Redpill me on Phenibut

I'm trying to cure my anxiety and become more chad-like.

any bros here use phenibut? does it even help?
what dosages do you take?

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  1. 9 months ago

    Its on my to do list aswell

  2. 9 months ago

    it works but the tolerance builds up so quickly you can only use it occasionally
    take 2g a few hours before you got to social event and see what happens

    • 9 months ago

      I prefer splitting my use up into 750mg 6-ish hours before event, then another 750mg 1 or 2 hours before. Sometimes an additional 500mg before sleep. 2g all at once would just knock me out.

      • 9 months ago

        higher doses mixed with caffeine give you a lot of energy and feels similar to taking mdma

        first time I took it I had 5g then went to a party and made out with 3 hot girls and took one of them home
        I had previously been a weird antisocial autist, so it is definitely effective lol

        • 9 months ago

          Good to know. Never tried MDMA, but I have been taking low doses of shrooms (0.5 - 1g range) and have been seeing social gains from that. I'll try a higher dose + coffee next time and see how hit goes, thanks anon.

  3. 9 months ago

    If you have issues with addiction or compulsive behavior do not even consider touching it. But if you can limit yourself to using no more than twice a week (NO EXCEPTIONS) and never taking more than, say, 2g in any given day that you use it, split up in two or three doses (STOP IF YOU EVER FIND YOURSELF NEEDING MORE), then it's a wonder drug.
    But tolerance builds up quickly, and the withdrawal effects are brutal. Like, psychosis and suicide brutal.
    I only use it once or twice a month, but it's been a life changer for me socially.

    • 9 months ago

      cut pills of ecstasy and dex and methamphetamine
      Opium and oxcontin mephedrone and heroin
      And that's before I get to mixing alcohol with ketamine
      there's lots of drugs much worse than drinking up a beer or threeeeeeeeeee

  4. 9 months ago

    Its alright. I started with 2.5 twice a week, then just 5 on Saturdays, 10, 15, I think 20 a couple times (5 grams spread 4 or 5 hours apart). Any more than 10 is a waste because youll feel sick and start nodding off like a heroin addict. Do yourself a favor and dont go beyond 5. Expect to feel super drowsy the next day. If youre drinking too dont have more than 2 or 3 beers and if youre getting high dont expect to stay awake
    >does it help
    Any more than 2.5 and youll probably just ramble like a moron, I enjoyed doing that, you might not

    • 9 months ago

      This is an insane amount. OP, this anon might be a rare exception, but IMO this is a beyond reckless amount of phenibut to be taking. 2g max per day, until you're really familiar with how you respond to it, and how you do the day or two after you take it.

      • 9 months ago

        It definitely wasnt comfortable beyond 10 and Im aware of that and Im totally sober now for what its worth. That was a couple years ago when I figured Id give something besides binge drinking on the weekends a shot and Id mainly take it at home. The couple times I had that much then went out with friends I felt really out of place and dont recommend it. I think 5 would be reasonable but I have no plans to start partaking again

        • 9 months ago

          I'm glad to hear that. I don't have a problem with phenibut in general, but it's the riskiest drug I take for sure, even 2g in a day I consider to be on the edge. I can't imagine even 5g a day, let alone 10 or 20, that just seems beyond the pale to me. Though there's probably cross tolerance with alcohol (ethanol is GABA-ergic), so if you were a heavy drinker, that would probably influence your response to phenibut.
          Glad you're sober now. Booze is the devil. And that's coming from someone who uses pot, shrooms, phenibut, and a smattering of other drugs too. There's not much worse than booze, IMO, other than maybe heroin and fentanyl.

          • 9 months ago

            I don't think theres a cross dependence because alcohol is a GABA-A agonist and phenibut is a GABA-B agonist so they work on different receptors.

  5. 9 months ago

    Depends on your organism like everything. Last time I took 4 pills 200 mg each instead of drinking alcohol. Felt worse, the only thing better was lack of guilt, but other than that the hangover was worse than my usual beer evening (around 6-8 litres) and felt much more depressed. Had to lift everyday to the point of near death to get over it, but also my dopamine receptors are pretty fricked

    • 9 months ago

      Forgot to mention it was a huge party

    • 9 months ago

      800mg phenibut is barely above a placebo, it didn't cause that hangover lol

    • 9 months ago

      I disagree with this.

      Phenibut has 0 hangover for me, in fact it has a ln afterglow that's really nice. My friends have the same effect as me.

      So the next day you feel nice through the day even. But I took really big doses and was reckless and drank on it.

      If you take 3-5g and have some beers on it, you will be the most social you have ever been. It's euphoric and makes you wanna smoke ciggeretes and be compulsive like that.

      On its own it also helps social anxiety and with socializing.

      But it is true that it can be very addicting. Seriously the withdraw can be bad. I've never withdrew cause I took it like 2 times a week max, but as soon as you start taking it to much you will get brutal with draws, and your tolerance will increase fast.

      Its really good stuff , but you need a lot of will power when taking it, and you need to be really careful. We aren't aware of how it effects your brain long term, there aren't many studies on it for that.

    • 9 months ago

      your dopamine receptors aren't going to be fricked from 800mg of phenibut anon

      • 9 months ago

        Especially since phenibut is gabaergic, not dopaminergic.

  6. 9 months ago

    A more effective solution in the long term is to regulate GABA yourself through a healthy diet, therapy, medication, habit building, and CBT.

    Sure, you could use it like how many use antidepressants: as the push you need to build the habits. But the other methods in combination are going to be more effective with the risk of dependence.

    • 9 months ago

      benzos actually downregulate gaba receptors long term

  7. 9 months ago

    Why are you eating something called penisbutt to be more chad?

    • 9 months ago

      you are what you eat

  8. 9 months ago

    OP here, so each pill is 250mg

    Should I take 750mg for my first time?
    how long does it take to feel the effects?

    should i increase/decrease the dose?

    • 9 months ago

      Do you have FAA or HCL? If FAA, consider two pills. Otherwise, 750mg is a reasonable first dose. Take three pills on an empty stomach. It will probably take 4 or 5 hours before you feel anything. Don't take more if you don't feel anything. Wait at least 3 or 4 days then try a higher dose. Phenibut is an unpredictable drug.

      • 9 months ago


        yea i'll try out 3 pills, I'll take it 4 hours before the party I'm going to. Hopefully it kicks in on time and hopefully I dont make a fool of myself since idk how I'll react.

        I heard it makes you low inhib like with alcohol, but you're still sober?
        sounds great but also sounds too good to be true.
        guess I'll find out tomorrow

  9. 9 months ago

    Phenibut fricking sucks
    People will say it has effects similar to benzodiazepines (Valium, Xanax, etc.) while also providing all kinds of other benefits, but it really doesn't
    Instead, this is what it feels like
    >Mildly dulled thinking but no major anxiety-alleviating effect
    >Stimulating but not in a good way (productive, clear, energetic); more like how you feel when you had too much coffee when trying to get to sleep (tossing and turning)
    >Majorly decreases sleep quality
    >No euphoria or major mood effects to speak of
    >Headache-y hangover the next day
    I seriously do not understand what people are talking about when they rave about this stuff. I do not get it. It's bad at its worst, and simply not good at its best

    • 9 months ago

      Depends on your organism like everything. Last time I took 4 pills 200 mg each instead of drinking alcohol. Felt worse, the only thing better was lack of guilt, but other than that the hangover was worse than my usual beer evening (around 6-8 litres) and felt much more depressed. Had to lift everyday to the point of near death to get over it, but also my dopamine receptors are pretty fricked

      yeah i agree whenever i take phenibut i regret it, i bought a big bottle from nootropicsdepot which is supposed to be good but as far as i can tell phenibut just kinda sucks

    • 9 months ago

      >Majorly decreases sleep quality
      eh maybe over a period of chronic abuse, the first time i ever took it was right before bed and i woke up feeling more refreshed and rested than i ever have.

      ive done it at like 5-10g a day for weeks straight and never had withdrawals, the tolerance builds up insanely fast but otherwise i havent ever had "bad" side effects. ive definitely felt some discomfort at times and weird CNS symptoms like twitching and shit.

      havent done it in years, probably wont do it any time soon either. its just not all that great if you ask me compared to other drugs and medications

  10. 9 months ago

    Limit to twice a week, no more than 1000mg dosages. It's a wonder drug for anxiety. It's removes inhibition and nerves like alcohol, but keeps you sharp. As others have said, use it strategically to overcome challenging situations or if you want to have some fun. But your success/failure with it will depend on your ability to keep your tolerance from building and your ability set it aside for several days after using it. There are no withdrawals or physical symptoms.

  11. 9 months ago

    I'm reading mixed opinions on how long it takes to work?

    should I take it 2 hours before an event or 5 hours before?
    do I take it with an empty stomach? should I not eat at all while taking this? (remain fasted)?

    and I should take caffeine with it?
    avoid alcohol right?

    • 9 months ago

      HCL takes 4 to 5 hours for me. Some people report that FAA kicks in faster. Definitely empty stomach, at least two hours after eating. Take caffeine an hour or two before the event. You can eat an hour after taking it, you just want your stomach to remain empty while the phenibut gets absorbed.

      • 9 months ago

        okay I'll take it 4 hours before on an empty stomach, ty

        Nothing. Dont worry about it. Just keep it to 4 drinks max

        yea I'll try and limit it to 1-2 drinks max if I can. I might just pour some on the floor or something and pretend I drank it lol

    • 9 months ago

      Oh, and absolutely never mix with alcohol.

      • 9 months ago

        what will happen?
        I'm going to a party so someone might try and get me to drink

        • 9 months ago

          Nothing. Dont worry about it. Just keep it to 4 drinks max

          • 9 months ago

            okay I'll take it 4 hours before on an empty stomach, ty

            yea I'll try and limit it to 1-2 drinks max if I can. I might just pour some on the floor or something and pretend I drank it lol

            This is a very bad idea. Phenibut drastically lowers your alcohol tolerance and sorta works in a similar fashion to a date rape drug. If you're a heaver drinker you can die from mixing the two.

            • 9 months ago

              >Phenibut drastically lowers your alcohol tolerance
              Thats why i said no more than 4

              • 9 months ago

                You're gonna get OP killed . OP, no booze with phenibut, not even a sip. You won't need it anyway, the right dose of phenibut will basically give you all the benefits of booze none of the drawbacks.

              • 9 months ago

                Whatever pussy

              • 9 months ago

                I've drank on phenibut multiple times, its true that it lowers your tolerance, I got quite drunk on just 3-6 beers
                unless he downs like 10+ standard drinks he'll be good

  12. 9 months ago

    Like with alcohol, you will not be getting rid of the anxiety, simply delaying it and getting double tomorrow.

  13. 9 months ago

    This shit did nothing for me. It's a depressant so that's probably it. Consulted a pharmacist about this shit so I know what it actually does now. It's not a stimulant, people act like it is which tells me these people are all experiencing a placebo.

  14. 9 months ago

    might just take this as soon as I wake up. but that'll be roughly 6 hours before the party im going to.

    seems early but if it really takes several hours to kick in, and the effects last for 5 hours, then ill be good

  15. 9 months ago

    That's a good start but you need something that's going to shock the brain, jumpstart the neurogenic process. Try 12 weeks ALPHA brain with a caffeine kickstart. Don't be afraid to throw in some Ginkgo Biloba to shake things up a little. Make sure you keep some gorilla mind on hand to keep the neurons moving and grooving. Expect 12-14 extra iq points at the end of the cycle if you did everything right.

  16. 9 months ago

    it works
    lowers inhibition without you becoming a moron
    take it on empy stomach an hour before you want the effects to kick in
    dont remember the dosage but I think it was a gram, take lower doese 1st time to check your sensitivity then up to find your spot, also like coffee if you take it multple days in a row your effects will get diminished and youll need more and more so take it before a party or something. it increases the effects of alcohol so if you take it and then drink youll get thrashed(altho some anons claimed this to be a myth). some morons take multiple grams for weeks on end and then write posts about how they cant function now and how phenibut is not worth it lmao

  17. 9 months ago

    I take 2000mg then I go to the night clubs and rub my erect wiener on random hoes

  18. 9 months ago

    It's a GABAergic drug, so just like benzos and other substances that work with the GABA receptors, theres potential for strong addiction and withdrawal symptoms.

    This drug has been hyped up for years, but the effects are not so different from maybe taking 3 shots before socializing.

    Just do therapy. Or microdose psychedellics.

  19. 9 months ago

    One time I took 750 mg during the day and fricked my back up when I went to sleep that night. I guess I was so relaxed or something or didn't move around during my sleep. Either way it felt like someone put a knife inbetween my shoulder blades when I woke up, legit crippled me for a day in horrible pain. I had some friends get addicted to it within like a week or 2. I haven't had any problems but limited it to maybe once every 2 months if I had something I wanted to take the edge off. It's like an n of 5 but I've found if you have problems with alcohol, you'll have problems with phen.

  20. 9 months ago

    where can u get phenibut?

    • 9 months ago
      Anonymous is the only source I trust, but there are a handful out there. It's only made in Russia and China as far as I know, so you're taking a risk with whoever you buy it from. seems to be trusted.

      • 9 months ago

        thanks, should i get capsule, powder or crystals?

        • 9 months ago

          I use powder. It's the most bang for your buck. Though if you go with HCL powder, know that it's acidic. Rinse your mouth out real good after you drink it so as not to frick up your teeth.

          • 9 months ago

            I hated the way it made my teeth feel even just mixing it in water to dilute so I started parachuting it before giving it up because I didn't find it worth it.

            • 9 months ago

              I can smoke some pot with my kratom in the morning for next to free, have zero anxiety and still be barely intoxicated all without the addiction potential

              • 9 months ago

                because kratom is not addictive right?

              • 9 months ago

                Kratom is so addictive. Weed is also addictive , not as much as kratom but tell any stoner they can't smoke for a week and watch what happens.

  21. 9 months ago


  22. 9 months ago

    Can you even get that legally in Europe/Germany at all?

  23. 9 months ago

    It's not great, that or I'm a low responder even to huge doses. Pointless drug

  24. 9 months ago

    Are you trying to end up like big lenny?

  25. 9 months ago

    >I'm trying to cure my anxiety and become more chad-like.
    i recommend you drugs which are cheaper and stronger
    get bromazolam and 4-flouro-methylphenidate
    this should "fix" you
    if youre eu you can order from researvh chemical sites
    alternatively if you wanna go the shaman route drink amanita muscaria + syrian rue tea
    many potent drugs that work well but phenibut isnt one of them
    tough it is very mild if thats what youre looking for, or the above but just dose lower

  26. 9 months ago

    took 750mg 4 hours ago and I think I feel something, but I need this to last for the next 6 hours.

    should I take another 250mg?

    • 9 months ago

      take another 750

      • 9 months ago

        isn't that extreme? its my first time trying this

        • 9 months ago

          Two hits of 750mg is fine. Just don't drink on top of it.

        • 9 months ago

          no its fine its just phenibut

        • 9 months ago

          I'd go with a lower dose

        • 9 months ago

          quit being a pussy homosexual

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