Tom Brady, the greatest athlete of all time, says weight lifting is bad and you should be using resistance bands.

Tom Brady, the greatest athlete of all time, says weight lifting is bad and you should be using resistance bands.

But what does he know? IST posters must know more...

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  1. 1 year ago

    When he was a QB his goal wasn't to put on crazy muscle, he just wanted to maintain his throwing strength which is what resistance bands would have done.

    If you want to put on muscle and get stronger you gotta lift. Just depends on your goals.

  2. 1 year ago

    He's lucky his O-linemen didn't listen to that advice.

    • 1 year ago

      He's the goat but he's wrong. He also sells the bands so...

      exactly lol. Although some years outside of Wilfork you'd think maybe they did

  3. 1 year ago

    Different training methods for different goals
    Woah crazy

  4. 1 year ago

    He needs it for efficient kissing

  5. 1 year ago

    Did he actually say that

    • 1 year ago

      >But what does he know? IST posters must know more...

      You idiot, a genetic prodigy can't teach a natural weakling anything about fitness

      Exactly how much lifting is required to throw a ball?

      Lifting weight isn't good for you lol, especially lifting heavy. Ask any boomer that use to lift heavy, all of them probably regrets it, it's one of the unhealthiest sport you could do to your body and i'm not talking about the average joe going to the gym twice a week. I switch to lower weight and added more cardio and stretching personnally. Anyone telling you it's ok to lift at your absolute limits 5 times a week is delusional
      i'm not talking only about powershitter, also natural bodybuilder. Cutting isn't also healthy (cutting to get absolute shredded, not to loose your beer belly)

      Pic related is one of Tom's home gyms.....All resistance bands. Dude HATES lifting weights.

      • 1 year ago

        if you think Tom's training is doing one rep max on deadlift/heavy benching and not 25 reps of 2kg lat raise you're moronic what can i tell you

  6. 1 year ago

    As a non American, do people actually rate him as goat across all sports?

    • 1 year ago

      No, just the goat of the NFL

  7. 1 year ago


  8. 1 year ago

    >the greatest athlete of all time
    He plays the least athletic position in a "sport" full of fat fricks where there's only 10 seconds of movement followed by 3-10 minutes of rest.
    All he has to do is throw well, that's literally it.

    • 1 year ago

      Those fat fricks are faster, stronger, and more agile than you.

      • 1 year ago

        Black personball "athletes" are roided apes that will gas in 20 seconds in any real sport. Amerimutt sports are embarrassingly moronic

        Football - 2 minutes of action splayed over 10 hours of commercials, typically like 3 guys even do something, the rest just pile in a big manorgy on the field
        Baseball - 10 fat dudes stand around and watch two other dudes play catch for 9999 hours
        Basketball - tall nigs jump, the sport requires zero skill just be a tall nig (every white european who enters the sport instantly dominates it due to having skill)

        • 1 year ago

          I can tell you've never played any of those sports competitively, because I've played all of them plus soccer and there's a huge difference between the exertion in football vs jogging around a soccer field and I'd much rather play a soccer game because you don't get nearly as tired. An hour and a half of light cardio with some sprinting every once in a while vs. total full body exertion over and over and over.

          >but muh NFL beer commercial interruptions!
          >muh "most time in a football game is spent with the clock running between plays"!

          Yeah, try high school football playing offense and defense (which is common if you're good at it and athletic) with no beer commercial interruptions and the clock stops after every play. Most physically exhausting sport out of all the ones you listed by far.

        • 1 year ago

          kek 100% chance this is a 115lb twink brazilian coping this hard

      • 1 year ago

        Like a cat. More agile

    • 1 year ago

      Black personball "athletes" are roided apes that will gas in 20 seconds in any real sport. Amerimutt sports are embarrassingly moronic

      Football - 2 minutes of action splayed over 10 hours of commercials, typically like 3 guys even do something, the rest just pile in a big manorgy on the field
      Baseball - 10 fat dudes stand around and watch two other dudes play catch for 9999 hours
      Basketball - tall nigs jump, the sport requires zero skill just be a tall nig (every white european who enters the sport instantly dominates it due to having skill)

      Tbf, american football is still very physically demanding. There's a reason they only play once a week, for usually only 17 weeks.
      Also I can tell you've never watched an NFL game, outside of maybe the superbowl once

      • 1 year ago

        I've watched plenty of NFL games. It's mostly a 10 second play, followed by a flag with the ref whining about somebody daring to breathe on the quarterback for another minute, followed by another 10 second play, followed by 10 minutes of ads where every single person is black.

        • 1 year ago

          kek, see

          I can tell you've never played any of those sports competitively, because I've played all of them plus soccer and there's a huge difference between the exertion in football vs jogging around a soccer field and I'd much rather play a soccer game because you don't get nearly as tired. An hour and a half of light cardio with some sprinting every once in a while vs. total full body exertion over and over and over.

          >but muh NFL beer commercial interruptions!
          >muh "most time in a football game is spent with the clock running between plays"!

          Yeah, try high school football playing offense and defense (which is common if you're good at it and athletic) with no beer commercial interruptions and the clock stops after every play. Most physically exhausting sport out of all the ones you listed by far.

          it predicted your exact narrow view of football. Why are Europoors so predictable? It's another version "let me tell you how this thing is in America!" from people who have never been to America. Wait, don't start typing to tell me about your one trip to israeliteyork Shitty or Chicago or LA or [insert large 'groid infested nightmare city] and how it was representative of a nation of 350+ million living in a geographic area larger than all of western Europe.

          • 1 year ago

            I don't have to go to America to watch NFL games, moron. I watched the entire 2019-2020 season and that's all it was the entire time.

            • 1 year ago

              Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, I can see that. You skipped book day for the past X number of years you've been alive.

              • 1 year ago

                >let me tell you how this thing is in America!" from people who have never been to America
                Fricking moron. We're talking about a televised sport, dumb mutt.

    • 1 year ago

      >least athletic position in a "sport"
      nah, that's kicker. QB's have to be pretty athletic, especially if they run at all, which brady was never afraid to do

  9. 1 year ago

    Tom Brady is a cuckold which nullifies anything else he says. He could discover a cure for cancer, clean energy, and hyperdrive, and he would still be incorrect because he's a cuck

  10. 1 year ago

    im not a footballer, im not a quarterback. im not even a power lifter
    i've never thrown a football before in my life.
    i'm a body builder
    why does his advice on weight lifting apply
    if you want to be a successful quarterback, be born in a football family, be 6'4, and then take his advice.

  11. 1 year ago

    I'm Tom Brady.
    I never said that you liar OP.
    I'm gonna shove a football up your ass, I know where you live.
    Don't run.

  12. 1 year ago

    >But what does he know? IST posters must know more...

    You idiot, a genetic prodigy can't teach a natural weakling anything about fitness

  13. 1 year ago

    Exactly how much lifting is required to throw a ball?

  14. 1 year ago

    Lifting weight isn't good for you lol, especially lifting heavy. Ask any boomer that use to lift heavy, all of them probably regrets it, it's one of the unhealthiest sport you could do to your body and i'm not talking about the average joe going to the gym twice a week. I switch to lower weight and added more cardio and stretching personnally. Anyone telling you it's ok to lift at your absolute limits 5 times a week is delusional
    i'm not talking only about powershitter, also natural bodybuilder. Cutting isn't also healthy (cutting to get absolute shredded, not to loose your beer belly)

    • 1 year ago

      homie if you're weak just say so. At my old gym there was a 74 year old russian dude who was benching 2.5 plates and cheat curling 60s.

      • 1 year ago

        cool bro, i also know 80 years old that regrets lifting heavy and can barely walk now

  15. 1 year ago
  16. 1 year ago

    1. Don Bradman
    2. Michael Phelps
    3. Tom Brady
    4. Wayne Gretzky
    5. Michael Jordan
    6. Eddy Merckx
    7. Babe Ruth
    8. Usain Bolt
    9. Lionel Messi
    10. Garry Kasparov

  17. 1 year ago

    Sport full of homosexuals

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