Lack of gains training at home

Help please, I dont get neither gains nor strenght.

I do jumping jacks, sit ups, ab crunch, push ups, and combinations of these, and lift 5-12kg every day. I have my own pace, my routine (I do a lot of reps in order to avoid injury, im 34 already). I do at home as I watch anime (I dont like gyms).
But I still don't improve.
Every day/every other day, 5 days a week, 60-90 min. I also cutting down carbs.
I still cant get past 15 knee push ups in a row. I still look like a skinny manlet. Im not sure.

Suggestions are appreciated.

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  1. 2 years ago

    eat more. get myfitnesspal and eat 3000 a day

    • 2 years ago

      >eat 3k a day
      Shit advice unless you want to make him fat. Muscle only takes 180 extra calories daily to build.

      Help please, I dont get neither gains nor strenght.

      I do jumping jacks, sit ups, ab crunch, push ups, and combinations of these, and lift 5-12kg every day. I have my own pace, my routine (I do a lot of reps in order to avoid injury, im 34 already). I do at home as I watch anime (I dont like gyms).
      But I still don't improve.
      Every day/every other day, 5 days a week, 60-90 min. I also cutting down carbs.
      I still cant get past 15 knee push ups in a row. I still look like a skinny manlet. Im not sure.

      Suggestions are appreciated.

      The problem is you're only doing body weight shit. You need progressive overload via weights to gain mass, increasing reps works as well but after like 20 reps you really should add weight.

      Swap pushups for benchpress, dumbells or barbell.
      Don't do ab crunches, you can do barbell squats which build abs as well as legs. Most compound lifts build abs.
      5-12kg of "lifting" isn't enough weight. IDK what lifts you're doing with those weights, but those are way too small for building mass or strength. Your current body looks good, but thats as far as you'll get with those exercises. YOU WILL NOT MAKE PROGRESS WITHOUT DOING ACTUAL LIFTS.
      Get a pair of dumbbells you can add plates to.

      • 2 years ago

        weight training only helps if he’s eating more than 1800 calories a day, which he prob is now. for a skelly it’s really hard to actually eat 3k i just wanna stress how important eating in surplus is, if he slacks on diet he’ll find a lot of his time lifting ends up wasted

  2. 2 years ago

    Go to the gym b***h and eat more or stay dyel pussy forever.

  3. 2 years ago

    >lift 5-12kg every day
    of what? You are a man what are you doing lifting women weights? And you wonder why you don't grow? You want results without efforts? Become a roid troony.

    • 2 years ago

      Please be note respectful... Weight increases pressure in my head, I dont want to get a stroke or hemorrhage. I do a lot of reps, like 100-150

      • 2 years ago

        >lift 5-12kg every day
        of what? You are a man what are you doing lifting women weights? And you wonder why you don't grow? You want results without efforts? Become a roid troony.

        I am definitely not going to be "note" respectful to a weak fricking homosexual.

        >Weight increases pressure in my head

        > I do a lot of reps, like 100-150

      • 2 years ago

        You're not pushing yourself hard enough is my guess. When 99% of people say they're pushing hard enough to build muscle (2 reps before failure or less) they're actually 5, 8, even 10 reps away from failure. Reduce your workouts to 1 set per exercise and take it all the way to failure. I mean that. Push so hard that you're hyperventilating, dripping sweat, and can't lift your body an inch if a gun was to your head. You need to learn how to actually work yourself physically otherwise you'll be skinny forever.

        >Weight increases pressure in my head, I dont want to get a stroke or hemorrhage
        You're not going to from lifting. Ever. Having that happen requires herculean effort. The only places I've seen it happen are strength competitions where men are pushing so hard to get even one rep that they're in a state of adrenaline fueled hysterical strength. If you somehow achieved that at home using bodyweight exercises and light dumbbells then I'm shocked you've made it to 34.
        >I do a lot of reps, like 100-150
        Holy shit is that per set? Or are you doing this over 3 or 4 sets? Either way that's too many reps and not enough intensity. You're building muscular endurance but hypertrophy happens when you train for strength endurance (8-20 reps per set is where most gains will come from). If you can exceed 20 reps on an exercise it's for sure time to either up the weight or choose a harder variation in the case of calisthenics

      • 2 years ago

        Bro. You're a complete homosexual and you need to grow out of this pussy mentality if you actually wanna see gains.

  4. 2 years ago

    You're not eating enough. Eat triple what you do now, and make more than half of it proteins. Also you need carbs so you can burn them during your workouts.

    Increase your weights progressively and just don't quit. You are going to make it.

  5. 2 years ago

    You look just like an ex of mine only thicker.

    • 2 years ago

      Was your ex a man

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          Are you a woman

          • 2 years ago

            Yes. Why?

            • 2 years ago

              Just checking

            • 2 years ago

              Ugh, lame

            • 2 years ago

              Women don't exist on the internet. Rule 29. Also follow rule 31 plz and thnk u

            • 2 years ago

              breasts or gtfo

  6. 2 years ago

    L O N D O N

  7. 2 years ago

    Dude we can all tell there's really nothing to black out I don't see why you bothered.

  8. 2 years ago

    >I only do cardio
    >And tiny weights with insanely high reps
    >I'm scared of gyms for some reason
    >I'm not eating much
    >How the hell am I a skinny manlet?
    >Pls no bulli
    >When I exert myself even slightly I worry I'll get a stroke
    Are you trolling or just a complete moron? You clearly didn't read the fricking sticky, despite it being THE FIRST THING on IST every time you come to the board. Let me sum it up for you, since you're allergic to effort:
    >Count your calories. More mass requires more calories. Make sure you're getting a gram of protein per pound of bodyweight
    >Also, make sure your diet is providing all the vitamins and nutrients you need
    >Lift 6-8 reps of higher weight for 3-5 sets. Your muscles should be unable to do another rep by the end
    >Stretch after workouts to maintain flexibility and prevent injury
    >Make sure your form is good on your lifts to maximize gains and prevent injury
    >Avoid drugs, alcohol, and sugar
    >Keep a record of your progress. Take pictures, write down your max weight on your lifts
    >All of this is irrelevant because you're NGMI because you're weak in the mind

  9. 2 years ago

    The answer sir is: PULL-UPS
    Anywhere you can do them - A tree, the park, be creative if need be. If you’re scared of leaving the house you can get one of those thingys that hang on your door.
    Although not strictly optimal, you can build a solid upper body with ONLY pull-ups.
    Also, train your mind to link eating with training. Every time you eat, question yourself if it’s enough. Employ strategies to help you gain weight. Approach eating with discipline, as you would with physical exercise.

  10. 2 years ago

    Core strength. Work on your posture and building up your core.

  11. 2 years ago

    125 lb - 5'10 soilet here. I am going to lift for the first time since I served zog in the Air Force. What am I in for and what should I focus on? Going to be going to the gym with my actual fit friend but I figure I need to focus more on diet. What is easy to put down a lot of that will help with workouts, what supplements actually do stuff, and what can I do at home to help when I'm not at the gym. I am committed after being a pussy for so long. I'm over it. I played baseball and soccer so it's not going to be new to me to train just new to attempt to actually put on weight I guess and have a gym regimen

  12. 2 years ago

    You can't half pay attention to your workout while watching tv. You need to be paying attention to what you're doing, your form, the body parts you're working.

  13. 2 years ago

    I made some very nice gains just doing calisthenics + some dumbbells at home. I can tell by the tone of your post that you're a pussy so that's probably the issue.

  14. 2 years ago

    >I do jumping jacks, sit ups, ab crunch, push ups, and combinations of these
    Bodyweight and even the easier ones. Try leg raises, pullups. squats. Also look for proper form: a pushup is real only if your chest reach the ground. One real pushup worth more than 3 fake. 3 sec to down, 3 to up.
    >lift 5-12kg every day. I have my own pace, my routine (I do a lot of reps in order to avoid injury, im 34 already).
    Forget the 5s and start at 8 kg. Do as many you can between 8 and 15. If you can do more then step up to bigger weight. Pace is important: fast contract slow release, time under tension. If you feel too easy in one point (like the bicep curl tipping point is when your arm horizontal) flex the muscle to replace the missing tension of the weight.
    Reps: 8-15 depends on weight as aforementioned. 2-3 sets each. 30-45-60s between sets, 1-2 mins between different forms (gradually raise in 2-3 weeks at first: 1 set of 8 1 set of 10, 1 set of 12, 2 set of 8, 2 set of 10, 2 set of 12, 3 set of 8...)
    t. 36 with only a pair of dumbbells

  15. 2 years ago
    Fitness Helper

    Don't cut out carbs if you want to gain weight OP.

    • 2 years ago

      I am bulk for the first time right now. I need to eat 3200 calories. I have a big breakfast of eggs and sausage and greek yogurt in the morning every morning. Lots of chicken breast broccoli and rice for my lunch. A bowl of spaghetti and ground beef and sauce for dinner. A whey protein shake for a snack and lots of cottage cheese before bed. This is my routine I can stick to. You say you shouldn't avoid carbs. Should I just stop eating chicken breasts for lunch and only make spaghetti for my lunch and dinner. I can get protein from ground beef. Its annoying making two different meals for lunch and dinner

  16. 2 years ago

    That's just the calisthenics limit

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