eat your meat and veggies, buddeh

eat your meat and veggies, buddeh

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago
    Circumcised dicks are ugly

    No. Never. Vegetables are bad for you. They are literal poison and should avoided at all costs.

    • 4 months ago

      >1 leaf of lettuce on the side of skin on chicken thighs with cheese and oil

      • 4 months ago

        no oil, but potatoes, carrots, yellow bell peppers and onion+garlic

    • 4 months ago

      That's nice honey, now open up! Here comes the airplane full of yummy broccoli!

      • 4 months ago

        if vegetables were good for you they would taste good. the less toxic vegetables taste not as bad but still not good.

        • 4 months ago

          Pizza and ice cream must be VERY good for me then!

        • 4 months ago

          Pizza and ice cream must be VERY good for me then!

          > intuitive diabetes

        • 4 months ago

          I always liked vegetables tho. Even brussel sprouts.

      • 4 months ago

        The sulforaphanes in cruciferous veggies like broccoli randomly destroy your cells when you eat them. That’s how they protect themselves from being eaten by bugs.

        >1 leaf of lettuce on the side of skin on chicken thighs with cheese and oil

        Did you know that you have to limit the amount of kale that goats eat? More than like a pound or so a day will kill them. But goats can eat as much poison ivy as they want. They love the taste of poison ivy.

        • 4 months ago

          No wonder you’re a spastic moron; you didn’t eat any vegetables lmao

          • 4 months ago
            Circumcised dicks are ugly

            If you're trying to argue for hormesis, then all that needs to be said is "the dose makes the poison".

            • 4 months ago

              I’m trying to argue that you’re a moron and a homosexual and I’m doing a pretty good job

        • 4 months ago

          >That’s how they protect themselves from being eaten by bugs.
          homie are you a bug?

          • 4 months ago
            Circumcised dicks are ugly

            The same logic still applies to humans, dipshit, along with any other animal. Stop being stupid.

    • 4 months ago

      post it

  2. 4 months ago

    hehe Balsamic Vin

  3. 4 months ago

    chicken parm?

  4. 4 months ago

    >12 eggs a day
    >2 cups of coffee
    >1 bowl of whole milk yoghurt with a generous amount of honey mixed in
    Call me satisfied. All I would add is maybe a couple cigarettes every so often.

    • 4 months ago

      Cool man you’re a vegetarian smoker. Ask me how I know you’re frail as frick

  5. 4 months ago
    Circumcised dicks are ugly


    That's nice honey, now open up! Here comes the airplane full of yummy broccoli!

    Funny that you mention children. Did you know that the reason why kids hate vegetables is because they instinctually know they're bad them? Babies, with nothing more than their instincts, know that vegetables are poison. Try thinking before you speak next time.

    • 4 months ago

      > “Ew, this thing is bitter! I don’t wanna eat it!”
      Better make sure I load ‘em up with it! The ~~*food industry*~~ and big vegetable must hang.

    • 4 months ago

      Good shitpost.

      • 4 months ago
        Circumcised dicks are ugly

        Dumbass, it's a fricking fact. You can't seriously be this stupid.

        • 4 months ago

          Rule 1 of posting bait: Never acknowledge the people claiming your post is bait. Come on man, this is amateur level stuff.

          • 4 months ago
            Circumcised dicks are ugly

            It's not bait, you moronic homosexual. You're trying too hard.

            • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago
                Circumcised dicks are ugly


      • 4 months ago

        Why would nature make any animal disgusted by the food that is supposedly “good” for it, you dumb frick? Are you saying we’re the only species that needs a government issued food pyramid chart to tell us what foods to eat? Holy shit you are a fricking hopeless NPC

        • 4 months ago

          Look at OP pretending to like this fricking vegetable slop, cucking out and miserably forcing down his peasant turnips with a fake smile. Vegetables are the worst mass enslavement psyop in human history. It literally trains people to go against their instincts and eat disgusting shit food that they hate. Pretending to like vegetables doesn’t make you a “mature adult” you brainwashed homo

          It isn't contrarian and it isn't shitposting. People simply need to be informed about the dangers of vegetables and accept that plants are bad for us.
          Agreed. It sounds so fricking dumb and childish.

          Yum yum YUM! I cannot get enough vegetables. I crave them. They’re so YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY for my TUMNY TUMMY TUMMY!

          Who’s a big boy?? You are! Mmm yummy.. look how yummy! Have a little bite, you’ll see!

          • 4 months ago
            Circumcised dicks are ugly

            God, what a shit insult. Come up with something better, frickhead.

            Kids instinctively know chicken nuggets fried in onions oil is good for them. That's why they like it so much

            Bad argument. It's because it doesn't taste like shit and they recognize it as meat. Stop being stupid.

            • 4 months ago

              French fries are good for you. Kids like them, it’s natural instinct. So following the toddler diet, we have:
              >chicken nuggets (fried)
              >french fries
              >ice cream
              >fruit juice

              Am I missing anything? I can’t wait to see how good I look and feel on the natural human diet

              • 4 months ago
                Circumcised dicks are ugly

                Again, you're failing to grasp the argument at hand and you're not making any good points. Stop acting like what you're saying is a massive "gotcha" when in it isn't.

                Picky eaters are the worst. It’s actual autism. Kids don’t hate vegetables and I’m not sure where you’ve gathered your intel on this subject comes from because you’ve clearly never had sex so you obviously don’t have kids of your own

                >Kids don’t hate vegetables
                The literally DO hate them, as they're biologically wired to recognize that vegetables are literally toxic to eat. Stop being dumb. You are not correct in any way, shape, or form. Stop thinking that you are.

              • 4 months ago

                >im right because I said so
                I think you’re actually malding right now and not just baiting for (you)’s.

                Eat some broccoli to help alleviate your autism bro

              • 4 months ago
                Circumcised dicks are ugly

                >im right because I said so
                Yes. 🙂

                >I think you’re actually malding right now
                Projection at it's finest.

                >Eat some broccoli to help alleviate your autism bro
                It's funny, because vegetables actually make you dumb and cause things like brain fog, inability to concentrate, decreases your ability to retain and understand information, etc., and they does this through their toxic defense chemicals that get released into your body when you eat them. Read a fricking book on botany, homosexual. You should stop eating vegetables, the toxins are clearly poisoning your brain and making it so you can't thinking clearly.

              • 4 months ago

                >children intuitively dislike vegetables because they’re bad for you
                >children intuitively dislike foods that are bad for you
                >following the logic, foods children intuitively like must be good for you
                >kids intuitively like junk food
                >junk food is good for you
                The logic is airtight, senpai. You either accept the conclusion or discard your original premise

              • 4 months ago

                But you’re making absolutely no attempt to refute anything; your main thrust seems to be, ‘yeah but you’re wrong’. Why the frick do you care so much anyway? You seem autistic

              • 4 months ago

                It actually is. Sugar being bad for your health is a big corp lie to sell you overpriced crap.
                Your brain literally runs on sugar. It makes your brain works faster and therefore makes you smarter.

                Food like french fries help your articulations because of oil

              • 4 months ago

                >Sugar being bad for your health is a big corp lie to sell you overpriced crap.
                For example, it's no surprise that coca-cola zero is chilled so much. It's more expensive than the (healthy)normal Coca

              • 4 months ago
                Circumcised dicks are ugly

                Your brain primarily runs on ketones, frickwit, and will only resort to using glucose as a secondary energy source.

                I’m trying to argue that you’re a moron and a homosexual and I’m doing a pretty good job

                Oh, frick, you just completely fricking owned me with that one, bro! How will I ever recover? Anyway...

              • 4 months ago

                The point of the debate isn’t to change your mind, it’s to make you sound moronic and gay to people reading the exchange.

              • 4 months ago
                Circumcised dicks are ugly

                Well, you're doing a very bad job of it and you're simply making yourself sound like the drooling moron that you are.

                But you’re making absolutely no attempt to refute anything; your main thrust seems to be, ‘yeah but you’re wrong’. Why the frick do you care so much anyway? You seem autistic

                I'll fricking respond to you homosexuals however the frick I feel like responding. I don't have to come up with any "actual arguments". If I want simply call you a moronic frickhead and tell you you're wrong and I'm right, then that's exactly what I'm gonna do. Get over it, pussy. I don't have to play by your arbitrary rules. have a nice day, b***h.

                >Your brain primarily runs on ketones, frickwit, and will only resort to using glucose as a secondary energy source.
                Then why do my brain became so faster when I started my sugar-only diet?
                I feel like a supermachine

                >Then why do my brain became so faster when I started my sugar-only diet?
                It didn't. You're simply having a sugar and are confusing it for something else.

              • 4 months ago

                >Your brain primarily runs on ketones, frickwit, and will only resort to using glucose as a secondary energy source.
                Then why do my brain became so faster when I started my sugar-only diet?
                I feel like a supermachine

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah I'm sure no one ate vegetables before the government made some pyramid chart

    • 4 months ago

      Kids instinctively know chicken nuggets fried in onions oil is good for them. That's why they like it so much

      • 4 months ago

        And candy too. Candy is REALLY good for you, if it were up to the toddler he or she would eat nothing but. After all, toddlers and babies know what’s best for them 🙂

        • 4 months ago

          Sugar is needed by the body, that’s why we crave it, it’s just that candy provides sugar in abundance rather than in the scarcity of nature. Look how hard you’re coping to defend eating food that you don’t even like. You’re mentally ill. You should be glad to find out you can finally stop forcing yourself to eat this shit and just enjoy meat and carbs from now on.

      • 4 months ago
        Circumcised dicks are ugly

        And candy too. Candy is REALLY good for you, if it were up to the toddler he or she would eat nothing but. After all, toddlers and babies know what’s best for them 🙂

        Also, it's a shit argument because we're specifically talking about babies instinctually recognizing that VEGETABLES in particular are bad for them.

        • 4 months ago

          Picky eaters are the worst. It’s actual autism. Kids don’t hate vegetables and I’m not sure where you’ve gathered your intel on this subject comes from because you’ve clearly never had sex so you obviously don’t have kids of your own

        • 4 months ago

          Post your body or frick off tripgay. If you post a meme then we can all assume you are a fat ketotard

  6. 4 months ago

    I eat veggies on top of sweet slop to soften glucose spikes

    Also scrambled eggs with chopped canned tomatoes are great to have that extra sourness

    • 4 months ago

      lol i thought i was the only one that did this. its works, if i ate a pound of broccoli before a box of cinnamon taost crunch, i didnt get any fatness at all.

  7. 4 months ago

    You are such a stupid mark. Forcing yourself to eat vegetables and pretend you “like” it because you were lied to and believe they’re “healthy”. The carnivore diet has disproved the health claims of plant based food for many years now. It’s literally just fiver, toxins and anti-nutrients. That shit you posted looks fricking disgusting you loser. A cheeseburger would be healthier for you and better for gains.

    • 4 months ago

      Just fiber, toxins and anti nutrients*

  8. 4 months ago

    Look at OP pretending to like this fricking vegetable slop, cucking out and miserably forcing down his peasant turnips with a fake smile. Vegetables are the worst mass enslavement psyop in human history. It literally trains people to go against their instincts and eat disgusting shit food that they hate. Pretending to like vegetables doesn’t make you a “mature adult” you brainwashed homo

  9. 4 months ago

    This anti vegetable stuff is a whole new level of contrarian shitposting. Amazing.

    • 4 months ago
      Circumcised dicks are ugly

      It isn't contrarian and it isn't shitposting. People simply need to be informed about the dangers of vegetables and accept that plants are bad for us.

      stop saying veggies

      Agreed. It sounds so fricking dumb and childish.

    • 4 months ago

      found the smelly vegan tofu eating fudge packer.

  10. 4 months ago

    stop saying veggies

  11. 4 months ago

    >not being an eggitarian

  12. 4 months ago

    Literally no person on this board eats cleaner than me. I pity all of you

    • 4 months ago

      Share a typical meal/day/week as your time or patience allows? Always wanting to learn from my betters

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah...look *lights up a cig*...when you're dealing with food, and let's face it, we're talking about food here, you have to consider the whole picture. "Look beyond" I always say. Aight gotta bounce, stay honest.

        • 4 months ago


          Well, you're doing a very bad job of it and you're simply making yourself sound like the drooling moron that you are.

          I'll fricking respond to you homosexuals however the frick I feel like responding. I don't have to come up with any "actual arguments". If I want simply call you a moronic frickhead and tell you you're wrong and I'm right, then that's exactly what I'm gonna do. Get over it, pussy. I don't have to play by your arbitrary rules. have a nice day, b***h.

          >Then why do my brain became so faster when I started my sugar-only diet?
          It didn't. You're simply having a sugar and are confusing it for something else.

          Still waiting for your response here

          >children intuitively dislike vegetables because they’re bad for you
          >children intuitively dislike foods that are bad for you
          >following the logic, foods children intuitively like must be good for you
          >kids intuitively like junk food
          >junk food is good for you
          The logic is airtight, senpai. You either accept the conclusion or discard your original premise


          • 4 months ago
            Circumcised dicks are ugly

            Nope, your logic doesn't work and you're strawmanning me. My point was that children don't like vegetables specifically and only vegetables specifically, because they're able to tell that vegetables are bad. They're not able to tell that all that other shit is bad, mostly due in part to the fact that the taste masks the badness. Your argument was shit. Don't ever make another shit argument again.

            And again, I'll fricking respond to you homosexuals however the frick I feel like responding. I don't have to come up with any "actual arguments". If I want to simply call you a moronic frickhead and tell you you're wrong and I'm right, then that's exactly what I'm gonna do. Get over it, pussy. I don't have to play by your arbitrary rules. have a nice day, b***h.

            I'm the winner of this argument. I win, you lose. Deal with it. I accept your concession.

            • 4 months ago

              You sure do get butthurt in a lot of threads. It's kinda fricking gay.

              • 4 months ago

                i wouldnt be surprised if that guy is kam. same level of delusion and schizoid shouting

              • 4 months ago

                ur a reject who's obsessed with me
                i'm not your mother
                i'm not your father
                you are hated by women
                have a nice day n make it messy

            • 4 months ago

              Oh.. so what you’re saying is that a child’s attraction to certain foods isn’t necessarily indicative of how healthy or unhealthy those foods are?

              If that’s true, then the inverse also has to be true. A child’s aversion to foods based on their taste is also not necessarily indicative of how good or bad those foods are for you.

              But bro keep the seething dissertations coming, please

  13. 4 months ago

    This homosexual sure is getting around a lot the past few days. Must be one of the <insert cult diet>schizos.

    • 4 months ago

      invented this diet myself,
      its called eggs&oatz and meat&veg

      • 4 months ago
        Circumcised dicks are ugly

        drop the oats and vegetables, just eat eggs and meat and butter

  14. 4 months ago
    Circumcised dicks are ugly

    Don't eat vegetables, double the meat.
    Vegetables are poison, a israeli trick. They don't contain any nutritional value and just serve to make you sick.

    • 4 months ago

      carrots my my skin nicer, yellow bell pepper have lots of vit c and i like potatoes as carb source
      post dick, i have a feeling its ugly

      drop the oats and vegetables, just eat eggs and meat and butter

      dont tell me what to do, tripgay

      • 4 months ago
        Circumcised dicks are ugly

        carb sources are poison sources, you dont need them. you can live to 100 without them
        they dont help your skin thats a israeli lie you fell for
        dont mock me for using a trip i had to because of zog golems like you harassing and impersonating me

        • 4 months ago

          >had to trip because I get harassed and impersonated

          Holy shit, way to out yourself even more as the NEET homosexual you clearly are. If you are screeching into the void on an anonymous image board frequently enough that people can begin to recognize and mock you from style alone, that is entirely a you problem. Go touch grass, for frick sake.

  15. 4 months ago

    I miss when trolls were at least interesting or funny, now they're just deliberately moronic. Very low brow.

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