>Drink 4 espresso's within 2 hours every day. >Drink an energy drink in the afternoon too

>Drink 4 espresso's within 2 hours every day
>Drink an energy drink in the afternoon too
>Still so tired that i sometimes feel like falling asleep standing up
>Sleep 8+ hours every night

What can i do?

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  1. 12 months ago

    literally me
    >inb4 just quit caffeine bro
    that made it worse and made me sleep 12+ hours a day
    tbqh i think its a low test issue

    • 12 months ago

      Sounds like an iron issue. Get your hemoglobin/ferritin checked.

    • 12 months ago

      >that made it worse and made me sleep 12+ hours a day
      How long did you try it for? It is extremely normal for you to feel extremely tired when stopping caffeine for the first few weeks since your body depends on caffeine. Did you give it at least a month?

  2. 12 months ago

    Get more sun

    • 12 months ago

      >Get more sun
      I am though, that's the fricked up part.

      I hike and jog almost every day, and even sunbath.

      Sounds like an iron issue. Get your hemoglobin/ferritin checked.

      >Sounds like an iron issue. Get your hemoglobin/ferritin checked.

      Never visited a doctor for that, don't trust those demonic israelites.

      Been like this since i was about 12/13 years old ( i am almost 30 now).

      I went to the gym, ate healthy etc. nothing ever helped.

      I could legit sleep for 15 hours straight (which i did in the past).

      It pisses me of because, i just get so tired at some point that i can't get shit done.

      • 12 months ago

        >Never visited a doctor
        I think I found the issue

        • 12 months ago

          visited a doctor
          >I think I found the issue
          Nice try JUDE!

          lack of hydration, caffeine abuse

          >lack of hydration, caffeine abuse
          I drink 2.5L of waters a day though.

          >consume caffeine
          >can't sleep well because caffeine
          >consume even more caffeine
          >sleeps even worse
          See the pattern?

          >>can't sleep well because caffeine
          even more caffeine
          even worse

          >See the pattern?

          Bro can you not read?

          >Sleep 8+ hours every night

          I sleep well, and am still tired every day.

          Coffee doesn't help much either, i started to drink coffee in the evening too.
          Still fall asleep like a baby.

          • 12 months ago

            you are literally me. do you do any work that's exhausting? i video edit on weekdays and work filming on weekends and im just exhausted. i think is the work there is no other explanation

            >reduced lifting from 6 times to 3
            >zinc 50mg
            >mag citrate everynight
            >sleep well most of days
            >broke up with bpd gf
            >some existential stress here and there

            I don't know what else to do i tried EVERYTHING

          • 12 months ago

            you realize that caffeine dehydrates you, right? 2.5L might be enough for a normie but it's not enough while being regularly active, especially drinking as much caffeine as you do

          • 12 months ago

            Fatigue can be caused by everything under the sun. Without a doctor visit, there is no hope for you, so continue struggling your meager existence instead of living well.

          • 12 months ago

            >I drink 2.5L of waters a day though
            If you're physically active and drink that much coffee you should be aiming at around 4L per day.

          • 12 months ago

            >I sleep well, and am still tired every day.
            This is an either/or thing. Even if you're asleep for hours it might still be 8 hours of poor quality sleep.

          • 12 months ago

            >I drink 2.5L of waters a day though.
            Why so little? I drink a bare minimum of 1.5 gallons (about 5.5 liters) and I just work in a factory. 2.5L is enough if you just lay in bed all day. You have unlimited access to clean healthy drinking water, you should take advantage of it.

            • 12 months ago

              drinking more than 1l water a day dehydrates you

        • 12 months ago

          I wonder if you've ever been to a doctor to post something like that; they are basically useless in the West

        • 12 months ago

          Doctors are useless pill pushers.

      • 12 months ago

        lack of hydration, caffeine abuse

  3. 12 months ago

    >consume caffeine
    >can't sleep well because caffeine
    >consume even more caffeine
    >sleeps even worse
    See the pattern?

  4. 12 months ago

    what position do you sleep in? do you mouth breathe in your sleep? do you wake up in the middle of the night to piss? do you wake up sweaty as frick? do you consistently sleep at the same time? do you eat soon before sleeping? do you use any device with a screen soon before sleeping? what temperature is it in your room when you go to sleep/throughout the night?

    • 12 months ago

      >what position do you sleep in?
      Random position

      >mouth breathe
      yes, how can i fix that

      >wake up

      no wtf

      >do you sleep same time
      sometimes yes sometimes no, depends on my stress levels

      >soon before sleep
      not really like 2h before bed or 1h max

      >mobile before sleep
      yes always

      >room temp
      im a king in that field cause i put air conditioning and its cold

      • 12 months ago

        >random position
        >yes, how can i fix that
        lie down on your stomach and try to breathe into your diaphragm as far as you can. now, lie down on your back and do the same. the position you sleep in partially dictates your breathing habits. do you mouthbreathe during the day too?

        >sometimes yes sometimes no, depends on my stress levels
        fair enough, but try to keep both sleeping time and wake-up time consistent.

        >not really like 2h before bed or 1h max
        try to limit it to 3 hours before sleep, 2 hours at worst. give your body time to digest your meal, especially if dinner is heavier than the others.

        >yes always
        cut your phone out an hour or so before sleeping, the blue light stressed your body and tells your brain it's day time.

        • 12 months ago

          What does sweaty means??

          • 12 months ago

            it means being sweaty, what's not clear? waking up sweaty means waking up sweaty

      • 12 months ago

        Why do you answer for me?
        Who are you??

    • 12 months ago

      forgot to ask: what does your diet look like?

  5. 12 months ago

    Could be sleep apnea. Get that checked
    Vitamin Bs might help, especially B12
    Iron and Vitamin D3
    Eat less sugar

    • 12 months ago

      >Eat less sugar
      why? i eat lots of carbs

      forgot to ask: what does your diet look like?

      mostly clean but on the weekends i will eat at buffets, but i eat clean there aswell (more food tho)

      normal day of dieting:

      french toast: egg whites and bread

      chicken wrap with lettuce

      same 2 hours later

      cod and rice and veggies

      oats and protein shake before bed

      my diet is really good. work enviroment is stressful but i work only weekend and video edit on weekdays.

      i used to lift 6 times a week and lowered it to 3. it did help i was worse a month ago.

      I drink 4 shots of espresso per day

      that pretty much it. im around 15% bf if that helps

      • 12 months ago

        lots of carbs != lots of sugar
        Drops in blood sugar cause tiredness. Insulin response to fast release sugar, blah blah blah look it up

      • 12 months ago

        carbs make you tired. i'm not keto, i get about 70-100g of carbs a day, but i eat high fat high protein. it helped me be less tired while still having enough carbs to fuel my cycling and workouts.
        >french toast: egg whites and bread
        egg yolks are fricking AMAZING. so many vitamins and minerals. dw about the cholesterol either, as it's been proven to not raise blood cholesterol. thus, try to integrate egg yolks into your diet. it also helps with digesting egg whites. i'm not sure why it works that way, but it does.
        try to not eat that many meals a day, it's okay to eat more less often, as you're constantly bombarding your digestive system with food and it has no time to properly absorb all nutrients. it also forces your body to allocate a shitton of energy into digestion rather than cognitive ability and physical tasks.
        >im around 15% bf if that helps
        body fat is great, it should mean you have plenty of energy.
        >I drink 4 shots of espresso per day
        at what time do you drink coffee?

  6. 12 months ago

    man this fricking thread its unironically redditors giving advice with doctors and shit.

    did we get raided by reddit or something?

  7. 12 months ago

    holy shit yall all retarted

    caffeine blocks your adenosine receptors, and when it wears off you instanly get tired as the adenosine is being absorbed (also known as a caffeine crash)

    so what do you morons do? drink moar caffeine to block adenosine and then you get tired again 4 hours later

    stop drinking caffeine for a week until your body gets its shit back together, and then drink less of it and only after 2h+ of waking up, so adenosine has time to be absorbed in the mornings

  8. 12 months ago


  9. 12 months ago

    No, coffee isn't good for you.

  10. 12 months ago

    I will quit coffee I will I will I will

    already quit weed and nicotine

    I will get my resting heart rate down
    I will lower my blood pressure
    I will drastically improve my cardio

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