Sv3rige made Our Entire board useless

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CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      >there's zero (0) health benefits to working out

      • 1 year ago

        Das rite, what about it manmade-slave boi...

        real humans only "work out" when they get a boost of hormones and decides to run around in the forest or jump in the trees and look for beta weak prey animals

      • 1 year ago


        You are making the point for him. You just say alright without explaining why he is wrong. This is what happens when you've been fed disinformation all your life and you take it as absolute fact now.

        There are no benefits to working out. It causes stress and injury upon the body, along with your joints wearing down.

        • 1 year ago

          >there are no benefits to eating food
          >it causes stress and injury to your pancreas, kidneys and intestines, along with your heart wearing down

          see what I did there?

          • 1 year ago

            >see what I did there?

            Yes, make the most ridiculous and embarrassing comparison that you think is some kind of gotcha.

            Food is needed to sustain life and run the body. How on earth are you comparing that with working out? The absolute state of low iq people. Just further proof you can't even answer to what was said.

            • 1 year ago

              >keep bones strong and healthy
              >keep joints strong and healthy
              >muscle mass for healthy metabolism
              >look good
              >feels good to be active
              >better sleep
              >aerobic activity keeps brain healthy
              >stress outlet
              >stay mobile
              if you don’t use it you literally lose it

              • 1 year ago

                Bones are kept strong and healthy via diet. Nobody has brittle bones with calcium and vit k2. The joints, tendons, etc. are also kept strong by diet. Healthy metabolism is achieved by begin a healthy weight, with a, wait for it, healthy diet. That also makes you look good, improves sleep.

                Everything you said has nothing to do with working out. That tears muscles, damages them, they need repairing, wears joints down. Nobody is saying sit on your ass all day eating pizza.

                You walk places, occasionally run, do some manual labor at times. But with a good diet, raw milk, eggs, meat, blood.

                What he said is 100% true. You're just parroting the guy in the video.

                You think some ancient Germanic warrior starting lifting rocks for an hour a day for no reason, or running up and down his village for an hour? Lmao. Get real. 99.9% of the posters here do this to increase their chances of getting pussy. That's all it is about.

                >It causes stress and injury upon the body, along with your joints wearing down.
                That IS the benefit. Iron sharpens iron.

                Weak stimulus: Strengthens
                Strong stimulus: Destroys

                Blood pudding isn't raw lol.

                >That IS the benefit. Iron sharpens iron.

                Blah. blah, baseless idioms with no substance. Not biology, not real, not fact.

                >Blood pudding isn't raw lol.

                It's still made of blood. Hurr dis guy crazy he says drink some blood.. Oh a sausage made of blood? It's not raw so it's OK!

                >Food is needed to sustain life and run the body.
                So is exercise. Or, let's put it like that: Diverse movements for hours every day.

                >So is exercise

                >person doesn't eat or drink for 2 weeks

                >person doesn't exercise for 2 weeks

                Oh no wait, you're talking outta your ass.

                You have to lift weights 5 times a week or you die. The absolute brainlets here. Not a single valid refute yet.

              • 1 year ago

                The guy who works out kills you. Nothing worse for you than dying.

              • 1 year ago

                >proven so wrong you have reverted to basically trolling

                And lol, he thinks working out makes hima big tough boy. Oh no wait, I can just pop you int the head. Your fragile insecurity is showing.

              • 1 year ago

                >literal random cope
                what the frick are you even talking about

              • 1 year ago

                Keep working on that self esteem, buddy.

              • 1 year ago

                >It causes stress and injury upon the body, along with your joints wearing down.
                That IS the benefit. Iron sharpens iron.

                Weak stimulus: Strengthens
                Strong stimulus: Destroys

                Blood pudding isn't raw lol.

                >Food is needed to sustain life and run the body.
                So is exercise. Or, let's put it like that: Diverse movements for hours every day.

                Funny, how I also can guarantee this guy has a better body than you.

                Let the REALITY speak for itself, and nor regurgitating shit you have heard all your life. If the 70s food pyramid was totally wrong, is it possible what you believe about working out too could be wrong?

                It's just ignorance. It really is.

              • 1 year ago

                >lifted before
                >still lifts
                >says lifting bad, just eat raw meat
                From fake nattys to fake untrained, kek

              • 1 year ago

                Yes, because he is learning all the time. Nobody is saying you can't lift, but that it comes with no health benefits apart from aesthetics. If you want that sure, but don't peddle lifting weights to injure and shock the body, and having to eat surplus calories to be processed by your organs to repair and keep the muscle mass is healthy. It simply is not. Not to mention many lifters have body dysmorphia.

                All the scientists involved in life extension, from living longer to living healthy, lack of cancers, and looking youthful at best promote very light exercise. None of them promote bodybuilding lol. And I think they understand the body better than some fitness guy on steroids or whatever.

              • 1 year ago

                Bro, then just dont lift lmao, nobody cares about your shitty copes about why you are being a pathetic dyel on a board reserved for fitness.

            • 1 year ago

              >Food is needed to sustain life and run the body.
              So is exercise. Or, let's put it like that: Diverse movements for hours every day.

        • 1 year ago

          >It causes stress and injury upon the body, along with your joints wearing down.
          That IS the benefit. Iron sharpens iron.

          Weak stimulus: Strengthens
          Strong stimulus: Destroys

          Another one:

          >he's wrong because uhh, he's wrong, OK!

          And what about people who eat blood pudding? Enough said, huh?

          Blood pudding isn't raw lol.

        • 1 year ago

          >There are no benefits to working out

          • 1 year ago

            Babies first correlation is not causation.

            s it possible, wait for it, I will tell you something groundbreaking, that the athlete had a better diet while the non-athlete just ate processed junk?

            Another one with a single digit iq.

            • 1 year ago

              The non-athlete also didn't work out

              • 1 year ago

                You read my post and replied with this? Yeah, you totally don't understand the most basic of correlation is not causation. I think we're done here. I'm really only looking for discourse with those of an IQ over 75.

                >no b-but you see y-you're wrong, it's the diet that builds muscle and not excessive

                even if presented with irrefutable proof you're still pissing yourself over trying to prove your nonsensical points. How about you read actual research papers instead of trusting some moron spouting about "nature ways"
                continue your life doing nothing, I'm sure your body will appreciate it in 50 years.

                >it's the diet that builds muscle and not excessive

                Of course it is. We know high protein will retain muscle mass; while low will result in muscle loss. Why are you even on here if you think exercise builds muscle and not diet. Exercise breaks down muscle, the diet then builds it back bigger.

                >with irrefutable proof


                >How about you read actual research papers

                I have. Many. It's my job. Yours is likely still in high school.

                You literally think for thousands of years every human was out of shape because they didn't pick up heavy things 5 times a week, or they didn't run around their village for an hour a day. Yet we also know most health issues come today from, let me think, oh yeah, poor diet.

                Bad diet; bad health. Good diet; good health. Picking up a heavy item and putting it down contributes nothing to do. It merely stresses the body forcing it to grow, but growth isn't synonymous with good health.

                Maybe you need to educate yourself a little more.

              • 1 year ago

                >Of course it is. We know high protein will retain muscle mass

                Where do you get this muscle mass? From laying around your bed all day, doing nothing?

                >Why are you even on here if you think exercise builds muscle and not diet. Exercise breaks down muscle, the diet then builds it back bigger.

                While yes, diet does help you in that regard, You can gain muscle on LITERAL 0 CALORIES. Ask someone who never lifted a weight in their life do so. Their muscle will become bigger and stronger to some extent, as I said, on a shitty diet or even 0 calories.

                >I have. Many. It's my job.

                You haven't and it shows

                >You literally think for thousands of years every human was out of shape because they didn't pick up heavy things 5 times a week, or they didn't run around their village for an hour a day.

                What the frick do you thing they did all day round? Sat on their asses doing nothing? They were on their feet from sunrise till sunset doing shit. Actual 80IQ moron.

              • 1 year ago

                >What the frick do you thing they did all day round? Sat on their asses doing nothing? They were on their feet from sunrise till sunset doing shit. Actual 80IQ moron.
                not him but hunter gatherers were way more sedentary than it sounds, they didnt do shit all the time, way more leisure time over us actually

              • 1 year ago

                Yep. But they great natural diet kept them fit and healthy. That poster is someone who thinks in the past people worked 20 hours a day or something lol.

                Look at ingenuous peoples. What did they do all day? Not much. Especially non-agricultural ones. Kill a few animals, catch a few fish.

                Yet they were all lean, healthy, and have good muscle mass.

                Now look at them, like pacific islanders. Obese, unhealthy, high blood pressure. What changed? THEIR DIET.

                Their diet was the key to their health. Not working out . Jeez.

              • 1 year ago

                >Where do you get this muscle mass? From laying around your bed all day, doing nothing?

                What are you talking about? Humans have muscles on their body. Are you saying everyone not at a gym has just bones? And that all through history men just had bones? People have normal muscle mass. Gym muscle is not normal. The body tries everything not to build that, because it's not natural and expensive to the body. Hence you must shock it to grow. But still, muscle is created via diet and not gym. Muscle is broken down at the gym.

                >You can gain muscle on LITERAL 0 CALORIES

                Muscle building requires proteins, or more specifically, amino acids. Now you are saying someone can not eat and grow muscles. You're just a troll at this point.

                >You haven't and it shows

                I have transformed many people from obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes etc. to normal and healthy. With diet. Not gym.

                >What the frick do you thing they did all day round? Sat on their asses doing nothing? They were on their feet from sunrise till sunset doing shit. Actual 80IQ moron.

                You're so smart you can't even understand what he and I are saying. Nobody said sit in a bed all day. You go out, walk, do some work. At times run. But you do not have to go to the gym 5 days a week and lift heavy things to make you healthy.

                If you have no health conditions and are lean, you are healthy. If you are in poor health and overweight, how many professions say oh just go lift some weights? NONE. What do they say? Change your diet. ALL OF THEM.

                So health comes from diet. Not weight lifting.

                Lmao can't believe people like this are real. Oh, and my IQ is 155.

                >all that reddit spacing
                back to facebook, tourist Black person

              • 1 year ago

                >zoomer attention span can't read more than 2 sentences
                >has no refute
                >gets schooled
                >throws in racism

                I have been on IST since 2005. I am 41 years old. My friend is Igor.

              • 1 year ago

                That's what made them so easy to conquer.
                Don't fricking compare savages to Europeans, even 5,000 years ago people who the Romans considered Barbarians could work iron wear pants.
                Theses people are not indicative of how the white man behaved at an earlier phase in his development they are just morons.

              • 1 year ago

                I'm merely talking about how health is related to diet, and not lifting things. Not about how smart they were. But said Romans and Barbarians too were in shape due to diet, and not heavy lifting. Lifting heavy weights for health is some modern invention. Good diet and health has been around forever.

              • 1 year ago

                You fricking moron
                Greeks and Romans 100% did weight train.

              • 1 year ago

                Idiot. That's a feat of strength; not an indicator of working out.

                You're the kind of person who believes because a few pots with men diddling boys was on them, the whole society diddled kids. Roman soldiers generally only ate 1 meal per day.

              • 1 year ago

                Holy shit
                They literally invented weightlifting and made single handled weights out of stone and lead.
                Just frick off

              • 1 year ago

                >That's a feat of strength; not an indicator of working out
                Please find me a single person who can deadlift or OHP 300lbs without working out.

              • 1 year ago

                >That's a feat of strength
                >not an indicator of working out.
                morons, schizos and trolls keep spewing sewage. IST randos continue gobbling it all up and licking the bucket clean.
                NIHIL NOVUS SUB SOLE

              • 1 year ago

                they literally had dumbbells moron. Or technically it's more similair to kettlebells, but still.

              • 1 year ago

                >. Lifting heavy weights for health is some modern invention.
                Lucius Seneca the famous roman philosopher mentioned roman patricians lifting heavy weights for strength conditioning. Ancient people absolutely understood the connection between eating a lot and weight training to get stronger and bigger.

              • 1 year ago

                dude not even him but whats so hard to understand? does same engine last longer with or without turbo? sure turbo squeezes out more, but lasts less

              • 1 year ago

                >Where do you get this muscle mass? From laying around your bed all day, doing nothing?

                What are you talking about? Humans have muscles on their body. Are you saying everyone not at a gym has just bones? And that all through history men just had bones? People have normal muscle mass. Gym muscle is not normal. The body tries everything not to build that, because it's not natural and expensive to the body. Hence you must shock it to grow. But still, muscle is created via diet and not gym. Muscle is broken down at the gym.

                >You can gain muscle on LITERAL 0 CALORIES

                Muscle building requires proteins, or more specifically, amino acids. Now you are saying someone can not eat and grow muscles. You're just a troll at this point.

                >You haven't and it shows

                I have transformed many people from obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes etc. to normal and healthy. With diet. Not gym.

                >What the frick do you thing they did all day round? Sat on their asses doing nothing? They were on their feet from sunrise till sunset doing shit. Actual 80IQ moron.

                You're so smart you can't even understand what he and I are saying. Nobody said sit in a bed all day. You go out, walk, do some work. At times run. But you do not have to go to the gym 5 days a week and lift heavy things to make you healthy.

                If you have no health conditions and are lean, you are healthy. If you are in poor health and overweight, how many professions say oh just go lift some weights? NONE. What do they say? Change your diet. ALL OF THEM.

                So health comes from diet. Not weight lifting.

                Lmao can't believe people like this are real. Oh, and my IQ is 155.

              • 1 year ago

                >Oh, and my IQ is 155.

                I'm not even gonna respond to anything else you wrote because by writing that nonsense you literally proved that I've been arguing with an actual borderline moron

              • 1 year ago

                >gets owned
                >too fragile to admit he is wrong

                I'm also taller and stronger than you.

              • 1 year ago

                >Nobody said sit in a bed all day. You go out, walk, do some work. At times run. But you do not have to go to the gym 5 days a week and lift heavy things to make you healthy.
                Oh, so your point isn't that we don't need exercise to be healthy, it's that in muh natural life you get enough exercise to be healthy incidentally
                Well maybe, but when you get your food from typing shit into a computer instead of from hunting and gathering, you no longer get that incidental exercise, and you need to replace it with artficial exercise to stay healthy

            • 1 year ago

              >no b-but you see y-you're wrong, it's the diet that builds muscle and not excessive

              even if presented with irrefutable proof you're still pissing yourself over trying to prove your nonsensical points. How about you read actual research papers instead of trusting some moron spouting about "nature ways"
              continue your life doing nothing, I'm sure your body will appreciate it in 50 years.

        • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      >like why would you run in nature

  2. 1 year ago

    fellas, I-i,,,

    • 1 year ago

      sewerage is such a stupid ignorant c**t

      t. Mentally ill brainwashed slaves that lift manmade weights

  3. 1 year ago

    sewerage is such a stupid ignorant c**t

  4. 1 year ago

    STOP working out
    STOP having discipline
    STOP eating cooked food
    KEEP in your comfort zone all the time

    this is how you will fell high every single day untill youre 120 years old like we are supposed to in nature

    • 1 year ago

      its no coincidence the oldest people on earth are skinny grandmas who probably dont do much movement other than their daily walks. You never see a 90 year old who did hard labor their whole life

      • 1 year ago

        Meet Manohar Aich, the Indian bodybuilder who lived to age 104. He kept working out until his last days.

      • 1 year ago

        Hard labor? No. Subsistance, hard, sunrise-to-sunset agriculture? Have known a few, one is still alive, with a couple more on their way to 90

      • 1 year ago

        >who is jack lalanne
        You appear to suffer from the big stupid, luckily it's not terminal and there's time to fix it.

  5. 1 year ago

    pretty sure he works out himself, he is just simply stating how the fact the we lift is kindof moronic. his message isnt meant to be taken as a religious belief

  6. 1 year ago

    YNR sauna gate

    • 1 year ago


      Ludwig was at 1 or 2 Sv3rige meetups and fell in with Sv3riges inner circle, he even sent Sv3rige his blood (vid since deleted when he and luna drinks it), he then got invited to go to the US with Sv3rige/Gatis but 1 day before the departure Gatis found out that Ludwig likes the Sauna so Gatis broke all contact with Ludwig, cancelled is trip and made him his enemy. Over the ideological question if we should be allowed to sauna

  7. 1 year ago

    he literally said at the end of the video that you could workout if you wanted to if you have strong hormones from drinking blood. Stop trying to misrepresent the views of the king of IST

  8. 1 year ago

    >bone structure defines strength
    >training is useless
    >muscles are useless

    • 1 year ago

      >bone structure
      He means being tall and having strong bones. This is true in nature. Muscles are unnatural
      >training useless
      Yes it wastes time and it gets you out of your comfort zone for no reason

      >muscles useless

      • 1 year ago

        What defines strength is how much you lift under a barbell. All of those lifts can be trained. The whole video is just a literal dyel cope.

        • 1 year ago

          How tall are you

          • 1 year ago

            >How tall are you

      • 1 year ago

        I can lift more than I could a year ago

  9. 1 year ago

    this dude already looks chad lite and he doesn't lift? so i'm here feeling like dying lifting heavy shit for nothing?

    • 1 year ago

      Sv3rige lifts in the gym, he admits it himself. I suspect he sees it as a guilty pleasure, something unnatural he dont really want people see him doing

    • 1 year ago

      He has the jawline of a fat woman

      • 1 year ago

        then I have the jaw of a whale. dude looks fairly decent and I saw his gf, blond, not fat, 7/10. it's either the diet he's shilling or he is going to the gym hiding it

        • 1 year ago

          He looks fine but I'd hardly say he's chad, a bit above average

  10. 1 year ago

    Discipline is manmade, and you are a FRICKING idiot vegan slave for having even 1% discipline

  11. 1 year ago

    Good Ducumentary on Him https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IlcQDRCOOQ&lc=UgzjCP8YrqZ4w8EjqIN4AaABAg

  12. 1 year ago

    Imagine living in the same universe where both Sv3rige and Tufano existing

    • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago

        Vegetable police did that role play better

        • 1 year ago

          that smug moron

  13. 1 year ago

    He's not wrong about the UK being hell on Earth

  14. 1 year ago

    heehee can't stop winning

  15. 1 year ago

    >Indoors hat cope

    If I ever start balding I will hang myself

    • 1 year ago

      There's finasteride but since he doesn't believe in improving yourself he's obviously not using it.

  16. 1 year ago


  17. 1 year ago

    How many kids does Sverige have?

  18. 1 year ago

    If you were not a peasant you were a soldier and you were training your body in different ways. Even in peace the royalty had to be ready for war or an honor fight. The weak, died.

    • 1 year ago

      hes talking about ooga booga state obviously

  19. 1 year ago

    >eats raw meat and drinks blood
    Enough said.

    • 1 year ago

      Another one:

      >he's wrong because uhh, he's wrong, OK!

      And what about people who eat blood pudding? Enough said, huh?

    • 1 year ago

      Another one:

      >he's wrong because uhh, he's wrong, OK!

      And what about people who eat blood pudding? Enough said, huh?

      >drinks blood and eat raw meat
      >still loses his hair
      epitomy of health; it's funny he never adresses balding in any of his videos kek

      • 1 year ago

        he did address balding in his old videos claiming eating raw meat will cure him kek

  20. 1 year ago

    I mean your arteries start getting blocked up, so how do you reverse that? Do you.. Start working out, going for runs?

    Or do you use a diet that removes something such as arterial calcification and instead places the calcium in the bones. Then you get a healthy heart and strong healthy bones.

    The exercise would no nothing, possibly even make it more likely you have a cardiac arrest. Heck, even all lifters know without a good diet, they will not achieve anything. And that's because diet is key to health, exercise is not. He's 100% right.

  21. 1 year ago

    Yes, I have been "brainwashed to move and do something"

  22. 1 year ago

    sv3rige shit should be banned immediately because is /LULZ/ tier

  23. 1 year ago

    he isnt totally wrong overworking your body will obviously frick you up, just as none will, go to park, do some light stuff couple times a week and you should be pretty damn fine

  24. 1 year ago

    >Look at people who train
    >Strong, lean, healthy, happy
    >Look at people who don't train
    >Weak, fat or skinny fat, ill, miserable
    No argument is better than reality, and nothing this tard says will change that.

    • 1 year ago

      Just because you have big muscles and are strong is not an indicator of health, nor is being lean. 6% massive muscled bodybuilders are not healthy. Nor is a generalization about people like that are all happy, which is most cases, the live that lifestyle due to unhappiness and poor body image.

      In the same way normal people who do not train and eat good, are not fat, they are average strength, they have a healthy bodyfat level, which the body needs, and thus are in a better mental state.

      Your so called "reality" is nothing closely related to reality at all. Just junk generalizations you made up in your head using circular logic.

      >people who don't train are unhappy
      >they are unhappy because i said so
      >this is my proof people who do not train are unhappy

      • 1 year ago

        >Your so called "reality" is nothing closely related to reality at all. Just junk generalizations you made up in your head using circular logic.
        who don't train are unhappy
        >>they are unhappy because i said so
        >>this is my proof people who do not train are unhappy

        you are literally saying the same thing with:
        >Nor is a generalization about people like that are all happy, which is most cases, the live that lifestyle due to unhappiness and poor body image.

        >people who train are unhappy
        >they are unhappy because I said so
        >this is my proof people who do train do so because they are unhappy

        actual brainlet

        • 1 year ago

          >Is body dysmorphia common in bodybuilders?

          >Because men with muscle dysmorphia rarely seek treatment, estimating its prevalence in the general population is hard, but it is believed that about 10-12% of professional male weightlifters meet the criteria.

          Now 10-12% of people who do not work out in the gym do not report that makes them unhappy.

          You're like a person who corrects someone for spelling something correctly, then you spell it wrong. Embarrassing. It doesn't even appear you can even grasp what circular reasoning means.

          • 1 year ago

            >haha I got got and been proved that I don't know what the frick I am saying, but I'm gonna continue to pretend that I do

            how about you go back and read everything that you yourself wrote and realize that you write contradicting nonsense

  25. 1 year ago

    why is an anti-fitness thread allowed on IST?

    Stay in your sewege schizo youtube comments

    • 1 year ago

      Taking roids and bodybuilding is not fitness, neither is starving yourself to become more shredded. Sporting events, athleticism and the pursuit of longevity are fitness. So by your logic there is very rarely and actual fitness thread posted here.

  26. 1 year ago

    Jesus Christ this guy is still around? I guess picking on vegans got too mainstream so now he has to be contrarian with something else. Anything this guy has ever said is pure contrarian drivel, no wonder he has some fans on here. Also the Bioneer would embarrass him in a debate. there's probably a difference of about 50 IQ points between the two.

    • 1 year ago

      > Also the Bioneer would embarrass him in a debate. there's probably a difference of about 50 IQ points between the two.
      Having an Iq of 100 isn’t something to be proud of

    • 1 year ago

      He only makes youtube videos so that he doesn't have to get a job. It's rather based if I'm being honest.

  27. 1 year ago

    Zased demotivator. Eliminate your competition

  28. 1 year ago

    >he's wrong because all bodybuilders are happy
    >people who do not work out are unhappy
    >it's true because I said so

    >Is There Any Relationship Between Body Image Perception
    >The results from this study indicated that 53.7% of bodybuilders had body dissatisfaction


    • 1 year ago

      honestly i think there is no better alternative right now than light workouts and keeping healthy weight, not lifting too heavy obviously. we cant afford sitting on ass and doing as we please, and keeping decent weight is way better than eating all that junk we basically have to more or less. ideally if you are trust fund baby u could get away what hes saying, good weight and low stress is ideal, but good weight at cost of some stress>flabby since u will end up putting even more strain with extra fat on yourself imo

      • 1 year ago

        Well you just eat a natural diet, and do some light weights, a little running and walking, few body-weight exercises, some calisthenics.

        That will put you in the best shape.

        I can't believe people here proselytise think going to the gym 5 days a week, being some 230lbs 5'8" muscle guy, consuming masses of calories daily is how you get healthy. Just ridiculous.

  29. 1 year ago

    isn't this the guy that drinks his own piss?

  30. 1 year ago

    >moron who goes into deep contrarian rabbithole continues to have contrarian moronic beliefs
    Fits right in with IST I suppose

  31. 1 year ago

    This guy is schizo. Glad his wife and child left him.

  32. 1 year ago

    >Claims looks only matter to women
    >Looks inbred with high receding hairline.

  33. 1 year ago

    cardiovascular fitness / vo2 max is associated with a 500% decrease in all cause mortality

    Muscular fitness / mass is associated with a 350% decrease in all cause mortality.

    To give you perspective on mortality risk, smoking will increase your all cause mortality risk by ~60% if you smoke around 30 cigarettes a day.

    Exercise is the easiest way to improve your muscular and cardiovascular fitness which will improve your life in every single measure of quality of life there is. Everything from your sleep to your pain levels to your mood to your body's ability to take illness or have medical procedures done like surgery is positively affected.

    Ripping on the bioneer is probably the shittiest thing to do because he tends to promote fitness that isn't as structured as a traditional lifting program. He promotes more obscure ways to train and a lot of his shots of him training are shots of him doing it outside and in parks, instead of being in a gym. He tries to make fitness more accessible to people and opens people up to all the ways you can improve your fitness.

  34. 1 year ago

    Why is this the only board that tries to actively discourage people from the hobby that it's about?
    You post something like this in any other board and your ass would be serving a 3 day vacation.

    • 1 year ago

      IST has turned into a demoralisation board ever since LULZ users started using it to post depressive shit 24/7.

    • 1 year ago

      nobody lifts and everyone is fricking moronic. Killing this board would be an act of mercy

  35. 1 year ago

    I've stopped working out for 15 days now while taking thyroid and aspirin daily and my tendons around the sternum are not tight or popping anymore, my elbow tendonitis is getting better which it hasn't done consistently for the past 2 years and the back of my neck isn't tight anymore. I dunno about you guys but I'm starting to think stressing your shit on top of all the daily stressors in ones life might not be the play.

    • 1 year ago

      >t. hasn't heard of fatugue management

      • 1 year ago

        Well when I extrapolate I think I'm done working out for months from now on at least, I'll keep all stressors to a minimum and see if some issues I have resolve.

        he did address balding in his old videos claiming eating raw meat will cure him kek

        Balding is the surefire sign that something is metabolically wrong; it's the canary in the coal mine of the 20 and 30-something today.

        • 1 year ago

          for sure something is wrong but usually you can't fix it naturally outside of eugenics

          • 1 year ago

            Balding has little to do with genetics like most diseases, it's almost all due to your environment; your food (from newborn to now), the pollution around you, how much you get stressed daily from things imposed to you etc...

            • 1 year ago

              nope it's dht sensitivity in the scalp. it can be stopped with drugs

              • 1 year ago

                And why is there DHT accumulating in the scalp? I don't know the root cause(s) of balding but it is not DHT alone, DHT accumulation is an effect stemming from something else.

              • 1 year ago

                >I don't know

              • 1 year ago

                You don't know either

                it stems from shit genes usually

                No it doesn't, it stems from shit environment disrupting your metabolism in many more ways than merely accumulating DHT in your scalp. Why is baldness corelated with heart disease if it's purportedly just one gene coding for hair that is the issue?

              • 1 year ago

                high t also correlates with heart problems and high dht correlates with high t. so idk

              • 1 year ago

                it stems from shit genes usually

        • 1 year ago

          balding is genetics. Its a dominant gene because at one point in time people used it to define class.

  36. 1 year ago

    Clearly there are negatives to the kind of lifestyle roid trannies live considering so many of them destroy their joints and die young. I wouldn't call what they do fitness.

  37. 1 year ago

    >don't exercise but eat healthy
    >caloric needs go down accordingly
    >now I don't eat enough to get healthy amounts of vitamins and minerals

  38. 1 year ago

    >Carrying a tiger on your back
    >Carrying a rock on your back
    >Carrying the world on your back

  39. 1 year ago


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