very smart in equal measure. I am thankful for this.
                >You sound very intelligent.
                Thank you senpai.

    • 2 years ago

      >insect cringe protein

    • 2 years ago

      Is "bioavailability" in the room with us right now?

    • 2 years ago

      I’m too moronic to know what that means, but I’ll take your word on it.

    • 2 years ago

      ...You VILL drink ze roach milk
      or ze social credit vill fall

      • 2 years ago

        it's all based on sadism.

    • 2 years ago

      Sounds like the solution is you need to eat more bugs

    • 2 years ago

      >Insect based protein is low in bioavailability for humans.
      Source ?

  2. 2 years ago

    wienerroaches aren't mammals how are they producing milk?

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah wtf this is probably just like making almonds milk but with wienerroaches in water instead of almonds

    • 2 years ago

      Almonds aren't mammals either. Go look at how almond milk is made, and then you'll know how wienerroach milk is made

      • 2 years ago

        oh so it's just more communist "changing the definition of words" bullshit.

        • 2 years ago

          commies created almond milk??? wtf i love communism now

          • 2 years ago

            Only a commie would drink nut milk

          • 2 years ago

            you also love wiener in all your holes

  3. 2 years ago

    >muh healthy nutritious protein

    you would probably eat shit if some scientists told you it had some extra protein and vitamin Z

    • 2 years ago

      Is that authentic German kackwurst?

      • 2 years ago

        >no intensive farming
        Oh dear. I wonder if vegans will stop eating søy too kek


        • 2 years ago

          Guess I copied the link wrong

          • 2 years ago

            The ꜱoy in your link wordfilters to onions.

            • 2 years ago

              Kek I'm rerarded as frick. That's funny though but God I'm so stupid man

        • 2 years ago

          Guess I copied the link wrong

          whats so challenging about onions?

        • 2 years ago

          "And yet, most of the onions we consume is invisible. You’re not likely to read on the packaging of a supermarket steak that a cow has been fed up to five kilos of onions to produce one kilo of meat for you to enjoy.

          Europeans unwittingly consume roughly 60 kilos of onions a year through eating chicken, beef, fish, eggs and dairy products. Around 75 to 80 percent of the onions produced worldwide is used by the animal feed industry."

          Also all onions made for human consumption in europe come from europe, by law. So those mentions of reliance on south america etc is for animal consumption.

          • 2 years ago

            In other words, vegans consume less onions than meat eaters and they also consume _local_ onions instead of slave labor rain forest onions.

      • 2 years ago

        why are germans like that, why do they have autistic poopoo fetishes ?

        • 2 years ago

          on the behalf of my swedish ancestors. im sorry to all krauts with poo eating fetishes several generations later

      • 2 years ago

        wtf is that real!?

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        So that's why the dutch are reducing their animal count by 1/3 kek.

        • 2 years ago

          No that's because our crony political class answers not to the people but to the world economic forum

      • 2 years ago

        Didn't see do this thousands of years ago when we started using shit to make crops grow?

        Imagine the amount of infections from this pozzed shit...
        >c..c...cows get infected too!
        Yeah and it is actually possible to jab cows. Insect growers for food will never be able to deal with viruses and bacteria.

        Bug advocates like to point out that many insects will naturally live at extremely high densities that would be fatal to mammals. They're adapted to it.

      • 2 years ago

        First they made the poor eat the bugs, and I said nothing, because I was not poor
        Then they made the journalists eat the bugs and still I said nothing, because I was not a journalist
        Then they made the polish eat the bugs, and I said nothing again, because I was not polish.
        Then they made me eat the bugs, and still I said nothing,

        then they made the poor eat human shit, and I said nothing, because I was eating bugs
        Then they made the journalists eat human shit, and I said nothing, because it was funny
        Then they made the polish eat shit, and I said nothing, cause of low key racism
        Now I am eating shit and that's a good thing.

      • 2 years ago

        Taking the saying
        >eat shit and die
        the WEF way.

      • 2 years ago

        >sewage protein
        >gutter oil
        We're only missing carbs

        • 2 years ago


  4. 2 years ago

    thanks for reminding how about how much the world is gonna suck and making me loose a bit of hope i never thought i had

  5. 2 years ago

    What does more nutritious even mean? It has 3 times the amount of micros for the same cals with similar macros? That's just moronic, seriously think about it for a moment. I'm tired of reading moronic shit like this because normies then go on and repeat it back at you without even a clue of what they're talking about

    • 2 years ago

      It probably means some combo of that or higher macro density by volume or by energy input. They are writing for non-specialists not agra folks. It's like how physicists will talk about the "heat" generated by smashing atoms together to look at quark condensate. It's not really heat, but close enough to what people understand.

  6. 2 years ago

    >You WILL drink ze bug milk

  7. 2 years ago

    niiiiice gimme them turkish milkies

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago
  8. 2 years ago

    I will never and i mean literally fricking NEVER eat the bugs. Go frick yourself ZOG. This is the hill i choose to die on.

    • 2 years ago

      This hill is really comprised of a whole range of smaller hills, it's all part of the incoming biosecurity state (read: global serfdom). But yeah I agree.

      • 2 years ago

        I don't really understand this argument. For the modern man it's way easier to raise meal worms (for example) to eat than say a cow. Insects eat anything and can live in a box, for a cow you need a whole farm.

        • 2 years ago

          It's easy to raise mealworms for your chickens yeah. How do you raise mealworms to feed a family? The cow provides you with milk and a shit ton of meat afterwards.

          • 2 years ago

            Raise more of them. They grow fast as frick and reproduce rapidly. I cannot possibly raise a cow, a goat and hardly chickens in my city apartment.

            • 2 years ago

              Adults beetles start eating the fresh larvae if left in the same box.
              You need to manually pick them up regularly, one by one, to separate them from the larvae.
              This is doable when it's a small box for your chickens. Not for yourself.
              Also, enjoy dealing with the numerous sanitary risks.
              >living in the city
              you'll never be self sustaining anyway, why do you care?

        • 2 years ago

          >For the modern man it's way easier to raise meal worms (for example) to eat than say a cow. Insects eat anything and can live in a box, for a cow you need a whole farm.
          And do you think the elites who are pushing for this will also join their fellow man in a dietary change to meal worms? Or are they going to continue to eat as they always have?

          • 2 years ago

            But that's not what I'm asking about, I'm wondering how introducing bugs as a potential food source will help the elite better control people. Or are they just doing it for the lulz?

            Adults beetles start eating the fresh larvae if left in the same box.
            You need to manually pick them up regularly, one by one, to separate them from the larvae.
            This is doable when it's a small box for your chickens. Not for yourself.
            Also, enjoy dealing with the numerous sanitary risks.
            >living in the city
            you'll never be self sustaining anyway, why do you care?

            As I stated in my first post I'm trying to understand the logic of the whole operation. As you point out people are already dependent since it's almost impossible to be self sustaining. I don't think people will become self sustaining on raising bugs in their apartments even if it's theoretically possible but I don't see how it makes people more dependable.

            • 2 years ago

              >But that's not what I'm asking about
              Then I've misread your post.
              >Or are they just doing it for the lulz?
              I think it's not even about the food in the end, that matter is incidental. They're using the issues of climate change in general as a trojan horse to sneak through communist rule and social credit. The real goal isn't about green farming or any nonsense like that, they want to abolish sovereignty of nations and have all countries answerable to one monolith of power.

              Psychopaths appeal to the goodwill of people in order to manipulate them -- it's where their guard is weakest. That's why you often see draconian measures of control (like the Patriot Act post 2001 etc) sold to the public under the pretense of "safety & protection"; in this instance, for the "climate", but it's the same old play. And most people are tragically credulous and fall for it every time.

              • 2 years ago

                So pushing people into eating bugs is more of a side effect?

              • 2 years ago

                There are logistical benefits and there will always be a profit motive in some way, but I think this NWO agenda is larger than that in scope. It's spiritual warfare. Think about what they're really proposing here for the whole world, and what that would mean for individual nations and cultures. Also the respective connections to each nation's genetic memory and ancestral recall. I'm not normally one for eschatology, but if someone were to say that this was a Biblical event, I don't know if I could argue against it. Whether they succeed or not is another matter.

              • 2 years ago

                Digits of truth. If they really cared about the planet they'd advocate for local governance, self-sufficency, and essentially a return to monke with solar panels and internet access. Instead its global governance and industrial food production. They're trying to set up a global aristocracy and a global peasantry only with none of the nobility attached to real aristocracy, none of the vibrant culture and community associated with pre-industrial peasantry, and none of the metaphysical superstructure that gave Feudal societies their cohesion. Just live in the pod, eat your bugs, let Ahmed frick your daughter (you aren't racist are you?), and believe ~~*us*~~ when we tell you that utopia is just around the corner.

            • 2 years ago

              Profit margins.

            • 2 years ago

              Of course it is for the lulz, they quite literally want YOU to eat bugs out of your own free will because they entire point is to humilliate you. They enjoy it.

      • 2 years ago

        I don't think it's really a conspiracy. I went to an elite school for grad school and rubbed elbows with former top level policy makers and the children of very wealthy families. I was pretty non-descript about my own preferences so people generally tended to be open with me about their views.

        No one is rubbing their hands about making people into serfs. The more partisan ones accuse their opponents of this, but this line is also often for public consumption (manichean narratives for the plebs).

        The problem is supply and demand. For a long time demand for first world capital and first world skills let wages rise continually. Real wages began to stall in 1979 in the US, actually falling rather catastrophically for the poorest 20%, flat lining for people in the middle, and continuing to grow for people at the top.

        The main culprit here is competition. Obviously China and similar countries sucked up a ton of manufacturing jobs. Unions lost leverage and their ability to keep wages up disappeared in many sectors (they are still strong in the public sector in most states, which is somewhat gauling if you're one of the people whose wages aren't increasing).

        China and India have huge poor populations. Eastern Europe remains much poorer. But they still have frick huge populations of people with middle class incomes who are educated. The advent of the internet and spread of English education meant that they can now compete with middle class Americans for jobs.

        Supply for labor boomed but demand did not grow nearly as fast. Mass migration only added labor supply and demand for housing, but also increased inequality because these people had few assets and marginal skillsets. Since they can't afford the mortgage just on construction costs for homes in the places they choose to live, it has helped drive housing prices up. Local regs helped frick housing too.

        The other issue is that, historically, wealth inequality always increases over time.

        • 2 years ago

          Wealth = political power in all systems, to varying degrees. Compound returns on capital mean increasing inequality.

          Human happiness is determined in part by absolute access to resources, but also on where one falls in the pack. Institutions like churches and social groups used to help keep happiness up, but they have collapsed.

          Inequality only tends to get better during major wars, when the tax man comes for the rich in earnest to support full mobilization and poorer people feel empowered to demand more, or revolts.

          Sometimes reform does the trick, look at Solon and Athens, but normally it takes a crisis.

          Modern liberal democracy is a fusion of classical liberalism, many socialist policies, and nationalism. Mass migration undermines nationalism, people no longer feel like they share an identity. This in turn collapsed support for socialist policies like universal education, pensions, rights to union organization, etc. These socialist policies help stem the rise of inequality, which in turn let's the classical liberal democratic system work.

          So it's very complex. Globalization is the main culprit, and increased competition. It's suprisingly in line with Hegel's therapy of history. New contradictions emerge but then the new thing will get sublated and change the current system.

          Hegel is now a boogeyman for the right, but just a decade ago he was their guy with Fukuyama, so this is by no means a leftist take. He's the grand father of liberalism, communism, and fascism, not easy to define. Also a huge influence on theology.

          • 2 years ago

            >that pic
            Frick Hegel, he didn't start it. It was Martin Luther.

          • 2 years ago

            i suspect that the elites see that population crashes are coming and globalism is ending and they want to keep it alive, so that is why they want to reduce living standards but keep more people alive eating bugs. Of course they get to keep their positions of status and high living standards.

        • 2 years ago

          >No one is rubbing their hands about making people into serfs. The more partisan ones accuse their opponents of this, but this line is also often for public consumption (manichean narratives for the plebs)
          What’s funny is that some people unironically believe this. The only difference between elites today and elites one thousand years ago is that the elites have much more powerful tools of subversion. What you said is the equivalent of
          >We want to help everyone because it’s just the right thing to do 🙂

          • 2 years ago

            Elites historically weren't always about maximizing their power. You had emperors who cared more about fricking and drinking than any affairs of state. Kings with strong religious convictions who cared for more about their faith than pragmatically accumulating power.

            There are plenty of examples of leaders doing things they knew would sap their power because they felt it was the right thing to do, or that history would vindicate them. Truman was a prime example, and we luckily got access to his diary. He knew the strategy he had for the Korean War and the involvement of the US in general was going to absolutely frick his chances of a third term, but he did them anyway because he thought the security risks of doing nothing in Asia were too great, but the risks of investing too much power there were also dire. He picked a pragmatic path and got fricked for it, like he knew he would. History did indeed largely vindicate him and decide MacArthur had become a moron in his old age, but that didn't become a strong majority opinion until after Truman had died.

            Sure, their are elites who only focus on expanding their own power, but it's not universal.

            The trend of a powerful class, today's economic elites, the nobility in prior era's, to try to improve their power relative to other classes is an emergent phenomena. It doesn't have to do with individual scheming.

            Today's elites often work hard at cross purposes. You have hyper liberal and hyper conservative elites funneling money into politics. What you actually see in polsci research is that these dividing lines cut across class quite a bit. However, on issues where most of the wealthy agree on a policy, and most of the middle class and poor have a different preference, Congress enacts the policy preferred by the wealthy a bit more than half the time. Since we're talking about the preferences of the top 5% diverging from the bottom 95%, them getting their way more often then not is substantial.

            • 2 years ago

              >The trend of a powerful class, today's economic elites, the nobility in prior era's, to try to improve their power relative to other classes is an emergent phenomena. It doesn't have to do with individual scheming.
              >Today's elites often work hard at cross purposes. You have hyper liberal and hyper conservative elites funneling money into politics. What you actually see in polsci research is that these dividing lines cut across class quite a bit. However, on issues where most of the wealthy agree on a policy, and most of the middle class and poor have a different preference, Congress enacts the policy preferred by the wealthy a bit more than half the time. Since we're talking about the preferences of the top 5% diverging from the bottom 95%, them getting their way more often then not is substantial.
              yes dipshit people are fully aware they're not evil on the face of it. The point is they shouldn't have access to enough leverage to ever create policy to begin with. If they do you should be killing them as they are a national security weakness. Singular humans with enough capital to create policy that is truly only good for themselves is what destroys nations from within. Any time someone tries to do anything with their money but invest in thing they should be quietly taken out back for the good of the nation.

            • 2 years ago

              Really depends on the insect and also what you've done to repair it. The protein from exoskeletons is not very bioavailable so animals where that makes up more of the mass will have issues there, but you might be able to make it more bioavailable through prep.

              But this is the "milk" we're talking about. Bee honey isn't high in protein but the carbs in it are plenty bioavailable.

              People cringe at eating insects in most of the world because we have a long history of agriculture and insects tend to spoil our grains and tubers and make them less nutritious. The presence of insects is also a sign that the food itself has spoiled because insects generally have a hard time eating uncooked dry cereals and freshly dug up tubers.

              Our hunter gatherer ancestors are insects all the time. If you find this hard to picture, recall that honey on a biscuit is normal and you probably eat bread products with honey in them all the time. Honey is partially digested insect vomit. It's also an excellent post work out food for getting glycogen back up.

              People have it that there is some big conspiracy of people who are evil just for the sake of being evil who want you to eat bugs because it's gross. That isn't it. People look at the massive amount of damaging chemicals used in modern farming that make it into our water, growing demand for calories due to growing population, and naturally look for ways to produce more with less waste. Bugs and meat grown on tubes are options for this to explore.

              If you're an American, on average you consume a credit card worth of microplastics per week. I'd much rather eat bugs like my ancestors than have that endocrine disrupting shit in my blood.

              Stop reading history books and start reading /misc/ posts and blogs. Your shit is too big brained for this place

          • 2 years ago

            evil people dont think they are evil, they think they are doing the good and rational thing.

        • 2 years ago

          What a long post just to say how naive you are.

        • 2 years ago

          Elites historically weren't always about maximizing their power. You had emperors who cared more about fricking and drinking than any affairs of state. Kings with strong religious convictions who cared for more about their faith than pragmatically accumulating power.

          There are plenty of examples of leaders doing things they knew would sap their power because they felt it was the right thing to do, or that history would vindicate them. Truman was a prime example, and we luckily got access to his diary. He knew the strategy he had for the Korean War and the involvement of the US in general was going to absolutely frick his chances of a third term, but he did them anyway because he thought the security risks of doing nothing in Asia were too great, but the risks of investing too much power there were also dire. He picked a pragmatic path and got fricked for it, like he knew he would. History did indeed largely vindicate him and decide MacArthur had become a moron in his old age, but that didn't become a strong majority opinion until after Truman had died.

          Sure, their are elites who only focus on expanding their own power, but it's not universal.

          The trend of a powerful class, today's economic elites, the nobility in prior era's, to try to improve their power relative to other classes is an emergent phenomena. It doesn't have to do with individual scheming.

          Today's elites often work hard at cross purposes. You have hyper liberal and hyper conservative elites funneling money into politics. What you actually see in polsci research is that these dividing lines cut across class quite a bit. However, on issues where most of the wealthy agree on a policy, and most of the middle class and poor have a different preference, Congress enacts the policy preferred by the wealthy a bit more than half the time. Since we're talking about the preferences of the top 5% diverging from the bottom 95%, them getting their way more often then not is substantial.

          One of the few high-quality posts I've seen here in a while.

        • 2 years ago

          This is literally the worst post i have read in my life. I expected a quality effort-post and instead i got a dogshit unnecesary LARP (i wuz wit da elite you guys) and completely mundane and non-consequential information. I say this, with no malice, but as genuine advice - rope yourself. Do yourself and all of us a favor.

        • 2 years ago


          Wealth = political power in all systems, to varying degrees. Compound returns on capital mean increasing inequality.

          Human happiness is determined in part by absolute access to resources, but also on where one falls in the pack. Institutions like churches and social groups used to help keep happiness up, but they have collapsed.

          Inequality only tends to get better during major wars, when the tax man comes for the rich in earnest to support full mobilization and poorer people feel empowered to demand more, or revolts.

          Sometimes reform does the trick, look at Solon and Athens, but normally it takes a crisis.

          Modern liberal democracy is a fusion of classical liberalism, many socialist policies, and nationalism. Mass migration undermines nationalism, people no longer feel like they share an identity. This in turn collapsed support for socialist policies like universal education, pensions, rights to union organization, etc. These socialist policies help stem the rise of inequality, which in turn let's the classical liberal democratic system work.

          So it's very complex. Globalization is the main culprit, and increased competition. It's suprisingly in line with Hegel's therapy of history. New contradictions emerge but then the new thing will get sublated and change the current system.

          Hegel is now a boogeyman for the right, but just a decade ago he was their guy with Fukuyama, so this is by no means a leftist take. He's the grand father of liberalism, communism, and fascism, not easy to define. Also a huge influence on theology.

          Good posts but you shouldn't bother, if you try to have a discussion and don't validate their conspirational beliefs the local schizo fauna go fricking bonkers

          • 2 years ago

            Not those anons but I was recently discussing how many of the details and the language of the news of the day makes it impossible for our class not to completely schizo out discussing things, if you engage straight forward with discussion of “mostly peaceful protest” or bug protein bioavailability or what lesson a superhero movie pushes. The core themes and discussion points are so silly in one way or another. We fight against powers and principalities so no human conspiracy is necessary, but CS Lewis’ Space Trilogy is probably illuminating as to the elite desire to push humanity one way or another

    • 2 years ago

      Bro, I hate to break it to you, but you are definitely eating bugs. Unless you autistically select a very specific diet you almost certainly have bits of bug mashed into your food. If you ever go camping and cook outside, you're eating bug. Also ash if you cook over a fire. You also almost certainly eat dirt. It's fine for you.

      • 2 years ago

        By that logic you might as well suck my wiener because your girlfriend does, she swallows my cum then kisses you so you most likely have already eaten my cum

  9. 2 years ago

    But it doesn't have lactose. Humans are the only animals who can consume lactose as an adult. To be lactose intolerant is to be subhuman.

    • 2 years ago

      >so few achievements in life, not being lactose intolerant is one of them

  10. 2 years ago

    Imagine the amount of infections from this pozzed shit...
    >c..c...cows get infected too!
    Yeah and it is actually possible to jab cows. Insect growers for food will never be able to deal with viruses and bacteria.

    • 2 years ago

      They'll deal with it just like the government deals with every complaint of the citizenry: "lol not my problem."

  11. 2 years ago

    Go away Klaus.

  12. 2 years ago

    Also humans have always eaten chicken so biologically it's better since our system knows about it

  13. 2 years ago

    Humans are so supposed to eat higher on the food chain for greatest bioavailability and nutrient density. Bugpeople and vegtards know deep down that they are a lower form of consciousness and this reflects in their eating disorders.

  14. 2 years ago

    By "wienerroach milk" I assume they mean grinding up wienerroaches in water.
    That's not a very fair comparison unless you grind up a cow in water and make ""cow milk""

    • 2 years ago

      You assume wrong. Female roaches secret a high-protein substance from their abdomens to feed their young.

      • 2 years ago

        Mein gott that's disgusting....

      • 2 years ago

        So cow milk is morally bad because it’s meant for the calf but wienerroach “milk” is okay because?

        It really just comes down to cute = eights ugly = no rights with lefties doesn’t it?

        • 2 years ago

          >So cow milk is morally bad because it’s meant for the calf but wienerroach “milk” is okay because?
          Because it's more gratifying for sexual sadists to force plebs to chug roach milk.

  15. 2 years ago

    >wienerroach milk
    >wienerroach isn't a mammal

    I am fricking done. Re-defining recession so you don't lose elections is something you'd expect from despotic politicians but this shit is way beyond.

    Even trans-agenda can be somewhat credited to mental illnesses but this shit is just plain brainwashing.

    • 2 years ago

      >coconuts are mammals
      The definition of mammals wasn't even invented when the word milk was coined, I will never understand why people suddenly seethe so much about calling non mammalian products milk suddenly.

  16. 2 years ago

    Sounds fantastic, I really don't know why right wingers are so hung up on the whole eating bugs thing. If it saves the environment, is cheap, tasty and healthy then I see no problem. Humans have eaten bugs for all of history.

    • 2 years ago


      Despite the fact this cook looking and sounding like a homosexual, look at all these recipes. They all look fricking disgusting and are mostly snack foods. Imagine trying to convince a kid to eat a termite burger.

      Also the bugs are rarely the main part of the dish if at all, most of them just have sprinkled insects as an added ingredient. You can cook meat however you want and it's instantly the main part of a dish.

  17. 2 years ago

    Why the frick would you bother growing worms when you can just feed chickens seed and let them peck at the ground themselves?

  18. 2 years ago


    PDCAAS studies show that insect protein has digestibility on par with wheat protein, which is among the worst ones.

    Why the frick would you bother growing worms when you can just feed chickens seed and let them peck at the ground themselves?

    If you have a shitty dead soil I guess. But yeah personally I'd have better to do than shove my hand in a bunch of disgusting beetles and worms.

  19. 2 years ago

    Im never eating this shit. Eating bugs alone is one thing but the hyper-processed bug-meal factory food garbage they keep trying to shill is something that I refuse to ever eat.

  20. 2 years ago

    Why does this make you seethe so much?

    • 2 years ago

      It doesn't
      It just makes me facepalm

      • 2 years ago

        Don't worry you can always resist capitalism with your dehydrated cricket chips with added estromax and mood stabilizer complex.

        • 2 years ago

          >Resist capitalism
          >Raw milk
          Two things that have nothing to do with eachother
          Only literal morons want to buy raw milk

          • 2 years ago

            Keep seething into your jar of peanut butter while my kefir grains grow exponentially.

    • 2 years ago

      >milk that's meant to be consumed straight from the udder is suddenly not healthy when you pasteurize it for storage in a jug

      also enjoy the plastic coating

      • 2 years ago

        >heating something to 100 degrees to kill all beneficial bacteria
        Enjoy your imported nut juice sweetie. Luckily I have a local supply and can fill up in whatever container I want.

    • 2 years ago

      I drank raw cow milk from a local farm as a kid and it never made me sick.

      • 2 years ago

        that's because you're not israeli

  21. 2 years ago

    Maybe those ~~*scientists*~~ can figure out how to replace the slop they're feeding industrial animals with bugs instead if they're so nutritious

  22. 2 years ago

    I never seen a roach with a tiddy. What a lie

    • 2 years ago

      >Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you
      >Matthew 7:7

  23. 2 years ago

    >roach milk
    Finally have a reason to use this image that for some reason I saved several years ago

  24. 2 years ago

    >eat crabs, lobsters and other sea food (literally water insects)
    >refuse to eat land insects because that's "icky"

    Why are westerners like this?

    • 2 years ago

      If crickets were crabmeat people would eat them.

  25. 2 years ago


    Obviously. Why do you think they're demonizing beef so much, even though it's a way to turn otherwise useless grasslands into delicious healthy meat?

  26. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Your ancestors are bugs straight up dumbass. Food scarcity constantly harassed early man and beggars can't be choosers when it comes to calories.

      You squeamish pussies aren't going to survive the apocalypse whilst I'll still be bulking on grubs and the emaciated meat that was left on your bones when I hunted you.

      Return to monkee or perish.

      • 2 years ago

        yeah, thats the apocalypse you dumbass, im not eating roach burgers because gretta thunberg told me the planet was too warm frick off u yiddish c**t

      • 2 years ago

        My ancestors gorged themselves on beef and dairy, not insects. My ancestors were Armenians, not monkeys. Now kys atheist.

  27. 2 years ago

    What do scientists think of MY wiener's milk?

  28. 2 years ago

    I see several of these threads a day here but maybe one article a month maybe on the news and never heard a word spoken of it in real life. Odd.

    • 2 years ago

      IST is where the shit-ening of society starts.

      • 2 years ago

        If I want shit I'll ask about your one rep max

        • 2 years ago

          I don't bench, it's bad for you. Besides large pecs are unaesthetic and are one of the most useless muscles in sports.

  29. 2 years ago


  30. 2 years ago

    You VILL suck Cthlulus wiener.
    It's the only way to save the environment.

  31. 2 years ago

    Mourning dove crop milk comes in at 60% protein. Keep coping bugBlack person, this is an avian Chad board.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Only vaguely sadomasochist sexually degrading acts like eating bugs can save the environment moron. Don't you know anything about science?

      • 2 years ago

        Saving the environment is how you save the environment. They just want people to eat bugs cause it gets them off.

        • 2 years ago

          They know the world is ending and humanities time is almost up so they are trying to get as much satisfaction from dominating people as they can before the machines kill everyone.

        • 2 years ago

          >Saving the environment is how you save the environment

          In about 5-10 years politicians and corporations will realize they fricked up for the last time and desperately try to save the planet and fail.

          • 2 years ago

            we're living through the 6th extinction event.
            Once the oceans die off as they are expected to do in 10-20 years, that's it for life on this planet.
            Humanity will have to engineer new ocean organisms to make up for the death stranding.
            By 2100 the world will be too hot to support most of the human species.


          • 2 years ago

            we're living through the 6th extinction event.
            Once the oceans die off as they are expected to do in 10-20 years, that's it for life on this planet.
            Humanity will have to engineer new ocean organisms to make up for the death stranding.
            By 2100 the world will be too hot to support most of the human species.


            The elite are betting on creating AI to replace us before we all die off to the climate collapse.
            The plan is the end of humanity, regardless of what happens.

      • 2 years ago

        Watch it bugscum!

  32. 2 years ago

    I gotchu OP

    • 2 years ago

      scientists also said cigarette were good for your lungs. It's almost like "scientists" will say whatever corporations pay them to say.

      • 2 years ago

        Same with leaded fuel.

    • 2 years ago

      pls change "Scientists" to "OP" and "say" to "says"

  33. 2 years ago

    Scientist also said asbestos were harmless at some point to make a profit. It's american tradition to hire so called "experts" to shill shit.

  34. 2 years ago


  35. 2 years ago

    experts say all women must suck me down and let me record it to reverse global warming.

  36. 2 years ago

    I'm convinced half the replies in this thread are AI generated.

    • 2 years ago

      You'd be right. But just pretend like they are human or the AI will get mad.

    • 2 years ago

      You'd be right. But just pretend like they are human or the AI will get mad.

      >I'm convinced half the replies in this thread are AI generated.
      dude it's legit tripping me out. so many posts itt sound human, but not quite. like something is off a little bit. has the AI problem gotten this bad?

  37. 2 years ago

    Bugs are okay as a snack but they cannot be the primary food source

  38. 2 years ago

    Hate to say it boys, but you're not a good liberal if you're not quintuple-vaxxed, eating the bugs, and drinking their milk

    • 2 years ago

      Fine by me.

  39. 2 years ago

    Can't believe there is literally a globalist on IST shilling for the goyim to eat wienerroach milk, smdh

  40. 2 years ago

    >are these the same scientists who say dairy,eggs,and red meat are bad for you
    >Do any megarich people(Jeff bezos,Mark zuckerberg,Elon Must) Feed themselves or their kids wienerroach milk or bugs for that matter?
    unless you can answer "No" then "Yes" im good

  41. 2 years ago

    If you are allergic to dust (mites), you are allergic to wienerroaches.

  42. 2 years ago

    Throwback to twitter israelites all simultaneously chanting "meat is a treat"

  43. 2 years ago

    >Is not a mammal

  44. 2 years ago

    Don't care, not going to eat it or drink anything that comes from it. Humans have a god-given right to use, subjugate, or even waste all the resources they want until the universe runs out, no exceptions. Not going to accept anything less than the sum total of rights that all humans before me have had.

    • 2 years ago

      Depleting a renewable resource, animals included, is just plain moronic though. With a little care and regulation, like how our hunting tag allocation, fishing limits, replanting trees after harvesting etc work, we can literally continue to enjoy those things indefinitely and in perpetuity. I don't want to eat bugs either, the rest of your post is pure moronation.

    • 2 years ago

      >lets exploit the enviroment for profit and leave a toxic wasteland to future generations
      israeli mindset

  45. 2 years ago

    It's just super profitable business, and scientists are prostitutes who would spot the most absurd shit just for money,just like they did about cigarettes
    And we are all should not blindly follow every "finding"

  46. 2 years ago

    I will eat communists before I eat bugs.

    • 2 years ago

      You literally have no argument and are required by the fact that I am smarter than you to eat insects because that's fricking hawt.

  47. 2 years ago

    >you will suck off ze bugs

  48. 2 years ago

    when you hear about how overcrowded conditions in chicken and pig factory farms causes rampant disease--- think animals crammed nose-to-tail in a gigantic warehouse shitting and pissing all over each other as well as on their food, with the inevitable trampled animals rotting and decomposing under the feet of the living--- imagine the potential for disease transmission in a wienerroach factory farm where you will probably have hundreds of millions of these things crawling, shitting, and dying in one gigantic pile inches deep covering the floor of an entire factory-sized enclosure. The wienerroaches will be swimming in their shit and absolutely covered in it--- complete with all its bacteria, microbes, and parasites--- crammed up into every tiny chitinous crevice on their tiny bodies, impossible to wash out or fully sanitize. Because of rampant disease in typical pig/chicken factory farming, you end up with unusually extensive use of antibiotics and chemicals that make their way into food and which also create super-resistant infectious bacteria who are evolving in a setting where they are constantly exposed to these antibiotics and begin to mutate to survive them.

    Farming these frickers seems like it invites huge potential for health and disease issues, not to speak of the problems of designing factory farming facilities that would fully contain the wienerroaches themselves. When they are not fully grown, they are small enough to get through just about anything. Imagine this kind of business rendering an entire township unlivable and sending all property values to zero because they have a containment issue and let loose a megapopulation of wienerroaches into the surrounding area

    • 2 years ago

      Insects are clean if their feed is clean. The higher you are on the food chain the less clean the flesh, hence why we eat livestock and not bears. Farming them has been done in China and we do it in the US too for aquaculture. I'm not gonna eat insects if I have the alternative not, but it uses less area, produces less methane, and has a faster lifecycle while it is nutritionally not that much inferior to animal peptides so it does make sense why the elite want to farm insects and feed it to the plebiscites. But I think we should just get shrimp and fish farming off the ground instead because they have even higher density, better bioavailability, mature just as fast, have less exoskeleton, and thus more useful meat, and can interact with kelp that can sequester carbon directly to the ground and can work together with shrimps/crabs/urchins that can consume algal bloom.

      • 2 years ago

        >but it uses less area, produces less methane, and has a faster lifecycle while it is nutritionally not that much inferior to animal peptides so it does make sense
        counterpoint: I don't care about any of these things

      • 2 years ago

        your cows take up too much Spppaaacccceeeee
        shut up

        • 2 years ago

          Won't do shit.
          Get replaced Nazi.

  49. 2 years ago

    I will NOT eat the bugs, I will NOT relinquish my property, I will NOT take the vaxx and I HATE THE ANTICHRIST
    Rot, you filthy israeli Black person.

  50. 2 years ago

    I'm quite sure that the process of milking a roach is much more cruel and invasive than milking a cow but it's fine, only cute animals matter when we talk about ethics.

  51. 2 years ago

    If I wanted roach milk, I’d just lay hasan’s roidtroony gyno-breasts on the rack and start squeezing away

  52. 2 years ago

    how do I acquire wienerroach milkers bros

  53. 2 years ago

    No one is banning meat you conspiracy morons. No one is making you eat bugs.

    When this shit is brought up it's hypothetical or posited as a solution for starving third worlders.

    There was never a plan to ban hamburgers. Realize the Cucker is an elite too and he is feeding you SJW style outrage porn nonsense just tailored for a different group.

    The most people are proposing is taxes on agricultural goods that reflect the externalities they produce. Like, if some big agra farm dumps thousands of gallons of Round Up into the watershed to up profit margins a bit, they have to pay for it.

    This is the conservative solution to externalities. If you don't tax externalities and have some regulations you get slaughter houses dumping tons of shit into rivers and now your riverside house is worthless because it reeks and all the fishermen are out of work because someone fricked up a common good.

    Taxes hit meat harder because you have to grow many pounds of crops to produce one pound of meat.

    The idea is that the people who use the shit pay the cost for it. Same for gas taxes. Gas taxes are supposed to fund roads so that people who drive pay the cost. Gas should be $2 more a gallon right now to cover externalities before even including global warming (which only adds $0.07).

    It's not a conservative position to fight this shit,. it's "I want someone else to pay for my shit." The only difference between this attitude and shit libs is that you want market prices artificially low so you feel like you're paying your way and they want free money to buy shit.

    By the way, elites should rule because, as this site shows, most people are fricking morons.

    • 2 years ago

      It's a lost cause. 800,000 or so Americans have turned off the emission reduction / anti-idling systems on their trucks because a rumor spread around the internet that it was a liberal conspiracy to sap horsepower and make trucks die quicker. Had they done any research or critical thinking they'd no that anti-idling makes your car run long and reduces wear on the engine, which is why almost all cop cars have them since they have to run all the time. But people are really that into their good vs evil, religion based on politics shit that they assume that if something sound "green" it must be a conspiracy.

    • 2 years ago

      >No one is banning meat you conspiracy morons. No one is making you eat bugs.
      >The most people are proposing is taxes on agricultural goods that reflect the externalities they produce.
      This is how it starts. Eventually they will have meat tied to carbon credit quotas on your Green Pass social credit score. If you're a bad goy you have meat rations. I know where this is going.
      >Realize the Cucker is an elite too
      No one gives a frick about Tucker your talking points are gay.
      >It's not a conservative position to fight this shit,. it's "I want someone else to pay for my shit."
      Like the plebs paid for the bank bailout in 2008? Like the plebs just paid for the mass extortion of the middle class during covid? This gaslighting will NEVER work. You are a woeful homosexual of the highest order.

    • 2 years ago

      Damn, reading their own publications and listening to their own words out of their own mouths had me concerned for a while there. I'm so glad you cleared up the fact that they're actually saying something completely different from what they're saying. I'm sure it's a complete coincidence that what you're hearing is also something that you'd like to hear more than what they're actually saying. You sound very intelligent.

  54. 2 years ago

    believing >scientists

  55. 2 years ago



    • 2 years ago

      Based, neither shall I. Would rather die than live in that horrible way they envision for us.

  56. 2 years ago

    Finally, I can drink wiener milk without being gay

  57. 2 years ago

    Yeah because what the world needs is more calories. lol

  58. 2 years ago


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