LETS PLAY A HYPOTHETICAL GAME. Pretend you can only do one exercise per day, Monday to Sunday.

Pretend you can only do one exercise per day, Monday to Sunday. What would your routine look like? Include sets and reps and rest period to make it more detailed. You may choose one day to rest and can choose cardio if you want. One exception, if your one exercise is really short, you can do two in one day, or if you superset.
Monday: ________
Tuesday: ________
Wednesday: ________
Thursday: ________
Friday: ________
Saturday: ________
Sunday: ________

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  1. 9 months ago

    Monday: Mating press suisei
    Tuesday: Mating press suisei
    Wednesday: Mating press suisei
    Thursday: Mating press suisei
    Friday: Mating press suisei
    Saturday: Mating press suisei
    Sunday: Mating press suisei

    • 9 months ago

      ok good first post. you might take a rest day an mating press miko though. ill add my own.

      Monday: Bench + bicep curl superset
      Tuesday: Squat
      Wednesday: OHP
      Thursday: RDL
      Friday: Pullups and lat pulldown
      Saturday: Carido
      Sunday: rest

      • 9 months ago

        imagine setting an arbitrary rule of only one exercise a day then taking a rest day

    • 9 months ago


  2. 9 months ago


  3. 9 months ago

    > lust provoking image
    > irrelevant, time wasting question

    • 9 months ago

      the question is extremely IST related you moron. you cant have a more IST discussion than making a routine for fun. the image was to catch your attention i admit though.

      • 9 months ago

        its time wasting because working one muscle group a day is highly inefficient since you should maximize the amount of time your body is in recovery (building muscle).

        • 9 months ago

          First off, its a hypothetical you nerd. Second, its not one muscle group, its one exercise. And third, im probing for ideas because I dont have any time do workout anymore and need to limit my gym time to an hour or less which leaves me with doing about one exercise because Im a slow exerciser.

          • 9 months ago

            yeah well maybe you should work on that then. I hit all major groups within an hour.

          • 9 months ago

            Sunday: Squat
            Monday: Bench
            Tuesday: Deadlift
            Wednesday: Pullup
            Thursday: Overhead Press
            Friday: Calf Raise
            Saturday: Hammer Curl

            If you have limited time and aren't that fit (I'm assuming you aren't bc you're asking for routine advice on a hentai/ecoterrorism website) compound lifts will give you the most bang for you buck. That said, what are your goals?

            If you have a massive time constraint greasing the groove with pushups, squats, and pullups (buy a free standing bar) can be really useful too.

            • 9 months ago

              i want to feel good, be strong and mobile and look good.

              • 9 months ago


                Smth like above is pretty much the quickest and easiest way to get to the strong part

                Couple with some shit below to get the feel good and mobile

                https://stayflexy.co/collections/mobility-flexibility-guides (Free PDFS but does require registration. The shoulder one fixed me when I hurt myself benching)

  4. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        i dont even know who these anime girls are, the pic is just anime breasts to me.

      • 9 months ago

        I actually only do 1 lift a day because I'm lazy
        Monday: OHP
        Tuesday: Zercher Squat
        Wednesday: Bench Press
        Thursday: Deadlift
        Friday: Chinups

        AYY LMAO

        • 9 months ago

          >Zercher Squat
          redpill me on zercher squats. same benefits as normal squats without having weight on your spine? is that the gist of it? does it hit the hammies and glutes or mainly quads? guess i should try it.

          • 9 months ago

            I think it activates your lower back more and a bit of shoulders keeping the bar in your elbows. Mostly though it's still a quads/gluts lift.
            Honestly I just do them because I don't have a squat rack so I just put the barbell on the edge of my bench and pick it up with my elbows from a squat position.

            • 9 months ago

              >poor mans squat

              • 9 months ago

                you laugh but that's exactly the case, created by a dude lifting in a junkyard who had to improvise.

                >Zercher Squat
                redpill me on zercher squats. same benefits as normal squats without having weight on your spine? is that the gist of it? does it hit the hammies and glutes or mainly quads? guess i should try it.

                I like them because I had a lower back injury and it places the support more on the upper back. If you keep a more upright back it's very quad focused, but you can also kinda hinge like a good morning and hit more glutes and hams.

      • 9 months ago

        AYY LMAO

  5. 9 months ago

    I wish left was slightly smaller and right slightly bigger. Super cute titmog though!

  6. 9 months ago

    If I could only do one exercise per day with the exception of a workout being really short, wouldn't that mean that I can superset every day if I wanted to since 1 exercise will always be short unless I do a ton of sets?

    • 9 months ago

      The real problem with supersetting is how are you going to do something like OHP and barbell rows? Youd need to use two bars or take the weight off every set. Its not as easy as it seems.

      • 9 months ago

        I can make it work


        Pretend you can only do one exercise per day, Monday to Sunday. What would your routine look like? Include sets and reps and rest period to make it more detailed. You may choose one day to rest and can choose cardio if you want. One exception, if your one exercise is really short, you can do two in one day, or if you superset.
        Monday: ________
        Tuesday: ________
        Wednesday: ________
        Thursday: ________
        Friday: ________
        Saturday: ________
        Sunday: ________

        >Monday: Deadlifts
        Alternating between 2x2-3 and 4x5-8 week to week
        >Tuesday: Ring Dips and Pullups Superset
        >Wednesday: OHP and Dumbbell Curl Superset
        5x10-15 for OHP and 4x8-12 for the curls
        >Thursday: Squat and Hamstring Curls Superset
        5x6-12 for squats and 10-15 for hamstring curls
        >Friday: Incline Bench and Bent Over Rows Superset
        5x8-12 for both
        >Saturday: Push Press and Dumbbell Curl Superset
        5x3 for push press and 4x8-12 for the curls
        >Sunday: Rest

  7. 9 months ago

    monday: Mating press Tsukino Mito for cardio
    Tuesday: Incline dumbell bench
    Wednesday: machine rows
    Thursday: Leg press
    Friday: Pushups
    Saturday: Chinups
    Sunday: Deadlifts

    • 9 months ago

      Why dont you squat or bench? Trying to not injure yourself?

      Monday: OHP
      Tuesday: weighted pullups
      Wednesday: Bench press
      Thursday: Pendlay rows
      Friday: weighted straight bar dips
      Saturday: Power cleans/high pull super set
      Sunday: rest

      After a pushup and kettlebell swing warm up do 4 sets of 5 and 1 set of 5-10 to failure.

      This is pretty solid with a couple tweaks for me.
      Monday: OHP
      Tuesday: weighted pullups
      Wednesday: Bench press
      >Thursday: Barbell rows (my hamstring flexibility is shit)
      >Friday: RDL (cant dip yet, it hurts my shoudlers)
      >Saturday: Squats (cant do any of that oly shit)
      Sunday: rest

      Id try and fit in abs too somewhere.

  8. 9 months ago

    Monday: OHP
    Tuesday: weighted pullups
    Wednesday: Bench press
    Thursday: Pendlay rows
    Friday: weighted straight bar dips
    Saturday: Power cleans/high pull super set
    Sunday: rest

    After a pushup and kettlebell swing warm up do 4 sets of 5 and 1 set of 5-10 to failure.

  9. 9 months ago

    Monday: Barbell OHP, go for your 1RM and then pyramid down at 10 pound increments, AMRAP with 2 sets per weight level until you hit 60% of your 1RM.
    Tuesday: Barbell Squats, go for your 1RM and then pyramid down at 20 pound increments, AMRAP with 2 sets per weight level until you hit 60% of your 1RM.
    Wednesday: 4 sets of 10 Shrugs with a trap bar
    Thursday: Weighted Crunches
    Friday: 4 sets of 10 Shrugs with a trap bar
    Saturday Weighted Crunches
    Sunday: Rest


    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        That’s a goal body, thanks anon

        • 9 months ago

          I just dont understand all the shrugging. Never cared much for traps.

          • 9 months ago

            I play a sport that requires a lot of isolated lifting in that manner, so I end up doing a lot of trap work. I also have a moronicly long neck, and traps help people not notice the fact that my neck takes up almost a sixth of my height

  10. 9 months ago

    Monday: bench press, 10x6
    Tuesday: squat, 10x6
    Wednesday: Pendlay rows, 10x6
    Thursday: overhead press, 10x6
    Friday: deadlift, 3x6
    Saturday: curls, 8x8
    Sunday: weighted leg raises, 8x10

  11. 9 months ago

    Monday: Squat
    Tuesday: Bench
    Wednesday: Deadlift
    Thursday: Rows
    Friday: OHP
    Saturday: Pullups
    Sunday: Dips

  12. 9 months ago


  13. 9 months ago

    hehe thanks for the free routines suckers

  14. 9 months ago

    Monday: Heavy squat variation
    Tuesday: Heavy press variation
    Wednesday: Heavy deadlift or other pulling variation
    Thursday: Plyometrics
    Friday: Heavy press variation
    Saturday: Heavy deadlift or other pulling variation
    Sunday: Heavy squat variation

  15. 9 months ago

    for some reason, a flat chest feels way more erotic to me than a busty chest, makes me coom like nothing else, am i mentally ill or something? everyone seems to prefer big(er) breasts, i am talking about real women, not (just) drawings

  16. 9 months ago

    I'm going to cheat and say swimming. If you just swam every day, you'd look pretty fricking good.

  17. 9 months ago

    Monday: MATING PRESS
    Tuesday: MATING PRESS
    Wednesday: MATING PRESS
    Thursday: MATING PRESS
    Friday: MATING PRESS
    Saturday: MATING PRESS
    Sunday: Rest. Eat a zinc brick and a magnesium pipe throughout the day for maximum semen production.

  18. 9 months ago

    bench, pull-ups, bicep pull-downs, split squats, mating press suzuhara lulu, rest day, mating press suzuhara lulu

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