
Sugar keeps your energy up and your appetite down

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  1. 12 months ago

    Big if true

  2. 12 months ago


  3. 12 months ago

    >literal propaganda

  4. 12 months ago

    okay moron

  5. 12 months ago

    >according to this sugar company, sugar is good for you
    Stop the muh fuggin' presses.

    • 12 months ago

      >according to this keto/carnivore diet salesman, carbs are bad for you
      what did they mean by this

      • 12 months ago

        >keto out of nowhere
        have a nice day Moxyte

        • 12 months ago

          >have a nice day Moxyte

  6. 12 months ago

    i fricking love the cookie diet

  7. 12 months ago

    just had 300 grams of sugar today.
    frick keto and frick the israelites

    • 12 months ago

      I made black bean brownies today and they had like 80g of sugar

      but also like 50g of fiber and 50g+ of protein, shit was cash

  8. 12 months ago

    How the hell was this stuff legal to advertise?

    • 12 months ago

      The US government has sterilized, experimented on, and killed its own citizens.

      Advertising sugar as a good thing in the age of asbestos, leaded gasoline, and no EPA doesn’t seem that much of a stretch.

      • 12 months ago

        plot twist, those "citizens" were nearly all black or irish

        • 12 months ago

          They’ve done it to everyone you racist c**t

      • 12 months ago

        >The US government has sterilized, experimented on, and killed its own citizens.

        One time they asked Australia's government if they could test nerve gas an Australian soldiers doing training ops in Australia.

  9. 12 months ago

    It's kinda true though. If you're feeling really hungry you can just drink a can of soda and the need for food goes away for a few hours. It's clearly not healthy but it works.

  10. 12 months ago

    >eat energy to gain energy
    >eat muscle to gain muscle
    >eat fat to gain fat
    it's literally so simple but people refuse to listen

  11. 12 months ago

    The fat you eat is the fat you wear. Sugar even as pure table sugar cannot become adipose tissue as readily as dietary fat, that’s a fact. Carbs are more metabolically expensive then fat, you can lose weight easily on a high carb very low fat diet. Potatoes as a pure carb source are more satiating per calorie than any pure fat source. The insulin obesity model has been disproven for years. Blood sugar instability is not the reason why you feel like shit, if that were the case why not just continually have sugar? Sugar rush and crashes are also myth.

    • 12 months ago

      I don't understand why lards care so much about blood sugar spikes when it relates to eating food
      All that matters is the range of your blood sugar measurement over a period of 24h

      If you eat a food that spikes your blood sugar but then returns to baseline quickly after you are not actually at any risk of contracting diabetes lol

      type 2 diabetes is just obesity: the disease
      obesity causes insulin resistance which makes it harder to regulate blood sugar

      • 12 months ago

        >I don't understand why lards care so much about blood sugar spikes when it relates to eating food
        All that matters is the range of your blood sugar measurement over a period of 24h
        Because they eat large portions many times per day

      • 12 months ago

        type 2 diabetes is insulin resistance. high blood sugar causes your body to release lots of insulin to deal with it. big doses of insulin cause resistance over time.

        • 12 months ago

          >big doses of insulin cause resistance over time.

        • 12 months ago

          Insulin does not cause diabetes. Constant high blood sugar causes diabetes. Dietary fat and body fat blocks insulin signalling leading to blood sugars staying elevated for longer periods of time.

          • 12 months ago

            what do you think the body releases to deal with high blood sugar that diabetics have to inject?

            >big doses of insulin cause resistance over time.

            ok buddy, i’m sure the processes in your body care about daily averages

            • 12 months ago

              high insulin does not cause everyone to get diabetes

            • 12 months ago

              Insulin, I earnestly would like to hear your explanation as to how you’ve come to the conclusion that insulin itself is what causes insulin resistance.

              • 12 months ago

                via the same process that your body builds up resistance to anything. think about building caffeine or nicotine resistance.

                the insulin levels of diabetics are normal for the level of blood glucose they have, so why do they have to inject it?

                i’m honestly a bit baffled this is a contentious point, i tried to google it in case i’m full of shit and e.g. the CDC has a single page about type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance and basically does not discriminate between those two terms.

                insulin resistance is a complete meme
                show me one instance ever of a man under 15% bodyfat having type 2 diabetes

                auschwitz tier people can get diabetes too if they’re sedentary, this is not directly related to obesity itself though it obviously often goes hand in hand. now a fit person can and must consume a lot of calories because the body actually needs that glucose. the body will always work hard to get the blood sugar level down, which is a lot easier when that energy is needed.

              • 12 months ago

                ...Thats not the point we are arguing, insulin resistance is not caused by excess insulin. Your body physiologically cannot become resistant to insulin, the way it becomes resistant to a drug like nicotine or caffeine, that is some of the wildest logic I've ever heard. Google "what causes insulin resistance". Hint its not insulin, its being fat, dietary fat, and being inactive. Why do you think athletes can eat mountains of food, have sky high insulin levels all day long, and be fine?

              • 12 months ago

                yes, you’re right, i mixed up some poster’s responses into one. about the causes of the resistance: you can google it too and will read that the causes for insulin resistance are not clear, so your theory is as good as mine. i don’t think your assertion that athletes have high insulin all day is correct, they probably eat mostly protein which does not cause high blood sugar. and even then, i think when you are not sedentary and your body actually needs the glucose as energy because it is needed by cells insulin does not need to be as high as if you are sedentary and the blood sugar still needs to get stuffed somewhere even though you currently don’t need the energy, but need to get the blood sugar level down.

              • 12 months ago

                >i don’t think your assertion that athletes have high insulin all day is correct, they probably eat mostly protein
                Not that we needed any more proof that you're clueless, but wow.

              • 12 months ago

                i see you have googled it and seen for yourself that the mechanism for insulin resistance is not established

            • 12 months ago

              >what do you think the body releases to deal with high blood sugar that diabetics have to inject?
              If your sink has a clog, what causes the sink to overflow? The clog, or the faucet?

    • 12 months ago

      they hated him because he told the truth
      there's a reason professional bodybuilders eat high amounts of proteins and carbohydrates and low amounts of fat

      • 12 months ago

        It’s funny that the narcissistic meat heads are always ahead of the curve with these things, they were pumping gh way back when as well. Also insulin as a performance enhancer is now being recognized in other sports as a recovery tool.

    • 12 months ago

      Complex carbohydrates and fat are both very satiating. Drinking soda isn't as satiating as drinking milk so we can at least say that simple sugars are garbage.

      • 12 months ago

        Why do you place complex carbohydrates over simple sugars? A potato while spike blood sugar more than table sugar will.
        Milk is an unfair example, its got protein, fat, and carbs so you can't isolate what part of it is actually satiating.
        I don't think soda is good for you obviously, I'm just playing devils advocate here to stimulate some thought.

        • 12 months ago

          A half cup of oats will keep you feeling full for most of the morning. A Twinkie won't. They deliver about the same amount of calories.
          Twinkies even contain protein and fat yet so I feel like it's a fair comparison to oats. The principal difference is the type of carb.
          Table sugars are processed into glucose very quickly while the full digestion of complex carbs takes hours.

          • 12 months ago

            >Table sugars are processed into glucose very quickly while the full digestion of complex carbs takes hours.
            White sugar GI: 65
            Brown sugar GI: 64
            Molasses: 55
            White rice: 74
            Brown rice: 55
            Potatoes: 82+
            Whole wheat bread: 71
            Sweet potato: 94
            pure sugar literally has a relatively low GI lmao

            • 12 months ago

              The Glycemic index may not be the best tool for understanding satiation.
              Fructose and Glucose are both "end goals" for your digestive system. They're both readily absorbed into your blood. If you drink a can of soda you'll feel the sugar high almost instantly despite it being all high fructose corn syrup.

              Fructose doesn't spike your insulin because it's NOT glucose, so it has little to nothing to do with the glycemic index.

          • 12 months ago

            >Table sugars are processed into glucose very quickly while the full digestion of complex carbs takes hours.
            White sugar GI: 65
            Brown sugar GI: 64
            Molasses: 55
            White rice: 74
            Brown rice: 55
            Potatoes: 82+
            Whole wheat bread: 71
            Sweet potato: 94
            pure sugar literally has a relatively low GI lmao

            The real problem is how sugar is not just a carb, it's processed in the liver into fat and interferes with the hunger hormone. That's why murrican children have fatty liver disease, they get bottles of coca cola instead of milk.
            Go look for "sugar the bitter truth", very interesting.

    • 12 months ago

      I don't understand why lards care so much about blood sugar spikes when it relates to eating food
      All that matters is the range of your blood sugar measurement over a period of 24h

      If you eat a food that spikes your blood sugar but then returns to baseline quickly after you are not actually at any risk of contracting diabetes lol

      type 2 diabetes is just obesity: the disease
      obesity causes insulin resistance which makes it harder to regulate blood sugar

      they hated him because he told the truth
      there's a reason professional bodybuilders eat high amounts of proteins and carbohydrates and low amounts of fat

      It’s funny that the narcissistic meat heads are always ahead of the curve with these things, they were pumping gh way back when as well. Also insulin as a performance enhancer is now being recognized in other sports as a recovery tool.

      >literal propaganda

      >according to this sugar company, sugar is good for you
      Stop the muh fuggin' presses.

      And this shit is why I follow intuitive eating along with eyeballing my strength and weight progress in the gym. You can't trust anyone and separate propaganda from correct and from wrong information.

  12. 12 months ago

    insulin resistance is a complete meme
    show me one instance ever of a man under 15% bodyfat having type 2 diabetes

  13. 12 months ago

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