layne norton

is he based? he seems very intelligent and bases his views on actual science and not bro science .

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  1. 3 months ago

    i mean he owns cholesteral schizos here lol

    • 3 months ago

      no he doesnt moron

  2. 3 months ago

    He's based and the only fitness youtuber i take seriously. He always backs up his claims with legit studies, not the ones done on mices. And he makes carnitards and ketolards seethe.

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        Seethe, moron.

        • 3 months ago

          >inspect element
          nice try the replies/posters ratio exposed you

          • 3 months ago
  3. 3 months ago

    Hes a narcissistic israelite who made up bullshit like "metabolic damage" in order to have his clients pay him for way longer coaching lengths

    Basically he cherry picks whatever he feels like out of data to suit his business ventures

    So basically hes basically exactly whats wrong with modern science, all just a bunch of israelites profiting off bullshit crappy made studies which arent even reproducible (whose going to spend the money to prove them wrong?) so they get away with it and goys pay them for shit they dont need

  4. 3 months ago

    I stopped watching him when he looked at a study that compared the metabolic response of a whole wheat cheese sandwich with real cheese vs a white bread with Kraft. The study clearly showed that the whole food sandwich resulted in an increase in metabolism, but he basically said
    "Nah bro, CICO lol"
    Despite the study showing the opposite. He's a grifter

    • 3 months ago

      exactly the explaination i was looking for, hes become completely insufferable and lost sight of any better future for anyone but himself
      and he already had a bad rep of previously riding his phd like it was 200 IQ mensa rocket science top 10 in the world validation

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah and the worst part of that video was that showed a screenshot of the study conclusion and he literally edited out the last line explaining the metabolic difference. Intentional dishonesty

        • 3 months ago

          he's a israeli psycho who's been lying his whole life. he spent half his life as an outspoken fake-natty. he oughta be blacklisted from the industry for that alone.

    • 3 months ago

      Do you have a link to the video?

    • 3 months ago

      >Nah bro, CICO lol
      cico and keto are death cults. studies and real life experience cant change mind of a cultist.

  5. 3 months ago

    layne is heavily autistic and has a need to feel like hes in the center of attention, regardless if he feels like its an important topic or not.

    over the years, hes become something like a "everything is ok to eat bro, all the warning signals arent enough because something similar is fine bro"

  6. 3 months ago

    >layne "mass is conserved" morton
    top kek

  7. 3 months ago

    Narcissistic israeli drug addict

  8. 3 months ago

    This guy is annoying to look at and listen to and he spews exclusively status quo bullshit with the arrogance of every redditor combined. I can't imagine why anybody would watch him for a single second.

    • 3 months ago

      metabolic adaption and insuline resistance is obviously real but its not like you need a coach to unfrick it

  9. 3 months ago

    He looks and sounds israeli.

    Therefore I don't trust him.

  10. 3 months ago

    He says sugar isn't bad for you but eats only artificial sweeteners so i don't trust him.

  11. 3 months ago

    He’s only based for consistently BTFOing carnivore cucks like saladino

  12. 3 months ago

    his content is terrible, I just hate the 'epic ownage' style shit. seriously have a nice day. that being said, i find him a good source because he is actually immersed in the field.

  13. 3 months ago

    "Nutrition" isn't a real field of study.

    • 3 months ago

      Brainlet cope.

  14. 3 months ago

    I really enjoy when he exposes keto schizos and carnivore schizos

  15. 3 months ago

    Seems like the kind of guy who critically looks at the data but he's not. A good instance of his myopic view exposed is in his stance on seed oils:


    • 3 months ago

      interesting read, thanks!

  16. 3 months ago

    He went to Eckerd college. That's like the McDojo of strip mall colleges.

  17. 3 months ago

    Layne "seed oils are good for you!" norton. Says all I need to know.

    Note bloated /chubby face despite ostensibly low bodyfat % - could this be due to pufa accumulation?

  18. 3 months ago

    no man wearing a shirt like this will ever be based
    what a gay

  19. 3 months ago

    fraud, here he is with gyno, yet he's totally natural.

    Also misrepresents data constantly to push his narrative. He tries to not act biased but he is, he doesn't even know much about protein despite protein being his thesis for his PhD.

  20. 3 months ago

    Workout science sucks, though
    > These 5 women from the cross country team of a Division 3 school did [thing] for 12 weeks in the off-season, and we didn't control for anything. It had statistically significant results, but the p value is ridiculous

  21. 3 months ago


    look at this autist.

    • 3 months ago

      >make america science again

      Translation: believe my bullshit studies so I can sell muh products

  22. 3 months ago

    he was wrong about many things
    meal frequency
    metabolic damage
    training volume

    • 3 months ago

      did he ever admit to being wrong on this shit? or is he still shilling products/programs based on this bullshit?

      • 3 months ago

        would this israeli face say sorry and stop shilling and make you waste money ?

        fraud, here he is with gyno, yet he's totally natural.

        Also misrepresents data constantly to push his narrative. He tries to not act biased but he is, he doesn't even know much about protein despite protein being his thesis for his PhD.

        for reference

      • 3 months ago

        he literally never admitted to being wrong about:
        meal frequency
        metabolic damage
        training volume

        he literally believed anything beyond 30g of protein in a meal is effectively useless for growth because of his flawed whey protein isolate studies measuring MPS after 2-7h of ingestion only

        well we know have clear data showing that as much as 100g of protein from a single ingestion of milk protein powder(not even a whole food) keeps MPS rates above baseline for at least 10h straight, so he was completely wrong about this
        he also never admitted to BCAA's being useless despite plenty of evidence showing they are worse than actual protein, he simply says they "have a place" in one's supplementation lol
        he still clings to this metabolic damage bullshit because it's what his "coaching" depends on, just like that israelite mike israetel clings on his "deloads" and "overreaching" shit based on no evidence, their money depends on them supporting these concepts
        he is changing his tune on the volume question, but not much, never admitting he was wrong about anything

        the problem is not that he was wrong but that he spoke with such degree of confidence and arrogance using his PhD in protein metabolism as validation for all he said and the science was on his side and that everyone else who disagreed was just an uneducated idiot, if he was wrong about all that what else could he be wrong about now?
        people need to stop worshipping these e-celebs

        • 3 months ago

          >as much as 100g of protein from a single ingestion of milk protein powder(not even a whole food) keeps MPS rates above baseline for at least 10h straight,
          You're as dumb as Norton. That study doesn't disprove anything about MPS caps, the methodology is very flawed:

          • 3 months ago

            >proceeds to link a 20+ minute video without using his own words to explain why I'm wrong

            not watching that shit
            according to the video description a completely different study is being addressed to the one I am referring to
            pic relsated, try again lil bro

            • 3 months ago

              The study is the one you're talking about, they linked another one by mistake. The video was posted as a source and because I didn't want to go into detail. You can understand why the study is garbage by watching just a few minutes.

              • 3 months ago

                >The study is the one you're talking about, they linked another one by mistake
                it's not just the link
                the description clearly refers to a completely different study using 2 different types of protein with also a completely different objective in mind

                >This study investigated the muscle protein synthesis rates in older adults after consuming two different types of meals: an omnivorous meal consisting of lean ground beef and a vegan meal composed solely of plant-based sources. The aim was to understand how these meals affect the body's ability to synthesize muscle protein following the ingestion of a meal containing the different types of protein. This is the first study to compare the anabolic response following the ingestion of a complete omnivorous versus vegan meal.

                for that reason I won't even bother to watch it
                >I didn't want to go into detail
                then you shouldn't have posted
                >you can understand why the study is garbage
                every study has its imperfections
                use your words to tear this study apart, should be easy if it's so garbage

              • 3 months ago

                Yes, the description is about the linked study, not the one discussed. My reply was meant for anyone interested so it doesn't matter if you ignore it.

              • 3 months ago

                nevermind I watched around 10 minutes of it and this old ass dude is just yapping and yapping without any refutation making mistake after mistake along the way
                every point he made is irrelevant and doesn't refute the data which is 100g of milk protein keeps myoPS above baseline even at 12h post ingestion which completely destroys this 20-40g protein per meal cap parroted around by layne norton and other broscientists for the last 20 fricking years

                I'll adress what I heard from that idiot so anyone here can see what I mean
                >b-but you can't just eat a ton of protein in one meal and grow from it!
                no one said that
                no one ever said that
                only that your muscles CAN benefit from as much as 100g of protein in a single meal for at least 12 hours straight
                >they didn't use a fast digesting protein
                yeah it's one of the major strengths of this protocol, no whey protein isolate shit which clearly doesn't represent the digestion and metabolism of any whole food protein source
                >casein is one of the slowest digesting proteins there is!
                they didn't use "casein", they used whey AND casein in the exact same ratios found in milk, it says so in the paper that they used MILK protein, and that's in both the 25g and 100g dosages (not casein like that idiot keeps saying) he also claims that they "only" used 20g in the lower dosage, which is also wrong, it says clearly in the paper that they used 0g as control, 25g as the lower dosage and 100g as the higher dosage, all milk protein, all containing casein AND whey
                furthermore, milk protein digests faster than protein found in whole foods like beef as shown by other studies too so who cares
                I could go on but this guy is senile as hell and I don't wanna waste any more time on this shit
                layne and every other "30g per meal" broscientist was simply fricking wrong
                it never made any sense at all for there to be a hard cap at 40g and a soft cap at 25g, it was all based on very acute and whey protein isolate moronic experiments

              • 3 months ago

                Your intelligence is showing. I don't know why you decided to watch almost half of it and write a blog about it when you implied you don't have time to waste; you clearly do.

              • 3 months ago

                no shame in being wrong, just maybe stay in your lane next time instead of talking shit and spreading misinformation lil bro

  23. 3 months ago


  24. 3 months ago

    Met Layne at a conference once, as soon as the camera turned off he dropped the facade pretty much instantly.

    Might be smart but is a massive, insufferable narcissist who will die alone

    • 3 months ago

      More narcissist than his videos show? Goddamn, even the videos just ooze narcissim.

      • 3 months ago


        It was years ago and the I don't remember the dialogue exactly but I asked him a question wrt his "professional expertise" (sincerely, at the time I had no idea he was such a flog), and the c**t actually smirked at me and belittled the question instead of just giving an answer.

  25. 3 months ago

    His Phd was about BCAA's being beneficial, then it turns out they aren't, so think about it.
    He is a shill and a grifter as much as Lustig, Fung adn Berg are, just on the other side of nutritional science.
    Evidently the guy is a big narcissist, likes attention and cherry picks "meta" studies to confront the other quacks, somehow trying to make you belive that the studies he picked are more based than the studies of the other charlatans. His stances on processed food, seed oils, sugar, artificial sweeteners are displaying his inability to see the consequences that those things have, because he is always about "muh studies" and can't comprehend the real situation.
    A lot of his stances were disproven, yet he will not admit ever that he was wrong, because that would hurt his ego, he has a diploma mill Phd, is a roid troony and grifts by shilling "studies" to stay relevant.
    The only smart thing I remember he said was that the biological mechanism doesn't always produce the expected outcome, but he likes to forget that when he discusses the "studies" he picked.

  26. 3 months ago

    When it comes to nutritional studies, I only trust explicit anti-semites at this point.

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