Not walking is killing your test levels

Check this shit out

>For each 1000 steps, TT levels increase by 7ng/dl.
If you walk 12000 steps (7 x 12) a day that gives you a whole whopping 84 ng/dl of testosterone.

>In the present cross-sectional survey, we observed a positive association between daily step count and TT levels.

>Moreover, as daily steps increase, the odds of hypogonadism declines across a range of serum TT hypogonadism thresholds.

>Men with more than 4000 steps per day had a significantly lower odds of having low TT levels. To our knowledge, this is the first study to report an association between daily step count and serum testosterone levels.

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  1. 11 months ago

    does this mean pacing back and forth my room is high test behavior all along
    srs tho everyone knows lifting increases test

    • 11 months ago

      >does this mean pacing back and forth my room is high test behavior all along
      Yeah it contributes to daily steps.

      Calf raises, even bodyweight or seated, after eating also decreases blood sugar which would increase your test. Walking is basically calf raises.

      What if you walk on your toes? Like a static calf raise? Would that make the walking even more potent? Like walking back and forth in your room on your toes? I am gonna try it and see what happens.

      • 11 months ago

        Walking on your toes is peak autism

    • 11 months ago

      >srs tho everyone knows lifting increases test
      Lifting reduces test usually, what are you on about? You mean acutely?

      • 11 months ago

        No it doesn’t. Being a fricking idiot by lifting excessively or not allowing your body to properly recover in between lifting sessions does however negatively affect your CNS and test levels. Everything is bad for you in excess

  2. 11 months ago

    Calf raises, even bodyweight or seated, after eating also decreases blood sugar which would increase your test. Walking is basically calf raises.

  3. 11 months ago

    This ones real. If you walk outside and get vitamin d, its even more effective. Went from 2-350 test to now 600 consistently doing this

    • 11 months ago

      been walking 1 hour every day up and back down a hill and it's been amazing for recovery too

  4. 11 months ago

    me when walking for my daily steperinos

  5. 11 months ago

    causation =/= correlation

    • 11 months ago

      Shit poor cope for low T low vril homosexual Black person genes, b***h. Leave.

      • 11 months ago

        I bet you have small calves too

        • 11 months ago

          cry more, you did get BTFO by the other anons, walklet

        • 11 months ago

          do you even walk bro?
          seems like you don't

    • 11 months ago

      I bet you have small calves too

  6. 11 months ago

    "Taken together, the results of this study
    suggest that serum testosterone levels were increased by increasing
    physical activity accompanied by a moderate weight reduction,
    even if obese men did not achieve a large weight reduction as that
    with bariatric surgery or very low calorie restriction.
    Previous studies have suggested that aerobic exercise training
    resulted in increased serum testosterone levels in men. Grandys
    et al.(20) have reported that a 5-week aerobic exercise training
    program (4 times/week) increased plasma testosterone levels in
    healthy young men. However, Hiruntrakul et al.(21) reported that
    there were no significant changes in serum testosterone levels
    after a 12-week aerobic exercise training program (1 time/week)
    in sedentary young men. In addition, Baillot et al.(22) reported that
    there were no significant changes in serum testosterone levels
    after an 8-week aerobic exercise training program (2 times/week)
    in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. On the other hand, in
    animal studies, aerobic exercise training (5 times/week) signifi-
    cantly increased plasma and muscular sex steroid hormones via
    increase in steroidogenesis-related enzymes.(23,24)
    >Taken together, it has been implied that regular aerobic exercise (>4 times/week) resulted in increase serum testosterone levels in men.

    In the
    present study, our participants performed aerobic exercise training
    >4 days per week.
    >We suggest that habitual aerobic exercise of >4 times per week may be needed to achieve increased serum testosterone levels in overweight and obese men.

    In conclusion, in this study we demonstrated that a 12-week
    lifestyle modification program that combined aerobic exercise
    training and dietary modification resulted in increased serum
    testosterone levels in overweight and obese men. Furthermore,
    based on changes in physical activity, serum testosterone levels"

    • 11 months ago

      only significantly increased in our HPA group.
      >Moreover, we found that the changes in serum testosterone levels were positively
      correlated with the changes in the number of steps taken per day
      and independent of changes in body mass.

      These results suggest
      that an increase in physical activity greatly affected the serum
      testosterone levels in overweight and obese men during lifestyle

      This means that there is a frequency relationship to cardio or physical activity that if you do it daily it has positive impacts on your hormonal health. Simply lifting 4-6 times per week is not enough.

  7. 11 months ago

    Walk Chads we eating good now

    • 11 months ago

      Walk Chads keep winning

  8. 11 months ago

    I've shilled walking as the GOAT exercise on this board and have been made fun of
    >Walking is not exercise
    Good to be winning woolk bros

  9. 11 months ago

    Rooners btfo

  10. 11 months ago

    Excellent motivation. I am going to a trade school next week and will have to walk there because I am poor. Test booster.

  11. 11 months ago

    >people who walk less are fat, which reduces test
    >people who walk less do little excercise in general, which reduces test
    >people who walk less have a shit diet, which reduces test
    walking doesnt increase test

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      read the study dummy, the changes were independant of body mass etc

  12. 11 months ago

    No hippie ever had a bad hairline. It's literally just a lack of sunlight. Lift outside.

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