I am not a bodybuilder, but you guys do know you're wearing down your bodies by lifting weights?

I am not a bodybuilder, but you guys do know you're wearing down your bodies by lifting weights? You guys are working as hard as construction workers but not getting paid for it. One day you'll get old and be in constant pain because of it.

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  1. 9 months ago

    Maybe you will

  2. 9 months ago

    Nah. Lifters give their bodies time to rest and recover. Construction workers are forced to keep working even if they're still sore from last session.

    • 9 months ago

      >Lifters give their bodies time to rest and recover.
      Don't act like you're sore or don't have some form of back or knee pain.


      Sure thing, buddy

      On steroids.

      i’ll wear your butthole down. it’s the they/thems who don’t lift who complain about back pain starting in their late twenties

      Well they/them are right since can't keep your muscles permanently. You stop lifting you lose them. You can work years to reach a goal like 315 bench and something happens that you miss a week, and you can't bench 315 anymore. It's definitely a lot of work for little gain. Also, eventually you'll get burnt out. When bodybuilders choose to do leg press over squat, they're brunt out on bodybuilding.

      • 9 months ago

        Imagine just talking out of your ass like this about something you know nothing about

        • 9 months ago

          But you haven't proved me wrong so I must be right.

          • 9 months ago

            Have to be 18 to post

            • 9 months ago

              >Have nothing to say?
              Looks like I'm right.

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah. Have a cookie

          • 9 months ago
          • 9 months ago


            I am not a bodybuilder, but you guys do know you're wearing down your bodies by lifting weights? You guys are working as hard as construction workers but not getting paid for it. One day you'll get old and be in constant pain because of it.

            I think you just don’t exercise very often and are looking for excuses to continue to not exercise

      • 9 months ago

        >Don't act like you're sore or don't have some form of back or knee pain.
        But I don't. I've seen what happens to people who get old and don't lift, it's not pretty.

      • 9 months ago

        They/thems are usually liberal not right

      • 9 months ago

        It takes a minimum of 3 weeks with no stimulus/enough food to start muscle breakdown, which is a slow process. Taking an entire week of can be very beneficial in a lot of scenario, admitting you ate a proper amount of food. I have personally cured my backpain that was cause by slight muscle atrophy due to me being an IT worker and sitting all the time with poor posture before I started lifting.

    • 9 months ago

      Coleman was notorious for training through his various injuries. His physical state today is entirely his fault.

  3. 9 months ago

    Sure thing, buddy

  4. 9 months ago

    i’ll wear your butthole down. it’s the they/thems who don’t lift who complain about back pain starting in their late twenties

  5. 9 months ago

    Lifting weights makes your body stronger and gives you more longevity if you do it right

  6. 9 months ago

    Trust me. You know jackshit.

    The difference between a construction worker and us is that we give our bodies what thet need. Enough nutrients to sustain the growth, enough rest to allow our bodies to recover properly, and enough long-term progression to not overload our bodies.

    Unless you're a roidtroony lol you're just fricking up your body big time (like ronnie). 99% of lifters who get some seruous injury related to lifting, either A) didn't do an exercise peoperly, or B) was a roidtroony and destroyed their joints by making them support an unhealthy bodyweight

    • 9 months ago

      serious* of course i made a typo

  7. 9 months ago

    I stretch and do physical therapy excercises and take days off and I'm 33 and stronger than I've ever been, squatting four plates for reps and feel great.

  8. 9 months ago

    >I am a dyel
    opinion discarded, didn't read, sage'd, reported, planted illegal material in your hard drive and called the FBI, sent pizzas to your house, pooped in ur mums bed

  9. 9 months ago

    >you're wearing down your bodies by lifting weights?
    >shows pic of ronnie coleman
    Ronnie was a fricking madman. he was very dumb when it came to working out, he was pr-ing too frequently (according to an interview). he was on so much gear it could kill a whale, no surprise he broke his back squatting lol.
    the avg lifter that takes rest days, will not wear down his body like a mentally insane ronnie coleman.
    >I am not a bodybuilder
    trust me, we can tell.
    only they them woke gays like you would post something so unbased and push an agenda of lifting is bad.
    lets see you when youre 40, 140kgs fat and diabetic. most lifters will look great at 40 thanks to eating clean and training to maintain muscle.

  10. 9 months ago

    > you're wearing down your bodies by lifting weights
    “Lifting weights” is super vague and everyone does it differently. Almost nobody trains like Ronny Coleman. Being sedentary wears your body (and your mind) down at a much faster rate and in worse ways than lifting.
    > One day you'll get old and be in constant pain because of it.
    One day you’ll get old too. Old people who were always physically active are almost always MUCH better off than their sedentary counterparts and it’s not even close. Old people are usually advised to do some basic strength training in order to keep their strength, bone density, cardiovascular health and mobility.

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