>lost my job 6 weeks ago. >another day eating this for dinner. >tfw eggs and boiled rice every night

>lost my job 6 weeks ago
>another day eating this for dinner
>tfw eggs and boiled rice every night

What do?

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  1. 9 months ago

    get some butter and spices for it, or take the troony pill and put onions sauce on it. Really though you should be frying the eggs with the rice.

  2. 9 months ago

    Hmm i dont know maybe get a job? No, that can't be it. Sorry wish I could help.

  3. 9 months ago

    >throw oil in pan
    >throw garlic in pan (optional)
    >throw onions in pan (optional)
    >throw eggs in pan
    >scramble eggs in oil
    >throw cooked rice in pan
    >fry for a few minutes

    Simplest fried rice possible, and it tastes good. If you have it, feel free to add in any diced vegetables/meat, onions sauce, sesame oil, seasonings, etc

  4. 9 months ago

    Ask your parents for a small loan untill you get a job again.

  5. 9 months ago

    Make egg fried rice instead

  6. 9 months ago

    Ffs season it. Looks good otherwise.

  7. 9 months ago

    Get broth cubes

  8. 9 months ago

    If I lose my job I’ll get 80% of my income until I’ll get another job or for 2 years, then it goes down to 60% for 3 years.

  9. 9 months ago

    can't you just ask one of your family members to work in one of the businesses they own?

  10. 9 months ago

    You lost your job? Well, where did you last see it? Ahaha

    • 9 months ago


  11. 9 months ago

    Walmarts always hiring for overnight stockers, they will hire just about anyone for those positions (I did it back in college - had some very strange people who still managed to get hired there). They are starting at like $18/hr now. Volunteer to work the heavier depts and you will get a nice workout. Plus post Covid most of them are no longer open to the public after 11pm, so no customers to worry about. Not the best job, but beats no job.

  12. 9 months ago

    >muh friend rice
    >muh seasonings
    Dont listen to any of these closeted homosexuals op. That diet is going to make you into a God, physically and mentally

  13. 9 months ago

    Buy flour in big quantity and egg whites, mix everything and make little breads using an anti stick pan with a lid. Super cheap

    Pressure cooker for beans

    Grided corn powder (have no idea how it is called) make nice soups

    Trow some tuna or any cheap canned fish (it is almost 1x1 compared to eggs and helps you don't go crazy eating the same thing over and over)

    Animal fat in blocks. Try it, buy a little block and try it. You will slowly give up s()y oils and it is better for you

    Rice is a must, you need to buy in bulk because it will last

    Ascorbic acid, they sell a it in big quantity. It is C vitamin in a white powder form. Mix with water and tastes like lemon. Very good acid tast and goes well with any meal. It is very important you don't get sick between this period. Thrust me... you can get sick pretty fast eating like a Vietcong

    Do you ride bicycle? If yes, try to forage herbs and make teas.

    Instant pastas, like miojo and shit like that. ZERO health benefits, but they are a change from repeating the same meals and go a loooong way to help your mind.

    Seasoning. Buy all you can, all cheap shit with different tastes. Frick if it has too much sodium. Survivor mode is a different game.

    Lentils (I count it as beans)

    And now remember that things change suddenly and you NEEEEEED to have a money reserve to sustain you in Vietcong mode for at least one year. It happened to me too dude. The human survival instinct is amazing. I had nobody to call for help and survived. You will learn a lot and discover that trauma is the best teacher
    But I really wished otherwise, because .. grrrrrr sucks

    • 9 months ago

      I’ll try some of these for sure, going to bull buy rice and have a look for seasonings tonight.

      >muh friend rice
      >muh seasonings
      Dont listen to any of these closeted homosexuals op. That diet is going to make you into a God, physically and mentally

      It’s not doing anything for my body composition. Although I’ve lost 20lbs since I started eating povertymode. I still think I look the same though.

      Ffs season it. Looks good otherwise.

      I’ve got cheap salt and some hot sauce.

      Hmm i dont know maybe get a job? No, that can't be it. Sorry wish I could help.

      Walmarts always hiring for overnight stockers, they will hire just about anyone for those positions (I did it back in college - had some very strange people who still managed to get hired there). They are starting at like $18/hr now. Volunteer to work the heavier depts and you will get a nice workout. Plus post Covid most of them are no longer open to the public after 11pm, so no customers to worry about. Not the best job, but beats no job.

      I’m trying but I kind of like living this way feels kind of Spartan eating basic plain stuff all the time. Couldn’t tell you the last time I had a chocolate bar or anything sweet. I think this will be good to reset my tastebuds and dopamine and I don’t miss any food at all.

      • 9 months ago

        Chocolate and sugar are good for you, moron. Chocolate is by far the best source of stearic acid which should be a significant portion of your fat intake. And you're never going to "reset" yourself to the point that you don't enjoy sugar since your body is built to prefer simple carbs (fruit) as your primary food source.

        White rice is horrible garbage, also. At the very least you could be eating potatoes instead, at least then you're be getting some micronutrients.

        • 9 months ago

          >Chocolate and sugar are good for you

          • 9 months ago

            he's right, you are the moron

          • 9 months ago

            You're welcome to try to explain why they're bad but you won't because you don't have any reasoning behind it. You're just parroting what you've been told. Chocolate is the richest dietary source of stearic acid but you don't even know what that is, much less why you should have lots of it in your diet.

  14. 9 months ago

    >he doesn't steal groceries

    • 9 months ago

      Some of us have a code and morals. Being a thief, no matter the reasoning ( aka excuses), isn't one of them. Thievery is one lowest crimes you can commit, on par with rape, cause you are taking something not yours nor deserve or earned.

      • 9 months ago

        This. I would never take money from a multi-billion dollar company. I’ll starve before I reduce their bottom line by a single cent.

  15. 9 months ago

    eggs and rice is godtier food you Black person. get some beans and tuna to mix it up every now and then, but that's shit you can thrive on

  16. 9 months ago

    milk is really cheap for protein as well, get 1% or skim if you wanna stay lean, although with povertymode, whole might be better just for calories.

    a jar of peanut butter from wal mart is like $1 and provides like 2300 calories.

    oats very good, bananas are dirt cheap too. For flavoring, walmart sells a cheap sugarfree maple syrup for a couple bucks for sweet stuff. For anything else, I think they have $1 spices like garlic and onion.

    pasta is also cheap, you don't want to keep eating rice every day. Oats, pasta, and rice should be enough to keep nutrients up. Hopefully you have a farmer's market near you and you can pick up dirt cheap potatoes, like the one near me has 10 lb bags for $3.

    frozen section is awesome too, lots of veggies for $1-$2 a bag.

  17. 9 months ago

    >he can afford eggs
    well well
    look at the city slicker eating his fancy gourmet meal

  18. 9 months ago


  19. 9 months ago

    go play the banjo somwhere, since you're so good at twanging strings

  20. 9 months ago

    Deenz, tuna, I actually got into rollmops recently and they're fricking awesome.

  21. 9 months ago

    I was so strapped for cash I made rice and lentils. It's not bad eats, but nothing will ever taste good with the stress of poverty hanging over you. Maybe steal a smoked tobasco sauce bottle from Chipotle or something.

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