Is it testosterone or estrogen that ages you more ? Or is it an extreme imbalance of one ?

Is it testosterone or estrogen that ages you more ?
Or is it an extreme imbalance of one ?
Is it just better to have a proper healthy balance based on your sex ?

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  1. 5 months ago

    test ages you, est de-ages you and also gives you youthful features. well known result among trannies.

    • 5 months ago

      So if your just a healthy man and get lots of Vit D etc. that results in healthy test levels this will age you ?
      So being a healthy man that results in healthy test levels ages you ?

      I’m wondering if one of he reasons Asians age so well is all of the onions they eat idk.

      • 5 months ago

        Onions they eat*

        • 5 months ago

          ONIONS THEY EAT****

          • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      I think our bodies are just sensitive to androgen so much that it activates autoimmune disorders like bad skin and hair falling out etc. I guess high testosterone is bad after all.

      • 5 months ago

        Is it possible that androgens aren’t supposed to be harmful and it’s a weak/compromised immune system that’s allowing them to be harmful ?

        • 5 months ago

          yeah bro you just need to take vitamin c sups with your test injections and youll be fine

        • 5 months ago

          Then we all collectively have shitty immune systems. But look at bodybuilders after hopping on trt and roids they age 10 years in 1.

  2. 5 months ago

    DHT ages you the most while testosterone is neutral and estrogen is beneficial.

    • 5 months ago

      Estrogen isn't benefical

      • 5 months ago

        >protects against cholesterol
        >increases bone mass
        >makes the skin look younger
        >promotes hair growth

  3. 5 months ago

    DHT is the one that ages you, e2 is actually good for your skin, heart, etc. in moderation

    • 5 months ago

      DHT ages you the most while testosterone is neutral and estrogen is beneficial.

      So Kevin from haircafe is right about everything and it’s a trash hormone ?
      What about impotence due to low DHT or is that just because DHT blockers also lower test ?

      • 5 months ago

        >So Kevin from haircafe is right about everything and it’s a trash hormone ?
        The only use for DHT is in the brain and fin doesn't inhibit 5ar1 while dutasteride can't cross the BBB.
        >What about impotence due to low DHT or is that just because DHT blockers also lower test ?
        5ar inhibitors will change your testosterone and estrogen levels. If the ratio changes too much, it can lead to side effects.

        • 5 months ago

          >fin doesn't inhibit 5ar1 while dutasteride can't cross the BBB.
          What does this mean in simple terms ? I don’t know the euphemisms

          • 5 months ago

            Neither drug affects your brain at all, nor anything else for that matter. All you need to watch out for is your testosterone to estrogen ratio.

      • 5 months ago

        >So Kevin from haircafe is right about everything and it’s a trash hormone ?
        He's going a bit overboard. Some DHT is good, flatlining your DHT will cause side effects in some people. All you really want/need is to decrease your DHT to below a certain threshold.
        >What about impotence due to low DHT or is that just because DHT blockers also lower test ?
        I assume you're talking about fin/dut. They aren't DHT blockers, they're 5a-reductase inhibitors (5a-reductase is the main chemical that turns testosterone into DHT).
        If you take finasteride [1mg/day] the scientific data was that you decrease DHT by 70%, increase testosterone by 10-20%, and also increase E2 [estradiol] by 10-20%.
        This is a pretty good trade for 95%+ of people but really sucks for the people who are already high E, and that extra 10-20% puts them out of range, leading to all kinds of shit (problems with libido, problems with erections, gynocomastia risk, etc.).
        If your E2 is high, the best way to lower it is to cut, fat is where most aromatase goes on. Less fat => less aromatase => less E2.

        • 5 months ago

          What is E,E2 ?
          So you’re saying the skinnier you are the lest test you have ? The less fat you are etc.
          any thoughts on stuff like saw palmetto ?

          • 5 months ago

            E = estrogen (all types)
            E1 = Estrone
            E2 = Estradiol (THIS IS THE IMPORTANT ONE)
            E3 = Estriol

            When people are talking about 'estrogen', they really mean estradiol (E2).
            Fat guys have higher estrogen than skinny guys because they have more fat, and fat is where most of the conversion from testosterone to estradiol goes on.
            >saw palmetto
            isn't backed up by science [yet?], allegedly it's a 5ar inhibitor so it would work literally the exact same way as fin/dut... which is really funny because people on IST shill it and in the same post say that finasteride is a troony pill lmao

            • 5 months ago

              So you would want low E2 when taking fin to stop side effects is what you’re saying ?
              Or just high test in general to offset the reduction

              • 5 months ago

                If your E2 is normal (95%+ chance that it is), you won't have sides from finasteride.
                If your E2 is high, the easiest way to fix it is to stop being fat.

        • 5 months ago

          >Some DHT is good
          Fin leaves you with 30% of DHT while dut leaves you with around 5%. So even if there was some theoretical need we haven't discovered yet, there's still enough DHT around in your system.
          Otherwise good post.

        • 5 months ago

          dut and fin both destroy your sperm like crazy. you fingays massively overplay how little damage that shit does to your entire hormone system.

          • 5 months ago


            • 5 months ago

              >In a study, a 48-year-old man on finasteride found a decrease in his sperm DNA fragmentation index (DFI) by 9% three months after discontinuing the drug and a further fall of about 5% in the subsequent three months.[1] Similar improvement was observed in two other cases of azoospermia and severe oligospermia, 6 months after discontinuing finasteride.[2]
              >A patient on finasteride (1 mg) for 1 year, diagnosed with oligospermia (impaired spermatogenesis) 5 years earlier, was found to have increased semen volume immediately after cessation of finasteride and his sperm concentration improved to more than 10 × 106/ml about 4 months later.
              So perfectly reversible over time.

              And the 1mg dose didn't even seem to have any effect at all.
              >A study reported that spermatogenesis is not adversely affected by finasteride (at 1 mg dose), although the same study observed that the ejaculate volume, prostate volume, and serum PSA showed a decrease with finasteride administration.[7]

              >Finasteride does not have negative effects on erectile function, as established by many studies using international index of erectile function-5 questionnaire and nocturnal penile tumescence testing.
              Good to know.

              Your study can be tl;dr'd as finasteride/dutasteride may have a slight negative impact in fertility (especially at higher doses) but that effect is perfectly reversible upon cessation.

          • 5 months ago

            The impact on sperm quality is low, reversible and generally subsides over time.

            >In both treatment groups, total sperm count, compared with baseline, was significantly decreased at 26 wk (D, -28.6%; F, -34.3%) but not at 52 wk (D, -24.9%; F, -16.2%) or the 24-wk follow-up (D, -23.3%; F, -6.2%). At 52 wk, semen volume was decreased (D, -29.7%; F, -14.5%, significantly for D) as was sperm concentration (D, -3.2%; [corrected] F, -7.4%, neither significant). There was a significant reduction of -6 to 12% in sperm motility during treatment with both D and F and at follow-up. Neither treatment had any effect on sperm morphology.

  4. 5 months ago

    incels have low test and they all look 20 in their 30's with pristine skin and perma youthfulness etc.

  5. 5 months ago

    > Is it just better to have a proper healthy balance based on your sex ?
    This. It is the imbalances that frick things up. Stay away from xenoestrogens.

    • 5 months ago


  6. 5 months ago

    Uhhh pretty sure neither age you. It’s your cells wearing down and becoming less useful over time

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