>current year. >he still counts reps

>current year
>he still counts reps
if you're not taking every set near failure, you're not getting a real workout done, period
drop sets chads, where we @? slow and steady we're about to win this race just like that one fable

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  1. 9 months ago

    >every set
    If I did drop sets for every set, I'd be spent half way through my workout. I save those for the end. Am I doing it wrong?

    • 9 months ago

      I think they're great for stuff like tricep pushdowns and curls, but I don't use them for compounds. As you said, they would be massively taxing (I prefer to do compounds at the beginning of my workout), and it is easier to track progress doing normal sets

      • 9 months ago

        Honestly I can sort of see the point of drop sets for all your program
        Resting in a normal workout takes at least 50% of the time you spend at the gym
        Drop sets allows you to severely shorten that time, at the expense of a little less gains
        Legit steal of a trade, you get to use that saved time for more important stuff like studying

        • 9 months ago

          >Drop sets allows you to severely shorten that time, at the expense of a little less gains
          >Legit steal of a trade.
          Youre an absolute idiot.
          They take more time because youre adding sets. They give more gains cause your doing more work.
          Also, if youre trading gains for more time and think thats a good trade off youre a moron.
          Drop sets should be used on the last set, to completely fail that muscle group.
          If you want to save time and keep the gains take the superset pill.

          • 9 months ago

            >adding sets
            Do they? How is it any different than the generic 3 to 5 sets every single routine does?
            You're just reducing the weight by 15%~20% and eliminating rest time per set instead, are you moronic?

            • 9 months ago

              >Do they
              Yes. Theyre done after your regular sets.
              >are you moronic
              Yes, isnt that obvious

              • 9 months ago

                but that's not how it works
                drop sets starts with your rm for reps, and you go down from there
                doing multiple heavy sets before kills the entire point of drop sets, you're mixing two different workouts

              • 9 months ago

                >he doesnt know what drop sets are
                Your muscle group should already be trained to failure before you drop set. Your drop sets start immediately after the last rep of your last set.
                >doing multiple heavy sets before kills the entire point of drop sets
                No moron. That is the entire point of drop sets, taking it beyond failure with lighter weight. Arnold would drop set 5 times Black person. Thats another 5 working sets beyond his regular working sets.
                >you're mixing two different workouts
                Lmao even
                Listen or dont. I dont care ya zoomy moron.

              • 9 months ago

                can't tell if this is bait or a serious post
                drop sets are meant to be used as a standalone workout
                if you're incorporating it into your regular heavy workout, it is your problem
                but don't try twisting the meaning just because it isn't in agreement with your shitty meme
                peak mental illness

              • 9 months ago

                >drop sets are meant to be used as a standalone workout
                >The trancel appears and speaks moron
                You need to tell Arnold he was doing them wrong all these years.

              • 9 months ago

                can't tell if this is bait or a serious post
                drop sets are meant to be used as a standalone workout
                if you're incorporating it into your regular heavy workout, it is your problem
                but don't try twisting the meaning just because it isn't in agreement with your shitty meme
                peak mental illness

                actually the correct execution of myoreps / dropsets (the concept is not that different) is doing just one set to failure and then going for a set of myoreps or a dropset, after you reach your second or third failure you're done with the exercise and from a certain point of view this whole thing is basically one huge set
                combining this method with a regular volume training is basically rushing into injuries and overtraining

                >drop sets are meant to be used as a standalone workout
                >The trancel appears and speaks moron
                You need to tell Arnold he was doing them wrong all these years.

                >bringing up Schwarzenegger in a training discussion
                dyel spotted

              • 9 months ago

                >the trancel confronted and confused continues to speak moron.

              • 9 months ago

                >bringing up schwarzenegger in a training discussion
                >dyel spotted
                Imagine saying this
                Imagine believing Arnold didnt contribute the bulk of the modern era weightlifting info.
                Begond homosexual

                You never went to the gym
                How do I know about that?
                Post body

              • 9 months ago

                Black person.

              • 9 months ago

                all I see is fat

              • 9 months ago

                Fricking Aussie gay.

              • 9 months ago

                strange looking leg

              • 9 months ago

                He posted his body.
                Post yours mr dropset expert

              • 9 months ago

                You went from this

                >You never went to the gym
                >How do I know about that?
                >Post body
                To this pretty quick after anon posts body and calls you out

                you must genuinely have a few screws loose to pursue it further
                no one cares enough to try to legitimate their opinion with a random photo on a fricking imageboard
                it's just sad that people who don't know any better will be subjects to the dumbasses/grifters like you

                >you must genuinely have a few screws loose to pursue it further
                >no one cares enough to try to legitimate their opinion with a random photo on a fricking imageboard
                >it's just sad that people who don't know any better will be subjects to the dumbasses/grifters like you
                Your lack of self awareness is alarming. Your whole grift came tumbling down and now your only recourse is to call others what you are, yourself.
                Why are you here?
                If its to demorilize anons you should be embarrassed.
                If its to hurt anons through terrible advice you should feel moronic because your advice sounds moronic.
                You have no reason to be on IST.
                You dont workout so go back to your discord trancel homosexual.

              • 9 months ago

                lol shut up Black person ape your shits sounds all moronic

              • 9 months ago

                Post body

              • 9 months ago

                >Post body

              • 9 months ago

                This thread was dead and buried but I guess he wanted to launch a personal attack out of the blue.. lmao Trannies always cowardly come back to try get one more gotcha.. truly mentally disturbed.

              • 9 months ago

                >post crickets
                For what purpose? Why are you concerned with the potential existence of my crickets (which I may or may not own)?

              • 9 months ago

                >bringing up schwarzenegger in a training discussion
                >dyel spotted
                Imagine saying this
                Imagine believing Arnold didnt contribute the bulk of the modern era weightlifting info.
                Begond homosexual

              • 9 months ago

                this is like saying Bruce Lee was a genius fighter who revolutionized martial arts and combat sports across the world
                Arnold was an obscene grifter who spread misinfo and happened to have one in million genetics
                I can't believe you people still fall for his training advice, holy fricking shit

              • 9 months ago

                Post body

              • 9 months ago

                Imagine doubling down like this and not posting your body.

              • 9 months ago

                >bringing up schwarzenegger in a training discussion
                >dyel spotted
                Post body

              • 9 months ago

                You don't even know what you're talking about, the first set of myoreps isn't even to failure. You can try that way using rest-pause, but myoreps is it's own thing. You have no clue about the thing you're trying to tell people about

              • 9 months ago

                can't tell if this is bait or a serious post
                drop sets are meant to be used as a standalone workout
                if you're incorporating it into your regular heavy workout, it is your problem
                but don't try twisting the meaning just because it isn't in agreement with your shitty meme
                peak mental illness

                actually the correct execution of myoreps / dropsets (the concept is not that different) is doing just one set to failure and then going for a set of myoreps or a dropset, after you reach your second or third failure you're done with the exercise and from a certain point of view this whole thing is basically one huge set
                combining this method with a regular volume training is basically rushing into injuries and overtraining
                >bringing up schwarzenegger in a training discussion
                dyel spotted

                You never went to the gym
                How do I know about that?
                Post body

                So you come into a thread you clearly know nothing about.
                Give terrible advice.
                Get called out for your BS.
                Call out anon whos giving good advice.
                You pull the post body card.
                Anon obliges.
                He clearly worksout.
                Anon tells you to post body.
                So what was your master plan here? I dont get it?

              • 9 months ago

                you must genuinely have a few screws loose to pursue it further
                no one cares enough to try to legitimate their opinion with a random photo on a fricking imageboard
                it's just sad that people who don't know any better will be subjects to the dumbasses/grifters like you

              • 9 months ago

                >incoherent trancel screeching
                Post body

        • 9 months ago

          >you get to use that saved time for more important stuff like studying
          I would use my extra time to study the blade
          (and chill in my gooncave)

    • 9 months ago

      Your doing it right. The purpose of a drop set is to squeeze out everything that muscle group has left. Doing them every set defeats the purpose.

    • 9 months ago

      No you do them for every exercise and man the frick up. If you're not literally falling down and completely staggered by the end you didn't do enough.

    • 9 months ago

      Do drops sets for isolation exercises.

      • 9 months ago

        You can do them for any excersize. Especially comounds that stall like overhead press. If youre not youre leaving gains on the table.

    • 9 months ago

      >I'd be spent half way through my workout
      That means your workout is twice too long.
      In short, don't do bro splits. Those are for roid trannies.
      Do less volume on a day but up the frequency.

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      You understand drop sets wrong. The main benefits is tgat you can get the same benefits by doing less. Let's say you do 6 sets of leg extensions. You can replace them with 2 sets of drop sets like OP's pic and you will get absolutely the same results as per multiple studies. So if your goal isn't powerlifting, you are just wasting your time not doing drop sets.

  2. 9 months ago

    >near failure
    One set to failure
    >drop sets
    Nothing but junk volume and overtraining.

  3. 9 months ago

    post timestamped body
    not taking advice from a dyel

  4. 9 months ago

    of course you count reps that doesnt mean you dont go to failure. drop sets are moronic you're just training cardio extremely inefficiently. just wait to fully recover and then do a weight where you reach muscle failure around 6-8 reps.

    • 9 months ago

      Can you show a study that drop sets are inefficient. Studies show that you can do 2 dropsets reachibg failutlre 3 times like in OPs pic and that would be equivalent of doing 6 regular sets to get the same result in muscle growth. Drop sets are iseful specifically because they are super efficient and save a shit ton of time. On top of that, you get a nice cardio.

  5. 9 months ago

    >do bench press drop set
    >hospitalised for 6 weeks

  6. 9 months ago

    You count reps to make sure you're doing more than you did last time. It's the best way to make sure that you are in fact going to failure; and also the best way to make sure you're making gains.
    Whether you're doing drop sets or regular sets or rest-pause, you should be tracking your reps and weight and rest time (or lack thereof).

  7. 9 months ago

    Rate my typical sets
    Warm up set: 70% of 10RM to failure
    Set 1: 90% of 10RM to failure
    Set 2: 10RM
    Set 3 10RM
    Set 4: ~5-7RM + drop weight by about 30% then go to failure

  8. 9 months ago

    slow eccentric explosive concentric all you need, stop reinventing the wheel

  9. 9 months ago

    Drop sets are great for your last set(s) but I generally prefer pyramid sets (especially the pyramid down part).
    Drop sets are good for building size, mediocre for getting stronger (useful for progressive overload)

  10. 9 months ago

    I just count reps on my main sets and then don't count the dropset reps

  11. 9 months ago

    Dropsets are based and a huge timesaver.
    Warmup, then I do a set with my working weight, aiming to fail on the 7th to 10th rep.
    Then three drops. I've found that a 10% decrease in weight from each previous set will keep me more-or-less in the same rep range, so the pump fantastic, and I don't need to waste time resting between sets, and studies have shown that this is practically equal to 4 regular sets, assuming that all sets are taken to failure.
    Basically, a progression of 150 -> 135 -> 120 -> 110. This works great if you're using machines with a stack and pin, or a bunch of dumbbells.
    Naturally this is pretty exhausting, so I wouldn't recommend that beginner lifters do this.

  12. 9 months ago

    I don't get the point of drop sets. They seem like a waste of time.

    Just pick a big weight and go to failure, then rest, then go to failure again. Repeat until your arms feel like noodles.
    Find one thing wrong with this technique. Pro tip, you can't.

    • 9 months ago

      Theyre done after your working set. So those muscles are already taken to failure.
      Say you do 3x8 shoulder press of 225.
      After the last rep of the last set, you immediately drop 20 percent of the weight and rep out. Drop another 20 and rep out. Do this as many times as you want. You will get the pump of your life garanteed.

    • 9 months ago

      Drop sets can be used as a way to optimize your time
      >RM, lift to failure
      >Drop 20%, lift to failure
      >Drop 20%, lift to failure
      This is supposed to be done without rest, you quickly remove some plates and start another set right away.
      It is actually a way to make your routine more fun, without making it needlessly long.
      Instead of spending 30min heavy lifting a single powerfat compound with long rest times, the time you saved with drop sets there can be used for another accessory or two, which means drop sets can reward you with more variety while still giving you a proper workout, all within a reasonable amount of time.
      No you don't necessarily need to lift heavy for multiple sets before drop sets, the guys so adamantly forcing it in this thread are falseflagging trying to demonize drop sets.

      • 9 months ago

        i will try them in a few hours
        yeah doing drop sets after full regular sets seems a weird suggestion
        i don't want to do 10 sets of deadlifts lol

  13. 9 months ago

    i only do them at the end on the isolations
    so like on shoulders day i'll do them on lat raises
    on back day i'll do them on bicep curls

    not doing that shit on compounds

  14. 9 months ago

    Junk volume.

  15. 9 months ago

    "Drop sets"? LMFAO next your gonna tell me you "drop, sit" on dicks for a workout pffft hahahahahahahah

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