Need Pills

So here's the situation with me.
26 years old, Active my whole life, lifting weights since I was 13. Always struggled with weight but around age 16, lost a ton of weight and got skinny. Gained a ton of weight at age 19-20. Lost it around age 25. Gained it all back recently. This whole time I was very active, running, lifting, playing sports etc.

Very lately, I've been considerably black pilled about my weight. I'm 6'0, 220 pounds, 22% body fat percentage in spite of running distances of over 10 miles, lifting, and eating decently with no sugar or junk food. This is in addition to working a job as a patient transporter at a hospital where I move fatties all day. My basal metabolic rate at my height and weight and activity level should be like 3300 calories per day. Instead, it's like 1500.

Basically, I want to take pills. But they all suck. Any reccomendations? Reminder that this isn't a substitute for exercise and proper eating. It's to supplement it because years have gone by and I still struggle.

>nb4 low testosterone
I bench about 275 and squat 310. I'll bench 225 for 12 reps. I think my T. Is fine. I also have a ton of energy and my dick is hard every 30 minutes.

So what pills should I get from the doctor? Bonus points if they have little side effect and aren't stimulants.

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  1. 2 years ago
    Pill Head

    Here is physique as of 2 days ago.
    Pear shaped upper body. Reminder that this is a physique of a runner with a 7 minute mile time, a 275 bench press, and a manual laborer who works all day.

  2. 2 years ago
    Anonymous less. Track your calories. Your BMR is likely not 1500 at all - it's just that you probably eat way too much and don't even notice it.

    • 2 years ago
      Pill Head

      I'm a meal prep dude. I weigh chicken rice and broccoli, put it in tuppaware, and take it to work. The only caloric allowance I give myself is low fat yogurt, low fat milk, and some chia seeds. I'm a nazi about my diet. Also, I got my thyroid checked out by the doctor. Nothing wrong there.

      • 2 years ago

        If you really are consistently eating enough calories to maintain/not bulk as you say, then there is no possible way to suddenly gain a ton of weight. Your body can't just put on weight out of thin air. That's not how thermodynamics work. No one reaches your size eating 1500 calories a day.

        Again, you're probably underestimating your calories.

  3. 2 years ago

    I need tomboy GF, not pills

    Also your problem is probably diet. Eat only whole grains, meat/eggs/dairy, and veggies/fruit and you'll be much healthier.

    • 2 years ago
      Pill Head

      I do bro. I said in the earlier post. 1500 calories per day. Low fat yogurt, low fat milk, chia seeds, chicken, broccoli, and brown rice. That's it. That's all I eat. Still fat.

      • 2 years ago

        Maybe get better at running, idk. Never met a collegiate runner who had a gut as big as yours. There were some that came close, but not quite. 7 min mile is nothing impressive in that respect, and you can conceivably get a lot better at running before losing muscles.

        • 2 years ago
          Pill Head

          Perhaps I'll throw more sprinting days in my routine and lifting more as well. I do mostly distance. I think being active for 13 years causes your body to get very efficient at using calories.

          I came here for pills but you nice folks got my noggin joggin.

          • 2 years ago

            >I think being active for 13 years causes your body to get very efficient at using calories.
            At a certain point, a mile is a mile whether you've been running for 1 year or 10 years. The runners I know all had to eat a frickton just to maintain. A true collegiate regiment of running 6 days a week and lifting 3 days a week, and it is practically impossible not to be lean. The biggest problem is time.

            • 2 years ago
              Pill Head

              Okay. That will be my new routine then. I lift twice a week currently but I'll do three. And I'll also run 6 days per week. No more rest days. Thank you.

              • 2 years ago

                If you do, don't injure yourself and build slowly. You will probably not have the level of conditioning necessary, and at your weight it will be better to sprint more and run less. Keep variations in volume. As a collegiate 800m runner this was my schedule:

                Monday: Lift
                Tuesday: Run a workout, either sprinting repeats, doing a fartlek run, or doing a tempo run
                Wednesday: Lift and do a relaxed 3-6 mile run
                Thursday: Same workouts as Tuesday, but a different category.
                Friday: very relaxed 1-3mile run
                Saturday: Race day, 1 mile warmup, 800m sprint at max speed, 1-2 mile cooldown
                Sunday: Long relaxed run at 7-12 miles, Lift afterwards.

              • 2 years ago
                Pill Head

                This is what I need. I'm running a half marathon in October so this will help me out. Also, I'm kind of slacking with my workouts getting 4 or 5 days per week. So this is much needed. Thank you.

  4. 2 years ago

    Been thinking the same for a while, then came across this today and fell into a rabbit hole.

    Anyone know if it works like this for guys?
    I dont see anything else like this (3 weeks, but seems to have taken a lot more than recommended) on youtube and so on

    • 2 years ago
      Pill Head

      I used SARMS when I was 19. Then I stopped and I got really fat again. It coincides with my fattening. However, I did 8 week cycles. I also remember crying more during that period. It fricks with your hormones. Wouldn't do it.

      • 2 years ago

        even with the post cycle pills?

    • 2 years ago
  5. 2 years ago

    Oh you want the magic weight loss pill? Why didnt you just say so!

    • 2 years ago
      Pill Head

      No. That's a strawman. I'm a very healthy individual who eats bro diet, chicken rice and broccoli and still gets fat. I need something for the metabolism. If I eat any less, I would probably throw out my back at work.

      • 2 years ago


  6. 2 years ago

    Shut up homosexual

    • 2 years ago
      Pill Head

      Sorry 🙁

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