>another friday night. >another night no friends. >another night no gf who loves me

>another friday night
>another night no friends
>another night no gf who loves me
>another night lifting alone

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  1. 9 months ago

    we gotta do something about that shit OP

    but seriously lifting alone is just perfect. it's just you and your weights

    • 9 months ago

      i like lifting alone (sometimes i wish i had a gymbro), i don’t like being completely alone. taking pump pics and realizing that you’re going back home to complete emptiness, the notification number on your message app hasn’t changed in months.. shit fricks with you after a while.

      Yeah I miss my ex too

      i hear you fren..

      • 9 months ago

        >the notification number on your message app hasn’t changed in months..
        Start networking. I still hardly ever get pussy but now I have a ton of male and female friends from always hanging out in the bar/club scene. I invited out 8 people I've met in the last year for tomorrow night, 50/50 male female. At least half will show up

        • 9 months ago

          Sounds rough but stay in there bro, is there a volunteer opportunity or pickleball club you could join?

          i think a portion of me has just given up. i used to have a huge social circle growing up, multiple friend groups, and so never developed the abilities to form new relationships. im now 28 and just don’t believe i have the capacity for it. i have no hobbies, no habits other than the gym, and am genuinely not interested in anything this world has to offer. i believe that’s how you form bonds with people and i don’t have that foundation. i work about 50-60h a week too because i have a lot of medical debt so that limits my time and depletes my energy even more. sounds like i’m making excuses, i know everyone is struggling in their own unique ways

          • 9 months ago

            I feel that wagmi we will find our way

            • 9 months ago

              i hope so brah. hard to believe it sometimes

              My god literally me except no debt and can’t find good work. Shit is eating away at me idk what to do anymore. I remember when I was younger I’d wake up to texts from friends and even girls here and there, now I rarely get any messages or anything and I barely speak to girls anymore. I’ve fallen out with so many friends it makes me so sad. The last friend group and my last girlfriend kind of left me jaded. I have no hope and I feel I’m not enough romantically or even just a friend frick

              >I’ve fallen out with so many friends it makes me so sad. The last friend group and my last girlfriend kind of left me jaded.
              wtf this just happened to me. ex fricked me over, relapsed for two days because of it, then get fricked over by a couple of friends who did some snake shit behind my back to get me out of the living situation. i hope it turns around for us dude, seriously. i feel more and more fatigued and overwhelmed with each day, with fewer and fewer ideas for solutions

          • 9 months ago

            My god literally me except no debt and can’t find good work. Shit is eating away at me idk what to do anymore. I remember when I was younger I’d wake up to texts from friends and even girls here and there, now I rarely get any messages or anything and I barely speak to girls anymore. I’ve fallen out with so many friends it makes me so sad. The last friend group and my last girlfriend kind of left me jaded. I have no hope and I feel I’m not enough romantically or even just a friend frick

        • 9 months ago

          How do you make friends by going to a bar?

          • 9 months ago

            You make very sad friends at a bar, dont follow that advice.

  2. 9 months ago

    Yeah I miss my ex too

  3. 9 months ago

    >chud thinks lifting will save him

    • 9 months ago

      i never said it would nor do i think it will. i think it’s better than doing nothing

  4. 9 months ago

    >Meet at cute chick at work
    >She's a client and I visit her store
    >Have good rapport, she smiles and at my jokes
    >Ready to ask her out
    >Get injured at job and will be out for another month. 2 months total

    Back to being alone

  5. 9 months ago

    Sounds rough but stay in there bro, is there a volunteer opportunity or pickleball club you could join?

  6. 9 months ago

    He truly was the most aesthetic

  7. 9 months ago

    rip zyzz

    and I know that feel OP.
    i haven't had friends for a while now. never had a gf. never even had female friends my entire life.
    i'm a 30 year old khv. so trust me, I know pain.

    as buddha said, life is suffering

  8. 9 months ago

    Id relate more you didn’t put that homosexual in your pic

  9. 9 months ago

    You need to get off this eccochamber bro.
    Stop working out and start doing team sports, social events and group traveling.

    Remember that when people see you having fun, they automatically like you better.

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