>go to SE Asia. >everyone is trim and healthy looking. >obesity nonexistent

>go to SE Asia
>everyone is trim and healthy looking
>obesity nonexistent
diet: mostly carbs, minimal fat

>return to USA
>diet filled with fat
>lmao 50% obesity

Doesn't this basically disprove keto?

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

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Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    nice try bong

  2. 5 months ago

    Nutrition is more complex than carbs vs fats. By making a post like this you are no better than ketogays. Your an idiot who's trying to look for a miracle cure by dumbing down nutrition to the intake of a single macro nutrient.

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        I'd like to see how well you are versed in my language before trying to act like I'm an idiot again. Or did you forget about the face that the world is bigger than the country you live in?

        • 5 months ago

          Hilarious self-own. Nobody needs to learn your language because your country isn't the best. You learned my language because America is #1.

          • 5 months ago

            NTA, but M8 america is a shit pile. We are the laughing stock of the western world due to our third world problems and dying economy. I was raised to be a patriot, but aside from the golden pockets of old American culture in select rural areas, most of america is fricked at this point, and its hard to be proud of this once great country.

            • 5 months ago

              Nobody in America says "M8."

              Back to remedial Engrish, ESL

            • 5 months ago

              Lol who's laughing

              I bought a bunch of imported sodas once. Stuff like Dr Pepper, 7Up, etc.
              Every single one tasted like god damn cough syrup or some other cold medicine.
              Checked the nutrition label - all of them had high fructose corn syrup.
              How the frick do amerifats even drink whole bottles of that garbage?

              Half of your country lives in poverty, most of the population is fat as frick and you Black folk have africa-tier homicide rates kek.

              And we're better than u

    • 5 months ago

      fructose/lactose/galactose are bad carbs. ~~*healthy*~~ fats are lie. they are all evil. does not matter if its sneed shit pushed by sőjack looking experts or "nourishing""test boosting" shit like lard/tallow/butter. fat you eat is fat you wear with exception of sugar guzzlers and drunkards.

      • 5 months ago

        >fructose/lactose/galactose are bad carbs
        So you are trying to say that the carbs that our ancestors actually ate for millions of years untill agriculture started a few thousand years ago are the bad carbs?

        And the carbs that we've been eating for 2000 years are the good carbs...?

        • 5 months ago

          Uhmm, frick. I never thought about it like that. I just listened to what mr sheckelberg told me. I was just trying to be a good goy.

        • 5 months ago

          >it can't be bad because its old

        • 5 months ago

          People were generally malnourished before agriculture because they had to eat whatever they could find or kill.

          • 5 months ago

            lmao, we actually shrunk in body/brain size because we moved from eating proper food (meat, fat) to living in villages/towns and eating slop grains.

            • 5 months ago

              They didn't shrink because the types of carbs they ate changed. They shrank because populations could now support a class of people like slaves/servants who ate like shit because they were poor.

              Modern Western societies have similar heights to hunter gatherers because they can eat a diet with enough protein.

              • 5 months ago

                >Modern Western societies have similar heights to hunter gatherers because they can eat a diet with enough protein.
                Actually it's steroids in dairy products annihilating their hormones but sure

        • 5 months ago

          Processed food is the problem.
          See Weston Price.
          Imagine trying to find bread as a hunter
          gatherer. You can't. It's unnatural.

      • 5 months ago

        Been doing keto for literally years and I haven’t heard of any of these people

    • 5 months ago

      >Nutrition is more complex than carbs vs fats
      It's as simple as CICO tho

      • 5 months ago

        No nutrition is more complex. Weight loss is as simple as CICO. Nutrition, and proper eating for gains is not the same as weight loss, and gets fairly complex if you want tobr “optimal”

        • 5 months ago

          >gets fairly complex if you want tobr “optimal”
          its piss easy

          >eat vegetables
          >eat fruit
          >avoid fat

  3. 5 months ago

    I went to Beijing a few years ago.
    Even though most men were manlets, I have not seen a single obese.
    Everyone was fit.
    Pretty impressive, I realized how nightmarish the people are here in the West.

    • 5 months ago

      You mean thin or scrawny

    • 5 months ago

      I lived in Beijing for a bit, and you're very wrong. They are all skinny fat. Fitness is hardly a thing is china, though it's getting more popular mostly amongst the wealthier. Most people are skinny but have pooch bellies full of visceral fat from downing baijiu all day and smoking ciggies constantly.

      It's just cico. And if you eat lots of carbs without sufficient protein and muscle stimulation, you'll end up skinny fat.

  4. 5 months ago

    They’re starving, moron

    • 5 months ago

      They're not starving, they're about normal. Your perception of normal weight is screwed due to being American/western.

      • 5 months ago

        They’re all scrawny midgets dude, they’re weak as frick and not at all hardy people.

        • 5 months ago

          They don't need to be strong though their country is high trust and generally lacking poopskins who start shit

          • 5 months ago

            So we need Black folk to be strong, id rather be strong

      • 5 months ago

        My sister dated an Asian guy for a while and she used to make him arm wrestle her as a party thing. He never won, my sister isn't fat but she's also not swole, just does cardio daily and girl weights like 2x a week. Yeah ideas of thin/fat are swayed by American perception, but so is the idea of how strong a person should be.

        • 5 months ago

          Strong enough to frick your sister HA HA HA HA HA

    • 5 months ago

      Lol no. People in Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia etc are eating three big meals a day at least. In fact they probably spend like 4 hours a day just eating.

  5. 5 months ago

    I know this is keto bait but the major part of the difference is best on lifestyle rather than diet I believe. Most SE Asian countries have people leading very active lives. Huge pedestrian culture and also some amount of cycling (less now than back then with advent of scooters/motorbikes).
    Also lol @ minimal fat. You're talking about folks that suckle at collagen rich bone broth based males and stewed meats...Just because you can't visibly identify the fat in their meals doesn't make them devoid of it. It's in most of their hot meals, but it's usually animal fat as opposed to butters. Nowadays they cook a lot more with oils though. They will catch up if they don't watch it tbh.

    But to reiterate my point, they're way more active than the average American.

    • 5 months ago

      cope. its fat. always was.

      • 5 months ago

        >170 x 9 = 1560 calories daily from fat
        I don't buy that. Is thst Austria?
        People look good over there, but I find hard to believe they're esting that much fat.

        • 5 months ago

          perhaps they are going into low carb territory. this with some activity can too result in not being kind of slim.

      • 5 months ago

        If you made the same chart with daily grams of protein or carbs you'd see the same trend. It's a volume issue.

      • 5 months ago

        >grams of fat
        >not percentage of calories from fat
        You are a dumb Black person. Please learn how to capitalize before posting your uninformed opinions.

    • 5 months ago

      I think a lot of it is that Asians
      >culture of shaking fatties
      >eating a lot less
      >are generally broke and can’t afford good food
      >genetically have a harder time getting fat
      >eat nothing substantial
      They’re also much more likely to get diabetes genetically. I have spent quite a bit of time in China for example, and I lost a lot of weight because they see a 300 calorie bowl of noodles as a large meal

      • 5 months ago

        South korea and japan are significantly lower than the US (7 and 6% compared with over 10%). China is comparable with the US but fractionally lower

        • 5 months ago

          I’m not talking about the prevalence of diabetes in their nations, I’m talking about their risk for becoming diabetic
          Sorry for the gay link, it’s just the most comprehensive I could find

      • 5 months ago

        >people can satisfy themselves on 300 calories worth of carbs
        >amerifats can't make the connection that fat is driving their insatiable appetites

        IST really can't understand basic biology

        • 5 months ago

          Ever hear of an Eskimo? Your diet advice is moronic, doesn’t take genetics into account, and you should kys

          • 5 months ago

            Yeah I've heard of Eskimo Joe he's a lot happier than real Eskimos that only exist to be bullied or coddled by white gods

  6. 5 months ago

    >go anywhere not seppostan
    >eat normal human portions
    >people not fat
    >go seppostan
    >a normal portion would serve 3
    >people fat because [insert arbitrary macro here]

    • 5 months ago

      >Fat drives the hunger drive.

      Carbs are satisfying but mixed with fat they become crack.

      Humans are animals and slaves to their biology. Fat + carbs is a rare food combo that triggers binge eating. Fat is also preferentially stored as fat before lipogenesis from carbs occurs with a 30% conversion loss.

      The more you Americans ignore this the fatter you will become. It's a comedy watching you balloon up and constantly engaging in starve-binge cycles simply because you refuse to acknowledge your biology. What a stupid people.

      • 5 months ago

        Kek you’ll be joining us soon enough eurohomosexual


  7. 5 months ago

    they’re also all low test bugs, remember that.

  8. 5 months ago

    Been to Taiwan and Japan. Most people are thin to skinnyfat, there are a few obvious athletes (who are also usually taller), ottermode is somewhat, and occasionally you see a completely spherical Asian girl (her life must be brutal). People do exercise but it's mainly stuff like Tai Chi and team sports (baseball particularly). There are a lot of gyms with weights, some people are big, but I haven't seen anyone there to rival the size of some people I've seen in UK gyms, both heightwise and masswise. However, I only visited one gym 2-3 times in Taiwan, and none in Japan. Weight training seems to only be popular among the zoom generation.
    I'm not sure I'd characterise either diet as minimal fat as while they do eat a lot of rice, noodles and bready things (bao and dumplings) they deep fry a lot and use a lot of oils. The food there is not particularly healthy, they just eat small portions. Characterising them as fit and diet conscious is not accurate to what I saw.

    • 5 months ago

      >I'm not sure I'd characterise either diet as minimal fat
      Small portions =/= minimal fat
      >they deep fry a lot and use a lot of oils
      I only ever see that with street food. They eat a metric ton of stir-fry veggies with again, minimal oil.

      Americans once again can't put two together in that fat drives hunger. Remove the fat and you stop with the moron binge cycles. Fat is an unnecessary food macro with all sources being near zero nutrition.

      you don't need:
      >animal fats
      >sneed oil
      >extra virgin olive oil

      All fats are poor nutrition and promote obesity. All fats cannot satisfy the hunger drive. You can disagree but you're coping. Vietnam will continue to enjoy 1.5% obesity while Americans are 85% obesity or overweight. Absolute clown shit.

      • 5 months ago
  9. 5 months ago


  10. 5 months ago

    >You're not gonna believe this. He leg pressed 1000lbs. Guy was a bodybuilder.

    >His squat looked like shit.

  11. 5 months ago

    they have walkable cities and higher quality less-processed food

  12. 5 months ago

    As a non american, I can say that american snacks are vomit inducing. I like sweets, but holly fricking shit, american food are insanelly full of sugar and unhealthy ingredients.
    It is unreal, how can you even eat this kind of food regularly?

    • 5 months ago

      With a shot of insulin.

    • 5 months ago

      It's actually disgusting aye, went to yankland with a mate and grabbed a powerade at a dairy thinking it'd taste like NZ Powerade, nope, shit was revolting never had anything so sweet in my life, ditched it in the bin after two sips

    • 5 months ago

      Its mindboggling, they even add sugar to the fricking bread lmao.

    • 5 months ago

      I bought a bunch of imported sodas once. Stuff like Dr Pepper, 7Up, etc.
      Every single one tasted like god damn cough syrup or some other cold medicine.
      Checked the nutrition label - all of them had high fructose corn syrup.
      How the frick do amerifats even drink whole bottles of that garbage?

      Hilarious self-own. Nobody needs to learn your language because your country isn't the best. You learned my language because America is #1.

      Half of your country lives in poverty, most of the population is fat as frick and you Black folk have africa-tier homicide rates kek.

      • 5 months ago

        I’m not a big fan of soda or candy tbh. I’ll tolerate a reese’s peanut butter which at least tastes like it’s just low-quality peanut butter. Soda is gross tbh. Juice is pretty good, but often artificially flavored here. Better to squeeze your own.

        • 5 months ago

          My biggest letdown was when I tasted the chocolate you guys have over there. Everyone was hyping Reese's up to me, but it just tastes like average quality chocolate. Nothing could compare to Lindt or Milka. Despite the amount and variety of goyslop you guys have over there, all of it tastes pretty bland.

    • 5 months ago

      Nothing should be sweeter than honey

  13. 5 months ago

    I don't get the obsession with trying to disprove keto, keto works through CICO just the same and losing weight is good for your health signatures. There's some nuances like gut health, energy for exercise, and inflammation but there's ways to adapt keto in a non-moronic way. People in asia do more regular activity, manual labor, in general eat less, alongside less meat since it's a luxury.

  14. 5 months ago

    it's humid as frick there don't want to be fat when it's like that

  15. 5 months ago

    >majority too poor to own a vehicle
    >have to walk 20 miles to and from their 12 hours shift at the sweat shop
    >too poor to afford quality meat and processed foods
    >survive off 1000 calories of unseasoned rice, mushrooms, fish, and pickled vegetables

  16. 5 months ago

    All diet discourse is fake and gay.

    It's been all figured out for thousands of years.

    Active people who don't eat much are lean. If activities involve using strength they naturally have more muscle.

    Inactive people who eat too much are fat. 20% fat, 40% I don't care.

    All arguments about a diet is just COPE for people who aren't HONEST with themselves. They want something else to be THE CAUSE.

    • 5 months ago

      >don't eat a diet that is biologically correct for your species (fatty food)
      85% of Americans = overweight obese
      >eat a diet that is biologically correct for your species (carbs and low fat)
      1.5% overweight/obese t. Vietnam

      In fact, it is YOU moron who keeps peddling this bill of goods about CICO that has doomed your moron country.

      • 5 months ago

        I'm not an Ameristani nor do I care about ameristanian fatness.

        I eat lard, chicken's skin, butter, sunflower oil, nuts and seeds, not-sol-lean ground beef etc. I enjoy the fattest curd, sour cream and milk I can find, too. I'm not fat because I move. I walk, swim, run. I can eat all the fat I want.

        Your post is gay. "CICO" is a gay word too. You're gay.

        • 5 months ago

          Checkmate moron

  17. 5 months ago

    Nutrition isn't a settled science because it literally doesn't matter.
    The reason why americans are so fricking fat is because they don't move around, SE asians actually work manual labor and walk around.
    You're fat because you're a lazy slob not because of what you eat.

    • 5 months ago

      >they don't move around,
      the construction workers in America are fat

      The athletes that eat fat are all fat.

      The physicians are fat.

      Everyone who eats fat is fat.

      • 5 months ago

        >the construction workers in America are fat
        >drive 2 hours in a car to your work site
        >spend 8 hours sitting in a forklift
        >drive 2 hours back home
        Yeah, I wonder why they are fat.
        >The athletes that eat fat are all fat.
        I've never seen a fat athlete whose sport includes moving around.
        >The physicians are fat
        That's not a job that requires moving around, they just read theory and parrot talking points.
        >Everyone who eats fat is fat.

        • 5 months ago

          I worked at Amazon.

          They spent 8 hours lifting thousands of boxes many 45 lbs + and powerwalking 10 miles of warehouse.

          Still obese.

          • 5 months ago

            inferior whiteoid genetics

            • 5 months ago

              >he said in English

              • 5 months ago

                youre fat

    • 5 months ago

      >the construction workers in America are fat
      >drive 2 hours in a car to your work site
      >spend 8 hours sitting in a forklift
      >drive 2 hours back home
      Yeah, I wonder why they are fat.
      >The athletes that eat fat are all fat.
      I've never seen a fat athlete whose sport includes moving around.
      >The physicians are fat
      That's not a job that requires moving around, they just read theory and parrot talking points.
      >Everyone who eats fat is fat.

      This may come as a shock to you, but people in SEA work the same jobs as in the west with the same levels of activity and intensity. There is literally zero difference.
      There's retail workers who sit and stand around for 6-8 hours a day. Office wagies who sit down for 8 hours a day. Construction workers who only do a few hours of actual work, rest of the time they are sitting around smoking.
      The biggest is they don't stuff their face with takeaway goyslop during lunch break.

      • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago

          no argument?

          • 5 months ago

            It's beneath me

  18. 5 months ago

    Fat makes people fat it's just fat americans being contrarians. One of the most beloved weight loss experts in America was Robert Atkins who died 260lbs with hypertension and heart disease. I've seen americans claim hypertension doesn't exist.

    keep in mind the official medical report is buried by AMERICAN search engine algorithm so you have to dig to find it. Trying to cope by claiming it's fake doesn't work because he did debates a couple years before his death and he was obese in those too. He claimed it was just because he's old 🙁

    • 5 months ago

      The way the report leaked was some rival of his just asked for it lol.

      • 5 months ago


        Fat makes people fat it's just fat americans being contrarians. One of the most beloved weight loss experts in America was Robert Atkins who died 260lbs with hypertension and heart disease. I've seen americans claim hypertension doesn't exist.

        keep in mind the official medical report is buried by AMERICAN search engine algorithm so you have to dig to find it. Trying to cope by claiming it's fake doesn't work because he did debates a couple years before his death and he was obese in those too. He claimed it was just because he's old 🙁

        And here's the heart problems he hid from the people he was grifting.
        >"MI" for myocardial infarction, "CHF" for congestive heart failure, and "HTN" for hypertension

        Basically, you're a fricking moron if you keep falling for his grift to this day. Only in America can a fatass lard fricker become a beloved diet expert. Hopefully he's burning in hell, extra hot with his lard.

        • 5 months ago


          The way the report leaked was some rival of his just asked for it lol.


          Fat makes people fat it's just fat americans being contrarians. One of the most beloved weight loss experts in America was Robert Atkins who died 260lbs with hypertension and heart disease. I've seen americans claim hypertension doesn't exist.

          keep in mind the official medical report is buried by AMERICAN search engine algorithm so you have to dig to find it. Trying to cope by claiming it's fake doesn't work because he did debates a couple years before his death and he was obese in those too. He claimed it was just because he's old 🙁

          Lastly, this is him when he was allegedly "healthy" according to his cultists. Fat frick debating 3 lean doctors about how vegetables make you fat. Only in America.

  19. 5 months ago

    You dumb motherfrickers, it's about how fast you eat. Portion sizes can be smaller when people use mealtimes to chat, socialize and otherwise give time to signal to the brain that the stomach is full. This is how portion sizes can be reasonable.

  20. 5 months ago

    >non American pretending to be American
    Many such cases

  21. 5 months ago

    >go to Japan
    >am 6’5”
    >wear knock off super flashy versace
    >no one thinks I’m a stand user mfw anime isn’t some huge thing here and gets made fun of by most
    >mfw they think I’m cerebrity
    >go with it, avoid giving out a name say on vacation in secret don’t want fans to know make up nickname “the Bvll”
    >mfw have penpals in Japan that call me “Bvll”

  22. 5 months ago

    high sugar diets basically mainline into fat

    carbs especially complex carbs dont
    they do however effect rates of diabetes which is relatively high in china, india, pakistan etc despite obesity rates being quite low
    being skinny is not synonymous with health

    look at france for example; high fat diets, everything is cooked in butter and cheese and milk and they have low rates of both diabetes and obesity.

  23. 5 months ago

    The diet isn't the mistery

    The real trick here is the private healthcare system and the marriage with a sick population

    Also, as suddenly as you die, the better
    Better not suck up much social assistance and make a effort to reverse those demographics

    We have too much old people alive

    Btw all social policies that you don't follow are made with your best interests in mind because you matter, you are an special and unique individual to our society

    Love u

  24. 5 months ago

    Say it with me: portions. POR TIONS

    • 5 months ago

      this. asians eat so little food it'd blow your mind. Though skinny people in the US skip meals, I've seen 110 lb college gymnast type girls put a whole 1.5lb chipotle burrito down. An average asian would never

  25. 5 months ago

    Southeast asian girls are hot af. Skinny petite hot and sexy. They frick on the first date too at least in sea countries

  26. 5 months ago

    When the US switched from fat to sugar because the experts were paid to tell lies, that screwed the society more than anything else except leaded gas.

    Asian diet is rich in fish oil and plants. US diet is not rich in fats, it's rich in simple carbs (sugar) AND fat. Should be only complex carbs (plants) with meat (fat + protein).

  27. 5 months ago

    go to Japan and date a girl. They drink heavily and the moment they gain one lb they begin training. They hire professionals, they cut sweets and beer. Then they just accept they have to be miserable internally. Then come back and watch your sister downs an entire bottle of vodka and chases it with fast food while also looking miserable.

    both hate living, but one sees a lb as "great I'm a failure I need to change"
    it's different women raised by different people.
    If you get fat in Japan the moment you get home that woman will be hounding you about your gut and tossing out your beer like you are an alcoholic. Angry little c**ts

    • 5 months ago

      >If you get fat in Japan the moment you get home that woman will be hounding you about your gut and tossing out your beer like you are an alcoholic.
      Absolutely fricking based.

    • 5 months ago

      I had no idea Japanese women are so amazing. I have to go to Japan.

  28. 5 months ago

    >eat carbs/sugars alone = have energy for the day
    >eat a lot of carbs/sugars In a day = store them as fat through lipogenesis
    >eat carbs and protein = build muscle while having the energy to workout
    >eat a lot of carbs and protein = build muscle while bulking
    >eat carbs + fat = burn the carbs first then the fats because hyperglycemia is dangerous for literally every organ in your body, also repair mylen sheaths/brain/cell walls
    >eat high carb + fat = burn the carbs and store the fat(same reason as above)
    >only protein = protein poisoning
    >eat fat + protein = build both muscle and repair brain but can't be as explosive with workouts, body makes glucose through gluconepgeneis with protein and fat of it deems necessary, consistent energy and no food comas because those are caused insulin inevitably overtakes glucose levels after a meal
    max glycogen you can store is 600 grams

    • 5 months ago

      homosexual AI webm.

      >muh theorem

      Post body homosexual Black person

      • 5 months ago
  29. 5 months ago

    The "fat" in question is seed oil

  30. 5 months ago

    This is a lie of course because SE Asians eat plenty of eggs, fish and pork; people from America eat cookies, McDonald's and pre-packaged food.

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