Did Mike really built his physique with his low volume method?

Often when we talk about Mentzer and his advices we have people who come and tell us that he invented everything after the Olympia in 1980
Others anons pretend that he advocated for the volume/frequency method since the early 70's
So, did he really use his own advices or everything is bullshit and made up after his failed career?

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  1. 5 months ago

    he trained from 79 to 80 using his Heavy Duty principles.

    • 5 months ago

      So he trained with his method when 95% of his physique was already built?

      • 5 months ago

        Most bodybuilders increased muscle mass after plateauing using that method so I would say that it is wrong to look at it like that

  2. 5 months ago

    >mogged by Arnie

  3. 5 months ago

    I'm tired of the same samegay making the same Mentzer thread and samegayging it.

  4. 5 months ago

    no. Body built with roids.

  5. 5 months ago

    So, what's the verdict? Low volume high frequency is optimal, or no?

    • 5 months ago

      I don't know fren, there are so many informations and studies that often contradict each others

    • 5 months ago

      FWIW running HIT, I feel doms in my worked muscles for 1-2 days after the workout and numbers are going up in terms of reps and weight moved.
      Didn't have that with normie high-volume.

    • 5 months ago

      optimal is whatever keeps you going back to the gym and enjoying it. At the end of the day, just consistently lifting, eating, and sleeping are going to get you 95% of the way there.

    • 5 months ago

      high volume high frequency high roids is optimal

    • 5 months ago

      Whatever frequency you need to recover & grow
      Whatever volume is enough to stimulate growth
      It's individual

  6. 5 months ago

    Here are my leg days with strict heavy duty protocol leg days. I hit them every 13-15 days and only one set leg press and leg extension for quads. I’m happy so far with my legs especially after years trying to build them. good luck op

    • 5 months ago

      they look small

      • 5 months ago

        they've been way smaller than this. And i only weight 163lbs so i don't think they can be any bigger at my weight especially when that im cutting right now. But yeah thanks for your input

    • 5 months ago

      they look small

      They look nice, especially if it is an fast improvement. They still could be a bit bigger but to say those quads are small is mental illness
      How do you warm up to that 1 set?

      • 5 months ago

        >They look nice
        >warm up
        basically a very light set of 6 reps on the leg press, then one really light set of leg ext of maybe 5-7 reps.

        Then i take my towel and set it on the leg press. Then i start my one set of leg extention while blasting my playlist while really focusing on locking in (you get one set per week so go all in), set will take 45sec to 1m then run to leg press and superset there and try to get more than 5 reps or beat last's week pr, if i fail the pr i do dropsets. Then i rest a litle and i go to leg curls and calves. This takes me 30 mins max

    • 5 months ago

      your quads are small, you are just very lean. Kneecap to muscle gives it away instantly.

      • 5 months ago

        Post legs.

      • 5 months ago

        dude im like 15% and my upper is not that even impressive, yes they are not big but they are way bigger than last year where i was spamming squats and doing high volume.

        My legs are the same size and I squat 4pl8s for reps.

        really? sounds impossible are you doing triples only?

    • 5 months ago

      My legs are the same size and I squat 4pl8s for reps.

  7. 5 months ago

    >victim weight roidtroony
    cant get worse than that lmao

  8. 5 months ago

    >he invented everything after the Olympia in 1980
    No. Arthur Jones did in the late 60's. Sergio Oliva even trained for HIT under Arthur Jones for 1972 Mr. Olympia and incorporated some of the principles into his personal routine afterwords. Boyar Coe was another who trained with Arthur Jones and had some success with it. There was also Ellington Darden who had his HIT routines.

    Mike learned about HIT from Casey Viator and did it throughout the 70's after losing to Casey Viator. Pic related is his "most productive routine" which he used to train. He would take a 1-3 days between workouts. The later "Heavy Duty routine" was just Mike's approach to the routine. He had his original routine which was a twice per week AB routine. Then in Heavy Duty, he introduced a PPL routine. Heavy Duty II is when he introduced his "ideal routine." The picture you see floating around is with some changes John Little introduced, notably changing the rep range on leg day for squats/leg press from 6-10 to 12-20. Heavy Duty II has you do 6-10 on the leg compounds. The ideal routine itself was more along the lines of a intermediate routine and allowed for shorter rest periods for people who could train more frequently and longer who couldn't. Then there was the consolidation program which was supposed to be used for the true hardgainers and extremely advanced lifters who milked everything they could get from other programs and really just needed an abbreviated program.

    Mike is just the biggest advocate of HIT principles within bodybuilding before Dorian Yates.

    • 5 months ago

      The PPL routine from Heavy Duty. This was about a three day/week program.

      • 5 months ago

        so that's like training every 48 hours? sets/reps?

        • 5 months ago

          pic related

        • 5 months ago


          pic related

          Also, only one set is recommend for each exercise.

          • 5 months ago


            pic related

            wow thanks had no idea these templates existed.

            I'm doing the ideal routine for alomost 3 months already and im barely recovering for how hard the sessions became that i'm even taking 7 days rest from workout to workout.

            also pic rel is it for the ppl or the x2 full body one? The 'ideal routine' is upper lower so ppl sounds like a good idea to break the monotony of the program but im considering doing in after taking 2 weeks off at least because im exhausted right now. what does he say about dropsets and rest pause?

            • 5 months ago

              That is for the PPL routine. The two-day split has the sets and reps listed.

              • 5 months ago

                I'm considering it now that i have off season from work until march, did you try it? frequency and volume is way higher than ideal routine.

            • 5 months ago

              >what does he say about dropsets and rest pause?
              Mike likes rest/pause given that you use a weight you can only do one more rep with in perfect form after about a 10 second rest.

              Mike doesn't like drop sets as a way to just do more reps after going to failure by using an arbitrarily lower weight. However, drop sets are still useful. If you hit failure with too few reps, say you could only do 4-5 reps with a selected weight, if you are able to quickly decrease the weight like on a selectorized machine and then use it to get back into your rep range, that's fine.

            • 5 months ago

              you have trouble recovering precisely because you take so much rest.
              peak recovery is 72 hours, after that you get DOMS, and the longer your break is the harder DOMS hit.

              • 5 months ago

                >you have trouble recovering precisely because you take so much rest.
                The ability to recover after exercise depends on how intense your exercise is. Lower intensity = less recovery time necessary (i.e. you can go for a jog or long walk every day). Higher Intensity = more recovery time necessary.
                >peak recovery is 72 hours
                The amount of time it takes to recover varies from individual to individual. Some people need more time. Others need less.
                >after that you get DOMS
                You get doms the next day after your workout. Not after 72 hours.

              • 5 months ago

                >The ability to recover after exercise depends on how intense your exercise is. Lower intensity = less recovery time necessary (i.e. you can go for a jog or long walk every day). Higher Intensity = more recovery time necessary.
                Intensity in that sense just means how heavy it is, it's not how hard you work. Someone whose deadlift max is 160kg could spam sets of 5 @ 90% almost every day if they wanted, but if their max were 350kg that would kill them inside 3 or 4 days.

              • 5 months ago

                Intensity is intensity of effort; how hard your muscles have to work. The heavier the weight, the harder your muscles have to work. The closer to failure you go, the harder your muscles have to work. The more consistently, your muscles are under tension, the harder your muscles have to work. Making sure your negatives are slow make your muscles have to work even harder. Put all that together and you have what HIT is all about. Pushing your muscles to work as hard as you can possibly get them to.
                >3 or 4 days.
                Consider how much more your muscles will have to work if you add a slow negative to the end of each rep for a deadlift as opposed to performing it in the conventional manner with the weight dropped at the end of each rep. You would have to rest even longer.

      • 5 months ago

        >lying french presses
        relax with a coffee, nice.

  9. 5 months ago

    >be a roid troony
    >lie to a bunch of fat fricks that they only have to lift for 20 minutes
    >sell your lies
    >buy meth

  10. 5 months ago

    I've literally had underweight zoomers tell me "nah bro you only need 1 set a week per muscle group if you know how to train to failure" as if they had experience or authority on the subject nope they watched some cringy tiktok edit about this roider

  11. 5 months ago


  12. 5 months ago

    Dorian Yates Blood & Guts.

    • 5 months ago

      Warming up on the treadmill before a lift is just stupid

      • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      >rotator cuff warmup

    • 5 months ago

      This is actually a fair amount of volume. It's really not just 20 mins in and out. Since presumably you're doing heavy ass weights to failure every working set, you're also resting at least 3-5 mins between sets.

      With the warm-up sets and rests it would take longer than bros I have who do a typical one muscle group only bodypart split daily. They are usually in and out in a hour.

      Over time the actual volume in terms of how long you are in the gym for really wouldn't be that much lower than someone doing a typical bro split with no or little warm up sets imho.

      And since you are lifting heavy as frick compared to some teen on a bro split you probably would get better size as well as strength as a natty even though it's proponents in pro bodybuilding famously did more raids than anyone else.

      • 5 months ago

        yates only spent 4 hours a week in the gym

  13. 5 months ago

    Of course not. He built it with roids.

  14. 5 months ago

    unflexxed arnold is way bigger than flexed and posed metzBlack person topkek

    • 5 months ago

      honestly Mentzer has the kind of body I would be happy with.

      Not big but not tiny either

      • 5 months ago

        >Not big

        • 5 months ago

          Not big by bodybuilding standards

  15. 5 months ago

    Yes and he used lots of meth as preworkout

    • 5 months ago

      Meth is the preworkout of legends.

  16. 5 months ago

    No. Mentzer himself said that he's main mistake was not following his own advice

  17. 5 months ago

    >Take 10 years worth of steroids a week
    >Start shitting out the worst diet / exercise routines imaginable
    >People actually believe it and start following the shat out memes

    Bodybuilding never changes.

  18. 5 months ago

    52 sets.
    It's proven to be scientifically optimal for hypertrophy.
    Go take meth mentzerheads

  19. 5 months ago

    no he didn't and neither did yates

  20. 5 months ago

    I didn't know mike personally so i can't answer your question. i use hit for upper body. it works well.

  21. 5 months ago

    They would look like shit without roids.

  22. 5 months ago

    He absolutely built his physique with high volume traditional bodybuilding methods. Same with Dorian Yates. They made the changes AFTER they were already professional bodybuilders. What self deceiving HIT morons won’t accept is that you need to be a very good bodybuilder ALREADY and be on gear for HIT to work. Do one set for chest an week including drop sets and what not as a natty: guess what you’re going to look like shit. Do one set of chest with an outstanding mind muscle connection and years of lifting experience plus steroids: you’re probably going to be stronger when you try it again next week. Still not ideal but it can definitely work. As a beginner/intermediate or as a natty (which applies to the vast majority of people here and indeed everywhere) it’s just a way for absolute morons to tell themselves akshually I should do less work to get better results

    • 5 months ago

      >you need to be a very good bodybuilder ALREADY and be on gear for HIT to work.

    • 5 months ago

      >do less work
      my brainlet friend, if you think you're doing more work because you have 20 sets of junk volume as opposed to 2 sets of high intensity that are guaranteed to trigger muscle growth, then you are and will never ngmi

  23. 5 months ago

    everyone should watch this video to see the types of people he trains. if you get mogged by his trainee, - which, let's face it, this is IST, everyone itt will get mogged - then stfu


    • 5 months ago

      eat clen tren hard anavar give up!

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