Does creatine really make you go bald?

Does creatine really make you go bald?

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago

    The face is well done, the rest looks like a depressed middle schooler at the public pool.
    Should wear a cute dress or something.

    • 2 years ago

      is that where depressed middle-schoolers go? the public pool? i should learn to swim.

    • 2 years ago

      That’s what a prostitute looks like my underage friend.

      • 2 years ago

        This is how zoomer girls dress on a Tuesday morning, my boomer friend.

      • 2 years ago

        Girls literally dress like this to go to my freshman engineering class at 9AM

        • 2 years ago

          Anon, those are men.
          >T. CSlet

          • 2 years ago

            Sorry bud, but the word got out that women can get a high-paying and secure job in STEM just for having a vegana. Our school celebrated its first freshman intake for the engineering program with more than 50% females in it.

            • 2 years ago

              Meanwhile we had a ratio of 100 to 1 MtF.
              t. maths major

        • 2 years ago

          Anon, those are men.
          >T. CSlet

          Sorry bud, but the word got out that women can get a high-paying and secure job in STEM just for having a vegana. Our school celebrated its first freshman intake for the engineering program with more than 50% females in it.

          Meanwhile we had a ratio of 100 to 1 MtF.
          t. maths major

          You guys know this girl is in compsci right

          implying we dont do that +GOMAD

          • 2 years ago

            She's bound for a nice job making high six figures in whichever city she likes the most doing whatever work women in tech on Tiktok do

            • 2 years ago

              I am also bound for a nice job making high six figures in whatever city I like doing whatever work I want, that's just a general compsci thing

              • 2 years ago

                You're going to have to work a lot harder and longer every week than she does but best not to think about that

              • 2 years ago

                I literally did nothing this whole week except edit 2 lines of CI/CD and today is a paid day off for my tech company so we get a 4 day long weekend
                Also you should imagine Sisyphus happy my guy, compsci is truly what I want to do in life and I'm always having a fun time.

          • 2 years ago

            No she’s in electrical engineering IIRC. Some sort of engineering.
            >t. coomer loremaster

            • 2 years ago

              Tomato tomahto Toronto, watch Perfect Blue if you haven't since it sounds like you'd enjoy it a lot lol

    • 2 years ago

      I still would frick her face in a bench in the park

  3. 2 years ago


  4. 2 years ago


  5. 2 years ago

    For me, it definitely caused an alarming increase in the rate of shedding. Tried it 3 different times, with long stretches in between. Happened every time.

    • 2 years ago


      I started taking creatine about 2 months ago (almost finished the tub now)
      My hair has thinned a lot on top and shedding has definitely increased.

      Not going back on it once this shit is finished. INFACT I might just stop now.

    • 2 years ago

      this, i wasnt paying much attention to hair loss since my dad till has his full head of hair and i always have to ask for the stylist to thin my hair
      but after i took creatine i started to notice the top part of my head where the hair spiral spot is starting to show more and more and then i came across some morons here asking if creatine makes you go bald and i add 1 + 1 together
      ive stopped it but i still have like 5 scoops left in the tub so im thinking about finishing it and be done with it
      i also noticed that when i had to go outstation for work and stopped taking creatine for around 5 days, i shit water non stop for no reason.
      so i think the water retention by creatine actually gets removed from the body if you dont keep taking it and the molecule stops retaining the water in my muscle or some shit
      its truly a garbage pill to take
      not gonna believe any of you morons here again

  6. 2 years ago

    No it doesnt please dont listen to morons

  7. 2 years ago


  8. 2 years ago

    Yep, I noticed a lot of shedding so I stopped

  9. 2 years ago

    It increases dht in your scalp or something so if you're prone to balding it will accelerate it
    take that with a grain of salt bc i havent done much research could be wrong

    • 2 years ago

      Thanks for the answers. Will not buy it.

      Hey, it worked 🙂

      • 2 years ago

        You're a moron. Do some research yourself, it doesnt cause fricking balding lmfao. Creatine is literally in meat.

        • 2 years ago

          Creatine objectively accelerates balding in people who are predisposed to it because it increases DHT substantially which is the same exact reason it can happen with roiders as well. There’s really not that much to balding as far as standard MPB is concerned it’s solely a genetic trait tied to DHT amounts nothing more.

          • 2 years ago

            >objectively accelerates balding
            >increases DHT substantially
            No it doesnt. Provide a single reputable source that isnt that one shitty study done with a sample size of 20 people or shut the frick up.
            Nocebo effect is real and thats absolutely what you experienced if you thought it made you go bald.
            You either have the gene for MPB or you dont, I do (norwood 2) and creatine made literally zero difference to my hairline over 2 years.
            Creatine is IN FOOD. If you eat meat you have creatine in your diet regardless. The effect of supplementing Creatine is extremely minor, althought effective, it does NOT "substantially" increase your male hormone levels. It causes water retention, which makes your muscles look larger.
            Stop being moronic.

            • 2 years ago

              >ignore the one study it's not good enough
              >what study is better? no just ignore the only evidence
              >why? just ignore it, it's debunked

              • 2 years ago

                >In summary, the current body of evidence does not indicate that creatine supplementation increases total testosterone, free testosterone, DHT or causes hair loss/baldness.

              • 2 years ago

                did you even read this before you linked it? all it says is the study has never been done again, and to ignore the only study on the topic.

              • 2 years ago

                Maybe you didnt read it because it clearly says the study was poorly done, and with a small sample size, which makes it virtually worthless. It doesnt say the study has "never been done again" it says the RESULTS have not been replicated. Which means nobody has managed to get the same results.
                There are literally thousands of studies on androgenic alopecia that mention creatine. Go look it up, triple Black person.

              • 2 years ago

                >thousands of studies on androgenic alopecia that mention creatine
                name one other study. literally name a single one that actually studied DHT and creatine. there is exactly one study on this and it found an increase in DHT. you can decide to ignore the only available evidence and claim you deboonked it but you have nothing to offer.

              • 2 years ago

                >There are however hundreds of other studies that did NOT measure an increase in DHT, T, or baldness.
                yes, that's right. there are jundreds of studies which did not measure DHT. and the one that actually did found creatine increased DHT. have a nice day.

                >12 other studies have investigated the effects of creatine supplementation (i.e. doses ranging from 3-25 g/day for 6 days to 12 weeks) on testosterone. Two studies reported small, physiologically insignificant increases in total testosterone after six and seven days of supplementation [65,66], while the remaining ten studies reported no change in testosterone concentrations. In five of these studies [67–71], free testosterone, which the body uses to produce DHT, was also measured and no increases were found.

              • 2 years ago

                wow, so free test which the DHT measuring study also measured and found didn't change, didn't change. and then they didn't measure DHT. have a nice day.

              • 2 years ago

                Do you even know what DHT is/does? Do you know how the body produces it? If there is no increase in free Testosterone then how can there possibly be an increase in DHT? Explain it to me because I'm 100% sure you havent got a fricking clue what hormones are or how they work.

              • 2 years ago

                >argue with me about random shit, don't look at the actual evidence
                >I have thousands of studies that show no increase in DHT
                >just don't look at that one paper that actually measured it
                >no I won't link these thousands of studies just an overview that says that the only study on the topic is deboonked


              • 2 years ago

                >don't look at the actual evidence
                The projection here is insane. I have looked at the evidence and so have professional researchers and they concluded

                >In summary, the current body of evidence does not indicate that creatine supplementation increases total testosterone, free testosterone, DHT or causes hair loss/baldness.

                I've read the rugby player study, its not a good study. There could be over a dozen reasons why their hormone levels were altered, there was no control and the sample size was far too small to make any conclusions. Other studies with much larger sample sizes and much better testing conditions were unable to replicate the results, which means is 99% bullshit.

                >If there is no increase in free Testosterone then how can there possibly be an increase in DHT?
                The rugby paper found no increase in free test but an increase in DHT.

                Yet another reason why the results were likely wrong, as the paper I just linked you stated.

                For frick sake just actually take creatine and find out for yourself. Its not like taking fricking Tren, its a dietary supplement.
                If you notice you're balding faster on creatine its almost certainly nocebo because of the shit you've been reading on IST. Just like how finasteride "breaks your dick", it actually doesnt and 80% of reported sides are nocebo.
                If creatine accelerates hair loss then why didnt it do it for me? I have MPB. So why?

              • 2 years ago

                >If there is no increase in free Testosterone then how can there possibly be an increase in DHT?
                The rugby paper found no increase in free test but an increase in DHT.

              • 2 years ago

                That's a red flag then. Doesn't make any sense. How would DHT be higher with no other indicators? Creatine alone couldnt possibly affect DHT without affecting 5 alpha reductase and free T.

            • 2 years ago

              >it doesn’t increase DHT even though the only attempts to measure it indicate it does
              >Just because okay?!!?

        • 2 years ago

          Then give us proof you moron. You have to eat 3kg steak to get 5 g of creatine. Frick if you think about it only hairless cucks shill creatine

          • 2 years ago

            t. baldlet

      • 2 years ago

        Dont listen to this moron, creatine is probably the best supplement you can get

  10. 2 years ago

    It causes an increase in DHT production. So if you were at risk from hair loss, or male pattern baldness, or have some thinning - not uncommon - it might cause that to get worse. But from what I recall of the study, it was from a 7 day creatine load. So maybe don't take it every day? Cycle it through, some days caffeine, some days creatine.

  11. 2 years ago

    I got balding effects from it, I have long hair and I always lose a lot when I’m on it. I can tell in the shower and on the floor. I combed my hair and a lot more came out. It’s so crazy they don’t warn you. On steroids it’s a well known bad side effect but creatine was just as bad. That creatine just made me bloated too, I looked way more cut off it.

  12. 2 years ago

    I started creatine 2 weeks ago after a post here said the hair stuff was all made up and I have literally never found so many hairs in my life, I have hair all over my pillow and it falls into my mouth. fricking disturbing.

  13. 2 years ago

    I just started taking creatinne and even my beard is losing hair never again

    • 2 years ago

      Your beard should be growing if anything pubic hair responds differently.
      I know when i stop taking creatine people say "whats happened to your beard why does it look so thin"
      Also a topical shampoo which decreases dht would probably be enough to counter any effects of creatine. You wouldn't even need a full blown fin just a high % mint and rosemary shampoo.

    • 2 years ago

      You are obviously lying

  14. 2 years ago


  15. 2 years ago

    >implying that the age group trying creatine isn't predisposed to balding, yet somehow don't correlate the two

  16. 2 years ago

    It seems I shed more hair when I take it, plus it makes me extremely thirsty and my mouth feels parched. Definitely avoiding it, since I prefer to have less muscle and hair than being a slightly stronger baldy

  17. 2 years ago

    Holy fricking shit bros I literally got 1kg of creatine a week ago and this thread made me shit myself. My hairline is godlike and it’s the only thing that supports my looks but I want more gains.

    Should I continue risking it?

    • 2 years ago

      idk man I decided to stop after it was fricking up my hair. maybe it was caused by something else but so many fricking guys have similar experiences and the only ones saying it is safe are the "trust the science" kind of guys who don't even have a scientific paper to point to. the only paper on the topic found that creatine increases DHT by a lot and they just try and deboonk that one paper and don't have anything better to reference.

      • 2 years ago

        Well I took it back in 2017 when I had very long hair but I don’t remember. I’m 30 in a month or so and I’m worried rn. My father has full head of hair and he is like 65 rn. My mothers side though are all bald. This is my hair after a week of creatine. A.friend who shilled me the creatine is already bald and taking fun. Is really scary

        • 2 years ago

          just shave it bro, your hairs fricked

      • 2 years ago

        >"trust the science" kind of guys
        The only reason anyone even thinks it causes hairloss was because of one single "scientific" paper. You yourself said there's no other research into it. You're the fricking "trust the science" mong in this situation you absolute moron.

        • 2 years ago

          the anecdotes support mass hairloss by creatine

    • 2 years ago

      Creatine HCL does t frick with hair btw

    • 2 years ago

      Are you genetically predisposed to go bald,?

    • 2 years ago

      I'll take it if you're scared of hair loss

    • 2 years ago

      I'll take it if you're scared of hair loss

    • 2 years ago

      MCT oil should block dht to keep hair while maxing out your creatine gains

      • 2 years ago

        Although excess MCT oil on an empty stomach can give you bad diarrhoea so make sure you’ve eating something so there’s something in your stomach

  18. 2 years ago

    Lots of money in supplements, lots of research is funded by the supplement "sport" companies, go figure

  19. 2 years ago

    1000% yes, I started taking creatine when I was 26 and I never had any large amount of hair loss. Within a month I started losing a lot of hair every time I showered. If you have hair loss in your family you should be wary

  20. 2 years ago

    This subject really pisses me off. Seems like every time this is raised, the large majority of people jump on the ‘ThErE’s No EvIdEnCe tO sUPpOrT ThAt’ bullshit like most shitty YouTuber conclusions.

    THE bottom line is that yes, (frustratingly) there have been hardly any real studies on this topic. BUT the one that does exist, shows a increase in DHT after the loading phase.

    Now whether you take the results as gospel is up to you. But stop spouting your mouth of claiming it’s bullshit when you have zero evidence to prove that. The ONLY ‘evidence’ available suggests that creatine does increase DHT. Regardless of how ‘strong’ you feel that evidence is.

    Andrew Huberman has talked about this before, a couple of times actually. If you haven’t heard of him, check him out. Neuroscientist who has made a name for himself over the last couple of years with his podcast, the Huberman Lab. He has guests on who discuss / review existing scientific data. These people are FAR more qualified to comment on this than 99.9999% of people here and indeed on YouTube.

    And surprise surprise, both Huberman and one of his guests, Andy Gaplin, both conclude (on separate occasions) that creatine is likely to accelerate hair loss in those prone to AA given that it LIKELY increases DHT.

    Clearly everyone is different and in some prone to AA it may not increase DHT levels enough to result in a change.

    But just ask yourself - is it worth the risk?

    I desperately want to jump on creatine again. I miss the pump. I miss the extra energy in the gym. I miss the extra 3/4kg in water weight. But it’s just not worth it.

    • 2 years ago

      >I desperately want to jump on creatine again. I miss the pump. I miss the extra energy in the gym. I miss the extra 3/4kg in water weight. But it’s just not worth it.
      Sucks to suck. You can't outlift your genes I guess. I'll just enjoy my enhanced recovery, strength and aesthetics.
      T- Manlet with a full head of hair who's been taking creatine on and off for like 5 years now

      • 2 years ago

        >5 years of crea
        >full head of hair
        I believe that tho

      • 2 years ago

        >Bragging about using creatine lol
        Apparently creatine is in my aldi's protein powder

        I’m moronic for deciding that my hair worth more than 50 euros? No wonder why you are a subhuman thrash. Keep balding

        if you're predisposed to balding, you're fricked anyway. I'm running tren and mast and my hair hasn't changed in the slightest. Roided broccoli hair zoomer master race

        • 2 years ago

          >if you're predisposed to balding, you're fricked anyway
          not at all. if you're predisposed to balding then you're sensitive to DHT levels. lower DHT through fin or dut reduce or remove balding entirely. and you may not even have high enough natural DHT to bald. raised DHT through creatine accelerates or starts balding.

        • 2 years ago

          >I'm running tren

        • 2 years ago

          Why do you have a Black person saved on your pc?

          • 2 years ago

            I too would save her iyknwim

        • 2 years ago

          Sauce on the choco prostitute?

    • 2 years ago

      Ok I’m fricking throwing it in the garbage. Just wasted fricking 50 euros

      • 2 years ago

        You are moronic. Do what you want, lmao.

        • 2 years ago

          I’m moronic for deciding that my hair worth more than 50 euros? No wonder why you are a subhuman thrash. Keep balding

          • 2 years ago

            Like I said, you're moronic.
            If you believe alarmist morons on IST over scientific evidence, then I cant help you.
            Like I said I literally have MPB and creatine did nothing whatsoever to my hairline in years of lifting.. It did however make my gains better.

            • 2 years ago

              >If you believe alarmist morons on IST over scientific evidence, then I cant help you.
              There is only one piece of scientific evidence on the topic and it concluded that creatine increases DHT, which causes balding. Claiming creatine doesn't increase balding is ignoring the science.

              • 2 years ago

                No Black person there is one study that shows an increase in DHT, which MAY correlate to hairloss. There are however hundreds of other studies that did NOT measure an increase in DHT, T, or baldness.
                Frick off brainlet.

              • 2 years ago

                >There are however hundreds of other studies that did NOT measure an increase in DHT, T, or baldness.
                yes, that's right. there are jundreds of studies which did not measure DHT. and the one that actually did found creatine increased DHT. have a nice day.

    • 2 years ago

      annoys me too. it's the same shit as PFS. so many anecdotal reports but NO STUDIES THAT VERIFY SO IT'S NOT REAL.

      people cannot just fricking open their eyes and see reality.

      mass delusional does exist but just because something isn't proven in clinical literature does not mean it is not possible.

      t. took creatine at 19, hairline receded, stopped taking creatine no further hair loss.

      • 2 years ago

        hey mentally ill lab rat I promoise you were taking other things that made creatine trigger hair loss
        c by itself is fine
        cope it down and find your penis

    • 2 years ago

      annoys me too. it's the same shit as PFS. so many anecdotal reports but NO STUDIES THAT VERIFY SO IT'S NOT REAL.

      people cannot just fricking open their eyes and see reality.

      mass delusional does exist but just because something isn't proven in clinical literature does not mean it is not possible.

      t. took creatine at 19, hairline receded, stopped taking creatine no further hair loss.

      this drives me crazy too, we literally have one study on the topic and you either accept the study and the anecdotal evidence or you just hand wave it all away and say just ignore all that. why can't we have another study? why do they keep studying the same other shit nobody cares about and we already know??????? you need like 25 guys and a month and two dht tests for each of them.................. FRICK

  21. 2 years ago

    Only if you buy the cheap shit, I bought a 90 day supply for like 15 bucks on Amazon 2 years back, my shit thinned terribly in 2 months. I stopped taking it for a few months and my hair luckily grew back. I got a 30 day supply for about $25 after that and no thinning occurred. You pretty much get what you pay for, don't go cheap when trying to better yourself.

  22. 2 years ago

    coffee, while good for the immune system, is also a rich and aromatic drink that can be augmented with a variety of flavors. however, most adult males tend to prefer the dark black tones of the beverage in its unsweetened state.

  23. 2 years ago

    I use creatine and I don't have any hair loss

    • 2 years ago

      Bro, be careful, some black dude had stolen your phone as you were taking a pic of yourself.

      • 2 years ago

        this is why i keep coming to this place even though its 99% shit

    • 2 years ago

      homies iffy uh

    • 2 years ago

      You’re like 18 years old though. People going bald are not teenaged but actual adults in their mid to late 20s and up.

      • 2 years ago

        im 29 year old white and didn't notice any thinning after 5 months of consistent use. all the men in my family had hair when they got old though, no balding, so maybe that's why.

        • 2 years ago

          same here except lots of thinning.

          30 yo, family has no history of baldness, but after 4 months of creatine my hair is noticeably thinner

  24. 2 years ago

    Depends I know guys who are 25-30 who are bald not just buzzcut I also know guys in their 50s that still have a full head of hair.

  25. 2 years ago

    officially, no. Anecdotally, yes, I only started balding after taking creatine.

  26. 2 years ago

    c only makes you shed if you combine it with caffeine and nicotine
    boys clear of those two are gucci and rewarded
    as always stronger mental fortitude wins

  27. 2 years ago

    Read the study yourself lazygay.

    Some football players (on the same team) who took x5 the amount of the average creatine dose had an increase in DHT, the main driving force behind hair-loss.

    Take what you will from that. Could've very well been something they were eating.

    It probably was related to the actual chemistry. But as someone who's been on fin for 1+ years I also take creatine.

    • 2 years ago

      I dont get how they never studied it again, this is probably the #1 thing people bring up when it comes to creatine and somehow they just never studied it except this one random time?

      • 2 years ago

        Some guys on l3ddit have done self-studies.

        Just get your bloodwork done before/after taking Creatine. Simple as.

        From a quick search results have been mixed. Looks like some people saw an increase some saw no change.

      • 2 years ago

        because they know it will make creatine look bad, better to never look at it

  28. 2 years ago

    No. It's a meme

  29. 2 years ago

    yeah but it’s worth it

  30. 2 years ago

    I have baldness running in my family and I've been on and off again a few times for long periods each and it's never affected my hair as far as I can tell.

  31. 2 years ago

    My unprofessional opinion on the whole "does creatine make you lose your hair" meme is that I think that shills want us to stop taking it through the use of fear mongering tactics so that we get weaker, meanwhile the same shills will push drugs that damage us and ruin our reproductive function to further demoralize us.

    Here is my logic:
    >Meat contains creatine
    >Some guys eat lots of meat because protein
    >Men who eat meat don't suddenly shit their pants and lose their hair.
    >I have never heard men eat meat and then tell everyone "oh no meat made my hair fall out"
    >The human body produces some of its own creatine
    >People talk about taking creatine
    >suddenly a shitload of shills show up and claim it made their hair fall out and then start pushing drugs that break our wieners to fix the hair issue

    Why would taking creatine suddenly make everyones hair fall out if meat has creatine in it but meat didn't cause rapid sudden hair loss, not even long term over years supposedly?

    What is going on, who wants to influence us, what do they want us to take, what do they not want us to take, and why?

    Are we being raided by politically motivated shills that want to weaken us and destroy anything they view as masculine in men and fitness communities?

    PERSONALLY, I have been experiencing hair loss. When I took creatine, I experience LESS HAIR LOSS. That's right, I actually shed LESS. I did BETTER than before. I don't know why. I have no idea what's going on.

    This is all a parody and should not be taken seriously by anyone.
    I am not a doctor. None of this is advice. Ask your doctor before doing or stopping anything.

    • 2 years ago

      This is my first and last post in the entire thread. Anyone else replies pretending to be me is a shill troll pet fricker. Do not trust them.

    • 2 years ago

      meat doesn't get you anywhere near the level of creatine that supplementation does

      • 2 years ago

        Supplementing creatine is like eating 5 steaks every single day.

        • 2 years ago

          implying we dont do that +GOMAD

  32. 2 years ago

    maybe I was stressing my body in other ways (stimulants, prostitute gf, working with Black folk) but my hair fell out in my 20s. creatine could have been part of it

  33. 2 years ago

    I take finasteride. would this mitigate any increase in DHT that creatine might cause? is this logical?

  34. 2 years ago

    How do I resist girls in nylons bros?

  35. 2 years ago

    Doing anything to put on muscle will negatively impact your hair.

  36. 2 years ago

    Google search:
    "In summary, the current body of evidence does not indicate that creatine supplementation increases total testosterone, free testosterone, DHT or causes hair loss/baldness. Feb 8, 202"

    • 2 years ago

      all this summary paper does is say there isn't strong enough evidence and says to ignore the only study ever done on the topic, which says it increased dht which increases balding

      • 2 years ago

        It doesn't actually say that. It says this:

        "Moreover, the increase in DHT and the DHT: testosterone ratio remained well within normal clinical limits. Furthermore, baseline (prior to supplementation), DHT was 23% lower in the creatine group (0.98 nmol/L) compared to the placebo group (1.26 nmol/L). Thus the small increase in DHT in the creatine group (+ 0.55 nmol/L after 7 days of supplementation and + 0.40 nmol/L after 21 days of supplementation), in combination with a small decrease in the placebo DHT response (-0.17 nmol/L after 7 days of supplementation and -0.20 nmol/L after 21 days of supplementation) explains the “statistically significant” increase in DHT noted by van der Merwe et al. [61].

        What that means is the creatine group had 23% lower DHT before being supplemented and returned to normal levels seen in everyday people. Since the study was very short with a small sample and hasn't be recreated, it's very possible the creatine group's DHT levels returned to normal all on their own.

        "To date, 12 other studies have investigated the effects of creatine supplementation (i.e. doses ranging from 3-25 g/day for 6 days to 12 weeks) on testosterone. Two studies reported small, physiologically insignificant increases in total testosterone after six and seven days of supplementation [65, 66], while the remaining ten studies reported no change in testosterone concentrations. In five of these studies [67–71], free testosterone, which the body uses to produce DHT, was also measured and no increases were found."

        So the studies that have been done so far show "clinically normal" DHT levels and "no increase in free testosterone" that's used to make DHT. It's not conclusive but so far the answer seems like "no, creatine does not lead to baldness."

        • 2 years ago

          it literally says what I said. there is only one study on the topic, and they feel it isnt strong enough. but they have no other study on the topic, just related topics.

          • 2 years ago

            >and they feel it isnt strong enough
            No, they feel this:

            ""Moreover, the increase in DHT and the DHT: testosterone ratio remained well within normal clinical limits. Furthermore, baseline (prior to supplementation), DHT was 23% lower in the creatine group (0.98 nmol/L) compared to the placebo group (1.26 nmol/L). Thus the small increase in DHT in the creatine group (+ 0.55 nmol/L after 7 days of supplementation and + 0.40 nmol/L after 21 days of supplementation), in combination with a small decrease in the placebo DHT response (-0.17 nmol/L after 7 days of supplementation and -0.20 nmol/L after 21 days of supplementation) explains the “statistically significant” increase in DHT noted by van der Merwe et al. [61]."

            Direct quote. And that direct quote does not mean this:
            >they feel it isnt strong enough

            And they DO have other studies on the topic:
            ""To date, 12 other studies have investigated the effects of creatine supplementation (i.e. doses ranging from 3-25 g/day for 6 days to 12 weeks) on testosterone. Two studies reported small, physiologically insignificant increases in total testosterone after six and seven days of supplementation [65, 66], while the remaining ten studies reported no change in testosterone concentrations. In five of these studies [67–71], free testosterone, which the body uses to produce DHT, was also measured and no increases were found."

            "In five of these studies [67–71], free testosterone, which the body uses to produce DHT, was also measured and no increases were found."
            > free testosterone
            >which the body uses to produce DHT
            >was also measured and no increases were found
            You can believe whatever you want to believe. That's your choice. But I'm quoting exact passages from a peer reviewed research paper and your response is:
            >NO IM RIGHT
            No man. No you're not. But other than this post right here I don't feel like arguing about your personally held beliefs.

    • 2 years ago

      >Feb 8, 202
      Do you have any more recent studies?

      • 2 years ago

        hahahaha 2021

  37. 2 years ago

    no stress and neck posture. the middle of your forehead

  38. 2 years ago


    Man, you talk like you've never had an independent thought or made a decision of your own volition ever in your life.
    You must be a Zoomer.

  39. 2 years ago


    this, i wasnt paying much attention to hair loss since my dad till has his full head of hair and i always have to ask for the stylist to thin my hair
    but after i took creatine i started to notice the top part of my head where the hair spiral spot is starting to show more and more and then i came across some morons here asking if creatine makes you go bald and i add 1 + 1 together
    ive stopped it but i still have like 5 scoops left in the tub so im thinking about finishing it and be done with it
    i also noticed that when i had to go outstation for work and stopped taking creatine for around 5 days, i shit water non stop for no reason.
    so i think the water retention by creatine actually gets removed from the body if you dont keep taking it and the molecule stops retaining the water in my muscle or some shit
    its truly a garbage pill to take
    not gonna believe any of you morons here again

    Somehow everyone who posts an anecdote about creatine on this board has a dramatic personal experience where they lose all their hair in a week and yet there's not any indication in the medical literature that this happens even long-term

    • 2 years ago

      >using hyperbolic strawmen
      >"no indication in the medical literature"
      >Even though there has only been one study years ago which was shit.

      Enough anecdotal evidence is better than any half arsed science experiment.

      • 2 years ago

        >Enough anonymous message board posts on a board known to be frequented by shills and bots trumps scientific evidence

  40. 2 years ago

    I started taking creatine at like 18-19 years old and by 21 my hairline already moved and I had widows peak and

  41. 2 years ago

    >be 37
    >take creatine since 25
    >full head of hair

    FYI there is no reliable evidence correlating creatine and hair loss. Believe what you want. If you’re gonna go bald anyway, man the frick up and accept it instead of coping. Or let it happen and get your hair plugs already.

  42. 2 years ago

    iirc there was a singular study done on a small sample size of rugby players, some of them showed a 40% increase in DHT on Creatine but the doses were massive in the loading phase
    nevertheless it helps you so little anyway that there's no point in taking it even if you're the tiniest bit worried

  43. 2 years ago

    No. Supplements will not make you go bald, only shit genetics will make you go bald. If you are already balding it may speed up the process but if you aren't you will not lose any hair lol

  44. 2 years ago

    Yes, but only if you were already going to. It just starts the process or speeds it up. So it doesn't make you go bald it just makes your current balding worse.

  45. 2 years ago

    it increases dht, dht is what causes male pattern baldness
    but if u dont have those genes no

  46. 2 years ago

    I got a bit of shedding, but i'm taking 2g a day now. Dont care too much, might cycle it. idk. Been on it for 2years +. It's not getting worse, just steady shedding. But it's not really noticable.

  47. 2 years ago


    What you thought that thread was organic and not creatine shilling?

  48. 2 years ago

    Will your hair grow back once you stop taking creatine? Or is the damage already done?

    • 2 years ago

      If DHA would make you lose hair then it's because you were genetically hardcoded to go bald anyway, so quitting won't stop it and neither will going back in time and never taking it in the first place

    • 2 years ago

      When I stopped creatine for 6months, my hair got back to where it was. Took it back, got shedding back.

  49. 2 years ago

    It can but if it's actually the creatine, you just need to cycle off for a couple weeks to reverse it.

    If you're balding due to blood flow or digestive issues, creatine can actually reverse balding

    Also, it's free gains. I'd rather be bald than fookn smol

  50. 2 years ago

    Only if you’re a browning creature

  51. 2 years ago

    If you have a genetic predisposition it will speed up hair loss. I thought that I wasn't genetically predisposed to hair loss, I've had a perfect hairline for years. I tried Creatine 4~5g everyday for like 3 months, immediately noticed some minor hairline thinning on the front sides. I immediately stopped 4 months ago, my hairline somewhat improved.

  52. 2 years ago

    No, and it has been recently found out to be a better antidepressant that actual antidepressants

  53. 2 years ago

    It has been explained a million times, but lets do it again
    >Creatine will increase dht
    >Male pattern baldness is caused by your scalp being very sensitive to dht
    >Male pattern baldness is genetic, you either have it or you dont
    >In that way, creatine is like roids lite, if you have male pattern baldness, it will accelerate the proccess a bit, no wear near roid levels, but still
    >If you dont have male pattern baldness, you could eat a tub a day and it wont make a difference

  54. 2 years ago

    I dont want muscles made by some disgusting powder, I want muscloes made by proteins of meat. Dont consume that stuff and just it properly.

    • 2 years ago

      Creatine occurs naturally in meat, here's the (You) you wanted

    • 2 years ago

      Creatine is naturally found on meat you drooling moron

  55. 2 years ago

    i started taking it 3 weeks ago and there's been no change so far, my hair already started thinning however and i've been shaving it for years so i dont really care

  56. 2 years ago

    I started taking it after I shaved off my hair already

  57. 2 years ago


    Res tin piss baldie

    • 2 years ago

      >t. dyel

      • 2 years ago

        Digits and you get monkeypox

  58. 2 years ago

    I want to kill myself IST. I thought my hairline is safe because both my mother's and father's family have hair.
    Today I found a strand of hair isolated like 5 mm from other hairs.

    • 2 years ago

      *from my hairline

  59. 2 years ago

    > can't take creatine because will go bald
    Do moids really?

  60. 2 years ago


    Its only a problem if you have male pattern baldness, if you have good hair genetics absolutely nothing will happen to your hair, in wich case, enjoy the gains

  61. 2 years ago

    at least i'm going somewhere

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