How do I get rid of this belly? I have been lifting for a year and I can't get rid of love handles and the bellyfat.

How do I get rid of this belly? I have been lifting for a year and I can't get rid of love handles and the bellyfat. I'm 167cm 64kg (5'6 141lbs). No, I won't bulk anymore, I just wanna cut to 12% bf but it's extremely hard with my TDEE.

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  1. 4 months ago

    Oh hi, I have this exact body type.
    Just deal with it and continue lifting I guess

    • 4 months ago

      Post body

    • 4 months ago

      You know you need to cut, what do u want me to do?

      Give me the instructions to drop to 50-55kg and I'll follow, I've failed to with my current protocol

      • 4 months ago

        Why the frick would you want a body mass of a literal child, you absolute goddamn moron manlet? Nobody will see your fat-free, six-pack sporting stupid fricking stomach anyway. What people will see is a clothed 50kg twink that looks like he belongs in a pediatric oncology ward.

        Gain some muscle mass first, then worry about your fricking love handles if they really bother you that much.

        • 4 months ago

          Because I have had this disgusting belly my whole life, I just wanna be 10-12% for once in my life, it's just a goal/milestone I need to get, I bulked for half a year.

          • 4 months ago

            young brother cutting won't help you. you want to change your. belly, you have to change your back. focus on posterior chain for a few months and your belly will look different

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah, cut. It will go away. Hope you trained abs tho, if you didn't it won't look too good even once you lose the fat. Do not roid, as you will regret it. Reach your peak weight first.

          I mean, he is 167 cm with what looks like a naturally lithe bone structure, 55kg if he actually lifted in the past months will look fine, he just has to wear clothes that actually fit him.

          50kg is actual gas chamber mode tho, 55 should be the absolute lowest.

          • 4 months ago

            The only thing I regret was lifting natty for a year

      • 4 months ago

        >Give me the instructions to drop to 50-55kg and I'll follow, I've failed to with my current protocol
        I assume you know how many calories you need to be on a cut
        Make a weekly meal plan and don't stray from it. Do grocery shopping EXACTLY for what you will eat every week and don't buy anything else. This is what mine looks like with 1500 daily cals but obviously a manlet like you needs to do less than 1500cal. It's just an example. If you struggle laying off the food make sure you just don't eat a lot of carbs. Also browse /fph/ if you need to be constantly reminded what you're doing this for

        fruit - 50cal (banana, kiwi, blood orange, mandarin, go nuts whatever you like)

        300g lean quark - 150cal
        1 scoop whey - 100cal
        50g oats - 200cal

        canned fish (tuna, herring, sardines, mackerel) or frozen shrimp + either kidney beans or green frozen veggies totaling up to 550cal
        400cal worth of chicken, canned soup, or peanuts

        fruit again - 50cal

        I don't have a set weekly plan for my dinner as I just pick freely what I feel like that day. There's plenty of variation in there for me to keep me from getting bored of my food. Also I minmaxed not having to spend too much time on preparing any of this or having to do too many dishes because I'm a chronically fatigued wagie.

        • 4 months ago

          I calculated my TDEE at lifting 5x a week and working a physical job 6x a week, it tells me my maintenance calories are 2500 and cutting is 2000, is this wrong? I have been losing weight just not as fast as I would like, do I really need to drop it to 1500?
          My diet is pretty much 5 eggs, 2 cups of milk and 400-500g of rice with 300g ish of chicken

          • 4 months ago

            I have an office job so I may as well be sedentary aside from lifting 2-3 times and MA practice twice a week, 2000 for you sounds about right. I don't think going lower will be healthy

        • 4 months ago

          >fruit - 50cal (banana
          Great example how people can't estimate amount of calories.
          Single medium sized banana has over 100 kcals
          >300g lean quark - 150cal
          actually 200 kcals
          also how is that even lunch? If I were to eat like this long term, I would kill myself

          • 4 months ago

            And a mandarin has like 25cal, plus proper sized bananas aren't always available in socialist shitholes
            >300g lean quark - 150cal
            My quark is 50cal/100g
            Plus I round to the nearest number divisible by 50 whether it's up or down.
            >also how is that even lunch? If I were to eat like this long term, I would kill myself
            It's delicious bro

            • 4 months ago

              >And a mandarin has like 25cal
              lies again. even medium sized mandarin like on pic related could feed family of four for at least a week
              >It's delicious bro
              it's ok for breakfast, I eat something similar every morning, but for lunch I need something more substantial

              • 4 months ago

                damn, writing about mandarins made me want to eat a mandarin, and when I went to the pantry, I found out one of the mandarins apparently felt cold and decided to grow fur

  2. 4 months ago

    You know you need to cut, what do u want me to do?

    • 4 months ago

      He doesn't need to cut he is skinny fat with zero muscle mass

  3. 4 months ago

    Starting Strength + GOMAD

    • 4 months ago

      Why the frick would you want a body mass of a literal child, you absolute goddamn moron manlet? Nobody will see your fat-free, six-pack sporting stupid fricking stomach anyway. What people will see is a clothed 50kg twink that looks like he belongs in a pediatric oncology ward.

      Gain some muscle mass first, then worry about your fricking love handles if they really bother you that much.

      young brother cutting won't help you. you want to change your. belly, you have to change your back. focus on posterior chain for a few months and your belly will look different

      He doesn't need to cut he is skinny fat with zero muscle mass

      Contrary to what most anons seem to think you lil brown homosexual need to bulk.
      You are the definition of skinny fat, if you cut even more you might as well transition.
      Bulk for a year. 3500kcal, 200g of protein. If you can't do that, you will NGMI

      moronation. There's no reason to bulk if you are above 15% bf, OP is clearly closer to 20% than he is to 15%. Just cut to 10-12%.

  4. 4 months ago

    Maybe start actually going to a gym first.

    • 4 months ago

      post body

      • 4 months ago

        Starting a cut phase soon

  5. 4 months ago

    just stop drinking beer/alcohol and liquid goyslop/high fructose corn syrup

    • 4 months ago

      I don't drink any of that

      Maybe start actually going to a gym first.

      If I don't get rid of this belly in 2-3 months I'll just roid.

      • 4 months ago

        Just eat under 500 kcal under TDEE and stop being pussy.

  6. 4 months ago

    >How do I
    You already know
    >it's extremely hard
    Yes it is

    There's nothing to add here

  7. 4 months ago

    > brown nipples
    try meth

  8. 4 months ago

    Eat less

    Increase cardio

    Increase abs

  9. 4 months ago

    Contrary to what most anons seem to think you lil brown homosexual need to bulk.
    You are the definition of skinny fat, if you cut even more you might as well transition.
    Bulk for a year. 3500kcal, 200g of protein. If you can't do that, you will NGMI

  10. 4 months ago

    It’s normal. Don’t be an insecure roid troony.

    • 4 months ago

      normal =/= good

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