What the point in staying natty if I'll be bigger with roids i.e more attractive i.e more sex i.e more happiness in life

What the point in staying natty if I'll be bigger with roids i.e more attractive i.e more sex i.e more happiness in life

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  1. 10 months ago

    Sex is like 10% of a healthy life man don't sacrifice the other 90% for it

    • 10 months ago

      Wise words

    • 10 months ago

      Sex is at least 50% of a guys life

      • 10 months ago

        Maybe for a 14yo virgin
        Pull yourself together man

    • 10 months ago

      Sex is at least 90% or a guy's life
      Everything is about sex
      >hurr durr ackthually I had sex and I got bored
      No you didn't, you just got old and bald so hot chicks no longer want you and you're desperately trying to cope

  2. 10 months ago

    False confidence and fake accomplishments
    Emotional disregulation and body dysmorphia
    Balls with shrink and body will become dependant on it for life
    Only equally mentally ill girls and gays like roider physique
    Roidtroony pipeline
    Gains disappear weeks after your illegal drugs get stopped by customs
    Acne and gyno if you get it wrong
    Heart attack if you do too much
    The list is endless

    • 10 months ago

      Literally all of those get demolished by using small/secure doses for a while and stopping.
      You do retain some gains and it's easier to get back what you lost.

  3. 10 months ago

    Because roiding is no different than slipping a zucchini into your underwear and walking around with it.

    It's just fake nonsense that disappears almost as quickly as you stop ingesting the stuff. Plus it doesn't make you stronger and you get a stroke and die in your 30s.

    • 10 months ago

      False confidence and fake accomplishments
      Emotional disregulation and body dysmorphia
      Balls with shrink and body will become dependant on it for life
      Only equally mentally ill girls and gays like roider physique
      Roidtroony pipeline
      Gains disappear weeks after your illegal drugs get stopped by customs
      Acne and gyno if you get it wrong
      Heart attack if you do too much
      The list is endless

      People that roid still have a permanently higher limit off roids, than someone that remained natty their entire life
      What is your respinse to this?

      • 10 months ago

        > People that roid still have a permanently higher limit off roids
        Ahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahah ‘deep breath’ ahahahhahahahahahahbahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahbahahahahahahhahababbabababahahababhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

        • 10 months ago

          My respinse is that you pulled that bro science out of your ass

          Not to the same extent but yes it does

          • 10 months ago

            >t. What is a negative feed back loop
            You biologically illiterate twat, you simply don’t pump your body full of exogenous hormones and expect it say “yeah, I should be producing the same amount or even more of that hormone endogenously.” Once your body starts shutting down testosterone production you have to claw it back like all the other soiboys out there once you stop injecting.

            • 10 months ago

              It's called muscle recovery dumbass

              • 10 months ago

                You’re an idiot, but for a roidtroony you’re par for the course.

          • 10 months ago

            Christ is king you will never change my mind.

      • 10 months ago

        My respinse is that you pulled that bro science out of your ass

        • 10 months ago

          not bro science, actual science
          mind you, its not like the permanent increase of your natty limit is very large or anything, but its there.
          roids (all of them, but not to the same extent) effect permanent, persistent changes in your muscles
          androgen receptors being upregulated, increased number of cell nuclei, bla bla bla, yadda yadda yadda, boring science stuff
          plus you have the adaptations to your nervous system, you'll have muscle memory of a higher muscle mass than your natty limit
          so, yea, tldr, roids do increase your natty limit

          but ofc all that shit is peanuts compared to the main benefit of roids, namely the fact that you can go to your natty limit, and/or well past it, very quickly.
          imagine your dream physique. you can get there MUCH faster if you use roids.
          afterwards, if you don't wanna go further than that, and if said dream physique is within your natty limit (or rather you new, post-roid natty limit) you can retain that without taking any more.

      • 10 months ago

        >People that roid still have a permanently higher limit off roids
        That's horseshit. You're not ever making any progress natural after you stop. The majority of guys only lose muscle after they stop. Your body cannot maintain that much muscle naturally. It has nothing to do with your diet or willpower or your workouts, your hormones simply don't make it possible

        • 10 months ago

          Someone off roids will be bigger than someone that completely lifted naturally

          • 10 months ago

            They lose the muscle mass almost overnight because they literally cannot maintain them hormonally you fricking moron. Muscles aren’t permanent you fricking moron.

            • 10 months ago

              Their limit is still higher than someone that has never touched roids, are you seriously trying to reject that?

              • 10 months ago

                Why do zoomers believe this? Just curious. Did some YT influencer tell your or was there an unsourced jpg?

              • 10 months ago

                You literally don’t understand how the human body works. You keep using the word “limit” but fail to ever explain what that means in the context of human biology. Once roiders stop injecting they
                can no longer cheat using exogenous hormones and now they have fricked up endogenous hormone production, via a negative feed back loop, meaning they actually have worse natural testosterone production relative to natty lifters, meaning they have a worse ability to gain and maintain muscle relative to always natty lifters (hence why so many roiders who try to stop always get back on as they fricked their natural testosterone production). This isn’t new knowledge or anything but I do understand that anything beyond 2+2=4 is hard for roidtrannies to understand so I can’t be too surprised.

              • 10 months ago

                >You keep using the word “limit” but fail to ever explain what that means in the context of human biology.
                Geez it's like you never read shounen manga!

          • 10 months ago

            Yes moron, for a wile, then they look dyel as frick but you dont see those becouse everyone hops on trt when they stop blasting the shit out of every compound on the face of the earth, and the ones that dont do this look so much like shit that you dont know who the frick they are or you would never suspect they took shit

            • 10 months ago

              Why do zoomers believe this? Just curious. Did some YT influencer tell your or was there an unsourced jpg?

              You literally don’t understand how the human body works. You keep using the word “limit” but fail to ever explain what that means in the context of human biology. Once roiders stop injecting they
              can no longer cheat using exogenous hormones and now they have fricked up endogenous hormone production, via a negative feed back loop, meaning they actually have worse natural testosterone production relative to natty lifters, meaning they have a worse ability to gain and maintain muscle relative to always natty lifters (hence why so many roiders who try to stop always get back on as they fricked their natural testosterone production). This isn’t new knowledge or anything but I do understand that anything beyond 2+2=4 is hard for roidtrannies to understand so I can’t be too surprised.

              Only apply to people that take large doses

          • 10 months ago

            >roid for years
            >come off and become a husk of your former self
            >forgotten how to train natty
            >any effort put in feels worthless when you could just roid again
            >innevitably give up lifting to push your natty limit altogether or hop back on

            even if we're assuming that muscle somehow maintains itself when the hormonal environment in which it grew is changed, think about the mentality of a roider for one second and it's nonsensical

  4. 10 months ago

    there's none, natty lifting is a meme

  5. 10 months ago

    It's not gonna make you attractive or happier, it'll just feed your insecure little b***h ego and make it worse. If your at that point in your life you got other things you need to focus on not steroids.

  6. 10 months ago

    >i.e more attractive i.e more sex i.e more happiness in life
    troony cope

  7. 10 months ago

    Because you're playing a game of Russian roulette, and you're going to die. You don't know when, but it will happen.

  8. 10 months ago

    >i.e more attractive i.e more sex i.e more happiness in life
    not true unless gay

  9. 10 months ago

    Go ahead OP. Take all the steroids you want. You won't make it to 19 kid. I can guarantee you that.

  10. 10 months ago

    Arnold could afford multiple heart surgeries and replacements, you can't.

    Even Rich Piana couldn't and he was fairly successful.

  11. 10 months ago

    anon I am 23 now and did cycles at 18 because I was an insecure teenager who browsed lookism too much. you probably expect me to give you some sage wisdom, but roids WILL GET YOU LAID. when I did roids, I crushed pussy. if I was more confident I probably could have nailed nines. problem is if you have a shit lazy pct, and party and take other drugs like I was, that period of low T after will last for fricking ages. also, as you get older and realise that their is more to life then tricking women into sleeping with you, you will start to se the appeal of roids decrease. sides are real. you are injecting shit into yourself like a smackhead. your gains evaporate afterwards. the roider ‘lifestyle’ invariably means further alcohol and drug use as you party and chase tail (you already crossed the boundary of injecting yourself, whats a bump of coke? whole other can of worms right there) you become impulsive and emotionally unstable (but at the time you wont even realise it)… etc. all stuff that is counter productive to actually getting your shit together for real. getting laid seems like the most important thing in the world, until its not. would I do roids again? im not sure. if I didnt have that phase of larping as a chad, I probably wouldnt have grown beyond that highschool tier bullshit to do the stuff I do now. I can understand your hangups OP.

    • 10 months ago

      This is the actual best post here.
      T. 25 and did the same. Literally word for word the exact same. The sides end up being not worth it but you'll definitely keep more than you would naturally with training and therefore I feel if you actually have the willpower to get off the horse it's kind of worth it.

      I'm sure a few cycles won't ruin your health long term if you aren't moronic and diligent, but most people don't pct, because it's mostly just I'll come off and suffer the sides. Which most people do, but it takes a long time to come back. 7 months or so for me.

  12. 10 months ago

    women don't generally like roid physique.
    they're attracted to bodybuilders because they have clout. but clout is actually worth way more sexually as a man than your physique.
    they actually prefer natty, athletic, muscular builds with low fat in general.

  13. 10 months ago

    Well yes, on one hand, you'll be able to train harder, grow faster, cut harder, look better, and almost definitely will look and feel much better and have more success in your personal life than before you started.

    But consider this:
    angry natties on IST will call you a roidtroony.
    worth it? i think, not.

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