I need to burn calories like an industrial oven give me some tips please im morbidly obese. And im going to the gym

I need to burn calories like an industrial oven give me some tips please im morbidly obese
And im going to the gym

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  1. 4 months ago

    DNP + a cold bath

    • 4 months ago

      What is dnp?

  2. 4 months ago

    Run on the treadmill

    • 4 months ago

      Running especially on a treadmill is bad for fat people he'd be better slimming down by walking and exercise bike.

      Stop eating food and move around

      That's the jest of it

      If you’re morbidly obese and not a manlet you should be able to eat a fairly good amount of food and still lose weight. For example myself right now:
      >6’2” 290lbs
      I’m losing weight eating 2500 calories not being too active, go on a walk or two for an hour and I’m losing over 2lbs a week. If I wanted to go faster I could eat 2000 calories and lose even more while still eating like a normal human. If I wanted to feel like shit and lose a shit load of weight quickly I could go down to 1000-1500 calories.

      Walk an hour daily, eat 1700-2300 calories (idk your stats so those numbers could change).

      You’d be surprised how walking as a fat frick plus eating normally leads to pretty fast weight loss.

      Under 2000 calories no doubt but I'd say more like 1500.

      Do you have any addiction(soda, sugar, fried food)? If yes, cut then from your life.

      Do you know how many calories you need per day?

      Don't. Keep it slow and steady. Take a picture of yourself shirtless in the mirror every week.
      Your evolution will motivate you once you stop losing 8kgs per month

      Absolutely that's 90% of fixing diet there getting rid of sugar and fat foods.

  3. 4 months ago

    Stop eating food and move around

    • 4 months ago

      Im doing in im on a diet in january i was 150kg i losted 8kg since that but i want to lose wheigt faster or at least as fast as i can without geting fat again
      And i found out that i really like brocoli

      • 4 months ago

        Do you have any addiction(soda, sugar, fried food)? If yes, cut then from your life.

        Do you know how many calories you need per day?

        Don't. Keep it slow and steady. Take a picture of yourself shirtless in the mirror every week.
        Your evolution will motivate you once you stop losing 8kgs per month

        • 4 months ago

          I like cocacola zero
          If i exercise i burn 2500 calories
          And im eating 3 times at day and i dont have breakfast because im not hungry in the morning but im not counting calories exactly i just try to eat a loot more vegetables and fruits and low calories food

          • 4 months ago

            Coca zero is fine. I enjoy it too.
            Counting calories is easier for you, but you can do it without it.

            What do you eat in a day?

            • 4 months ago

              I eat meat vegetables fruits but i try to avoid carbs and ultraprocesed food like pizzas and hamburgers chips junk food

              • 4 months ago

                Meat, vegetables are fine but you need carbs my man
                Rice and beans are usually cheap where we live. Rice, beans, vegetables and meat is all you need.
                1kg of rice has only 1300kcals for example, and I doubt you could ever eat that much in one day.

                Take care with avoiding carbs because it can slow your metabolism

              • 4 months ago

                What? Seriusly rice is so low in calories?
                Damn i love white rice

              • 4 months ago

                Yes. Low in calories and very filling.
                1kg of potato has 860kcals
                1kg of beans has 770kcals

                The issue with carbs are usually bread, which almost always contains sugar and aren't very filling

          • 4 months ago

            According to studies diet soda still tend to spike insulin response because it's sweet.

            • 4 months ago

              Yes but it's negligible when compared to actual soda

  4. 4 months ago

    If you’re morbidly obese and not a manlet you should be able to eat a fairly good amount of food and still lose weight. For example myself right now:
    >6’2” 290lbs
    I’m losing weight eating 2500 calories not being too active, go on a walk or two for an hour and I’m losing over 2lbs a week. If I wanted to go faster I could eat 2000 calories and lose even more while still eating like a normal human. If I wanted to feel like shit and lose a shit load of weight quickly I could go down to 1000-1500 calories.

    Walk an hour daily, eat 1700-2300 calories (idk your stats so those numbers could change).

    You’d be surprised how walking as a fat frick plus eating normally leads to pretty fast weight loss.

    • 4 months ago

      imagine as a normal human bean walking with a 100 pound pack on. That's what walking at 300 pound pounds would be like you'd shred weight just fricking walking

    • 4 months ago

      >eat 1700-2300 calories (idk your stats so those numbers could change).
      Could change a lot. I eat 1700 in a cutting and I'm 76,5kg(170lbs)

    • 4 months ago

      not even trying to shit on you, but it's wild to me that walking is even a way to lose weight, but people have let themselves slip so far that a default operation is a workout.

    • 4 months ago

      I'm walking about 6miles a day at work lately and we are in slow mode, when we gear up it will be closer to 12

  5. 4 months ago

    Fixing your diet is more important

  6. 4 months ago

    Lift 4 days per week
    Walk 4 hours per week
    Stop being a slopdumpster

  7. 4 months ago

    Walk 5 miles every day and eat only 1700 calories per day. No sugar.
    You will lose like 50 lbs in a month just doing this.

    • 4 months ago

      I think 1700 calories are so many actually

  8. 4 months ago

    >I need to burn calories like an industrial oven
    Intense cardio in the morning like sprints (running or bike) or kettlebell swings to burn off glycogen storage and start burning fat. Stay active during the day.
    Intermittent fasting/one or two meal a day.
    Keto/carnivore for a month or two at least.
    Coffee, water and tea.
    Get good sleep.

    • 4 months ago

      Gotcha but i cant run a long time because im fat and my knee hurt and im poor i cant eat only meat

      • 4 months ago

        Yes, I suggest buying a kettlebell or two of different weights. That's something that can be used for both cardio and strength/muscle building.

        • 4 months ago

          I have a 10kg ketlebell
          I use it like pic related
          There are other forms of using this for losing wheigt?

          • 4 months ago

            Good heavens, there are loads of different lifts and variations you can do.


            • 4 months ago

              Thank you anon i didnt know that im gonna do some of these for sure

  9. 4 months ago

    I burn 600 calories in like 40 minutes on a stationary bike. Crank it up all the way to maximum resistance and go

    • 4 months ago

      >600kcals in 40minutes
      Not possible

      • 4 months ago

        Try harder. I do it daily.
        >inb4 inaccurate
        >inb4 impossible
        I eat back the calories and I'm weight stable.

        • 4 months ago

          It's just not human anon
          Maybe if it was 6 or 7 hours

          • 4 months ago

            Whatever you say buddy

  10. 4 months ago

    Literally stop stuffing your industrial sized cakehole. You can't outburn your calories from exercising or any other meme shit like cold baths, drinking green tea, taking a certain supplement.

    • 4 months ago


  11. 4 months ago

    If you're a neet spend your days doing cardio on a bicycle or on machines at the gym. Eat whatever you like but it must be clean fresh food. Drink water and coffee/tea.

    I lost 50kg by doing this. Careful about following advice from current obese anons or those not willing to post before and after photos.

  12. 4 months ago

    Heres the best way to lose as much bodyfat as possible, the fastest, easiest and no need for a brain.
    I wont tell you what to eat as thats all up to you, I will only tell you the technique I used to lose as much fat as I did.
    I started at 20% body fat and went down to 9% in a matter for two months.
    30minute cardio daily - StairMaster.
    Start by using your wrists instead of your hands to help you stablise yourself while on the StairMaster. this will ease you onto the workload youll be commited to.
    30 minute, every 10minute mark, you may IF YOU WANT, take a 1-3minute breather where you can chug some H20.
    Okay, heres what you do: Walking Pace and Jogging Pace.
    Every 1:30 second mark ( 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30 and 9:30 ) you switch to Jogging pace for 30 second jog.
    Start at level 5 Walking Pace and Level 12 Jogging. Everyday you will either increase the level of the Walking AND jogging pace, or you will reduce the time of rest taken. For example, you reach a level where you think youre too tired to push up the level, so instead of taking the 10minute and 20 minute break marks, you will instead opt to take a break during the 15minute mark, cutting your break in half. but best thing is to increase the level. The max level you want to reach will be Level 10 Walking Pace and Level 17-19 jogging pace.
    Once you reach that level, you will drop back down to Level 7 walking pace and Level 14 jogging pace, but this time without holding onto the machine, put your hands by your side, in your pockets, whatever. and work your way back up to Level 10 walking and level 18 jogging. by the time you reached that you will be fit as frick, and jelly gym goers will be oogling you as they do me.

    • 4 months ago

      I've been doing this for a couple months now but every other day at 45 mins. Weight ain't budging.

  13. 4 months ago

    Literally and I mean LITERALLY stop eating.
    >b-b-b-but i'll die!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You think ur body is gonna sit there and die when you have over a hundred pounds of fat on you?
    >b-b-but my tummy is telling me i'm hungryyyyyyyy!!!!!!!
    it's lying to you, it's saying that because you're a fatass that eats constantly, it expects food simply because you're always eating. It's not based on anything beyond expectations you setup for yourself. You stop eating every 30 minutes, your body will stop acting like it's hungry every 30 minutes.
    Fasting specifically targets fat, it literally eats fat while muscle loss is minimum.

    Get off your ass and walk around your town for 30-60 minutes every single day, every single fricking day. If you can't spare 30 minutes to just walk then you're never going to lose weight because you don't have the discipline to do the simplest thing in the world.
    >b-but it huuuuuuuuurts to walk for that long!!!!!
    The pain will go away. It will get your body moving and unironically give it more energy, you'll feel way less tired and will probably have the energy to do a lot more things you say you'll do but use tiredness as an excuse to not do.

    • 4 months ago

      Stopped reading there.

      Why do spastics on this board promote fasting? Trying to sleep at night while hungry is torture. I couldn't imagine feeling that way all day when I could snack on a carrot or an apple.

      • 4 months ago

        >Trying to sleep at night while hungry is torture.
        Hunger pangs literally go away in less than a week and if you're really struggling, there's a ton of things that subdue hungry without breaking a fast.

    • 4 months ago

      I totally agree except about just dont eat is not that simple a fat person like me has been only eating bad things without selfcontrol having 3 or 4 times to eat in a day and ading a loot of vegetables and less ultraprocesed food is the key and yes exercising is important but uf you have a really big problem with food is better to go slow and exercise after you cure yourself from that food adiction first
      Im still fat but i did that now its hard to me not eating at my hours its nice to not being controlled by food seriusly being fat is horrible and fat aceptance is stupid
      Fat people will say anything to justify that they are obese they say they eat less than you but at 1am they assault the fridge like a terrorist

  14. 4 months ago

    I'm not a whale but I do struggle to control my weight and my hunger. When I try to get myself back into shape I find that running kicks my metabolism into gear the best.... You probably can't do that yet so try biking or an elliptical. The best part about cardio is you can eat a little more since it burns more calories than weightlifting and things like biking can build the bigger leg muscles that burn more calories than smaller muscle groups.

    • 4 months ago

      More muscles=more calories burned in a day
      Cardio+lifting=you become a machine of burning calories

  15. 4 months ago

    It's 1000% easier to just eat less than to burn the calories away through exercise. Try to remove as many stressors in your life while dieting so you don't relapse. Regardless of how much Goggins you watch, human willpower is finite, so you're better off focusing on the most important facet of losing weight.

  16. 4 months ago

    Lift weights. Lifting itself burns almost no calories (maybe 50-100 in a session). Your muscles will, however, passively burn several hundred extra calories a day and radiate them out as heat. I was just a rooner and my TDEE went up by 800 just by adding lifting every other day to my routine and putting on some muscles.

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