What made you realize things needed to change?

What made you realize things needed to change?

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  1. 9 months ago

    Looked in the mirror one day and thought to myself
    >He could lose some weight.

    • 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago
  2. 9 months ago

    I used to have this moron method of eating, where every meal had to have at least three things on it. This resulted in some rather bizarre food habits, where I'd have a bowl of pasta with fish or a breakfast consisting of nothing but cereal, an apple, and a pare. Because of this shit dieting, one morning I woke up extremely hungry, and after eating only some fruit and cereal, I decided that this was stupid and that I was properly going to count calories. As a result, I finally reached a healthy BMI for the first time in my life.

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Shoutout to all pare

    • 9 months ago

      i love pare

    • 9 months ago

      >some rather bizarre food habits, where I'd have a bowl of pasta with fish
      What's next? Butter on bread? Cheese with tomatoes? Sugar in tea? You'll be telling me you put SALT on the pasta next you sick frick

    • 9 months ago

      It's spelled pair idiot

  3. 9 months ago

    I had reverse body dysmorphia, that is, every time I looked into the mirror I saw this model tier man. Then I looked at a family photo we took in christmas, not a bad angle or anything, but I saw my reality, a fat frick.

    Till this day I like what I see in the mirror but I know it's a lie kek

    • 9 months ago

      I had a similar problem. I was over 300 lbs but convinced myself I carried it well and had a good muscle foundation because I used to lift in high school 5+ years ago.

      I saw a candid photo lounging by the pool and almost cried. Lost 90 lbs and counting since then in nearly the best shape of my life.

      I had these delusions despite browsing IST for years. Fat is like a neurotoxin.

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah, my heaviest was 230, already lost 17 since May, it's still crazy to me how my brain stills see fit teenager me on the mirror

  4. 9 months ago

    the day I discovered the bottom part of lmao Americahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44YZY18byVE

  5. 9 months ago

    I told myself I will get gf who looks like yael shelbia or marina diamandis I said I will become more responsible and fit and disciplined man. Getting better
    Even if I don't get epic wife like those ladies I am happy for the journey

  6. 9 months ago

    No one wanted to frick me

  7. 9 months ago

    I had negative emotions most of the time
    The hard part was figuring out why

  8. 9 months ago

    I realized that I am 31 year old who has never gone on a date in my life and the only time I had sex was in high school when the girl was chasing me. It's almost absurd to me to think that men and women get together and have sex because it is something that has never been a part of my life. If someone told me that sex is not a real thing and I'm not supposed to be experiencing it then I would 100% believe them and go all my life without even interacting with women. Porn has basically fulfilled all my relationship/sexual needs so far

    • 9 months ago

      exactly me right now but have never had sex at all

      • 9 months ago

        what are we going to do with our lives, anon?

        • 9 months ago

          hopefully ending it soon

    • 9 months ago

      >in high school when the girl was chasing me.
      I wish this had been me

    • 9 months ago

      >I had sex in highschool when a girl was chasing me
      Frick off chad this board isnt for you

      • 9 months ago

        When I was in high school, a lot of girls liked me, but I had a bad mentality at the time so I never had a girlfriend in highschool. One time I was even walking behind this girl on the way to class, and she looked behind her to see that I was there. Then she literally stops walking, bends over and pushes her ass right into my dick. She even said something like "oh I'd love to feel that again" but I just let it slip. Probably for the best when it came to that particular girl though

  9. 9 months ago

    got rejected by a 2/10 chink that unironically looks like this.
    as a former Chad d1 athlete who got fat from alcoholism it was a real wakeup call.

    • 9 months ago

      Have you considered that you might not like your personality, and it has nothing to do with you looks?

      • 9 months ago

        nah she said I was too fat

  10. 9 months ago

    When a friend of mine changed and things started to work out for him, most notably getting asked out by a super hot chick. At that point I realized change was possible and if I just put in the work I wouldn't have to be like this anymore.

  11. 9 months ago

    Cruising on autopilot in a relationship with a slampig I decided to start dating because she was a virgin when I met her.
    I stayed up all night one night realizing that I didn't want to marry this girl because of way too many red flags. Made me start realizing that I was no better if not worse than her, and I realized everything I had been doing up until then was wrong.
    That was the night I discovered God is real and hell was a real place I was going to end up if I didn't change my ways asap.

    • 9 months ago

      Autopilot would have been preferable to my ex's 'dreams' that changed every 5 minutes, often based on whatever media she just consoomed. But yes, fat, red flags. I got sick of her shit and cheated on her with an old fwb at a friends house. Fricked her raw for 5 hours, woke up with her cuddling up to me. Went to (then)gfs the next day, watched some shitty movie, had mid-day sex. Laid in bed after nutting and stared at the ceiling. Wondered what the frick am I doing with this moron. Broke up a couple days later.

  12. 9 months ago

    My ex had a better life than me. More friends, promising career as a rising actor. Etc. I decided I would not be a fricking loser.

  13. 9 months ago

    Who is she

    • 9 months ago

      The name is in the picture. She has a hideous nose, despite this angle

      • 9 months ago

        She's got nosejob now. She's perfect

        • 9 months ago

          She’ll still breed big nose israelite kids

  14. 9 months ago

    >went sprinting
    >loved it
    >got shin splint because I was too heavy
    Not really a major injury, took about a month to heal completely but the psychological impact was massive (as it should be!). I realised if something as simple and natural as running was hurting my own body, it wasn't far when other normal activities such as climbing stairs would hurt my knees and sneezing would break my ribs if I didn't do anything. It was my call to action moment basically

  15. 9 months ago

    A friend told me I could do anything when I was drunk. So I lost 70 lbs.

  16. 9 months ago

    I was today years old when I realized God truly hates me and isn't going to give me super powers so I can destroy the CIA...

    So I'm going to start water fasting.

  17. 9 months ago

    Saw a YouTube video on benefits from exercises, based on book of some sctufies. How it all so good that if there was a pill with the same effects, ppl would buy the shit out of it. It's also has no sides and free.

  18. 9 months ago

    I saw fires rising up from the street, illuminating the old marble. Graffiti, boarded up windows, crowds of angry people and lines of armed men.

    MRAPs blocking the street, scores of federal goons with black stripes across their badges to hide their bade numbers, masks to hide their face, plates to protect their bodies, and loaded ARs in their arms.

    I saw bodies in the streets, many of them over the years. Some of them shot down from the hands of government men, others from the hands of lawless men. Young man in the neighborhood killed over a phone. Another dead over a few hundred dollars.

    I walk past the great towers of banks of glass and steel where the fumes and the people who live without homes sleep and freeze to death among great thieves in suits and one day I simply realized that things needed to change.

    • 9 months ago

      >scores of federal goons with black stripes across their badges to hide their badge* numbers

      I saw helicopters fly low to scatter crowds and leave bodies glistening in the orange pale of the streetlights.

      A large, bald man, middle aged, Summer of 2020. Civilian, dead at an intersection, large unit of armed guardsmen at the scene under the orange light in fatigues with rifles. The soft glow of the lamp glistening off his bald head.

      I look back at every single one, every guardsman and riot officer. Almost got shot by them. Most of them, not so fit. Some of them fit, covered in gear, most now overweight or obese. A unit of them nearly shot and killed me that night.

      In this moment, I realized that these are the men that they would send. When the shit hit the fan, when the people rose up and the orders came down, these would be the men they would send to fight the people.

      Just people like me, some of them older or even younger. To be stronger, to be faster, to be more prepared, to be more ready for what is coming. With every lift, and each mile, waking up one day closer to the total overthrow of the zionist government of the United States.

  19. 9 months ago

    was a lifeless sack of shit that lost interest in life and anything meaningful and then i found the gym and now im no longer sexless and i feel motivated to do shit again

  20. 9 months ago

    My old jeans didn't fit and I refused to buy more in a bigger size. I wore dickies shorts for a while.

  21. 9 months ago

    I still have no idea, I was a 130kg subhuman fatso and one day I just enrolled in a gym and started working out while eating healthy.
    I am still sad, lonely and depressed but at least I like the way I look now and clothes look good on me. I think I've lost my motivation along with my will to live but the gym keeps me going, I have a goal, I am gonna shred all body fat and get visible abs along with an aesthetic body before I grow the balls to kill myself. Still, I wish I could be happy one day but I don't think I can do that.

    • 9 months ago

      Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

    • 9 months ago

      Awesome pic

  22. 9 months ago

    I spent my whole life trying to satisfy society and women. I worked hard in school, got a good, "respectable" job, got married.

    Wife was BPD psycho who wouldn't let me go to the gym or see my family without threatening to kill herself. 5 years of hell, just got divorced.

    No woman has ever told me I was attractive, regardless of how hard I worked on my body or appearance. No woman has ever approached me. When I try to approach women, OR EVEN TALK TO THEM AND TRY TO PURSUE ANYTHING AFTER THEY TALK TO ME FIRST, they tell me they will no longer engage in the activities they were engaged in that led to us meeting (e.g., hiking if we meet on a trail).

    I've fricking had it. When someone tells me to change my behavior to attract a mate, they can't possibly be saying anything stupider. Either you have it or you don't, and I clearly don't. So now I'm going full leanpill to kill my sex drive, hiding all coombait threads (like this one), not jerking off, not watching porn, not even fricking looking at women in public except for benign normie interactions like telling the cashier that I don't want a receipt. I'm done. Nobody will care, so I vent on IST because at least then it feels like I'm letting something out, which helps in the short term.

    I used to want a relationship when I believed in love, I now understand love is a scam. Now I very badly desperately want a wife and family to take care of and support, but there are no takers and never will be. I need to change and become so hardened and calloused against the possibility of making it in this domain that I can at least put more effort into making it in others (work, exercise, physique) and have something worth living for, otherwise I worry I might lose it entirely. I just need to pound it into my fricking skull.


    • 9 months ago

      Ever since I learned how to approach and entertain women I love them. It comes naturally, I can flirt while choosing avocados, or asking a pharmacist girl for a laxative. I say the dumbest shit confidently and they find it fun. I flirt with milfs on a plane, I flirt with my boss, I just love it. My body count is probably nearing 150 but I'm not sure.

      And even I agree with you anon. Women deserve less, relationships are a scam, and the less I need to interact with women (unless I want to frick them) the better my day is.

      Sorry about your story bro, hope you'll find peace in something you love.

      • 9 months ago

        can you give a qrd on your methods

        • 9 months ago

          "Man suffers only because he takes seriously what the gods made for fun"

    • 9 months ago

      >He is starting to believe
      The black pill is the final pill. Self improvement and generally trying to change what you are is troonism.

    • 9 months ago

      Mystery Method and other PUA books are free to pirate on libgen and other book piracy sites (though some are on tor these days). Research it before you give up completely.

      Also consider moving overseas. You could go to China and leave hundreds of single mothers just by dating women over 25, whom Chinese men refuse to date.

      I went to Japan and hung out with women who made porn, and nutted inside over a hundred of them in 6 months. One of them let me live with her rent free with the only obligation being that I nut in her pussy. She was pregnant when I left after my work contract was over, and she messages me to come back anytime.

      Asian men are fricking moronic throwing away perfectly good women because their moronic traditions say so, and then they get incredibly mad when White guys go over there and frick everything.

      You can do the same thing in Africa or Latin America. Just leave, get some experience, get some confidence, bleach some brown b***hes, and then come back.

      Or buy White eggs and make some White sons to continue the tradition.

      • 9 months ago

        >bleach some brown b***hes
        What if I'm brown myself?

      • 9 months ago

        >Mystery Method and other PUA books are free
        Yeah, they're also dumb as frick, you stupid moulie.

        • 9 months ago

          Heartiste was the best of them all

      • 9 months ago

        >based bleacher
        Thank you for your service.

        • 9 months ago

          There is no better service the white man can do for other races than to breed and colonize the non-white races while preserving the European stock within Europe.

      • 9 months ago

        can you just get foreign girls pregnant or will they make you pay child uspport?

        • 9 months ago

          From what I can tell generally you can. Lots of countries don't have child support either so it makes it easy even if they can find you

      • 9 months ago

        >I went to Japan and hung out with women who made porn
        How did you meet them? Did you know what they did for a living right out the bat? I thought that these subjects were kinda taboo on nipland.

    • 9 months ago

      Your problem is actually being a fricking manchild dude

  23. 9 months ago

    my little brother dying

  24. 9 months ago

    realized i was approaching being genuinely obese for the first time in my life, as opposed to being a chubby guy, also fumbled a girl and got mad at myself for not being 'good' enough or whatever, sometimes things dont work. realized i have to make changes, myself. my idea of love and lust have been warped by media as some kind of thing that just occurs. im starting to realize its not and that i'm staring down decades of loneliness if things don't change. its been nice to lose weight and lift, but im more of a cynical piece of shit than when i started this. doubt shit's gonna change, gonna die alone and broke.

  25. 9 months ago

    I feel lonely
    If getting fit doesnt solve if then its my unfixable personality

  26. 9 months ago

    When I looked at the mirror.

  27. 9 months ago

    I was getting old

  28. 9 months ago

    I was just tired of being an alcoholic power shitter. Realized that my only options were to cut and look like a UFC fighter or continue bulking and be a fat guy with strong lifts

  29. 9 months ago

    getting to 30.
    it's just a number until you get tired more easily, you get random little pains more easily, you get new pains inside where you had never felt anything...
    and I think I'm one of the lucky ones, cause I still have a head very full of dark hair and good skin.

    • 9 months ago

      My problem is that reaching 30 made me give up. I ruined and wasted all of my teens and 20s. Once I reached 30, hitting that milestone with nothing to show for my life drove me into utter despair. I should have felt the “realizing things need to change” point many years before that. But reaching 30 just drove me to despondency of misery and suicide of how I’ve wasted my life

      I’m now 31 almost 32 and it hasn’t been any different .

      • 9 months ago

        I get that but as I got older I found more satisfaction in doing things for me. I don't got much to show too, but I have fun with myself and improving in small ways. no need to show to anyone.
        in my gym we have many older people. it's not too late to take care.
        you can become fit in 3 years. life can always be better. not perfect, nothing is, but better

      • 9 months ago

        In at least 6 months of true focus and dedication you could completely turn your life around. I know because I was in your position

  30. 9 months ago

    checked. got a 68 on my first paper 🙁
    all As here i come

  31. 9 months ago

    nothing. i wanted to stay the same.

  32. 9 months ago

    Was hatewatching DSP and saw his skinnyfat atrophied gamer body, realized I was a 6'2 155 lbs skelly possibly on the same path.

  33. 9 months ago

    I was a virgin 26yo lonely fat frick. After a heavy day of trekking with some friends decided to work out and get in shape and now I'm virgin a 28yo lonely less fat frick!

  34. 9 months ago

    I was born, people sliced a part of my body off without my permission, then they injected me with a bunch of bad things and gave me autism. Then I got thrown into the satanic meat grinder of the education system where they tried to kill my soul and my creativity and my imagination and my innocence. They also tried to give me all sorts of prescription drugs that only made all of my issues worse instead of better. At times the drugs would make me skeleton skinny, but eventually made me somehow get an eating disorder and become morbidly obese also due to the fact that I was constantly emotionally in psychologically abused by my extremely boring ordinary normal NPC parents who were too damn smart and too damn evil to be normal, and might as well have work for Mk ultra. I have no idea why they never became politicians or lawyers, they would have been billionaires. They constantly gas lit me and tried to manipulate me and mold me into something that they wanted me to be and constantly tried to get me to doubt myself. The way that they treated me made it very easy for me to develop an eating disorder because they would constantly lie to me and try to get me to try the same Foods multiple times that they already knew that I tried and didn't like because they wouldn't believe me that I didn't like something or wouldn't respect my decision. At some point later I was in school and I was very fat and I randomly for absolutely no obvious reason at all broke my femur which is the most difficult bone in the body to break, think the big bone in your thigh. I didn't fall down, the femur just broke suddenly while I was walking and then I fell down. Doctors never figured out why it happened. After that I slowly became vegetarian and eventually became vegan and lost a hundred pounds, and my wife has been pretty fricking insane ever since, but I have been distancing myself from religion and politics and science because it's all so corrupt. But I've been getting closer to God.

    • 9 months ago

      My life not my wife what the hell I'm not even married and I never will be, I don't like falling for stupid traditions and Concepts that are not beneficial to me

    • 9 months ago

      This reads like a blog post from a BPD girl

      • 9 months ago

        >This reads like a blog post from a BPD girl
        I know just because I mentioned an eating disorder and all women these days mentioned eating disorder that you probably automatically Associated the sound of it with that, combined with the fact but I had to fit everything into a post with a character limit. So I understand. Another part of the Bingo board I can cross out is to say that my parents were narcissists. A lot of this shit is way too common these days.

    • 9 months ago

      > t.

    • 9 months ago

      Fake: this entire wall of text I won’t read
      Gay: needing this much text to answer why you should always be improving yourself

  35. 9 months ago

    I saw myself in a full length mirror and thought “what a fat frick look at those rolls” before I realized it was my own reflection

  36. 9 months ago

    I craved sugar growing up, so I always ate sugary foods like candy, sweets cookies, cakes, you name it! Well, my mother always told me one day I’m gonna get diabetes. I laughed at her while I ate a spoonful of sugar… Then one day my doctor says during my check up “Yeah you got diabetes”, so I started lifting with my athletic friends during high school just enough to lift weights and to get to a decent size football season started for em, I did not continue being healthy for like two years. During Covid I looked at the mirror and said yeah I’m going to stop eating sugary shit n never look back. I’m doing better than ever still a bit cynical when some girls give me the look but when I’m on my best it’s a W

  37. 9 months ago

    nothing, I haven't really changed

  38. 9 months ago

    I got skinnyfat and it was not a good look for someone so single. Figured I'd be better with a bit of muscle on me

  39. 9 months ago

    I was fat growing up, but compared to my family, I was relatively slim. I decided I didn't want to end up like them, so I didn't.

    Now I have muscle dysmorphia and I'm less happy than my family, who are still fat.

  40. 9 months ago

    Realizing that trannies, Black folk, and israelites are taking over the world!

  41. 9 months ago

    Losing the love of my life because I realized a lot of shit about myself way too late. Every girl after that's just been filler, but I know she'll never be back, and I know that even if she was I'd never feel content with myself or anything.

    In all reality it's better if I'm single for the foreseeable future. I can get laid easy enough if I need it, have money to travel if I want to knock up some ethnics. I'm much happier single.

    • 9 months ago

      Only a man could write something so thoroughly depressing as this.

      • 9 months ago

        That's upsetting because I was being very vague and keeping it light.

    • 9 months ago

      lol shut up you whiny b***h, you'll get over it if you stop being chicken little about it

      • 9 months ago

        Was actually nothing to do with the fact she's not in my life or we broke up, more that I don't feel content at the best of times.

        • 9 months ago

          And yet, you keep thinking about her. Even now, posting about her on this godforsaken hellhole. Dont lie. Not to yourself at least

          • 9 months ago

            >thread about what made you realize you need to change
            >mention healthy relationship I ruined to keep with the theme of the thread
            >some moron assumes you must think of her constantly

  42. 9 months ago

    Recently all of my friends have cut ties with me for being low value male/ Incel. I’m age 20 at 5’7 and 5/10 face, people think im weird and don’t like me. The most I can do currently is try and get a degree (starting law) and get in better shape. This is now maybe I could start up boxing. What else?

    • 9 months ago

      you have neckbeard genetics bro... it's over.

  43. 9 months ago

    split with gf, have a gambling issue, need to change it around and grind

    • 9 months ago

      My girlfriend stayed with me before and during my fitness journey. Even at my worst. She’s still with me. After losing all this weight I asked her why did you ever love me when I looked like that? She said because I love you anon. She’s a keeper

      • 9 months ago

        good for you man, really is a keeper, hopefully i'll find the one someday

        • 9 months ago

          Dude, you will. They’re out there. We love you anon. And someday you’ll find her and she’ll love you. If she left your life she wasn’t the one. She was just character development. Love you bro.

      • 9 months ago

        Damn, how and where did you even meet her?
        I fricking wish I had girl like this:
        I'm not fat though I still hit the gym frequently.
        I also work, I play acoustic guitar and picked up piano last week (intermediate guitarist: said by a few music teachers who overhead me play on campus, though I'm new when it comes to piano).
        Though I guess I have an ugly face and it'll take 3 years to get a few of my teeth fixed, said by one of the top orthodontist's in my country.
        Not sure if my muscles, personality, money and my love for music even matter at this point.
        Guess I'm happy for you at least.

  44. 9 months ago

    That I didn’t even know what I looked like off the top of my head. Had to look in the mirror only to know. Wouldn’t recognize myself in the pictures. I just couldn’t accept all the fat on my body, I got close to killing myself and I decided, it’s not me I want to kill. It’s a part of me I want to kill. So I got to work.

  45. 9 months ago

    I realized that I will die alone someday, so I am preparing to live out my elder years by myself.

  46. 9 months ago

    I had a date with the prettiest girl I've seen in years. I realized she couldn't say the same of me. She doesn't some skinny frick that can't lift her cute ass and make her feel loved. I don't know how I convinced myself my entire life that being a stick and weak makes me happy but by this time next year I'm going to be normal weight and much stronger. Imma make it bros.

    • 9 months ago

      You can do it anon, you really can

  47. 9 months ago

    When Hitler split up his army in Russia.

  48. 9 months ago

    I decided that everything im doing is for other people, and not myself.
    Career, hobbies, side hustles, etc. It was all to please other people, and I lost sight of the things that make me genuinely happy.
    So frick em, im doing me & loving it.

  49. 9 months ago

    israeli names kept pushing anti-white propaganda

  50. 9 months ago

    I overheard a cute girl say I would be handsome if I wasn't so fat

  51. 9 months ago

    Getting a DWI
    I was working out, but had a very shitty routine. Getting arrested made me realize that drinking like a fish was ruining my body. Been dry ever since 2018

  52. 9 months ago

    I fight with my brother. The next time he touch me he will lose

    • 9 months ago

      Stab that b***h next time

  53. 9 months ago

    someone is actively trying to ruin my life right now and that seems likely to happen
    i won't go into details but if i make it out of this intact it will be my second chance to correct all the mistakes i've made

  54. 9 months ago

    When I learned about the Frankfurt School, the Rothschilds and the origin of bolshevism.

  55. 9 months ago

    My roommates in college. Nearly every single one of them has been a completely spineless b***h. I’ve had some in the past that were total chads, one being a complete dick and the other two being super cool and trying to get me to go lift with them, but I let my own insecurities get in the way.

    Other more recent roommates, however, made me realize the path I was going down if I didn’t change. One of them is a total pussy that constantly posts homosexual bullshit on Instagram and TikTok and reads “motivational” books but doesn’t do a damn thing to actually change or do something with his life. He won’t go to church because he’s “depressed” and because there aren’t any hot girls there. He has a $50 a month membership to a gym he never goes to but makes fun of me for going to the apartment’s ghetto-ass gym for free. He thinks he’s some kind of womanizer because he had one relationship years ago that he blew because he thought he could get someone hotter but he doesn’t realize how fricking ugly he is. God, he gets me angry just talking about him.

    Another was a skinny fricking twig who lacked so much muscle that his torso was hunched over simply because he never uses his damn back muscles and hasn’t worked a day in his life. This guy is a lot easier to get along with than the other but he would always say “Ew, gross.” or “Why would you do that?” when I’d invite him to go with me to the gym.

    I cannot end up like these people. I have another roommate who is severely overweight but I have massive respect for him because he has owned up to his current situation and firmly decided that there is no going back and that he needs to change. He goes with me nearly every time and I cannot put into words how proud of him I am.

    Finally, it’s the women. I have been led on and rejected so many times that I am on the brink of giving up on them entirely. I lift to forget about them and thinking of them fuels my anger and lifts.

    • 9 months ago

      very interesting anon

  56. 9 months ago

    I used to smoke weed every day. One time I got incredibly high and for some reason I suddently became brutally honest about the way I felt about my life. I undressed in front of a mirror and tried to judge myself as objectively as possible. It was kind of a horrible experience and it made me feel like shit in the moment, but it still felt like a breakthrough because I was finally being 100% honest about what was bothering me. After that I sat down and made a list of all the things I wanted to change in my life and getting in shape was one of them. It's funny to think how one random moment is what caused me to jump on a completely different timeline and change my life for the better. Of course this wasn't the first time I tried to turn my life around, but this time it was like a switch turned on in my mind and I just started eating right and exercising and I just never felt the urge to quit. I stopped smoking weed and I finally got a gf, who is now my wife and the mother of my son.
    >TL;DR I got high and had an epiphany or something.

  57. 9 months ago

    A girl way out of my league said I had a handsome face that she'd wanna sit on if I didnt have the body of a 14 year old boy.

  58. 9 months ago

    How does a trinidadian get a gf who looks like this

    • 9 months ago

      You're heavily disadvantaged due to your skin. At best you're going to be a one night stand whom she won't even count towards her body count because she didn't see you as bf material

  59. 9 months ago

    I did coke and realized 99% of my problems were by letting fear win.

  60. 9 months ago

    fricked up stretch marks

  61. 9 months ago

    No blue eyed israeliteess gf. Once I understood that I needed one I got busy indagym.

    • 9 months ago

      >Once I understood that I needed one I got busy indagym.
      What do you think you'll do once you understand that being in the gym won't bring you any closer to getting one [moron]?

  62. 9 months ago

    I love gym thots, but it would not be fair to have beer belly while dating gym thot. I'm still single, but I don't have beer belly.

    • 9 months ago

      Your post resonates with me so damn much


      Damn, how and where did you even meet her?
      I fricking wish I had girl like this:
      I'm not fat though I still hit the gym frequently.
      I also work, I play acoustic guitar and picked up piano last week (intermediate guitarist: said by a few music teachers who overhead me play on campus, though I'm new when it comes to piano).
      Though I guess I have an ugly face and it'll take 3 years to get a few of my teeth fixed, said by one of the top orthodontist's in my country.
      Not sure if my muscles, personality, money and my love for music even matter at this point.
      Guess I'm happy for you at least.

      that it's unreal..
      I love playing acoustic guitar, I like hitting the gym and I'm not fat, I also picked up piano recently:
      Though I don't have the nicest face and my teeth are very similar to Michael Balzary (RCHP's bassist), though he actually has children and head married now.
      Though I need to be as successful as him to actually get women and actually become a dad someday?
      I guess it's obvious that all women/girls especially today, regardless of how gorgeous, smart, etc she is just wants you only for your status and money, especially if you are ugly, yet natty like (e.g) me.
      Do you Anons agree with my statement?

      • 9 months ago

        I started learning piano this year and I'm thinking about acoustic guitar too after I get better at piano. My biggest issue is noise because I can't just plug in headphones like with a digital piano, but I think they make guitar mutes right?

  63. 9 months ago

    I got rejected. She bascially said I was a beta male and a onions cuck. I knew lifting helped with females back then but I just didn't have the motivation to go through with starting. Now I lift for me and it's a permanent part of my life now

  64. 9 months ago

    Spent 6 months in love with a girl on discord who lived on the other side of the world. Realized one day what I’m doing and decided to start running, lifting, and dieting so real girls will like me. Lost 70 lbs.

    After losing weight and building muscle girls still didn’t like me so now I’m depressed as frick again and I gained all the weight back.

    • 9 months ago

      Why did you like the girl on discord?

  65. 9 months ago

    I'm 5'5" and some charity beggar ironically called me 'big guy'

  66. 9 months ago

    This fat frick couldn't run 1 mile without wheezing like I was going to cough up a lung. I was the fattest I'd ever been. Down 60 pounds

  67. 9 months ago

    Nothing, I'm bipolar or something and always go through phases where I'm insanely motivated in life (but never enough to completely fix everything) or too depressed to do anything constructive (but never depressed enough to completely end everything). I thought it was normal, but recently learned that normies can go through life being 100% motivated all the time.

  68. 9 months ago

    Hard times, hard year.
    >be me 300lbs but starting to diet and losing weight
    >move cross country so fiancée can live near her family.
    >known her 9yrs, been together 7
    >18hr drive from closest senpai but it’s k cause all her brothers and cousins moved here over the years too and I’ve been friends with them most of my life, that’s how we met.
    >new job pays 1/3rd of old job but can’t get anything better. Fiancée is finishing last year of school and makes basically nothing.
    >drain all my savings paying bills.
    >get 3 flat tires in two months.
    >get injured at work.
    >become depressed, start binge eating
    >fiancée begins starting fights over everything
    >1yr in fiancée starts blatantly cheating
    >the fallout is insane.
    >after a long conversation with her best friend and parents we realize the person we thought we knew did not exist
    >she is a sociopathic liar and has been manipulating everyone in her life for years.
    >plotting suicide
    >look in mirror, unrecognizable fat blob
    lost 130lbs, lift weights, get attention from girls, good job, life good, happy.

    • 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      harsh man

  69. 9 months ago

    i don't lift for such cringe reasons.
    i like moving weights and i like moving bigger weights than last time

  70. 9 months ago

    Bullied as a kid, beat up and screamed at at home, put on amphetamine as a 9 year old which spiraled into a serious fentalogue addiction in college. OD'd idk how many times. One day I went to the gym and could only do 3 pullups, I'd been able to do 15 as a 10 year old. Decided I was going to get my shit together and get big enough that nobody could ever frick with me again.

  71. 9 months ago

    Tinder. At least that's what caused my epiphany. I had broken up a two years realtionship, was about to graduate in a terrible field and my life was largely going nowhere. Then I downloaded tinder a had a good look at the 30yo+ women there. The fading looks ravaged by neglect and unhealthy lifestyles, the pathetic "I'm still a teenager" behavior, the shallow pursuits and the overall mediocrity portrayed through a way of living which could easily be defined as "never improve. Never assume responsibility for yourself and your place in the world. Only consume and chase pleasure" caused me a shock. Looking at old schoolmates on LinkedIn and even men I still keep in contact with finished the job. I realized that I either did something with myself or that dreadful existence was my future. So I gave myself until my thirties to develop my life towards where I want it and never let myself forget what's in store if I give up.

  72. 9 months ago

    Nothing so far, I have a PT test due in a month so I guess I should probably start running or something

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