What should my fat wife be doing at the gym to lose weight?

What should my fat wife be doing at the gym to lose weight? She has started a diet and goes to the gym but from what she tells me she just gets on an elliptical for 30 minutes then leaves. What are some good weight loss exercises for women?

For more information she's around 30, 5'01, 170-180 lbs. She knows she's fat and complains about it constantly and has asked me to get her on a workout regimen. She goes to the gym 4 times a week or so but hasn't lost a pound.

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  1. 2 years ago

    eat less

    • 2 years ago

      I know it. She told me today she wanted a snack before dinner. I asked her why do you need a snack before dinner? She got pissy but didn't eat a fricking snack. I don't understand why she can't look in the mirror and be upset at what she sees. I'm in decent shape and work out because I would have no self respect if I looked like a fat ass.

      • 2 years ago

        You do not have any self respect being with a lazy fat frick

        • 2 years ago

          Unfortunately we've been together for over a decade and she hasn't always been a land whale. That's how they get you, boys. Beware.

          Everyone's on a diet. You have to be specific.

          I'm more interested in workouts. She is going to try intermittent fasting

          • 2 years ago

            Weight loss is almost all about what you eat. That 30 minutes on the elliptical burns the calories of like 2 cookies.

          • 2 years ago

            you do realize LISS burns calories the easiest right?
            People who can eat a lot and are skinny tend to be cardioFIENDS who roon far, cycle far, etc.
            Have her do cardio. I would do a mix of moderate intensity work and liss.
            Some people do the step tracker to help as well, would recommend. Then she can be consistent.

      • 2 years ago

        I once dated a girl that was in the same situation OP. Guess what she was doing?
        Being a fricking pig while she was at work.
        How do I know? Because when I got in her car there were FF straw wrappers/recipts everywhere and a fricking half eaten bag of chocolate candy bars, mind you this is Florida in the summer.

      • 2 years ago

        >posts on IST
        >too autistic to effectively communicate with wife about her physical appearance
        checks out

      • 2 years ago

        I fought with my ex all the time because she always ate snacks before dinner or lunch. Plus she only did yoga, because it is girly enough, she didn't anything ever even remotely athletic and acted all surprised that she was putting weight. I troed explaining and showing in my example how workout + caloric deficit work when becoming leaner, but she just didn't care fo grasp it. I guess it is easier to be miserable and sob than to actually do something.

      • 2 years ago

        >30, 5'01, 170-180 lbs
        Jesus tittyfricking Christ, I hope that's a typo and your wife is actually 5'10 otherwise she's a fricking sphere. I'm eternally grateful that my wife doesn't really snack, doesn't like sugary shit, and doesn't sit on her arse all day, keeps her slim despite never doing any formal exercise and not really watching what she eats at all.

        a weak fatso like her should probably first try to be a normal human, so eating 3 meals between 8am-6pm and no snacking in between. then you can increase the time and try intermittent fasting

        >first try to be a normal human, so eating 3 meals between 8am-6pm and no snacking in between
        This is an important starting point, snacking of any sort is bound to result in weight gain, and equally important is cutting out sugary high-calorie crap from the diet. I would say, though, that most people should be able to adapt to intermittent fasting, they're just used to instant gratification when they're hungry so they feel like they can't cope without food for very long. If they commit to fasting for a a bit then they can break that conditioning quite quickly.

        • 2 years ago

          >they feel like they can't cope without food for very long
          this also seems to vary greatly depending on the diet. on our old not even that bad of a diet my gf was slightly chubby (not fat) and her food cravings were horrible, she'd get nauseous and really angry when hungry. now we switched to a basically no sugar diet and everything is fixed.

      • 2 years ago

        I told my wife I would buy us a new car if she lost the weight and it actually seems to be working.

        • 2 years ago

          She’s gonna gain it right back after you get her the car.

      • 2 years ago

        Women have terrible self control and need to stop eating junk/snacking entirely because they can't cope with cravings.

      • 2 years ago

        >I asked her why do you need a snack before dinner?
        Is she 5 years old, ha ha? OP you obviously have to get diet under control first. I would recommend making her Apple Cider Vinegar smoothies. ACV really curbs appetite.

        Bless you for your efforts with her.

      • 2 years ago

        If you had any self respect, you’d be hunting for a new woman.

    • 2 years ago

      This. Burning some extra calories at the gym can help, but eating less is the real answer. Try getting her to eat foods that will leave her full for longer. High volume low calorie foods, like fruit and vegetables. And protein.

    • 2 years ago

      Honestly if she doesn't do this then all the rest of the advice is pointless. You would have to exercise three hours a day every day to even have a chance of outrunning snacks, nevermind a shitty diet.

  2. 2 years ago

    She weighs more than me wtf

    • 2 years ago

      you must be 18 years or older to post on this site

  3. 2 years ago

    Intermittent fasting. reduce gradually the amount and the caloric density of the dinner till the hunger is gone. usually 1-2 months.
    Training only is not enough for losong weight.

    • 2 years ago

      What is a good hour split? And calorie amount for the weight loss? She usually does 1200 when she goes on diets. She has done well in the past with a keto diet but that was years ago. She is interested in fasting.

      • 2 years ago

        a weak fatso like her should probably first try to be a normal human, so eating 3 meals between 8am-6pm and no snacking in between. then you can increase the time and try intermittent fasting

      • 2 years ago

        I dropped 15 kgs in 5 months oonly by skipping dinner. After lunch az 2pm ate nothing till the 7am breakfast. Tbh I am not a wooman, but way 30+
        Moderation is the key.. Start just reducing the portion, and if you reach half of the original, reduce the calories too. At that time you feel like you had normally but the energy from that is less. The trick is you not fill full by the energy but the volume of food. Like instead of fries for garnish just eat salad. Same volume but less density.

  4. 2 years ago

    i mean i'd stick my dick in it

  5. 2 years ago

    Everyone's on a diet. You have to be specific.

  6. 2 years ago

    >fell for the exercise to lose weight meme

  7. 2 years ago

    literally just stop eating man made food and only eat meat,organs,fruit and she wont even have to exercise to loose weight

    • 2 years ago

      Pork sucks, poor man's food! I knew it, I said it! Frick pork! Beef, fish like tuna, salmon, bass and trout and maybe some chicken or turkey from time to time is the only meat I'll eat

    • 2 years ago

      This should come with an asterisk that the "leafy greens" do not contain nutrients that are bioavailable for humans so you might as well forget about them. Same with nuts and beans. Animal foods are so much more nutritious it is not even funny.

  8. 2 years ago


  9. 2 years ago

    Reducing caloric intake is far more significant than exercising. See pic rel, this is working of 170lb as you stated. For reference, 2 cans of coke is 322kcal. 1 hour moderate eliptical is a little under 400kcal

    • 2 years ago

      You need to do both in order to get fit. If you just don't eat but stay inactive, your body is going to eat your muscle as it doesn't need it. You need good strenght training, a lot of protein and keep maintaining caloric deficit.
      Also cardio is only effective after the resistance training. It can be weightlifting, bodyweight like clisthenics or something milder like pilates. But cardio only works if you do it after the training or on your rest days. As your recovering muscles need more nutrients than you think, hours and even days after workout.

      • 2 years ago

        I didn't say don't exercise brainlet. I said 30 minutes on the eliptical once a week is doing exactly zero to offset 3 frappucinos with extra cream and double caramel

        • 2 years ago

          Well speak clearly butthole. You didn't say to him that she needs to exercise either. You just wrote that caloric intake is more important. Which could be easliy misunderstood.

      • 2 years ago

        My wife got encouraged by me to do some Phraks Grayskull like routine, which she enjoys more than when we did calisthenics together.
        While she had some good progress going on, some lifts stalled or got deloaded a few times without reaching new numbers after that.
        Should she now eat even more to break through the plateau? I was happy with her body before she started lifting even though she wanted to lose weight, she hasn't lost much but I think her body composition changed for the better.
        Should the goal be to keep/increase strength? Or is a hypertrophy focused set/rep range better?

        Are there more ways to reach a caloric deficit than counting calories? For some reason, she really doesnt want to do it, and I lost about 25kg without doing it, but I'm more active. Autistically measuring each portion is not practical with a family meal at the table.
        She (or we both) tried IF, but it just worked for a few weeks before weigth loss came to an end.

        • 2 years ago

          >Should the goal be to keep/increase strength? Or is a hypertrophy focused set/rep range better?
          I've pondered this kind of thing a bit for if my wife ever gets enough time to work out again, she probably needs more volume. You ought not to think of strength/hypertrophy as mutually exclusive either, a good program should target both. I think what you might be butting up against a bit is that male novice programs can be a bit lacking in volume and intensity for women. Basically, men can recruit more muscle mass in a lift (get closer to a 'true' rep max), and are in more danger of accumulating too much fatigue to recover from in time for their next session. Women can't do that as easily, so while they can recover faster and aren't in much danger of overtraining, they also struggle to generate a sufficient growth stimulus. Things I've seen suggested for women:
          >more sets and higher rep ranges, 5x8-10 more often instead of 3x5, that sort of thing
          >more volume overall, include some high-rep work accessories (not that most men on strength programs don't need to do more of that)
          >AMRAP, never stop just because she's hit a set number
          >train to failure frequently
          >add weight every set, treat the first sets like warmups and pyramid up to a top set
          >take short rests between sets
          >do full-body workouts so that muscle groups are being hit more frequently (Phraks greyskull basically does this, but it's way too low volume)
          >use a slower tempo on lifts
          If I were in your position I'd probably tweak it to rotate the first lift of the day as a strength lift done ramping up 5x5 with an AMRAP top set, then do the other two for a much higher rep range like 5x10, also AMRAP on the last set, and throw in an additional burnout isolation of some sort taken to failure on 3 sets starting in the 15-20 rep range, probably a lower-body one. Keep rests short, to a minute or so, especially on the higher rep work.

    • 2 years ago

      is that like a fricking joke? level 8 is less than 100 watts a min at 60 rpm. I go at level 15 or 16 (depending if i can handle it), and its usually around 200-240 watts per min and i burn about 1k calories an hour. just fricking exhausting

  10. 2 years ago

    Find whatever lard she consumes and tell her to look at the nutrition information on the back of the package for the calorie count. Then go make her do 1 hr on any memeshit cardio machine while paying attention to the calories she has burned (most machines will have this measurement).

    Being able to put into perspective how useless cardio is and how powerful simply "not eating the lard" is will help her inform her decisions regarding consumption.

    As far as a routine goes, she should be lifting heavy objects with the goal of "gaining muscle mass" which will increase the amount of calories burned passively. Lifting is giga fricking value compared with cardio. If you she even gains a mere 10 pounds of muscle she's burning an extra 300 calories per day, that's an entire hour on a stationary bike being burned every day basically for free in addition to the numerous other benefits of gaining muscle such as looking better/being physically stronger/etc.

    • 2 years ago

      >mfw the threadmill at my gym tells me I burn like 500 calories running for 15 minutes
      Don't trust the machines.

      • 2 years ago

        the treadmills at my gym are pretty much 1:1 with this calculator
        Seems like it gives pretty reasonable estimations

    • 2 years ago

      >If you she even gains a mere 10 pounds of muscle she's burning an extra 300 calories per day
      is this true? I thought muscle burns 11cal per lb compared to fat 5cal

  11. 2 years ago

    Thanks, anon. I will consider your suggestions when we evaluate our programs and change them for something new in the near future. Anyhow, do remember where you've read about that?

    • 2 years ago

      Googling things up really. What is certainly apparent is that there are significant biological differences which women kind of need to take account of. When a man does a true, all-out 5RM, then he will find it next to impossible to lift that same weight for 5 reps again, no matter how long he rests. Most women could rest for a couple of minutes and do so, or even add weight to the bar. Arguably they're not warmed up properly, but warm ups for women potentially need to go right up to a working weight and be far more intense, so basically they're working sets. I found this when my wife was lifting, she'd struggle to complete something for 5 reps, and then do 10 in the next set. Similarly, she basically never got DOMS despite going to failure on a similar kind of greyskull program, whereas if I've been off the weights for a little while I can basically cripple myself for the next week after a relatively moderate session. It's what prompted me to dig into it a bit more to see if I could figure out a more suitable approach for next time. As an aside, if your wife has genuinely hit a plateau then the time to make changes to her routine is now, don't keep plugging away at it for another month or two without any progress, you'll risk her getting discouraged.

  12. 2 years ago

    Sell her car and buy her a bike.

  13. 2 years ago

    >She goes to the gym 4 times a week or so but hasn't lost a pound.
    Eat less. You burn frick all calories in the gym.

  14. 2 years ago

    If she's not losing weight, then exercise isn't the problem. She should be losing weight even if she laid in bed all day.
    The best bang for your buck in terms of exercise for me is probably high incline walking on the treadmill, but even then you're only going to burn 400-800 calories per session (45-90 minutes), which will equate to more or less 1 lb per week, if you take no days off. It really aint shit for losing weight, especially if you hate exercising.

  15. 2 years ago

    Children? Any underlying female conditions; endometriosis, pcos, fibroid?
    I ask because women with PCOS have a hard time losing weight because they have insulin resistance at certain BMIs. Spirolactone short term helps, but don't start metformin if it's her case because with the weight loss the insulin resistance goes away.
    Elliptical are really shitty, I think she'd do better walking on an incline 30 minutes a day, also "older" women benefit from light hiit.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm a 34 year old with PCOS. I gained weight since I started a full time job, around 8 years ago, but the last covid years sitting in my ass all day were the last nail in the coffin. This May I've returned to the gym to do cardio, 3-4 days/week and also bought a pair of kettlebells to exercise at home. With that in combination with reduced food portions I've lost 7kg so far, I'm visually slimmer but I've also generated muscle mass in legs and glutes, so it's definitely not impossible. I wonder how I would do without the PCOS though.

  16. 2 years ago

    seeing that exercising to losing weight is a meme and our brains being the most expensive tissue which consumes roughly 30% of our daily calories, wouldnt it be better to just do math problems all day?

    • 2 years ago

      I actually lost weight when I was able to play Chess regularly. It was weird. I thought it was just that I was avoiding snacks at first, but it didn't add up.

  17. 2 years ago

    Part of the reason i left my ex. She was 5’0 160 and believed 30 mins of slow walking was fine. She would get mad at me for not eating my food fast enough to finish hers and control her portions because she was super weak minded. She lost 15 pounds that she instantly gained back when she started drinking more. Refused to listen to me about calories, protein or workout frequency and now she is a fat roastie without a super fit boyfriend. Se la vie

  18. 2 years ago

    >What should my fat wife be doing at the gym to lose weight?
    Nothing. She should just eat less, fat fricking b***h. You don't lose weight at the gym. You lose it in the kitchen.

  19. 2 years ago

    You won't lose weight and keep it off long term through exercise alone. You also won't do it from calorie restriction, which is a really fricking bad idea.
    Your wife should try carnivore. Eat as much meat as you want, you won't get fat.
    Don't knock it 'til you try it.

  20. 2 years ago

    1. no eating out
    2. when you're shopping for food you just ask yourself "is this the type of thing I could eat all of within the first 1-3 days after shopping" and if it's yes don't fricking buy it

  21. 2 years ago

    Walk at 3.5 for 1 hour for 5 times a week. 300 calories guaranteed burn. Try to go hiking. I am 5’9, 128 pounds woman so take that as you if you think that’s good.

    If you don’t have access to exercising equipment do the 10,000 steps per day challenge. Replace all sugar desserts with fruit.

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