Suddenly everything makes sense. How do I unfrick myself. Yeah I joined a gym, that's how I figured this out

Suddenly everything makes sense

How do I unfrick myself

Yeah I joined a gym, that's how I figured this out

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    You sat on your wallet instead of putting it in your front pocket. It's over. you have to do back exercises and wear posture-correcting straps to re-align it.

    • 3 months ago

      No I think it's from playing football (soccer) as a kid and having a dominant foot while kicking
      But things definitely got worse when I got an office job and became sedentary since 2021ish

  2. 3 months ago

    Have you checked out anything by Naudi Aguilar or functional patterns yet?
    Their whole brand is basically just unfricking shitty biomechanics and undoing all the dysfunctional imbalances in the body through treating the body as a singular system, rather than by just trying to fix the symptoms.
    If you check through their testiomonials, there are thousands of people with extreme body imbalances, even extreme scoliosis being able to sprint and throw weights after starting FP.
    Check it out man, you seem like a prime candidate for it

    • 3 months ago

      literally measure your legs. look up a video on how to properly measure them from ankle to knee.

      >goyim shekelstein mcstudy says;
      just shut up. not everything has to be fricking nuclear physics.

      • 3 months ago

        If you want to move correctly, you do need to have a basic understanding of the muscles in the body and their function.
        Its not nuclear physics, but its certainly something to educate yourself on, unless you are fine with not being able to walk a mile by age 50

        • 3 months ago

          if one of your legs is longer than the other no amount of anything besides breaking your legs and resetting them will change it.

          • 3 months ago

            Yes, you will be imabalanced if your legs are imbalanced, however, you can work with the imbalance rather than making it worse.
            If you lift weights in isolation like a bodybuilder, you will exacerbate the imbalances.
            If you focus on myofascial release, and training the body in conjuction with natural movements, you can keep the body in good shape

            • 3 months ago

              >and training the body in conjuction with natural movements
              Is this not what compound weight lifting is like squats and deadlifts? I thought that was the whole idea of using free weights and not doing those machines where the weights and movements are highly constrained and movements artificial

    • 3 months ago

      I think it would just embed the asymmetries.
      Speaking from experience, the compound lifts will make it worse.
      Now that im not squatting, or deadlifting, or benching, I feel so much better.
      Im finally moving and my biomechanics are far better than they were previously. I can now walk any distance tirelessly, I can run fast, and throw pretty hard.
      Im just doing the functional patterns workouts, and its way more fun than my old workouts
      Squats and deadlifts are compound lifts, but they are only training the body in the sagittal plane of motion, which is not how humans natural movement looks in nature. Humans move in three dimensions, not just two dimensions like with the squats and deads.
      There are many issues with squats and deads, as they are not motions that humans evolved to do.
      Humans evolved to walk, sprint, stand, and throw. All exercise you do must be based around these functions, or you are just bringing yourself into injury and asymmetries.

      Watch these vids:

      okay i watched all 5 vids and i still don't know what exercises I'm actually supposed to do.

      • 3 months ago

        Buy the 10 week program, and follow it. They will take you through every step in fixing your broken movement and asymmetries.
        Its $200, but it will be a very wisely spent $200.
        You will feel like a brand new person by week 2, and it keeps getting better.
        Its expensive, but there is no way to get the program for free, its one of those things that you really have to pay for.

        • 3 months ago

          Sounds like weird scam bro science
          Picking up heavy objects is a very natural range of human motion
          I'm just gonna ask a physio about it or something

          • 3 months ago

            Its far from bro science, and most bros would never run something like FP because they care about superficial gains and muscle over symmetry and gait.
            Its going to be extremely mainstream in 5-10 years, but for now its on the low down

        • 3 months ago

          >Buy the 10 week program, and follow it. They will take you through every step in fixing your broken movement and asymmetries.
          >Its $200, but it will be a very wisely spent $200.
          frick off your worthless spamming homosexual.

  3. 3 months ago

    I fixed this by stretching my lats and hamstrings, and doing a frick ton of pull ups and deadlifts.

    • 3 months ago

      If you had an imbalance in one side of the body due to muscle in one side being tight and the other side being disengaged and flaccid, if you stretch the overly tight side to match the imbalanced flaccid side, you havent got rid of your imbalance, youve simply made your body symetrical in its dysfunction with an imbalance on both sides of the hips now.
      Doing pull ups and deadlifts with a severe imbalance in the body with the hips and lats only exacerbates the imbalances, and every deadlift and pullup you do is just making that dysfunction more and more cemented into the mechanics of your body.
      The imbalnces are coming from the fascia, and if you stretch the muscles, you are going to frick up the imbalances even more

      • 3 months ago

        Surely though doing compound weight exercises and paying extremely close attention to form would fix posture and even things out? At least a little?
        Or is it really gonna embed this cos I'll lift in an asymmetrical gimped way

        • 3 months ago

          I think it would just embed the asymmetries.
          Speaking from experience, the compound lifts will make it worse.
          Now that im not squatting, or deadlifting, or benching, I feel so much better.
          Im finally moving and my biomechanics are far better than they were previously. I can now walk any distance tirelessly, I can run fast, and throw pretty hard.
          Im just doing the functional patterns workouts, and its way more fun than my old workouts

          >and training the body in conjuction with natural movements
          Is this not what compound weight lifting is like squats and deadlifts? I thought that was the whole idea of using free weights and not doing those machines where the weights and movements are highly constrained and movements artificial

          Squats and deadlifts are compound lifts, but they are only training the body in the sagittal plane of motion, which is not how humans natural movement looks in nature. Humans move in three dimensions, not just two dimensions like with the squats and deads.
          There are many issues with squats and deads, as they are not motions that humans evolved to do.
          Humans evolved to walk, sprint, stand, and throw. All exercise you do must be based around these functions, or you are just bringing yourself into injury and asymmetries.

          Watch these vids:

    • 3 months ago

      I figured gym would help because the weaker side would be worked harder and it would naturally even out. But seeing it be something as fundamental as my pelvis has me a bit worried

      Have you checked out anything by Naudi Aguilar or functional patterns yet?
      Their whole brand is basically just unfricking shitty biomechanics and undoing all the dysfunctional imbalances in the body through treating the body as a singular system, rather than by just trying to fix the symptoms.
      If you check through their testiomonials, there are thousands of people with extreme body imbalances, even extreme scoliosis being able to sprint and throw weights after starting FP.
      Check it out man, you seem like a prime candidate for it

      Thanks I'll take a look
      I might see what a physio thinks too

  4. 3 months ago

    I want to know what based stepintomywagon said.

    • 3 months ago

      Nothing interesting. Zoomers are scared of "the r-word" now

    • 3 months ago

      Nothing interesting. Zoomers are scared of "the r-word" now


  5. 3 months ago

    for anyone reading
    I walk like the left because of a microphone attached to a radio that I used to wear on my collar slung over my right shoulder, for a job
    do not do this it will cause you to look and walk like left
    Figure something else out, maybe one of those thin corded mics with the earpiece that goes in your ear. I had one of the thick coiled corded mics that pull down like a spring.

  6. 3 months ago

    Suitcase carry with a kettlebell or dumbbell

  7. 3 months ago

    One leg being longer than the other is more common than people think

  8. 3 months ago

    I have scoliosis (S curve, but my thoracic curve is the worst one). I’m constantly in pain, even though I try to have the best form possible. My shoulders are fricked, my legs always hurt when I run or jump rope. I do calisthenics (weighted and unweighted, depending on how bad I feel) and ride my bike. Cycling is probably the only exercise that doesn’t cause pain, but it’s too cold out to do my usual 20 mile cruises. I might have to bite the bullet and do bike HIIT at the gym.
    Any advice from scoliosisanons?

    • 3 months ago

      >Any advice from scoliosisanons?
      Would love to ear advice for this as well. Seems virtually impossible to work out without injuring myself one way or another with scoliosis.

  9. 3 months ago

    I have uneven hips but no scoliosis, just have a long right leg. Heel lift in my left shoe suits me fine.

  10. 3 months ago

    I fixed this by shoveling a whole drive of snow with my weak side

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