The image that made?

The image that made IST collectively seethe, cry and cope all at once

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    I think it's common knowledge. Scandinavians, Slavs, Balts. Northern Europeans in general are the biggest frame wise and the strongest.

    The main components in their diets are: meat, dairy and eggs. Fermented foods as well, like sauerkraut and pickles.

    • 4 months ago

      >it’s common knowledge
      The grain brains on this board disagree. They’re very passionate about their sugar and snacks.

      • 4 months ago

        Black person what do you think is in milk?

        • 4 months ago

          post hand

          • 4 months ago

            >post hand
            his hand is probably white, since the sugar in milk can only be digested by whites. Milk is low in sugar for nonwhites since they can’t digest lactose

        • 4 months ago

          Raw milk ferments on its own, reducing the lactose content. I'm sure steppe-gays would make cheese out of clabbered milk to preserve it.

        • 4 months ago

          sugar, like there's sugar in Greek Yoghurt, which keeps the cultures in the yoghurt alive which is generally good for you

        • 4 months ago

          sugar is good for you. reduces stress, improves thyroid function, and puts gives you easy to use energy.
          If you were to eat meat, dairy, eggs, honey, and fruit, you would be eating as humans did in nature during our most robust and epic times.
          Agriculture and grains is what turned men into soft pudgy homosexuals with gay skulls and shitty teeth.

          • 4 months ago

            "hey guys what's up. Proto Aryan hunter gatherer uberchad here."

            • 4 months ago

              How old was he? If he was in his 40's or 50's, that's when most apes in nature start to lose their teeth and die. People don't understand how brutal selection pressures have been on us since the neolithic. That an 70+ year old man can go his whole life without a dental problem is a miracle of human genetic selection.

      • 4 months ago

        milk, kefir and yogurt all have carbs you subhuman moron

    • 4 months ago

      Also. Mongols and Yakuts have pretty similar diets and they are the biggest from all the Chinks.

      I watch this guy:
      And yeah, he still eats grains. But majority of his food seems to be animal source. Things modern westoids wouldn't eat lmao.

    • 4 months ago

      Also. Mongols and Yakuts have pretty similar diets and they are the biggest from all the Chinks.

      I watch this guy:
      And yeah, he still eats grains. But majority of his food seems to be animal source. Things modern westoids wouldn't eat lmao.

      mongols are 5"6 manlets, cope

      • 4 months ago

        5'6 is giant for asians

      • 4 months ago

        Cope with what?

      • 4 months ago

        and they conquered the world for a time. keep copeing.

        • 4 months ago

          So did the romans and they ate MOSTLY grains, olive oil and veggies

          • 4 months ago

            >What is lamb, beef, and seafood

          • 4 months ago

            >they ate MOSTLY grains, olive oil and veggies
            Why are you lying, you fricking vegan Black person?

            Even the famous Garum had meat base.

    • 4 months ago

      The image that made IST collectively seethe, cry and cope all at once

      >polynesians ate mostly vegetables and no dairy
      >biggest frame and height wise
      Explain that, athiests.

      • 4 months ago

        They are fat not big. They would look like a child next to some polack construction worker from UK

        • 4 months ago

          They are huge kek

        • 4 months ago

          Lol, lmao.
          European nations like pols, dutch etc only got tall in the last half century. Half of dutch recruits for ww1 were rejected for being too short. Only first-world nutrition and subsequent dietry campaigns changed that.
          Polynesians however, have been tall and large for a VERY long time, studies have shown their bone densities to be about 20% greater than Europeans

          Even on their butt-frick no where Islands, they still have the capacity to be heavier than Amerilards and Mexicans, due to their already higher musclemass, and their heights are all over 5'9" which is average in many countries in europe and the US, despite having less access to nutritious foods and education.
          I live in the UK, polish men aren't small, but average, the big ones do weights and steroids and many are skinny slav-rats.

          • 4 months ago

            >midwit racialist: the post
            Polynesians absolutely were not tall or big pre colonization. Compared to some other groups at the time living on low protein diets consisting mostly of grains, sure. Compared to people now, definitely not. Also it’s not a healthy diet that makes people tall, it’s access to protein and easy calories. Polynesians are taller and bigger than most groups in the world but they are not the tallest. They also respond well to steroids which is why they are overrepresented in sports. But they are not the tallest in the world by any stretch- dinarics are the tallest; some niolitic (not Bantu) African tribes are potentially even taller but unlike Polynesians legitimately are being held back by nutrition. They are the fattest though. They have clearly undergone natural selection processes to store far more easily than any other group on the planet which is why there are literally zero top unmixed Polynesian bodybuilders. Also why the vast majority look like fat fricks even if people want to pretend that polynesian pro athletes on steroids (who even then still tend to be fat fricks) represent the average in any way

            • 4 months ago

              That photo is of adolescent polynesians.
              Here is a photo of two samoan men from the 1800s, note the well developed arms and chests.
              >not the tallest in the world by any stretch
              >literal Island nations taller than half of europe, north America and other first world nations
              Dinaric alps are a micro-population of tall people, much like how the polynesians have tall genes and some North Native american groups.
              In ww1, the average european soldier was 5'5", with Britain being around 5'7", with the Dutch being at the shorter end of around 5'4", and as stated earlier, near half of conscripts were initially rejected for being too short.
              The Maori battalions were noted as being of the tallest, with average height of 5'7" and weights of 70kg (after returning from ww1) compared to European men of 63-65kg.
              Polynesians averaged less protein intake than Europeans, usually less than 1kg per of bodyweight.
              So averaging 5'7" - 5'11 over 100 years, on islands in the middle of the ocean and weighing considerably heavier and having greater bone density all points to their size not being held back by diets.
              Remember, Netherlands is a first world nation, their height exploded from shortest to tallest in europe in 60 years, but also suffer from higher rates of cancers than polynesians and their bone densities are still lower than many global populations such as Africans, polynesians and Melanesians.
              >polynesian pro athletes look fat
              Watch rugby, not handegg and you will see them playing in nearly every national team globally and being lean and muscular.

              • 4 months ago

                More pics of poly men, showing their musculature. There are many written accounts of their size and statue, known form Hawaii to NZ to be both taller and stronger than Europeand and many other natives the Europeans had encountered.

              • 4 months ago


                More pics of poly men, showing their musculature. There are many written accounts of their size and statue, known form Hawaii to NZ to be both taller and stronger than Europeand and many other natives the Europeans had encountered.

                Lol. They look like the average guy you'd find in most nations. No more muscular than the average Euro peasant.

              • 4 months ago

                That guy sitting down on the floor in the photo of the 3 men has muscular arms by todays standsrds, his forearms are broad af. You don't find average people looking like that outside polynesia.

              • 4 months ago

                FYI - Arthur de Gobineau considers them a master race.

              • 4 months ago

                >In ww1, the average european soldier was 5'5", with Britain being around 5'7", with the Dutch being at the shorter end of around 5'4", and as stated earlier, near half of conscripts were initially rejected for being too short.
                Source? Anthropometric data on civil war soldiers had their average height at 5'8 and around 140 lbs

            • 4 months ago


              That photo is of adolescent polynesians.
              Here is a photo of two samoan men from the 1800s, note the well developed arms and chests.
              >not the tallest in the world by any stretch
              >literal Island nations taller than half of europe, north America and other first world nations
              Dinaric alps are a micro-population of tall people, much like how the polynesians have tall genes and some North Native american groups.
              In ww1, the average european soldier was 5'5", with Britain being around 5'7", with the Dutch being at the shorter end of around 5'4", and as stated earlier, near half of conscripts were initially rejected for being too short.
              The Maori battalions were noted as being of the tallest, with average height of 5'7" and weights of 70kg (after returning from ww1) compared to European men of 63-65kg.
              Polynesians averaged less protein intake than Europeans, usually less than 1kg per of bodyweight.
              So averaging 5'7" - 5'11 over 100 years, on islands in the middle of the ocean and weighing considerably heavier and having greater bone density all points to their size not being held back by diets.
              Remember, Netherlands is a first world nation, their height exploded from shortest to tallest in europe in 60 years, but also suffer from higher rates of cancers than polynesians and their bone densities are still lower than many global populations such as Africans, polynesians and Melanesians.
              >polynesian pro athletes look fat
              Watch rugby, not handegg and you will see them playing in nearly every national team globally and being lean and muscular.


              More pics of poly men, showing their musculature. There are many written accounts of their size and statue, known form Hawaii to NZ to be both taller and stronger than Europeand and many other natives the Europeans had encountered.

              Here is a video of a bunch of Polynesian children that got stranded on a deserted island after a shipwreck. Note that they didn't survive by eating leaves, berries and promoting good vibes. They instinctively started hunting the native seabirds, eating their eggs and trying to fish as they had been taught.

              • 4 months ago

                Polynesians were mostly farmers and fishermen, so not surprised they subsisted on the food that was most available to them.

                /his/, /x/ and IST, they have been ruined by schizo christcucks and tradlarping tourists.

                Three of the shittiest, dumbest boards on the site, anon.

                IST is just another shitty /misc/ board it seems.

                I'm going back to IST, frick this.

                What's the problem? Discussing diets, development and anthropology are interesting subjects. People who call it dumb are midwits who are too afraid to have conversations which they think will label them as 'racist' or 'problematic'.

                Yeah you're not entirely wrong, but you're also completely fricking wrong. At the extreme end of the scale you get these giant white dudes who play in the second row and front row. But then poly dudes are just big and strong and fast across the board. If you took 100 random poly dudes and 100 random white dudes, you're getting maybe 30 white dudes who would be usefull at Rugby and only then maybe 5 of them are going to make a top tier team in your local club. Meanwhile 90 of the poly dudes are going to be usefull at Rugby and there's a good chance 20 of them already play at top amateur level and definitely some of them are at national level.


                Found the fatfrick island Black person.

                I'm mixed. Pic related.

              • 4 months ago
          • 4 months ago


            >midwit racialist: the post
            Polynesians absolutely were not tall or big pre colonization. Compared to some other groups at the time living on low protein diets consisting mostly of grains, sure. Compared to people now, definitely not. Also it’s not a healthy diet that makes people tall, it’s access to protein and easy calories. Polynesians are taller and bigger than most groups in the world but they are not the tallest. They also respond well to steroids which is why they are overrepresented in sports. But they are not the tallest in the world by any stretch- dinarics are the tallest; some niolitic (not Bantu) African tribes are potentially even taller but unlike Polynesians legitimately are being held back by nutrition. They are the fattest though. They have clearly undergone natural selection processes to store far more easily than any other group on the planet which is why there are literally zero top unmixed Polynesian bodybuilders. Also why the vast majority look like fat fricks even if people want to pretend that polynesian pro athletes on steroids (who even then still tend to be fat fricks) represent the average in any way


            That photo is of adolescent polynesians.
            Here is a photo of two samoan men from the 1800s, note the well developed arms and chests.
            >not the tallest in the world by any stretch
            >literal Island nations taller than half of europe, north America and other first world nations
            Dinaric alps are a micro-population of tall people, much like how the polynesians have tall genes and some North Native american groups.
            In ww1, the average european soldier was 5'5", with Britain being around 5'7", with the Dutch being at the shorter end of around 5'4", and as stated earlier, near half of conscripts were initially rejected for being too short.
            The Maori battalions were noted as being of the tallest, with average height of 5'7" and weights of 70kg (after returning from ww1) compared to European men of 63-65kg.
            Polynesians averaged less protein intake than Europeans, usually less than 1kg per of bodyweight.
            So averaging 5'7" - 5'11 over 100 years, on islands in the middle of the ocean and weighing considerably heavier and having greater bone density all points to their size not being held back by diets.
            Remember, Netherlands is a first world nation, their height exploded from shortest to tallest in europe in 60 years, but also suffer from higher rates of cancers than polynesians and their bone densities are still lower than many global populations such as Africans, polynesians and Melanesians.
            >polynesian pro athletes look fat
            Watch rugby, not handegg and you will see them playing in nearly every national team globally and being lean and muscular.


            More pics of poly men, showing their musculature. There are many written accounts of their size and statue, known form Hawaii to NZ to be both taller and stronger than Europeand and many other natives the Europeans had encountered.

            Polynesians have had unlimited access to seafood.
            Catching fish is not that hard and it used to be way easier before overfishing.
            The idea that they survived off of fricking coconuts is rididulous.

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah you're not entirely wrong, but you're also completely fricking wrong. At the extreme end of the scale you get these giant white dudes who play in the second row and front row. But then poly dudes are just big and strong and fast across the board. If you took 100 random poly dudes and 100 random white dudes, you're getting maybe 30 white dudes who would be usefull at Rugby and only then maybe 5 of them are going to make a top tier team in your local club. Meanwhile 90 of the poly dudes are going to be usefull at Rugby and there's a good chance 20 of them already play at top amateur level and definitely some of them are at national level.

          • 4 months ago
      • 4 months ago

        Trips of truth

        They are fat not big. They would look like a child next to some polack construction worker from UK

        Polynesians are genetic freaks.

        • 4 months ago

          They are huge kek

          Lol, lmao.
          European nations like pols, dutch etc only got tall in the last half century. Half of dutch recruits for ww1 were rejected for being too short. Only first-world nutrition and subsequent dietry campaigns changed that.
          Polynesians however, have been tall and large for a VERY long time, studies have shown their bone densities to be about 20% greater than Europeans

          Even on their butt-frick no where Islands, they still have the capacity to be heavier than Amerilards and Mexicans, due to their already higher musclemass, and their heights are all over 5'9" which is average in many countries in europe and the US, despite having less access to nutritious foods and education.
          I live in the UK, polish men aren't small, but average, the big ones do weights and steroids and many are skinny slav-rats.

          Found the fatfrick island Black person.

      • 4 months ago


        You mean tubers and fish. Fish is meat.

        • 4 months ago

          Yes, but MOSTLY vegetables, and tubers are vegetables.

          • 4 months ago

            What vegetables? Modern vegetables were invented in agricultural societies. Their diet was starches and meat - starchy vegetables (yam, taro, banana, and breadfruit), seafood, coconut, and domesticated pig. Do you think they were eating tomatoes and zucchini s?

            • 4 months ago

              They were farmers, agricultural times goes back to the end of the neolithic, way before polynesians were sailing the oceans.
              You understand that sweet potatoes, yams, taro etc are vegetables right? They also used local greenery, pineapple, banana, coconuts which are all fruits/nuts. Their diet was like 70%+ plant based.

              • 4 months ago

                Their diet was rich in starches and meats. It's not much different than the Midwest meat and potatoes diet.

              • 4 months ago

                Very different as sweet potatoes and the other veg and fruit they ate was 50x more nutritious than midwest normal potatoe diet, bread, lacking in other veg etc.
                Their diet was rich in veg, and less so in mear, like 70-30.

              • 4 months ago

                Meat and potatoes - meat and yams. Potatoes, corn, and green beans paired with a roast meat is the Midwest diet. Still high in plants and meat. Samoan is superior because they get coconuts and fresh fruit, but they're definitely not vegetarians and loved pig roasts.

      • 4 months ago

        Cannibalism, my brother in Christ.
        The answer is cannibalism.

      • 4 months ago

        They genocided entire species of birds and fauna anon. As others said they also ate each other.

        • 4 months ago

          >But my Netflix documentary says they ate nothing but high fiber salads and zucchini

      • 4 months ago

        They ate shit tonnes of meat (Fish, Pig, Chicken) and practiced eugenics on a tropical island paradise.

    • 4 months ago

      >it’s common knowledge
      The grain brains on this board disagree. They’re very passionate about their sugar and snacks.

      post hand

      Why do people keep trying to convince us that animal products are unhealthy, its so bizarre

      The han dynasty killed these mongols for a hundred years until they fell due to being outnumbered by the entire continent's tribes at once.
      Carb diet means high energy, low cholesterol, and an abundance of food year round as the crops are plentiful.

      • 4 months ago

        What are you talking about? There are accounts of 100 Mongolians taking cities with over 10000 people. The Black Yi, Manchus, and Tibetans made sport of China for centuries.

      • 4 months ago

        Looks like a bugman slave diet. Mongols steamrolled every grain-fed country.

        They were only defeated by: German and French knights, Polish knights, Hungarian knights. After many brutal battles and wars.
        And the people I mentioned ate meat and dairy rich diets.

        • 4 months ago

          Also Croats and Templars of various Westoid origin BTFO'd Mongols.

      • 4 months ago

        Why the frick would you eat that shit? Thats the diet of chinks. And everybody knows chinks are the weakest race on Earth. Drink a glass of milk a day and you could probably steamroll 50 bugmen in a fight

      • 4 months ago

        ... and a 70 yo average, thanks reddit, also the mongols had the largest contiguous empire ever and their warrior caste was a carnitard's wet dream.
        most conquered and quqqd asian tribe ever lmao
        cope more

      • 4 months ago

        What are you smoking Japs enslaved the Chinese and had them eat that slop to make them weak you have it flipped on its head.

      • 4 months ago

        The mongols literally raped and culled the Chines into becoming genetically moronic, neurotic and feminine
        They can't even fricking grow beards anymore
        Mongols can
        And look how fricking complacent and submissive Asians have been to their government for the past, idk 1000 years or more
        This is literal human domestication

    • 4 months ago

      To be fair, slavs eat a frick ton of bread too. It's practically unheard of to not have bread on the table.

      • 4 months ago

        Due to Communism mostly. You still get meat stews, cured pork, sausages etc.

    • 4 months ago

      >I think it's common knowledge. Scandinavians, Slavs, Balts. Northern Europeans in general are the biggest frame wise and the strongest.
      Because of genetics. You won’t take a China man and turn him into a 6’4’’ gigachad if you feed him Scandinavian meals

      • 4 months ago

        But anecdotally I've heard of Japanese guys who drink a lot of milk being over 6 feet. Some Asians do have the potential.

        • 4 months ago

          You don't need to do anecdotes of "I know a guy" shit, chances are they'd be 6ft without milk just from distribution spread over a population

    • 4 months ago

      The strongest grips also.

  2. 4 months ago

    There are plenty of modern day men with a hunter-gatherer like skull. It's just that there IS ALSO the diversity of modern human skull added. There's not ONLY hunter gatherer skulls, but there is still plenty of them.

  3. 4 months ago

    Where is his brain

  4. 4 months ago

    Keto cultists are liars and grifters.

    • 4 months ago

      Ancestral Whispers is a a gay that has fetish for Brown men.

    • 4 months ago

      Oh hey looks, lies

      OP never said to not eat grains or vegetables, you obsessed moron.

      • 4 months ago

        Read the OP again before calling others moronic, moron.

        • 4 months ago

          How about you actually improve your reading comprehension of what OP posted, you fricking moron.

    • 4 months ago

      Oh hey looks, lies

      This is skull on the right behind the keyboard

    • 4 months ago

      Oh hey looks, lies

      Reminder that this man was found in an early medieval German grave (this likely a warrior burial) and this was long before knights emerged as we understand them. He lived totally different life from a medieval peasant or farmer.

      He roamed the forests, hunted deer and auroch and otherwise lived off beef, fish and milk. There is similar robustness found in Kurgan burials throughout the ages of men who lived similarly. Vikings, early Romans, Myceneans, Celts, Scythians etc all had such Kurgan graves and robustness found among them in such burials.

      Do not believe grass eater deception.

      • 4 months ago

        Grave circle B had Mycenaeans who were on average 6'2 tall, and back then that was gigantic.

        • 4 months ago

          Incredible. Years ago I argued you would find Greeks of the heroic ages that tall with absolutely no evidence to back it up. It was revealed to me in a dream.

          The Dagger Period/Nordic Bronze Age Scandinavia had an *average* of 181+ cm in burials, many Kurgan burials recently exhumed were 6'1-6'5+ (many buried before reaching their mid-20's) and they consumed more dairy than any prior culture on record. It's the same in the Valley of Kings in Siberia, the Scythian burials there.

          • 4 months ago

            They've known the early Mycenaeans were massive since the Victorian era, it just doesn't get quoted much aside from when I was reading Robert Drews - The Coming Of The Greeks

          • 4 months ago

            Obviously pasturalism is superior as far as growing healthy and robust. Even look at African pastoralists south of the Sahara. They're massive, compared to their Bantu farmer cousins.

            • 4 months ago

              ah yes the legendary health of sub-Saharan Africans.

              • 4 months ago

                Well he's not wrong, compare Tutsi and Hutu differences in stature and health.

              • 4 months ago

                I'm talking about height and vitality of subsaharan African that are pasturalists like the Tutsi

                There is like a 5cm difference on average. You’re also comparing a centuries old ruling class to the underclass, of course the people with greater access to resources will be larger.

              • 4 months ago

                You're not accounting for what made them the ruling class in the first place, more nutrition from a meat and dairy diet which allowed them to grow larger. How does a fraction of the population outcompete a majority of the population? It's why so many aristocracies are descendants of steppe nomads and pasturalists.

              • 4 months ago

                No anon, it was white man's Tricknology not a superior method for harvesting more calories and producing superior progeny.

              • 4 months ago

                Why did these pastoralist chads get slaughtered in the 100,000s in mere days with machetes by the inferior grain fed folk then?

              • 4 months ago

                They were a minority and no longer hyper militant, instead they tried to give their Chandalas equal rights and democracy and instead they chimped. Good story to learn from.

              • 4 months ago

                Sad! Huwites should learn from their Tutsi spiritual brothers to not let these h*tu equivalents into our countries.

              • 4 months ago

                Tutsis were spiritually white, this is even why they were killed

              • 4 months ago

                blame the UN, shit is way darker than we were ever told.

              • 4 months ago

                They became the ruling class because they offered something to the Hutu. The Hutu were literally entitled to the use of Tutsi cattle in exchange for other agricultural products and labor. Intermarriage was common. The actual ethnic groups were largely indistinguishable by the time Europeans arrived and it was largely a class division.

              • 4 months ago

                >class division

                Oh no

              • 4 months ago

                Resources like... Beef and dairy, time for leisure and sport, etc

                That 5 cm difference is about the same between Irish and Icelandic averages. That's may not seem like much until you see it irl as averages play out, insert the 6'1 vs 5'11 memes

                Plus hutu farmers are framelets compared to tutsi herders.

              • 4 months ago

                I'm talking about height and vitality of subsaharan African that are pasturalists like the Tutsi

            • 4 months ago

              Not all pastoralists are created equally though. People keep forgetting about Somalis.

    • 4 months ago

      Oh hey looks, lies

      europigs on suicide watch, nice hive mind tho

      • 4 months ago

        He does look rather much like a lot of native Americans.
        I think Weston A. Price showed a similar thing where people who got less vitamin K2 from Western diet had way more crowding and smaller maxillary bones.

        ketolards werent even able to discover fire while grain eaters landed on the moon

        Calling NASA scientists grain eaters is pretty insulting.
        I mean, the US had the highest stock of beef cattle ever at around 1970 and it's not like they ate little meat - in fact, meat was the center piece of most meals and it being healthy was common knowledge to the people who had experienced rationing during the great depression and world wars..

        • 4 months ago

          it's not K2, that's what the salesmen who hijacked his work tell you.
          it's not any single vitamin.
          make sure you actually ready his book not the salesmen's quotes and interpretations.

        • 4 months ago

          ketolard is once again inventing stuff as he goes along. native americans were low IQ subhumans that got wiped out by the superior grain eating civilisation.

          if you want to starve your brain of nutrients and be even more moronic be my guest. it has been proven that in the long term keto leads to mental moronation and significant drop in IQ.

          • 4 months ago

            Native Americans were living in harmony with nature for thousands and thousands of years.
            Their lives were visceral, primal, healthy and pure.
            Meanwhile we've been a fricking scourge on the earth. Modern society has degenerated most of us into twisted abominations, husks of what we once were - all living in filth and perpetual sickness, which is what we have turned the whole of nature into.
            Give me a choice and I'd spawn in as a hunter-gatherer cro-magnon 30000 BC any day.
            Also the entire reason for our brains getting bigger was that we started scavenging meat scraps like bone marrow, so have a nice day.
            >it has been proven that in the long term keto leads to mental moronation and significant drop in IQ.
            no source
            homosexual moxyte

            • 4 months ago

              native americans are now living on plantations established for them by white men. they got conquered due to their low iq caused by the keto diet. starving the brain of nutrients leads to mental moronation as was the case with the fire worshipping subhumans

              • 4 months ago

                It depresses me that morons like you are so politically motivated.

  5. 4 months ago

    Oh hey looks, lies

    • 4 months ago

      You may not like it, but this is what peak male performance looks like.

  6. 4 months ago

    If the mongols were so based why are their women dog ugly?
    I'll take a grain fed plump blonde english qt thank you mam

    • 4 months ago

      Vikings were smart, they only kidnapped the pretty women.

      • 4 months ago

        >tfw you will never pillage and sack foreign towns with your Viking bros

        Why even live

        • 4 months ago

          They had it so much better back then. I'd have probably died in battle or of dysentery by now. Instead I have to work some gay job for some gay paper to pay for gay ass bills and super gay taxes to the homosexual ass feds.

          • 4 months ago

            >muh dead by age 30 meme
            People weren't taught this until the 1950's because it just plain wasn't true. It became "true" when people were gaaslit in to believing their shitty aspirin and thalydimide was the only thing letting them survive 280

      • 4 months ago

        So did Mongols, it's just that even the most beautiful Chinese women are still dogshit ugly.

        sugar, like there's sugar in Greek Yoghurt, which keeps the cultures in the yoghurt alive which is generally good for you

        The trash that Greeks call "yogurt" is anything but good. Way to ruin one of the few good things the Turks brought over.

        • 4 months ago

          >dude universally praised [thing] is actually le bad!

          Holy fricking contrarian brainrot.

  7. 4 months ago

    IST is just another shitty /misc/ board it seems.

    I'm going back to IST, frick this.

    • 4 months ago

      Three of the shittiest, dumbest boards on the site, anon.

      • 4 months ago

        /his/, /x/ and IST, they have been ruined by schizo christcucks and tradlarping tourists.

        • 4 months ago

          The porn boards are probably the best ones left at this point tbqh

          • 4 months ago

            Kek pretty much. Every single thread now is 85% shit slinging without being clever. Whining about this race or that race anonymously while larping as some epic guru warrior. They say you never leave, but I've been coming here less and less. Even playing a video game is less of a waste of time.

    • 4 months ago

      IST has the lowest IQ posts of any board I frequent. It's literally only useful for the occasional show/movie recommendation.

  8. 4 months ago

    Until you notice that quotation is fiction by Chinese who got their asses handed to them trying to paint mongols as beasts, understand Mongol conquests started because they couldn’t get grain, then finally notice estradiol is chemically closer to cholesterol than testosterone.

    Ketogays always lie and deserve to be shot.

  9. 4 months ago

    Explain this carnichusd. Fiber is the key to building muscle and longevity. India is the most vegetarian country on the plant and has the tallest, strongest and healthiest citizens.

  10. 4 months ago

    Why do people keep trying to convince us that animal products are unhealthy, its so bizarre

    • 4 months ago

      >why is 99.1886% of the world against my contrarian view!
      Because you're a dumb homosexual. Eat whatever you want but eat red meat sparingly and your health will thank you.

      • 4 months ago

        >99.1886% of the world
        Doesnt matter. If everyone else in the world claimed the earth was flat I wouldnt believe it
        >Eat whatever you want but eat red meat sparingly and your health will thank you
        I wrote "animal products" but still, there is no real reason to avoid eating red meat. Ive heard all the usual talking points but none of them hold water. I tend to feel better when I eat a lot of read meat anyway, steak especially

      • 4 months ago

        >but eat red meat sparingly and your health will thank you
        lmfao low IQ moxyte tier post right here


    • 4 months ago

      It's literally in the WEF agenda to cut back on global meat consumption. They want us eating frankenfood while the continue eating the most nutritious food (meat). Look it up if you don't believe me. Veganism is a psyop.

    • 4 months ago

      Animal products are less profitable for big food and big pharma. Useful idiots internalize corporate agendas as their moral philosophy.

  11. 4 months ago

    Cholesterol is literally a precursor of Testosterone.

    >The male sex steroid, testosterone (T), is synthesized from cholesterol in the testicular Leydig cell under control of the pituitary gonadotropin LH

    • 4 months ago

      Is the lack of cholesterol what causes the veganic neuroticism? They do seem very feminine ngl.

    • 4 months ago

      It’s also a precursor to estradiol and estrogen. Weird how ketatrds never mention that huh.

      • 4 months ago

        Because it is essential for testosterone production and optimal hormones, while advice to the contrary has been mainstream since heart disease in the US rose drastically and the whole obesity epidemic started. France had consumed more butter than Americans since at least the 20th century but never had the same levels of heart disease. Thus it should follow that the advice we were given about cholesterol has been wrong and your point is worthless.

      • 4 months ago

        >It’s also a precursor to estradiol and estrogen. Weird how ketatrds never mention that huh.
        I was simply commenting on the pic of the original post.
        OP put the Testosterone next to the Cholesterol molecule.

      • 4 months ago

        Testosterone is the precursor to estrogen you fricking moron

  12. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      besides salt all these foods are dangerous when mass produced. You can't feed the planet grass fed beef and raw milk. There are too many logistical issues and at scales that large you are forced to use heavy amounts of medicine and pesticides. there is a reason empires conquer more land and force them to grow grain and raise cattle for them. They are destructive to the land and require lots of resources to grow

      • 4 months ago

        >They are destructive to the land
        Bovines are not destructive to the land. They are part of a natural ecosystem. What is destructive to the land is any kind of plant agriculture as the tillage required to raise crops leads to soil erosion, and plowpan which makes the water hydrophobic. Over time the land's soil becomes degraded until it is finally gone and because the dirt becomes hydrophobic you get a flooding problem that would not have occurred normally.
        >require lots of resources to grow
        In their natural environments, they find all the resources they need to grow. That simply is praerie and wooded grasslands. A bovine eats grass and then produces manure which fertilizes the ground. Then the bovines are forced to clump into herds for safety concentrating the fertilization, improving its effectiveness. At the same time, predators are pushing around the herds in a somewhat cyclic manner resulting in the herds of bovines depositing fertilizer throughout the praerie and also giving the grass time to grow back. Over time, the rich soil from the manure results in lush praerie which feeds large herds and in turn the bovines feed both the soil and the predators.

        The only thing that might be "destructive" is the chickens that are raised for eggs since they like to dig. But that can be managed

        • 4 months ago

          Bovine compact soil and eat away at saplings. This prevents soil buildup as plants with deep roots do not have time grow and penetrate deep enough to draw up nutrients (one of the main reason people began tilling btw). You can't imagine how much space you need to sustain a herd. Permaculture is the only option for a population this large.
          btw bovine do not "fertilize soil" they take living plants and turn it into methane and shit. the shit needs months to decompose properly and it concentrates nitrogen in one area which would be fine if there were mature plants to harness it but due to the massive amounts of ranching, cattle come back to graze in the same spot before the plants have time to grow back.
          what you are talking about is a wild world where humans take what they need, which we no longer live in. It is insanely economically unfeasible in the majority of the world to ranch in a sustainable way.

      • 4 months ago

        >You can't feed the planet grass fed beef and raw milk. There are too many logistical issues and at scales that large you are forced to use heavy amounts of medicine and pesticides.
        frick feeding the planet. Kick the browns out of our countries, export no food and no fertilizer to them. Watch the world heal itself.

  13. 4 months ago

    Behold the kang of grains

    • 4 months ago

      Is this edited lmao

      • 4 months ago

        In a sense yes, sculptors would try to make them look as good as possible obviously

    • 4 months ago

      It's crazy how Egyptians had manbreasts cause of their bread and beer based diet.

  14. 4 months ago

    Literally just eat meat, dairy and fruit. Top health, muscle and overall development

  15. 4 months ago

    upper paleolithic and mesolithic hunter gatherers were racially different from modern euros. contemporary europeans are mixture of several strains in varying proportions. areas with high old european ancenstry are full of robust people. diet plays a role too but early medieval was not bad nutrion wise. shit got bad in late middle ages and got worse and worse until 18-19century. in 20 century there was rebound and even acceleration past natural size due to increased unfermented milk consumption(growth promoting MiRNA from milk)

    • 4 months ago

      >upper paleolithic and mesolithic hunter gatherers were racially different from modern euros
      They weren't. All west/north Eurasian genes.
      >areas with high old european ancenstry are full of robust people
      The three components are western hunter-gatherer, western steppe herder (North Eurasian/west epigravettian admixture + Anatolian Hunter-gatherer) and Neolithic farmer (also Anatolian hunter-gatherer). Genetically they all plot very close to on another and we're before they ever diverged the same racial stock. You can even trace it by paternal origin as they splintered off from each other, with minor variation in outlier paternal ancestry.

      Only stating this because I used to subscribe to something similar and also like you, I have autism. You're right about dairy and dietary evolution and our ancestors being turned into gruelcels across the board, even "military elite" (a complete meme after the collapse of Indo-European warrior cultures, doesn't exist at all). You can even see levels of the above three genetic groups present in Romans during the late republic, then levels of all hunter/herder core ancestral groups dropping uniformly as the Italian peninsula became for many centuries more levantine, North African and etc, their teeth.and bones became worse, etc. They ate more gruel than ever by that point, the empire ran on gruel and misery.

      The key is really diet and culture, and in the future eugenics. You can have a high vegetable/fruit diet and high % of farmer ancestry like the Meds always have as long as you don't let people become fat and weak. Encourage abortion among moronic POC and understand that recent studies prove genes that exist for obesity strongly correlate to genes for infant mortality.

  16. 4 months ago

    Should i use creatine while on Carnivore bros?

  17. 4 months ago

    Why don't any college or professional athletes follow this diet? Do they just have superior genetics? Pic repated is 7ft tall and says he eats a bunch of candy.

    • 4 months ago

      There is one guy who totally abstains from grains and shit, he's young and a track star iirc.

  18. 4 months ago

    Make it stop

  19. 4 months ago

    I've only been eating meat, eggs, yoghurt and kefir for the past 6 months or so

    • 4 months ago

      How's the shits?

      • 4 months ago

        I never bloat, never have any discomfort and I poop once every few days or so.
        Consistency and amount is normal.
        At the start I had some evil craps, though.

        The greatest empire in history was based on grains, meat and dairy. this fact makes ketotrannies seethe.

        There is not a single keto based civilisations since the keto diet leads to a lower IQ due to starving your brain of nutrients.

        >In the second century BC, Roman soldiers received a ration of about 66 pounds of wheat per month. The grain was issued whole so had to be milled and processed by the soldier himself. The men of each Conturbernium [1] were responsible for preparing their meals, either doing so together or with individual soldiers taking turns.
        >In addition to the wheat and bacon the ration included legumes like lentils and beans that were high in protein. Cheese (Latin: caseus) was also a staple of the soldier’s diet. Since Romans did not really appreciate beef or, by extension, cow’s milk, cheese was primarily made from either sheep’s or goat’s milk. Cheese in the ancient world seems to be mainly of the soft varieties such as cottage cheese and feta. As is the modern practice, the latter was formed into large blocks and aged in brine (being washed before use to reduce its saltiness). Smoked cheeses were also made to preserve them for longer so may well have been favoured by soldiers when available.

        10000 years of agriculture and the average persons brain is almost 20% smaller in volume, half of that happened in just the past 3000 years.
        You can only cope about this fact. It being bad is clear - all the adaptation aside, brain size is what uplifted us from a life in the fricking trees.

        • 4 months ago

          years of agriculture and the average persons brain is almost 20% smaller in volume
          >[citation needed]

          if you want to see how smart hunter gatherers go and join the subhuman tribes in african and amazonian jungles

          • 4 months ago

            I am sure you can find more if you don't believe me, but the recent and rapid decrease in average human brain volume is a well established fact of archeology and there are not many plausible theories for why, while it is almost definitely a negative trend.

            it's not K2, that's what the salesmen who hijacked his work tell you.
            it's not any single vitamin.
            make sure you actually ready his book not the salesmen's quotes and interpretations.

            So what is it then?
            I know he called it Activator X and it seemed to overlap heavily with Vitamin K2.
            Taurine? Protein quantity?

    • 4 months ago

      Where do you get raw greek yogurt? Vjs2d

  20. 4 months ago

    The greatest empire in history was based on grains, meat and dairy. this fact makes ketotrannies seethe.

    There is not a single keto based civilisations since the keto diet leads to a lower IQ due to starving your brain of nutrients.

    >In the second century BC, Roman soldiers received a ration of about 66 pounds of wheat per month. The grain was issued whole so had to be milled and processed by the soldier himself. The men of each Conturbernium [1] were responsible for preparing their meals, either doing so together or with individual soldiers taking turns.
    >In addition to the wheat and bacon the ration included legumes like lentils and beans that were high in protein. Cheese (Latin: caseus) was also a staple of the soldier’s diet. Since Romans did not really appreciate beef or, by extension, cow’s milk, cheese was primarily made from either sheep’s or goat’s milk. Cheese in the ancient world seems to be mainly of the soft varieties such as cottage cheese and feta. As is the modern practice, the latter was formed into large blocks and aged in brine (being washed before use to reduce its saltiness). Smoked cheeses were also made to preserve them for longer so may well have been favoured by soldiers when available.

    • 4 months ago

      >keto diet leads to a lower IQ due to starving your brain of nutrients.
      no, this is completely moronic, multiple studies have shown better brain performance when fuelled by ketone bodies

      • 4 months ago

        the keto diet was created to stop epilepsy by reducing brain activity by starving it of nutrients
        keto diet has proven time and time again to have a negative impact on memory, mental and physical performance which is why no serious person (scientist, athelete, engineer, etc) are on keto.

        > multiple studies have shown better brain performance when fuelled by ketone bodie
        no they havent which is why you didnt post them

        • 4 months ago

          >the keto diet was created to stop epilepsy by reducing brain activity by starving it of nutrients
          That is not how it functions are you delusional?

          • 4 months ago

            >ketolard doesnt even know basic history of the thing he is trying to shill
            what a brain starved of nutrients does to a mf

            • 4 months ago

              keto is moronic, but by including milk your practically not keto anymore, and honey and fruit is encouraged.

              Best diet is just meat/dairy/eggs/fruit/honey. Some veggies and grains won't hurt but never make them the base.

  21. 4 months ago

    ketolards werent even able to discover fire while grain eaters landed on the moon

  22. 4 months ago

    Vegans have the longest life expectancy and the best health outcomes

    • 4 months ago

      literal lies.

      • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          It's true, though, you probably mean the whole blue zone thing vut the only vegan one that was included in that was the damned seventh day adventists who used their literal retirement home as their reference while everywhere else like sardinia or okinawa ate plenty of pork and fish

    • 4 months ago

      not quite, but still less meat than the obese west.
      >The staple foods in a traditional Okinawan (highest number of centenarians per capita) diet are:
      >Vegetables (58–60%): sweet potato (orange and purple), seaweed, kelp, bamboo shoots, daikon radish, bitter melon, cabbage, carrots, Chinese okra, pumpkin, and green papaya
      >Grains (33%): millet, wheat, rice, and noodles
      >Onions foods (5%): tofu, miso, natto, and edamame
      >Meat and seafood (1–2%): mostly white fish, seafood, and occasional pork — all cuts, including organs
      >Other (1%): alcohol, tea, spices, and dashi (broth)

  23. 4 months ago

    People are paid to shill against low carb and expecially ketogenic diets.

  24. 4 months ago

    People are paid to shill low carb and expecially ketogenic diets.

    • 4 months ago

      Who has any motive to do so?
      low carb diets are a massive threat to huge commercial interests

      • 4 months ago

        People that want you weak.

      • 4 months ago

        You can buy some potatoes and plant them, and you'll be set for life. It's free dude. It literally multiplies itself.

  25. 4 months ago

    ive been eating only meat pretty much my whole life (actually allergic and havent had vegetables or fruit since 2 minus like 3 of them i vomit instantly.)

    this is at 6'2

    • 4 months ago

      >skinnyfat bisexual furry
      not helping your case here.

      • 4 months ago

        on hormones baphomet maxxing*

  26. 4 months ago

    they're dating 🙂

  27. 4 months ago

    I did the carnivore diet for 3 weeks but couldn't hang because it made me realize the only happiness in my days come from carb food. How sad is that....until I find something that I can do I'll have to keep eating tasty food or kms. Felt really good on carnivore though

    • 4 months ago

      i feel that. if carnivore wasnt so helpful for my gut and auto immune issues i probably wouldve slipped off after a few months as well

  28. 4 months ago

    Black folk writing whole books down here........

    • 4 months ago

      takes a lot mental gymnastics to justify monsanto propaganda

      • 4 months ago

        majority of monsanto and bayer research goes into raising and feeding cattle. please remember that the alfa eaten by most "organic cattle" are still gmos.
        I would love to live in a world where there is clean wild food everywhere but you have to understand why things became this way.
        Our greed overpowers are ability to think long term

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