Is Blaha the best counterexample to powershitting dogma?

The guy trained big compounds exclusively for years and peddled the classic
>isolations are useless
>higher rep is just "fluff & pump" work that only builds muscle for bodybuilders on grams of gear (as if he isn't on gear)
>myofibular (how he pronounces it) vs. sarcoplasmic hypertrophy
powershitter memes, and still looks like crap, after decades of gymceling and gear-pinning.
Yeah, he did a 180 and started doing lots of isolations and higher-rep stuff (to little avail), but you'll notice he never does that stuff the way a bodybuilder would, with slow, controlled eccentrics.

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  1. 10 months ago

    That's our boy hemingway

  2. 10 months ago

    Look at his recent videos, these photos are overused and disingenuous.
    Yes he might have shit genetics, but he is stronger than you and has more muscle mass than you’ll ever have (although he is admittedly on TRT).

    We need to give our boy credit where its due, if there is one thing he has figured out in life its lifting. That is all, I gotta get back to listening to his old WoW asmr videos now.

    • 10 months ago

      >Yes he might have shit genetics, but he is stronger than you and has more muscle mass than you’ll ever have (although he is admittedly on TRT).
      He's on a lot more than TRT, which makes his results all the less impressive, especially given how much he devotes himself to this.

    • 10 months ago

      No because back when he did bodybuilding he also looked terrible. Blahino also goes back and forth with ''hurr high volume and isolations are useless'' to ''you should add volume, work harder do more isolations''.

      I think he has poor genetics and used roids to get a semi-decent level of strength (below average natty competitors of powerlifting meets, far below roided competitors). Idk why anyone would listen to this clown or how he got popular.

      > slow controlled eccentrics
      Kind of a meme, you could also just do more volume on the isolations to get a bigger tear & pump. Natty bodybuilding (and even when pinning) is mostly about keeping volume high enough consistently and be patient with the gains.

      > but he is stronger than you and has more muscle mass than you’ll ever have

      Only his DL is higher, and at least I don't look like an angry dworf. There are literal girls stronger than blahino at the moment (yes those girls juice, but blaha does as well and has male bone structure...)

      • 10 months ago

        >There are literal girls stronger than blahino at the moment (yes those girls juice, but blaha does as well and has male bone structure...)
        Didn't he once say he has "narrow hips"?

      • 10 months ago

        >> slow controlled eccentrics
        >Kind of a meme,
        science says otherwise

      • 10 months ago

        >has male bone structure
        that's NOT our boy Hemingway

    • 10 months ago

      He wouldn't be the best example of it because his disgusting physique is equally a result of his genetics as it is his training. The posterboy example should surely be someone with average genetics, not grimace genetics

      TRT? He's on a proper steroid dose, let's not sugarcoat it.

    • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        add the
        >bench is best chest builder
        meme to the list of powershitter propaganda he's inadvertently disproved
        You have natty calisthenics otters with more impressive chests than him.

      • 10 months ago

        If he bulked and went full-on powerlifter he would have a chance, but he's sour grapes about bodybuilding and still tries to look lean:

      • 10 months ago

        add the
        >bench is best chest builder
        meme to the list of powershitter propaganda he's inadvertently disproved
        You have natty calisthenics otters with more impressive chests than him.

        He posted this recently:
        He barely has any pecs, and has visible gyno that jiggles uncontrollably when he squats.
        I don't understand how anyone could be on gear, let alone for decades, and still look like that.

        • 10 months ago

          he must be moronic or on the spectrum

        • 10 months ago

          If you use gear when youre fat the roids dont work properly for some reason

          Not sure why but some broscience roider at my gym explained it to me, that if you start roiding when youre currently fat, that it fricks you up, and that you gotta first cut down and get lean before you start using.

          Blaha prob just never did a proper cut

        • 10 months ago

          A 405 squat is nothing to sneeze at.
          Unless you're 225 lbs AND on gear. Then it's kinda pathetic.

          • 10 months ago

            He doesn't even go all the way down.

  3. 10 months ago

    b***h talking shit about our boy Hemingway gonna get his ass snatch-and-grabbed by a FBI Special Collection Service.
    Cpl. Jasons a sharpshooting grandmaster the guy .308-ed two Hajis back in 'lujah from 3kilometers away with his trusty Barret fiftycal.
    I can confirm i was under his command in SFO-D Delta during the Enduring Freedom in '02 and i remember once when we raided some Pakistani hideout close by Bagram airfield he singlehandedly cleared a 2nd floor room full of iraqi insurgents armed with nothing but his k-bar. Seconds later some fricking afghani armed with ak47 came out the hole under the wooden floorboards and my boy Hemingway put a round in him with his trusty M4. The .22 left a fist sized hole in his head goddanm what a fricking sight to see. He then got a promotion to SSgt. but later quit and was later gone from Seals. Went off privateering in some PMC based in Seychelles waters, Emerald Hounds or something. Didn't hear much about him he's running some fitness channel or somesuch shit apparently set some world records in his weight class
    One dangerous SOB

  4. 10 months ago

    based jak onions

    • 10 months ago

      Frick off vatnik Ukraines still winning

      • 10 months ago

        Jewkraine isn't winning anything, you Black person.

  5. 10 months ago

    The only thing blahas the best at is proving you shouldnt listen to blaha

  6. 10 months ago

    He has extremely unfortunate genetics
    >shitty skeletal structure
    just weird all over the place doesn't look fully human more like sone ogre
    >klinefelter tier hips
    low T sign, though he did roids apparently
    >poor muscle insertions
    his biceps for example only start like at half his upper arm the rest towards the elbow is all tendons
    >balding, poor eyesight, crooked teeth, sounds moronic when he talks
    bad/good genes really do come in packages, I think the guy must have had poor upbringing as well because I can't explain otherwise how shitty he is

  7. 10 months ago

    >let's use this one schizo moron as the definition of a type of lifting
    That's like saying Jason Genova is the epitome of bodybuilding, 100% moronic bullshit.

  8. 10 months ago

    He's lazy and eats like shit. He disproves whatever theory that is

  9. 10 months ago

    Elgen needs to make another gym idiots.

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