Sleep aid discussion

Pretty sure speep is probably the most overlooked and important thing about fitness. Ain't gonna be able to increase those weights at the gym and put in maximal effort if you aren't getting high quality sleep. Lets talk about what does and doesn't work to actually restore the deep, restorative sleep of youth.

Some anons on here said pic rel (nasal dialators) helped them massively with sleep. Any other reports or tips? Don't think I have a deviated septum but the size of my nasal hole does seem to be ehat limits me in running, thinking if trying them out.

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  1. 2 years ago

    where to buy?

  2. 2 years ago

    Just see a doctor you moron

    • 2 years ago

      Good goy, don't solve your problems yourself.

      • 2 years ago

        Good luck solving deviated septum and overgrown sinuses by yourself. 80% of the medical are solved by working on yourself to prevent them, the rest are not solvable just by yourself.

        • 2 years ago

          t. pajeet aff marketer

      • 2 years ago

        >Don't solve your problems yourself
        >Just ask a Mongolian basket weaving forum.

    • 2 years ago

      For real. If one has sleep apnea, get checked out and get a cpap, not some meme plastic nose rings.

      • 2 years ago

        >get checked out and get a cpap
        cpap is a bit extreme. i would totally try those plastic diaters first (as well as simply losing weight if obese).
        >pay for a doctor visit just so they can refer you for a sleep study
        >pay for the sleep study where they strap a bunch of shit to you which will guarantee that you'll have a much harder time sleeping than you normally do
        >based on this get told you have sleep disorder and require cpap
        >pay for cpap
        >strap device on your face every time you sleep for the rest of your life
        From what I understand most people try it for a short time and then just throw it in their closet preferring to go without it.

  3. 2 years ago

    They really helped me sleep until at one point I rolled over onto my face and sliced the shit out of the inside of my nostrils.
    If you're worried about sleep apnea, a cpap is infinitely better.

    • 2 years ago

      They shouldn't be so rigid anon, try and get another brand, mine are flexible and like a full tube instead of a cage

  4. 2 years ago

    It sounds like a meme but my wife tapes her mouth shut before she goes to sleep lmao. She found these specialty mouth tapes and it keeps her jaw from falling open during the night. She sleeps on her back and lightly snores, possibly with light sleep apnea but we don't go to the medical israelite so never been diagnosed.

    She used to wake up feeling like shit all the time despite getting 8 hrs of sleep. Now she actually sleeps all through the night and it's been way better. I'd try it too but I have facial hair

    • 2 years ago

      Sounds kinky

    • 2 years ago

      Does she also tie her hands and feet? I think shes hinting at rape play.

    • 2 years ago

      source on the tapes and how does she apply it? i'm interested in trying this

      • 2 years ago

        Search for 3M hypoallergenic tape on amazon. That is what I use. Just started a month ago, and it is godsend.

    • 2 years ago

      >possibly with light sleep apnea but we don't go to the medical israelite so never been diagnosed.
      This sounds like a really great way to commit suicide over stubborn ignorance.

  5. 2 years ago

    Dilate, OP. lul.

  6. 2 years ago

    I put a piece of painters tape over my mouth so I’m forced to breathe through my nose. Then I lock my shoulders into place and wrap my neck so it can’t move, makes it so I wake up with no neck pain(not that it was common but when it does happen it’s annoying.) other than that just don’t drink caffeine and keep a consistent sleep schedule

    • 2 years ago

      >anon binds and gags himself before he goes to bed
      you know what else helps with staying asleep is plugging up the rectum so air doesn't leak out

    • 2 years ago

      >roll over to look at sleeping bf
      >see this
      Sexy time

    • 2 years ago

      >locks shoulders
      >binds neck

      homie what

    • 2 years ago

      I think you just have an intense BDSM fetish anon

  7. 2 years ago

    I just use nasal spray, people say they're bad but i've used a small spray nightly for decades now no issue.

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            Never heard of nasal spray causing cancer.

            • 2 years ago

              anything that causes local cellular stress can cause cancer.

    • 2 years ago

      Use eucalyptus capsules instead.

  8. 2 years ago

    Will this protect me from spiders climbing up my nostril

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah but your other holes are still vulnerable.

  9. 2 years ago

    depends on the nose, really. I have septum deviation and a nose patch really helps. but I still think it's not enough. if i take two ear cleaners, stick them in each nose hole and dilate towards the outside, there's even more airflow. but for the absolute godlike feeling, I do the ear cleaner thing and press my jaw forward (or use a protrusion splint). there's so much air flowing and just after 3 breaths like this, I feel completely revitalized and the brain fog is momentarely gone. it's a shame this breathing quality isn't achievable natty. I already got my nasal air chambers widened but it didn't help much apart from the nose being less stuffy. also the aestethic modifications made it so my lower nose sides get pulled inside when breathing in medium/strong, which thightens the airway. so I'd need to find a doc to unfrick that (behold if anything further up the nose is also broken) and then do a BIMAX or something.

    • 2 years ago

      I’m getting my deviates septum fixed later this year
      What am I in for

      • 2 years ago

        i don't know because I only got my air chambers widened. but when I tried CPAP, there was another guy at the clinic and after his septum deviate correction something got damaged up there and now he has always a stuffed nose

  10. 2 years ago

    Whats the consensus on blue light filtering glasses? How long before bed should I start wearing them, if at all?

    • 2 years ago

      once the sun sets

    • 2 years ago

      i'd suggest using f.lux, the nighttime setting on windows, using a color tint on iphone (go to accessibility and select Display & text size before selecting color filters).

  11. 2 years ago

    >Some anons on here said pic rel (nasal dialators) helped them massively with sleep.
    im on a same page. im leaning on ordering pic related.

    • 2 years ago

      I tried this one and it's really uncomfortable and falls out, even the bigger one. The best thing that worked for my deviated septum was those bandages but they were way too expensive. 17 euros for 1 month. I might try the cheaper ones that are on Amazon and hope they work.

      • 2 years ago

        >I tried this one and it's really uncomfortable and falls out, even the bigger one.
        get the dragon shaped one instead

  12. 2 years ago

    It all depends very much on what your particular anatomy is like. Those dilators can help some cases of deviated septum but if it occurs higher up in the nose or if you have problems with your turbinates you may still be having trouble.

    It's really a good idea to get a sleep study ASAP if you suspect you're having problems. Sorry for burgers, I don't know how expensive this will be for you, but in my country there are easy takehome tests, you get a little machine you strap to your chest that includes heart rate monitors, as well as an oxygen sat meter that goes on your fingertip, and a tiny pair of tubes that go in your nostrils. It monitors all the things necessary to let you know if you have sleep apnea or some other disorder, and your doctor can go from there. Reminder you could have moderate or even severe apnea and not even really know it, which can be brutal on your health not to mention your gains. If you're lucky and not too severe you might be aided by over the counter aids like breatherite strips, nasal dilators, or perhaps a steroid spray to reduce inflammation at night. Worst case scenario if the problem is your nose you might need deviated septum correction, or if it's something else like your soft palate you may end up needing CPAP or other kinds of surgery. It's better to know what you've got right away than to play guessing games for months/years.

  13. 2 years ago

    I'm currently away at a grad program, I'm averaging 4-6 hours of sleep per day. Any suggestions on how to get improve my sleep quality with limited amount of hours? I can't sleep for 7-8 hours, nearly impossible with the amount of stuff I have to do.

    • 2 years ago

      use the hours you spend on IST for sleep

    • 2 years ago

      >nearly impossible with the amount of stuff I have to do.
      start by spending less time jerking off

  14. 2 years ago

    >go outside first thing in the morning and stare at the sunrise and get outside as much as possible throughout the day, even when it’s cold
    >d3 and k2 when you wake up and magnesium plus glycine or bone broth an hour before bed
    >no electronics an hour before bed
    >dark cold rooms are best for sleep. Get blackout curtains and turn the temp down to around 66 (costly in the summer but worth it)
    >no caffeine 12 hours (yes 12) before bed and try to limit it beforehand too as it messes with your circadian rhythm regardless of when you take it
    Exercising first thing in the morning also helps but isn’t needed, just don’t do it too late

  15. 2 years ago

    10mg melatonin works for me

    don't get the long-lasting/dual release shit that makes sleep problems worse

  16. 2 years ago

    Appliances and surgeries don’t fix the underlying problem, which is poor facial muscular balance/tone in the face. If the imbalance is severe, you will get something similar to forward head posture, where your face anatomy changes shape. Thankfully you can alter the formation of the bones that make up your face (despite what some people will say, you CAN alter it past adulthood).
    I had tried Nasonex, nose strips, and a CPAP machine. Mouth tape was by far the most effective solution for me. Mouth taping is similar to mewing in that it’s “normal” to breathe through your nose with your mouth shut while sleeping, but if you’re like me, you need to train your muscles to assume that position autonomously. I’ve been mouth taping for 2 years now and am starting to not need it at night, because the muscles take that form on their own. If I don’t mouth tape I can tell whether or not I was mouth breathing through the night.

  17. 2 years ago

    How do the nose dialators work? Currently a fat shit (I have about 50lbs left to lose and than I'm finally in the normal BMI range) and I never wake up feeling well rested. I know I snore, I'm probably mouth breathing all night and I always wake up with a stuffy nose. Will a nose dialator help keep my nasal passage clear?

    >in b4 see a doctor
    I'm not opposed to seeing a doctor but I simply can't afford to. I'm an American and the combination cost if the initial specialist visit, sleep study, and possible CPAP machine would basically rape my funds. I'm working to fix the problem (being a fatty boombalatty) and I hate the idea of dropping a several thousand dollars if dropping the weight fixes my sleeping issues.

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