I want to like this guy, there's something not quite right that I can't put my finger on.

I want to like this guy, there's something not quite right that I can't put my finger on.

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    You have nothing better to do than make fun of teenagers?

  2. 5 months ago

    >Here's that kid I was telling you about

    • 5 months ago

      You have nothing better to do than make fun of teenagers?


  3. 5 months ago

    why did you save a pic of a child OP?

  4. 5 months ago

    too young to be small, too old to be small
    essentially, middle aged men looking like decrepit and frail women/children are off-putting

    • 5 months ago

      oh right it's the butch lesbian issue
      dude's doing a good grift tho, bit too obvious when he shilled his speshul EVOO

  5. 5 months ago

    I feel that way too OP. He wants to optimize life and nutrition up to a point where it's no longer humanly done, but something a machine (AI) will do in whole. Autistically following a diet/blueprint is not good in the long run. It sounds good on paper, but take it to the extent that he's taking it, it's like trying to find perfect components to a machine. But humans aren't machines. Having the perfect balance of chemicals in your body does not give you the happiness you think it does. It's all about the mind.
    As a person who has OCD, this reminds me a lot of OCD, how he's using machines to calculate something vague and trying to extract certainty from it. His diet will be "perfect", perfectly controlled and will supposedly enable him to never die (he has a big fear of dying).
    He promotes his work as doing a service to mankind (which in some ways, true), but I feel something is off with that mission. Because the mission isn't to help humans like he says, its to conquer his own fear of death. And he wants to conquer it by buying as much time as possible, like a person who's gone mad. That's the feel I get.

    • 5 months ago

      >Autistically following a diet/blueprint is not good in the long run. It sounds good on paper, but take it to the extent that he's taking it, it's like trying to find perfect components to a machine. But humans aren't machines.
      you give no valid reason for why it wouldnt be good, there is no way that stuffing your face with what you THINK is good would be better than his current way of doing it.

      • 5 months ago

        >would be better than his current way of doing it.
        in what way is he actually more productive or performing better than the average person
        Basically Brian Johnson represents "absolute order" or the apex of OCD
        This is in contrast to someone like Terry Davis who represents "absolute chaos" or the apex of paranoid/schizoid thinking
        He's so uncanny because when you watch him on video, he has this permanently soft way of speaking, with this thousand-yard stare that feels mildly threatening. Almost as if he's looking at you, knowing that he's going to kill you later. It's the ultimate fluoride stare where it looks like there's truly zero empathy behind it; he just wants to ascend to pseudo-godhood and if that took murdering children, he'd do it unapologetically.

        Only people with OCD get validation from this type of absolute order and total control. He doesn't do this so that he can live longer, he does it so that he can validate himself with the knowledge that he's fully in control of the variables of his life.
        Eunuchs live longer than the general population. If you spoke to God and he told you in 100% confidence that you could live to 200 if you:
        >spend 2 hours every morning on skincare, ball icing, light therapy, etc
        >eat nutrient paste and only nutrient paste, forever
        >take estrogen and progesterone
        >never drink alcohol or take any kind of drug
        >never exercise beyond yoga-type shit
        >spend the final five hours of your day meditating
        >pay seven doctors to monitor your shit daily
        >constantly get jabbed with needles to pump harvested blood into you
        >never feel any way about anything too strongly
        >never have coffee
        and if you stop, your gains go to waste, would you?
        I wouldn't. But OCD compels you to try and completely control everything in your life because any uncertainty immediately branches out into a million different ways that you could be harmed in your mind.

        • 5 months ago

          >he has this permanently soft way of speaking, with this thousand-yard stare that feels mildly threatening. Almost as if he's looking at you, knowing that he's going to kill you later.
          Why is this so hot, reading this makes my wiener throb hard.
          How do I achieve Bryan Johnson mode?

          • 5 months ago

            >How do I achieve Bryan Johnson mode?
            unironically leave humanity behind and desire every day only to wear the skin of every person you meet
            make it your goal to be invited into strangers' homes, your only reason for doing so, to pocket pictures of their family and childhood
            If homeless people pick up all of their shit and move after ~2 minutes of casual conversation with you, you'll know you've done it right

            • 5 months ago

              But HOW do I achieve it, what should I do?

              • 5 months ago

                it's literally psychopathy and OCD
                the closest you can get without being born with it is to probably take high dose SSRI's and cocaine+amphetamines in ascending dosages until you're rewarded with the delusion that every stranger you meet both knows you personally and is hiding something from you

          • 5 months ago

            >How do I achieve Bryan Johnson mode?
            Be 16 but you have to be 18 to post here so theres a problem....
            >fricking pedos in this thread talking about children omfg

          • 5 months ago

            Abandon your humanity. Embrace your inner lizard brain. This is how reptiles act. No indication of violence until they move.

        • 5 months ago

          >He's so uncanny because when you watch him on video, he has this permanently soft way of speaking, with this thousand-yard stare that feels mildly threatening.
          Are you referring to Johnson or Davis? Terry soundedbso sweet even when he was cursing.


          • 5 months ago

            I was talking about Brian Johnson
            Schizos are the polar opposite of OCD psychotics
            Schizos will never intentionally hurt you, their lives are managed by absolute chaos and just try to get through the day

        • 5 months ago

          >How do I achieve Bryan Johnson mode?
          unironically leave humanity behind and desire every day only to wear the skin of every person you meet
          make it your goal to be invited into strangers' homes, your only reason for doing so, to pocket pictures of their family and childhood
          If homeless people pick up all of their shit and move after ~2 minutes of casual conversation with you, you'll know you've done it right

          He's not creepy or scary. His way of speaking makes me feel anxious (I think he's anxious). He speaks like an autist. I believe he'd prefer not to speak to people.

        • 5 months ago

          >he has this permanently soft way of speaking, with this thousand-yard stare that feels mildly threatening

          kek this

          • 5 months ago

            Omg is that Jerma

        • 5 months ago

          >in what way is he actually more productive or performing better than the average person
          He isnt. Hes wasting his life trying to get more life (that he will waste) its sadly ironic

          • 5 months ago

            He doesn't work. He lifts. He monitors himself with tech. He's definitely better than average. He has home gym and a diet plan.

    • 5 months ago

      I like how you think. For what it's worth I'm starting a phd in aging research and I think a lot of what he does is crazy. For longevity you don't actually want to keep your body in the same state it was during early adulthood. Young adults are keyed up for all sorts of violent and reproductive activity that is useful but not actually healthy. For example, it's a bad idea to maintain teenage levels of testosterone long term.
      Healthy aging is about undergoing healthy changes from youth, not maintaining the youthful phenotype as long as possible.

      • 5 months ago

        Is the whole ‘if we could continually produce mitochondria we our bodies would last forever’ thing true or bullshit?

        • 5 months ago

          I don't know; I've never heard of that. There really is no evidence that humans can live forever at least that I've seen. Here are some things I'm confident about that might be useful though:

          1. Diet and lifestyle are by far the most important modifiable risk factors for death. The weird shit that bryan johnson is doing matters a bit at the margin, but his biggest gains (and yours) come from not being fat, eating nutritious food, and doing a solid balance of cardio and strength.

          2. Within lifestyle, exercise matters the most. Vo2 max is the single best predictor of longevity, followed by grip strength (a proxy for overall strength). I'd suggest lifting a few times per week and doing cardio a few times per week. Within cardio, polarized training (80% moderate, 20% invervals) seems to be best.

          3. For diet, there is a lot of uncertainty. The best results seem to come from mostly unprocessed diets. Trans fat is definitely bad, saturated fat may be a little bad. There's also pretty strong evidence that blood sugar spikes are bad.

          4. There are a few promising anti-aging drugs. Rapamycin is the biggest and most plausible one. You can get it from a compliant doctor or buy it online from india-- that's where I get mine. A second drug called acarbose is also compelling: it's taken before meals and slow the rate of carbohydrate absorption. I keep some on me in case I'm called upon to eat unhealthy food at a dinner party, etc, but in general I don't need it because my normal diet is very low GI (beans and veg are my only carbs). If you eat a lot of bread/pasta/rice/etc you could benefit from acarbose. warning: it makes you fart if you eat too many carbs. Neither rapa nor acarbose have been tested for longevity in humans, though they are FDA approved for other illnesses. In mice, the two drugs increase lifespan between 10% and 30%. The effect in humans could be greater, smaller, or potentially nothing, though I doubt that.

          • 5 months ago

            Fascinating. Im gonna look up rapamycin. Whats the moa? From the naming it seems like its an antibiotic

            • 5 months ago

              It's FDA approved as an immunosuppressant, but that's kind of a misnomer. In high doses it suppresses immune function, but it's also been shown to increase vaccine effectiveness in humans and mice. I've heard it described as an immune modulator.

              I have no idea how it works. I do known it targets the mTOR pathway, but all that mTOR means is "mechanistic target of rapamycin." There are several drugs that target mTOR which have promising longevity effects in mice, but rapamycin is the first and best studied. It's not at all like acarbose, where the method of action is very well understood.

              I take it because it's been shown to work in everything from yeast to mice, which makes me think it will work in humans, but ultimately it's a gamble. Something to follow would be the dog aging project, which is testing rapa in companion dogs. If the dog aging project gets a positive result I'll be doubly convinced.

              • 5 months ago

                Interesting. Ty for the info. I am always suspicious of these things being a monkey paw like ozempic but would be interesting to see what happens

              • 5 months ago

                my understanding is the it mimics the effects of caloric restriction, so you might see a mild QOL decrease by way of less energy/power. Did you notice anything like that?

          • 5 months ago

            >The best results seem to come from mostly unprocessed diets.
            yup, it's why the med diet (example: https://www.health.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0032/946049/cardiac-meddiet.pdf ) is a pretty decent starting point
            >Trans fat is definitely bad,
            and trans-adjacent ones aren't all that great, e.g. the palm fat that replaced in shelf-stable fatty shit
            >saturated fat may be a little bad.
            iirc research seemed to suggest at the population level it's necessary in small amounts, starting to have notable bad effects at above 10% of your calories
            >There's also pretty strong evidence that blood sugar spikes are bad
            yup, it's why the latest USDA ("Big Ag is in our mission statement") guidelines are at to aim for 50% wholegrain (i.e. unprocessed) carb shit, while iirc ideally you just minimize refined carbs down to the occasional treat, using fruit as a replacement dessert
            also mo veg mo healthy
            /foodtism out

            • 5 months ago

              If you're interested in this, I'd suggest buying a one month supply of a continuous glucose monitor to see how you're reacting to the food you eat. I did and it changed my whole perspective on food.

              My take after wearing one full time for about 6 months is that whole grain whatever is a bit like recycling: it's 50% a good idea, and 50% a scam by industry to paper over a fundamental problem with the business model. I won't eat whole grain bread/pasta/etc unless I have to for social reasons because it still spikes my blood sugar unless I take it with acarbose.

              Now I get all my carbs from beans and vegetables and feel great.

              • 5 months ago

                yeah I might once I get my shit back in order, I do notice that since I've switched to wholegrain shit (effectively the same price in my case, as I buy old bread that's on sale, and always did brown rice, with a potential-arsenic reducing boil method), I don't get those post-meal headaches I've been getting since the rona arc
                but yeah beans and veg is the good shit

              • 5 months ago

                How does one without diabetes, in the US, purchase a cgm

              • 5 months ago

                there are businesses which arrange a consultation with a doctor for you and he will prescribe one to you

      • 5 months ago

        >bad idea to maintain teenage levels of testosterone long term.
        true, hunter gatherers never get prostate cancer bc they have half the test of amerislops.

      • 5 months ago

        if you find the formula to live forever as an old person - I don't want it

    • 5 months ago

      As someone with severe OCD i wish my ocd made me want to optimize every aspect of my life rather then fricking sabotaging and ruining my life lol

      • 5 months ago

        If you were a literal billionaire it would be different

      • 5 months ago

        see if you can guide it toward paretto-optimizing your optimization: self-prune optimization autism down to the 20% of effort that gives you the 80% of the results, then optimize discipline to shift focus onto the next area where you can paretto-optimize your optimizations
        you're optimizing for "that's good enough for this corner compared to what I still have left to do, triage says I need to optimize my discipline by switching to the next one"
        areas include meditation (i.e. learning how to monitor your brain to be better aware of cognitive distortions or semi-conscious autopilot shenanigans that is counterproductive), exercise and other shit that may or may not modulate some of your OCD (I've done very little research into it, more in the ADHD direction)

      • 5 months ago

        I was like this until I let go

        • 5 months ago

          Let go of what, specifically? The trauma causing your OCD, or just your OCD tendencies?

    • 5 months ago

      >Having the perfect balance of chemicals in your body does not give you the happiness you think it does. It's all about the mind.
      Your mind is made up of chemicals.

  6. 5 months ago


    He has hundreds of millions , something tells me he’ll be alright.

    • 5 months ago

      Exactly, anon has no such backing.

  7. 5 months ago

    uncanny valley

  8. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      >enemy stand user with 2 stands

    • 5 months ago

      Joe Biden harassing another child?

  9. 5 months ago

    he is actually the same race as zuck: he is a reptile. They are a powerful race that coexist with the israelites. They dont quite like each other, and the israelites are ruling rn, but for whatever reason the lizards are untouchable by the israelites.

    • 5 months ago

      lizards and israelites exist in the same relationship that asians and natives do in prison

      • 5 months ago

        >relationship that asians and natives do in prison
        and what’s that?

        • 5 months ago

          two smart minority groups who would fight with eachother if the other races didn't require their attention
          asians and natives need to fortify against whites and blacks and mexicans, but if they didn't, then they'd be fighting with eachother
          jews and reptilians would go to war if the israelites didn't need to control the goyim so much

  10. 5 months ago

    He's an archon

  11. 5 months ago

    Something not quite right being that he spends a fortune on drugs and a stupid diet to make himself look younger in a creepy way to appeal to younger people, except none of it worked and he's just a middle aged man dressed as a zoomer who looks strangely feminine

    • 5 months ago

      >looks strangely feminine
      he's literally on estrogen

      • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago

          let me see that hair when the wind blows

  12. 5 months ago

    I get the impression that if he had a Stone Mask, he'd use it without hesitation and start killing people.

    There's a type of person who you can sorta tell is only affable and well behaved because they are bound by human limits. People you just know would immediately turn on humanity if given the chance to transcend it.

    • 5 months ago

      Hey, if I had a stone mask, I'd probably use it too, after extensive research and development of ways to prevent potential proximal harm / casualties.

    • 5 months ago

      99% of humanity would do the same.

  13. 5 months ago

    >current year
    >taking the deathpill

  14. 5 months ago

    >he looks like a wax figure
    He's sent from the future to help humanity
    You can sense the disturbance he makes in the flow of time

  15. 5 months ago


  16. 5 months ago

    Id on the shirt?

  17. 5 months ago

    White guys shouldn’t wear chains

  18. 5 months ago

    I'd pay more attention if he wasn't vegan. All his data shows is how to increase longevity on a Vegan diet. Would an omnivorous diet be better? Worse? We have no clue. His data is worthless.

  19. 5 months ago

    He looks like a fricking skinwalker. Uncanny-vally-ass mf.

  20. 5 months ago

    You really believe this israelite and his "age" lies? It's adrenochrome bro. What you feel is the blood of Jesus in you. That's why you feel disgusted at him.

  21. 5 months ago

    1) the hair dye 2) the feminizing effects of his DHT blockers 3) his skin care regimen makes him look feminine - Men should look a little bit craggy.

    He looks like a creepy gay.

  22. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      WORD? FR? ON GOD?

    • 5 months ago

      he actually got off trt and his T levels are still 800+ or so

    • 5 months ago

      do tell

  23. 5 months ago

    Is he from the future? Star Trek?

  24. 5 months ago
    Cecelia Drakensang In Seattle

    Genetics are definitely the key to old age. Even when exploited, booze and drugs, you will have an average life expectancy, or longer, Healthy, you'll live over 100.

    Most people who have parents that lived to 90, today live that age and beyond.

    Guys such as this are not life expanding, but they might be genetics expanding.

    One should note, the bible states (2k years ago in which little medical knowledge) the average lifespan is 70 years.

    One could take from that, it is around 90 today in the West, and that would be so. "Theoretically" we could live to be 150 years plus, our main detriment is the poor food, water, and that pesky pharma and drugs.

    I know a ton of guys 45, 50, who look youthful, and it's plainly down to genetics. The bad truth, height, looks, reality/ The dice roll of genetics.

    Lifestyle, food, place a role. But a small one.

    • 5 months ago

      >One could take from that, it is around 90 today in the West, and that
      >average life expectancy is 90 years
      What lmao

  25. 5 months ago

    Because he's putting on that weird android face in every pic to look younger.
    If he smiled even a bit you'd see a shitton of lines on that face.

  26. 5 months ago

    It's the self-absorption. All he cares about is reversing HIS aging. The $2 million per year routine is also basically a stick in the eye of wagies, making his pursuit unrelatable. Immortality flexing is the worst kind of flexing over poorgays, robbing them of their morbid consolation that even the rich dude with the mansion and five sports cars has to die.

    • 5 months ago

      >It's the self-absorption. All he cares about is reversing HIS aging.
      so how is that "not right"

      • 5 months ago

        Nothing immoral about what he's doing. I'm self-absorbed too. I'm just saying why he rubs people the wrong way.

      • 5 months ago

        The clinical and sterile way he goes about it.
        He should be seeking wisdom and traveling to distant lands where old men live long. It is Western ugliness distilled.
        What should be life affirming and vigorous has become an empty pursuit of longer life for the sole purpose of longer life, likely filled with hollow pleasure.
        Not comparable to Alexander driving for Nepal because one life is not enough to conquer the world.

        Why is Bryan Johnson’s life worth living let alone extending?
        For money, many have money and short lives.
        Family? See above.
        Imagine I’m a headsman and judge - Why should I permit Bryan Johnson to live longer than what is naturally allotted to a man of his caliber and tribe?

        • 5 months ago

          He’s experimenting on himself to see wheather his methods can lead to an extended lifespan for humans in general. There’s obviously narcissism at the core of what he’s doing, but his ambition extends over that. You argument seems to boil down to some subjective moral values and feelings.

          • 5 months ago

            It’s not subjective. Humans evolved to see petty self enrichment as deleterious and bad.

        • 5 months ago

          Idk stay mad wagie. See --->

          It's the self-absorption. All he cares about is reversing HIS aging. The $2 million per year routine is also basically a stick in the eye of wagies, making his pursuit unrelatable. Immortality flexing is the worst kind of flexing over poorgays, robbing them of their morbid consolation that even the rich dude with the mansion and five sports cars has to die.

          Lol takes the poor gays morbid consolation away.

    • 5 months ago

      >Immortality flexing is the worst kind of flexing over poorgays,
      this. i think youtube deleted a lot of comments bashing him. it was mainly poor people saying shit like what u just said. and on /misc/ many anons were cheesed like "imma be mad if this guy lives to 190 while i wage and die at 40. "

    • 5 months ago

      You sound self-absorbed, gay. Literally everything he does he gives away as free knowledge. The $2m a year goes to doctors to constantly monitor him, not to food, etc. And if you can't source the non-Dutch tested for heavy metals chocolate that he eats because you're too dumb to find it online (but blame it on being poor)? Then guess what, he is going to sell it to you. If /misc/tards agree with you, then you know you're fat and moronic.

      • 5 months ago

        >but blame it on being poor
        lol, he didn't do that, moron.
        describing the effect of bryan on the wagie/poorgay psyche is not whining as a wagie/poorgay onself.
        your reading comprehension sucks because you have a low iq.

        • 5 months ago

          ESL alert.

          • 5 months ago

            Lol what. Anything that makes the working class loser seethe is hilarious.

      • 5 months ago

        >If /misc/tards agree with you,
        found the redditor. .

        >but blame it on being poor
        lol, he didn't do that, moron.
        describing the effect of bryan on the wagie/poorgay psyche is not whining as a wagie/poorgay onself.
        your reading comprehension sucks because you have a low iq.

        >describing the effect of bryan on the wagie/poorgay psyche
        well, before youtube started deleting all the comments, many wagies were seething. this bryan guy needs to have some thicker skin. hes clearly coping for being some dorky nerd loser but still. just dont delete youtube comments, its what makes it fun.

  27. 5 months ago

    >46 years old, just a kid.

  28. 5 months ago

    I guarantee you this guy is doing far more supplements than he has on that plan to get a look like that

  29. 5 months ago

    The dude is an actual fricking vampire and you're wondering what's off-putting about him?

  30. 5 months ago

    Creepy degenerate.
    Thanks to him and many other people with big(ger) money it's all going downhill.

  31. 5 months ago

    t. been to the underground railroad and met the team

  32. 5 months ago

    1 billion hours in ms paint

    • 5 months ago

      Ahhh now I remember who he looked like.

    • 5 months ago

      He even looks like he's got the data makeup on.

  33. 5 months ago

    He unironically looked much better before.

    • 5 months ago

      That green shirt makes me think of columbine lmfalo.

  34. 5 months ago

    He's a homosexual

  35. 5 months ago

    It's not all about how he looks, although it's cool that he should be completely bald and yet has kept all his hair. I like his cause and how he's contributing to science by experimenting on himself. Having the cardiovascular health of an 18 year old when you're in your 40's is insane.

  36. 5 months ago

    I wish I had this dumb chucklefrick's money. He's so obsessed with prolonging his life that he forgot to live it.

  37. 5 months ago

    Engineer mode

  38. 5 months ago

    being afraid of death is some pussy shit, hope these tech billionaire cowards spending their fortunes researching gene modification and cycling through plasma never reach immortality

    • 5 months ago

      >afraid of death
      This is a huge cope from gays mad that his morning wood rate, which is something he tracks, is 98%, while you morons are younger than him but only get hard to trannies. He is simply optimizing his life to live better than you.
      I feel like a lot of people can't relate to him because he has extremely high self discipline and that he is willing to do difficult things to reach his goals. He's already rich. What else is he supposed to do? He decided to do a science experiment on himself. Why does that make you upset? Because you know that you'd spend the money on moronic shit instead?

  39. 5 months ago

    >Hurr he is le selfish
    He is experimenting on himself with lots of crap, and If he is successful the price of the key ingredients will decrease once they hit the market like smartphones or cars.

  40. 5 months ago

    Will you buy the nutty pudding for $99.00?

    • 5 months ago

      i will probably buy undutched cocoa from him

    • 5 months ago

      This fricking son of a b***h , fricking pederast , lizard cabal , fricking cretin got branded olive oil.....
      I really want to cope that meme bottle.

  41. 5 months ago

    He looks off because
    1. Hes getting more feminine looking rather than younger looking
    2. He dyes his hair
    3. The color of his skin is weird and splotchy
    Pretty much sums it up

  42. 5 months ago

    hes got really bad crows feet. Height is what matters when it comes to longevity. More cells, more cancer. There arent any tall centenarians for this reason.

  43. 5 months ago

    He tries to emote as little as possible because making faces will cause wrinkles. Suble facial expression is spooky for some.

    • 5 months ago

      Shit. I gotta not my face too now?! Wtf

  44. 5 months ago

    He's obviously a pedo

  45. 5 months ago

    Immortality m0gging the poors lol.

    • 5 months ago

      the poors thought "heh heh we all die."
      like no.

  46. 5 months ago

    He's too mechanical and artificial

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