>ruins your bulk

>ruins your bulk

I’ve been on my best bulk in years, up to six meals of day washing most meals down with milk with little to no bloating. I have to get braces and I can’t imagine how I’ll continue my high calorie, dense and nutrient rich diet with all the don’t-eats listed by my orthodontist. Can I learn how to swallow food whole without little chewing, or should I just focus on maintaining my current weight until the procedure is done?

>Get Invisalign

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    How old are you cause getting braces when you're older than 18 is kinda embarrassing

    • 3 months ago

      Only homosexuals become embarrassed
      I guess you're a homosexual

    • 3 months ago

      Having crooked teeth forever is far more embarrassing than wearing braces for a year or two.

    • 3 months ago

      tfw wore braces for years, teeth fixed, braces replaced with wire behind teeth, wire broke, teeth moved back, now considering braces as an adult evwn though I still have nightmares from 20 years ago

      • 3 months ago

        >wire broke
        Why didn't you get the wire fixed immediately?

      • 3 months ago

        how long did it take to go back? I took my top wire off after it broke like 4 years ago

      • 3 months ago

        >wire broke
        Fixed wire retainers have to be replaced every few years so that such things don't happen. You should also still have your plastic retainers (which you are supposed to wear 3 nights per week for the rest of your life anyways) if your fixed retainer brakes suddenly.

    • 3 months ago

      I always really respected it and thought it was cool - didn't have money for it as a kid and now as an adult you do, I think that speaks volumes to a person's competence coming from less money.

    • 3 months ago

      That's not true.
      It is true for all males, though.

  2. 3 months ago

    peanut butter protein shakes bruh

  3. 3 months ago

    The frick dont eats are you talking about I dont recall any restrictions when I had those

  4. 3 months ago

    I've had braces for over a year now, eating anything I want. What are you talking about?

  5. 3 months ago

    you bulking on caramel corn?

  6. 3 months ago

    >Braces and probably extractions instead of mewing + everything else need for growth.
    Not gonna make it.

  7. 3 months ago

    >have braces can still eat everything

    it does not matter just dont be a moron and eat corn on the cob or something

  8. 3 months ago

    I just know you're bulking while already a fat ass

    • 3 months ago

      I just know you don't look like you lift

    • 3 months ago

      post body

  9. 3 months ago

    I'm currently doing CandidPro and holy frick why would you ever do metal braces???
    >takes less than half the time, without cutting up your gums
    >can eat anything at any time, just gotta brush afterwards
    Frickin EZ Mode

    • 3 months ago

      it's faster than metal braces?

      • 3 months ago

        >On average, Invisalign takes about 6 – 18 months, while metal braces take about 20 – 24 months
        >in general Invisalign take less time than braces to move teeth into the proper position due to the type of force this process uses to move the teeth
        Always has been. The reason people do metal braces is because they are way cheaper. I dunno what the price would've been for me, but after insurance it was $3200 for my aligners

        • 3 months ago

          a friend was quoted at almost 2 years with metal braces or like 7 months with invisalign. Yeah it's way frickin faster

          wtf lol crazy
          I hope I can do invisilign, I think I have to make a gap for tooth implant so I may have to use metal ones at least to start :
          Did you guys consult a maxofacial surgeon at all? I'm paranoid since ortho wants to pull teeth in and I don't want to frick up my face

          • 3 months ago

            Ohhh yeah that's iffy. I'm pretty sure implants can't be moved around, so they'd be moving all of your other teeth around it. It's best to do invisalign first, and then implants, but def talk to your dentist about it
            >Did you guys consult a maxofacial surgeon at all
            No, just the regular dentist. In fact the receptionist did most of the talking/discussion about everything related to treatment/day to day stuff, the dentist just looked at my teeth for a bit and was like "yep go ahead"
            >I'm paranoid since ortho wants to pull teeth in and I don't want to frick up my face
            Pulling teeth to get braces? That is a *very* outdated practice and you should 100% stop going there if they say this. The first dentist I asked said the same thing ("we'll have to pull your premolars to make space") but then I asked 3 other places and they were all like "what the frick no?????". The aligners will just spread your teeth outward to make more space

          • 3 months ago

            practically anyone can do invisalign, but you can't do them with implants (or certain types of implants? something like that, ask your dentist). Even the worst teeth you've seen can be moved around with invisalign

          • 3 months ago

            If they want to pull teeth you should shop around. That’s permenant and not ideal so if you can avoid it, you should.

          • 3 months ago

            Ohhh yeah that's iffy. I'm pretty sure implants can't be moved around, so they'd be moving all of your other teeth around it. It's best to do invisalign first, and then implants, but def talk to your dentist about it
            >Did you guys consult a maxofacial surgeon at all
            No, just the regular dentist. In fact the receptionist did most of the talking/discussion about everything related to treatment/day to day stuff, the dentist just looked at my teeth for a bit and was like "yep go ahead"
            >I'm paranoid since ortho wants to pull teeth in and I don't want to frick up my face
            Pulling teeth to get braces? That is a *very* outdated practice and you should 100% stop going there if they say this. The first dentist I asked said the same thing ("we'll have to pull your premolars to make space") but then I asked 3 other places and they were all like "what the frick no?????". The aligners will just spread your teeth outward to make more space

            If they want to pull teeth you should shop around. That’s permenant and not ideal so if you can avoid it, you should.

            another anon chipping in I literally just asked this 2 days ago and my dentist said that if someone is saying you need teeth pulled for braces you should walk out and go someplace else

        • 3 months ago

          a friend was quoted at almost 2 years with metal braces or like 7 months with invisalign. Yeah it's way frickin faster

          wtf lol crazy
          I hope I can do invisilign, I think I have to make a gap for tooth implant so I may have to use metal ones at least to start :
          Did you guys consult a maxofacial surgeon at all? I'm paranoid since ortho wants to pull teeth in and I don't want to frick up my face

          Ohhh yeah that's iffy. I'm pretty sure implants can't be moved around, so they'd be moving all of your other teeth around it. It's best to do invisalign first, and then implants, but def talk to your dentist about it
          >Did you guys consult a maxofacial surgeon at all
          No, just the regular dentist. In fact the receptionist did most of the talking/discussion about everything related to treatment/day to day stuff, the dentist just looked at my teeth for a bit and was like "yep go ahead"
          >I'm paranoid since ortho wants to pull teeth in and I don't want to frick up my face
          Pulling teeth to get braces? That is a *very* outdated practice and you should 100% stop going there if they say this. The first dentist I asked said the same thing ("we'll have to pull your premolars to make space") but then I asked 3 other places and they were all like "what the frick no?????". The aligners will just spread your teeth outward to make more space


          practically anyone can do invisalign, but you can't do them with implants (or certain types of implants? something like that, ask your dentist). Even the worst teeth you've seen can be moved around with invisalign

          Holy shit, those plastic braces don't seem so bad after all.
          The only thing I'm really worried about is bite problems after treatment. Some people can't close their bite, have overbite/underbite issues, have muscle twitching due to using braces/invisalign.
          My bite at the molars is so fricked and crooked (my face is a bit lopsided due to an uneven bite) that I suspect straightening my teeth would mess my bite up severely.
          Which is a hard decision for me because the front of my bite looks alright and pretty straight all things considered, so I'm wondering if it's even worth the hassle, since my teeth look pretty good when I smile and I can chew food without issues.

          • 3 months ago

            >Holy shit, those plastic braces don't seem so bad after all.
            They are objectively the single best option for braces. Every dentist I've talked to agrees with this.
            >The only thing I'm really worried about is bite problems after treatment
            That gets addressed during the treatment. The first ~50-70% of your aligners will move your teeth around, the latter trays will address bite issues. Pic related shows what you should expect: a box of aligners/trays (each person has a different number of total trays, of course). You'll spend 1-2 weeks wearing one, then move to the next. 1-2 weeks later, move to the next, etc etc
            >that I suspect straightening my teeth would mess my bite up severely.
            Talk to your dentist. That's something I've brought up and they said that never happens, the final aligners will set your bite exactly how it should be
            >so I'm wondering if it's even worth the hassle
            Hey if you don't need it then don't do it. If your dentist sees your bite during your cleanings/inspections and doesn't have a problem, then why get braces? If you want perfectly straight teeth then go for it

            • 3 months ago

              can you lift while having invisalign in your mouth?

          • 3 months ago

            Overbite and underbite can be fixed by wearing elastics (rubber bands) in addition to braces or aligners. Ask your dentist.

            Sour grape, anon. Some people just don't know how to control their jealousy
            Lol I'm literally doing it right now. You don't need to do 22 hours a day, I hit 20-21 just fine. I'm 4 months into treatment and I'm progressing exactly how I should be

            How many days do you have to wear each aligner?
            I was told that I can wear each 22 hours for 7 days or 20 hours for 14 days, so I decided to do the former.

            • 3 months ago

              >How many days do you have to wear each aligner?
              It's been 1-2 weeks for each. Averaged out maybe like 10-11 days? I've been done with a tray at exactly a week, I've taken 13 days for another. It hard depends cuz some days I do enjoy just sitting there sipping on a bunch of coffee while reading a book so I'll get less time in. Other days I'll get 22+ hours in

        • 3 months ago

          Invisalign can't fix everything. Braces can.

          • 3 months ago

            But it works in most cases. It's also not even that more expensive than normal braces. In my case it was around 20%.

          • 3 months ago

            >On average, Invisalign takes about 6 – 18 months, while metal braces take about 20 – 24 months
            >in general Invisalign take less time than braces to move teeth into the proper position due to the type of force this process uses to move the teeth
            Always has been. The reason people do metal braces is because they are way cheaper. I dunno what the price would've been for me, but after insurance it was $3200 for my aligners

            Neither Invisalign, nor braces will fix your problem. Your teeth are overcrowded because your jaw is too narrow. Jamming your teeth into place is just a temporary fix. Look into MSE and fix your posture if you want permanent results.

            • 3 months ago

              If you don't know what you're talking about, then shut up.

              • 3 months ago

                Why do you think I don't know what I'm talking about? Your teeth move back after braces and Invisalign if you don't wear a retainer for the rest of your life. They don't fix anything.

              • 3 months ago

                >if you don't wear a retainer for the rest of your life
                noooooooooooooooooooo fricking shit???

              • 3 months ago

                I shouldn't have said braces don't fix anything. If you wear a retainer forever fair enough. I think there are better ways to fix problems with your bite. Personally, I'm looking into surgery. I had Invisalign as a kid and I stopped wearing them because they were causing me to choke in my sleep. My teeth

              • 3 months ago

                >Gets surgery
                >Then gets braces
                >Doesn't wear retainer
                >Teeth go back to their old position
                wtf it didn't do anything !!!!

              • 3 months ago

                You're right, I don't know what your bite looks like. Why do you think your teeth go back to their original position? The issue is with your jaw, not just your teeth.

                Please stop talking.
                >I think there are better ways to fix problems with your bite
                You have absolutely *no fricking idea* what my bite looks like. You don't have pictures/x-rays/scans.
                >I had Invisalign as a kid and I stopped wearing them because they were causing me to choke in my sleep
                Literally impossible, now you're just making shit up. They snap onto your teeth and you have to force them off. We're not stupid, anon. You're not fooling anyone.

                Why the frick do you think that's impossible? I was choking on my tongue not the Invisalign. I know how Invisalign works.

              • 3 months ago

                >my braces made my tongue choke me!!!
                Holy frick you can NOT make this shit up

              • 3 months ago

                Do you not believe that I was choking in my sleep, or that Invisalign was causing it?

                Almost all surgeries will then require subsequent braces. It's not our fault you're so fat you choked on your own tongue.

                I'm not fat. My tongue doesn't fit in my fricking mouth because my jaw is too narrow, and it causes me breathing issues. This is in spite of me completing my Invisalign adjustment.

              • 3 months ago

                >My tongue doesn't fit in my fricking mouth because my jaw is too narrow, and it causes me breathing issues
                >this means no one else on the planet is allowed to get braces
                Your logic is OUTSTANDING, anon.

              • 3 months ago

                You're right, my logic was stupid. I assumed OP hadn't had jaw adjustment procedures prior to braces. I suppose I was a bit too zealous. I don't like seeing people get fricked over by orthodontists like I've been.

                the lies keep coming. Jesus christ anon how autistic are you??? Just stop it already it's not even funny, this is just sad

                Go to hell

              • 3 months ago

                >I had Invisalign as a kid and I stopped wearing them because they were causing me to choke in my sleep
                >This is in spite of me completing my Invisalign adjustment.
                pfffffffffffffffffffthahahaha the bullshit just keeps coming. Anon, you do realize that literally no one here believes you, right????

              • 3 months ago

                >i stopped wearing invisalign
                >i completed my invisalign
                anon, I.......

              • 3 months ago

                What I mean is I wore every set of trays until I got to the last one, then I wore that set for about a year.

              • 3 months ago

                the lies keep coming. Jesus christ anon how autistic are you??? Just stop it already it's not even funny, this is just sad

              • 3 months ago

                >I got to the last one, then I wore that set for about a year.
                Bullshit. You have to wear every aligner for a fixed amount of time (1-2 weeks), even the last one. After that you get plastic and/or wire retainers.

              • 3 months ago

                >has a narrow jaw
                >tells people that don't have narrow jaws that they should never ever get braces
                You do know that not all people are the same, yeah?

              • 3 months ago

                Almost all surgeries will then require subsequent braces. It's not our fault you're so fat you choked on your own tongue.

              • 3 months ago

                >I was choking on my tongue not the Invisalign
                holy frick
                >guys all braces are evil and don't work!!
                >i choked on my tongue so braces should be illegal!!!
                my fricking sides

              • 3 months ago

                Please stop talking.
                >I think there are better ways to fix problems with your bite
                You have absolutely *no fricking idea* what my bite looks like. You don't have pictures/x-rays/scans.
                >I had Invisalign as a kid and I stopped wearing them because they were causing me to choke in my sleep
                Literally impossible, now you're just making shit up. They snap onto your teeth and you have to force them off. We're not stupid, anon. You're not fooling anyone.

              • 3 months ago

                >has zero dental experience
                >doesn't have scans/pics of someone's bite, but telling them how to fix their bite
                >fricked up wearing unfrickupable braces
                >hey guys my opinion should be listened to!!
                Please keep going. This is amusing.

              • 3 months ago

                >I had Invisalign as a kid and I stopped wearing them because they were causing me to choke in my sleep
                anon, they *snap onto your teeth* and you have to *pry them off with force*. They don't just slip off and it's impossible for them to just fall off. this is a blatant lie.

              • 3 months ago

                >if you don't wear a retainer
                lmao no fricking shit?
                >They don't fix anything
                Hey guys braces will give you perfectly straight teeth and will completely fix over/under bite but hey that doesn't mean they fix anything at all!! God you're fricking stupid

              • 3 months ago

                >They don't fix anything.
                braces fixed my crossbite and I just have to wear a retainer at night while I sleep. Please tell me how they didn't do anything for me

      • 3 months ago

        a friend was quoted at almost 2 years with metal braces or like 7 months with invisalign. Yeah it's way frickin faster

  10. 3 months ago

    >grown adult with braces

    • 3 months ago

      >grew up poor as frick, parents could never afford it
      >finally have the money to buy things for myself and be happy
      Let me guess, you also make fun of middle aged people buying sports cars, calling it a """""mid life crisis"""""?

      • 3 months ago

        People are judging you for having braces as a grown man

        • 3 months ago

          >people are judging you for taking care of your health and wellbeing

          • 3 months ago

            Sour grape, anon. Some people just don't know how to control their jealousy

            >>Get Invisalign
            Even with Invisalign that wouldn't work because you have to wear the aligners at least 22 hours per day. 2 hours is not enough time to eat six meals and brush your teeth after each meal.

            Lol I'm literally doing it right now. You don't need to do 22 hours a day, I hit 20-21 just fine. I'm 4 months into treatment and I'm progressing exactly how I should be

            • 3 months ago

              >Some people just don't know how to control their jealousy
              Most of the people that both I and my gf know got butthurt and ruined their relationships with us after we told them that I bought a new home with cash. In some cases I could see their brains getting fried trying to process this information.

              • 3 months ago

                I'm single with no kids, making ~92k/year. I just bought an EV with cash and I feel bad saying this to friends that're struggling but man you decided to have a bunch of kids, not me. Whatever.

              • 3 months ago

                Sometimes it's not even because of kids.
                >BLOGPOST INCOMING
                One of my gf's friends earn A LOT (probably somewhere around the top 15-20% in terms of monthly income), but he blows it all on his gf. His gf is emotionally abusive, doesn't want to have sex with him, cheated on him, doesn't work, doesn't do chores to help him out, and nags him to waste money on her whims. The dude is so cucked that he doesn't try to fix his situation and his bank account looks as if he was working minimum wage.
                Upon learning about my finances and real estate, he literally got mad. Not just butthurt, he actually got mad and went on a tirade, fuming about my job, my education, his job, his education, the real estate market, his future, etc. From what my gf told me, he's still mad weeks later.
                Nothing haunts people more than their own choices and feeling powerless.

              • 3 months ago

                Congrats, anon. You beat the banks.
                A lot of normies would resent that as they lack the financial discipline to do what you did.

  11. 3 months ago

    >>Get Invisalign
    Even with Invisalign that wouldn't work because you have to wear the aligners at least 22 hours per day. 2 hours is not enough time to eat six meals and brush your teeth after each meal.

  12. 3 months ago

    I had these and it's basically all about activating your brain.
    Cut things small and chew on them, easy right?
    if it's too big and hard you'll push the braces up
    but if it's small enough to keep it in between your teeth then the toughness of the food doesnt matter

  13. 3 months ago

    eat even if it hurts
    no pain no gain

    • 3 months ago

      also btw
      invisalign / ccorrect hurt even more because you swap them every week or 2
      so its a constant pain
      just man up and eat

      • 3 months ago

        >so its a constant pain
        Only for the first ~1-3 days of a new tray, then the pain settles down massively. You go through the same thing with metal braces when you get them tightened n stuff

        • 3 months ago

          Taking the aligners out may be hard and painful in the first few days or weeks until you found the perfect technique. In addition, orthodontic elastics may cause some constant pain.

    • 3 months ago

      It's not about pain. Hard food like nuts can damage the braces.

  14. 3 months ago

    Itt israelites shilling invisalign
    Many people need to get braces after invisalign so you pay double to the teeth israelites.

    • 3 months ago

      go leave, dumbass

      • 3 months ago

        Get braces guys, having plastic releasing xenoestrogens 22h a day isnt good plus you can lose or break them and have to pay triple to the teeth israelites.

        Wrong link

    • 3 months ago

      Get braces guys, having plastic releasing xenoestrogens 22h a day isnt good plus you can lose or break them and have to pay triple to the teeth israelites.

  15. 3 months ago

    After a couple of days of acclimatization you'll be eating normally again. Don't worry.

    Here's a top-tip, though: Buy yourself one of these.

  16. 3 months ago

    >That pic
    Thanks for the boner OP

  17. 3 months ago

    Hola, onions nuevo en este mundo, alguien me puede decir cómo conseguir una mejor "definición"?

  18. 3 months ago

    >I’ve been on my best bulk in years, up to six meals of day washing most meals down with milk
    Braces will save you from becoming a fat ugly unaesthetic powershitter

  19. 3 months ago

    Just finished Invisalign if anyone has any questions.

    • 3 months ago

      Does anyone have experience or know if braces with bands would fix a very very mild overbite?

      same question really but for invisalign

      • 3 months ago

        It can 100% fix it but you'll need to wear bands. I had a pretty severe crossbite and it fixed that.

        • 3 months ago

          ok i will talk to an ortho about potential treatment then...i just wish they didnt cost 4 grand....

          • 3 months ago

            Can probably get some free consultations to at least get a price estimate. Mine were about $5700 including retainers but my insurance covered $2000 of it.

            • 3 months ago

              no sadly not, im in the uk and the dental industry it giga fricked, consultation costs around £100 in most places, as for insurance, i dont think it works over here like that, its kind of either free or we have to pay up everything privately, so im gonna have to pay the 4-5k somehow, i know they do payment plans at least, ill do some research on it

          • 3 months ago

            >cost 4 grand
            Anon, ...
            My treatment cost €7k

  20. 3 months ago


    They just gave me two of the last set. I didn't get any wire retainers.

    • 3 months ago

      Then that were probably the plastic retainers. Usually the dentist will produce those himself, but you can also order them from invisalign. In some cases wire retainers are not required.

      • 3 months ago

        In the first 1-2 years of the treatment has finished, you have to wear the plastic retainers every night. After that, you have to wear them 3 times per week at night for the rest of your life. If you don't do that, your teeth will move back.

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