Why everyone is having ADHD now?

Why everyone is having ADHD now?

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  1. 12 months ago

    Doctors gotta pay for their fifth investment property somehow, you know.

    • 12 months ago

      because it's a fake illness

      This and this
      Same as depression

  2. 12 months ago

    It's a combination of people just being lazy and doctors wanting their patients to have something wrong with them.

  3. 12 months ago

    because it's a fake illness

    • 12 months ago

      I thought that too, until I was diagnosed and shown physical evidence of it. Most adhd (real ones anyway) have marked reduction in coritcal volume for executive function and or drd2 gene dysfunction that makes neurological tissue insensitive to dopamine.

      I would guess 50%+ of diagnosis are basically fraudulant though, the dex prescription people chase are simply too useful for college to leave on the table.

      • 12 months ago

        I read a book "Why We Sleep" by Matthew Walker
        He's a neuroscientist who specializes in sleep and its effects on people
        He definitely gets a ltitle bit "this is the one cure to everything" in his book but is mostly very clear about what things are backed up by studies or not.
        Anyway one of the things he mentioned was that up to 50% of kids being diagnosed ADHD may actually be "neurotypcial" but not sleeping right

      • 12 months ago

        Yes and multiple vastly different root problems can all end up leading to these observable changes in brain physiology.

        It is basically the catch all for any medical condition that we fail to identify and treat over a long period of time.

        In the current medical climate, if you have some unknown, undocumented neurological disorder which has no previous documentilation on it, you will be ignored until your symptoms turn into something more common and easily identifiable and then you will be treated for that.

        So when you have people going chronically untreated for these medical conditions, it's natural to have fatigue develop and then over time having experienced chronic fatigue motivation starts decreasing and after having fatigue and low motivation for a long while it naturally becomes difficult to pay attention. You now pretty much match the symptomset of ADHD.

      • 12 months ago

        Turns out angry IST school shooters don't know anything about neuroscience, huh?

        • 12 months ago

          they are the epitome of "i don't experience this therefore it doesn't exists".
          this is the same reasons why they can't conceptualise being in a loving relationship with a women, since every one of them was turned off by their [pick a color] pilled "" personality "" hence the birth of the biggest cognitive dissonance of the chud verse:
          >women won't have sex with me because all women are prostitutes

        • 12 months ago

          *wieners assault penis*
          Im sorry what did you say, you normie frick?

      • 12 months ago

        i would say an even larger portion considering the sleep effect that

        I read a book "Why We Sleep" by Matthew Walker
        He's a neuroscientist who specializes in sleep and its effects on people
        He definitely gets a ltitle bit "this is the one cure to everything" in his book but is mostly very clear about what things are backed up by studies or not.
        Anyway one of the things he mentioned was that up to 50% of kids being diagnosed ADHD may actually be "neurotypcial" but not sleeping right

        said, and also the placebos that makes relatability + no parent figures +no cohesion in the modern world make a sick child with slight trouble focusing (because their attention span is fricked) want to be part of a group of people or be unique without doing anything.

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah, I see that, LinkedIn might as well be "women who have adhd" now, it's very cringe.

      • 12 months ago

        That's called being stupid I think, maybe it's called having the brain of a Black person. Just watch some hitler speeches and drink a coffee with sugar, get over yourself.

        • 12 months ago

          You sound vaccinated.

  4. 12 months ago

    Worldwide brain-damage from covid-induced hypoxia.

    • 12 months ago

      >Vaccine-induced hypoxia

      • 12 months ago

        Any reaction the vaccine causes in people is generally 4-10 times worse in covid patients

        • 12 months ago

          Covid doesen't exist.

        • 12 months ago

          Covid literally never existed

        • 12 months ago

          covid was fake homie sorry

        • 12 months ago

          well it's a good thing we didn't vax billions of people multiple times then


        • 12 months ago

          Nope, you have been lied. Germans found out how to differentiate the damage from covid and from vaccines. So far bot a single case of miocarditis from covid. All those studies claiming that people from covid get miocarditis at 10 times more higher frequency than from vaccine and unvaxcinated are at risk were fabricated.

        • 12 months ago

          And yea, covid virus doesn't cross blood vrain barrier. All the brain damage is from the vaccine.

        • 12 months ago

          Grow up.

      • 12 months ago

        poster here
        It's both, due to how the funny viral spike protein and its mRNA coding section is used as part of the vaccine. Get the vaccine, get a heavy dose of delicis hemoglobin binding spikes. Get the virus, get a constant dose of delicious hemoglobin binding spikes. Everyone wins.

  5. 12 months ago

    ADHD is so fricking 2011. Everyone is on to claiming they have autism now

    • 12 months ago

      No one really likes the shit you listed, it's not a marker of uniqueness, it's just a matter of recognizing the importance of the boring things.
      ADHD doesn't exist, it's just another American made up meme sickness to sell amphetamine. If you think it's real you're just American and can't be helped because you're hardwired to think so.

      >Is illness made up to sell medicine

      ADHD isn't real.
      Even if it was studies show there are no real solutions.
      Medicine doesn't actually change outcomes, no better grades, no better work, no better life.

      ADHD isn't real, these are all problems most people have. you're just pussies and need special labels to have an excuse to tell to yourself why you're pathetic

      The ADHD you're referring to are the ones neurotypicals get, the natural-born ADHDs are a menace that don't sit properly on their school chair, always on the run. ADHD is also the most violent type of autism if you were naturally born with it, you would like getting hurt and hurting other kids be it with physical or verbal. The TikTok zoomies got ADHD because they played too much cod mw2 shit and got their dopamine levels fricked up. It's real, and have been evident in the hunter-gatherer eras of humanity they still survive up this day.

      • 12 months ago

        >don't sit properly on their school chair

  6. 12 months ago

    They've started being able to identify the actual neurochemistry behind it and see in in brain scans and shit so they should be able to start confirming it better soon

    There are a number of things that can mirror ADHD symptoms, the main 2 that should immediately explain it to you being:
    Chronic sleep deprivation
    Smartphone addictions

    I've not seen it talked about personally but I would hazard a guess that certain video game formats are murder on your dopamine processing too

    • 12 months ago

      >Smartphone addictions
      How is this related to ADHD symptoms?

      • 12 months ago

        In the most basic terms:

        People with ADHD have been shown to have lower levels of dopamine than normal people, their uptake of it can be harder too.
        This leads them to be much more strongly dopamine seeking.

        A lot of social media and games that people are looking at on their smart phone give them quick dopamine hits and they end up sort of being dopamine addicts and thus exhibiting similar behavior.

        • 12 months ago

          >they end up sort of being dopamine addicts
          >This leads them to be much more strongly dopamine seeking.
          But if they crave dopamine they should be able to focus on things since they have a lot of pleasure in the process and seek it more intensly? Sorry if i misunderstand you.

          • 12 months ago

            They do, that's called hyperfocus, they'll find something that gives dopamine and latch onto that activity like a leech and won't let go.

          • 12 months ago

            People with ADHD can focus on things sometimes, they call it "hyperfocus" but it's often on the wrong thing or to such a degree it becomes a problem; things like forgetting to eat or sleep, or completely stonewalling a person trying to talk to them because they're so into whatever they're doing.

            It's the boring stuff that kicks their ass which is rather unfortunate if you need to do your taxes, you don't enjoy a particular school subject or you need to pay attention in a long afternoon work meeting. They'll end up doing anything else that's remotely more interesting even if it's playing with their fingernails or examining the brickwork next to them

            • 12 months ago

              No one really likes the shit you listed, it's not a marker of uniqueness, it's just a matter of recognizing the importance of the boring things.
              ADHD doesn't exist, it's just another American made up meme sickness to sell amphetamine. If you think it's real you're just American and can't be helped because you're hardwired to think so.

              • 12 months ago

                The point was they cannot make themselves pay attention to that stuff without resorting to extreme measures or medication

              • 12 months ago

                The main point of debate is whether this is caused by internal factors only, or whether external factors can affect the brain enough for it to be "ADHD".
                In my case, in order to focus, I had to resort to self harm when I lived alone, but I am fairly certain that this problem with focusing was due to computer games induced overstimulation

              • 12 months ago

                >only do what you wanna do
                >this is somehow a disorder (normal humans are hardwired to be lazy and seek pleasure)
                >you now have an excuse to not actually try, but if you want to try, they will give you dopamine releasers so you can do math homework in bliss
                Amphetamines are incredibly good at what they’re prescribed for, but saying you need them because le ADHD is cope

              • 12 months ago

                >ADHD doesn't exist, it's just another American made up meme sickness to sell amphetamine. If you think it's real you're just American and can't be helped because you're hardwired to think so.
                Do you believe in any mental illness whatsoever? Or illness in general, or is it all made up to sell medicine?

              • 12 months ago

                >Is illness made up to sell medicine

              • 12 months ago

                I'm nta, but I believe that there are certain psychiatric illnesses that should be treated with pills, but ADHD is not one of them. The illness exists, though, but it's dumb to fight the symptoms and not the cause.
                I was diagnosed with it as a teenager and took ritalin for some time, although I was aware of the memeness of it even then. I just liked my Ritalin. I mostly snorted it which in the end wasn't too great for my mind's health.
                Just live and eat healthy as a child, go play outdoor, have friends, don't look at screens all the time, sleep well, and there will be no ADHD.

              • 12 months ago

                >Just live and eat healthy as a child, go play outdoor, have friends, don't look at screens all the time, sleep well, and there will be no ADHD.
                Out of curiosity, what do you think ADHD is? And if your prescription wasn't met when they were children and they are now adults with ADHD what is the solution?

              • 12 months ago

                >And if your prescription wasn't met when they were children and they are now adults with ADHD what is the solution?
                I guess I would be one of those adults. For me what works is just the same I would advice to children, and probably most importantly not to be obsessed with psychiatric illnesses in general. People are different and nobody is perfect, you have good and bad days and life sucks sometimes, that's how it is and that's how it always will be. You're not a less valuable person because you struggle with certain things and if one good thing came about through this ADHD hype, it's that people realize they are not alone with their issues.

              • 12 months ago

                >Just live and eat healthy as a child
                do you really think that's up to the child?

            • 12 months ago

              Folks are lunatics here about adhd & Adderall. It's just really sad.
              For me, it's getting stuck on the unimportant stuff. I need to clean my kitchen counter so I can cook dinner. What do I do? Refill my salt & pepper shakers, feed my sourdough starter and organize the spatulas by size and color.
              It isn't that it's even fun. It just takes over as "most important" because I can focus on this task instead of jumping between 5 others.
              I've cleaned a closet for 8 hours instead of doing the basics of picking up the rest of the house. This isn't laziness. It's a disfunction.
              I wish I knew what this was when I was a teenager. I could have avoided so much pain. I'm an old man and we just didn't know. That we know better now and so many are still promoting ignorance breaks my heart. It's dooming a lot of folks to never reach their true potential and suffer.

              • 12 months ago

                >This isn't laziness. It's a disfunction.

                Holy excuses, post phone screen time

              • 12 months ago

                I've been this way since before flipphones, homosexual. I have nothing to prove to you.

              • 12 months ago

                Ok so what sort of help are we talking about if I’m like this, therapy seems like a scam, I don’t want to get a addicted to drugs and I will fricking die before asking for special treatment from my boss or colleagues.g280kg

            • 12 months ago

              Unironically this.
              I was diagnosed with Adhd(don't even believe in it now) in 1996.
              Was given ritalin and was a fricking zombie and stopped taking it after 5th grade.
              Still went onto be a productive member pf society but I have to force myself to do things.
              If I don't follow my regiment through and through I'm pretty much fricked.

        • 12 months ago

          People with ADHD can focus on things sometimes, they call it "hyperfocus" but it's often on the wrong thing or to such a degree it becomes a problem; things like forgetting to eat or sleep, or completely stonewalling a person trying to talk to them because they're so into whatever they're doing.

          It's the boring stuff that kicks their ass which is rather unfortunate if you need to do your taxes, you don't enjoy a particular school subject or you need to pay attention in a long afternoon work meeting. They'll end up doing anything else that's remotely more interesting even if it's playing with their fingernails or examining the brickwork next to them

          >dude ADHD doesn't exist, it's just because you're not sleeping well
          >years of porn and vydia fried your brain man you just need to exercise and diet
          >ADHD isn't real, like, you're just smoking too much weed and not getting out of home enough
          >people just invented ADHD to explain that they're lazy
          >it's just the big pharma and the government trying to drug and control people, ADHD is a scam
          >like, I'm 100% sure what I'm talking about, ADHD is just a fake illness and doctors paycheck, people are just lazy

          why are people in this place so fricking dumb

          ADHD isn't real. It's a consequence of having a hyperstimulated lifestyle and thus having dopamine tolerance. Because of your dopamine tolerance it's difficult to get the natural flow of dopamine in you that allows you to not get fidgetty and instead to focus on stuff.
          That's why taking amphetamines every day is what those people do. They get a chemical upper for getting dopamine.

          Everyone that claims to have ADHD is "cured" after a month in prison or in the military.
          They basically do a fast of dopamine and their neurological circuitry go back to normal in a month or so. They were not able to read a single page of a book before without doing something else, and now they're able to read for hours without raising their head.

          It's all behavioral and environmental. It's not real.

          • 12 months ago

            >adhd is just fidgeting and loss of focus
            moronic homosexual

            • 12 months ago

              You sticking all your deficiencies and failures onto "adhd" doesn't make it real. Fix yourself by changing your lifestyle.

              The rate of ADHD is correlated with screentime per day.
              You know I'm right, but you refuse to admit it because you're too lazy to try.

              • 12 months ago

                > The rate of ADHD is correlated with screentime per day.
                provide your source

              • 12 months ago

                >> The rate of ADHD is correlated with screentime per day.

                I literally copy and pasted the sentence you little lazy c**t, and all the results are there. How fricking pathetic and resentful can you be that you can't even do three clicks but instead try to oppose the claim.

              • 12 months ago

                google is a content aggregator not a source. provide your sources. burden of proof is on you.

              • 12 months ago

                You're obtuse. The links are all there.
                You won't even read the stuff anyway, you don't have the discipline.


                I could give you 100 more links because it's a very well researched topic, but I know that you won't read them and merely try to discard everything.
                You don't want an answer, you just want to be a poor little victim not responsible for your life.

                Poor little sick child. It's not his fault he's a loser, he's sick. Come here, mommy will take care of you forever.

              • 12 months ago

                >first link
                “in china”. easiest dismissal of my life. cannot be trusted.
                >second link
                states that screen time is higher in ADHD persons not that ADHD is fake.
                >3rd link
                same as second link
                >4th link
                states that ADD is worsened by technology and is addictive to those who suffer, not as a cause
                >5th link
                “ Experts analyzing noted that it was difficult to establish cause and effect from the data”
                >6th link
                same conclusion as the others. unable to establish causation, only correlation and does not refute ADD as a real condition

                try reading your sources before using them.
                thanks for playing. i won’t reply again. you

              • 12 months ago

                Yep, like clockwork.
                Dismissal of everything for every reason you can think of.

                You're a predictable man. Like all addict.

              • 12 months ago

                >same conclusion as the others. unable to establish causation, only correlation
                You little goal-moving israelite. Ask yourself why you desperately want to convince yourself that you're sick.
                Everyone would agree that it would be better to be healthy instead of having an incurable sickness. Yet you WANT to be sick.

                Ask yourself why.

              • 12 months ago

                HOLY FRICK YOURE DENSE.
                You dont have adhd, i think you are on the spectrum. Worse than anyone.

              • 12 months ago

                >You sticking all your deficiencies and failures onto "adhd" doesn't make it real

                Black person. I swear to god you actually do have ADHD and OCD because you are fricking OBSESSED with your own bullshit.

                I'm a successful business owner. I've never worked a 40 hour week in my life. I've been homeless. I'm literally unemployable so I had to start my own company to make money.

                I have ADHD. I don't take amphetamines. It has never stopped me from being successful and I don't blame it for anything, but it is a real part of my life that I have to manage.

                You sound like an incredibly dense homosexual. Probably a closeted homosexual with your head firmly lodged inside your own ass.

                >ADHD CAN'T BE REAL

                and you're literally coping by convincing yourself mental ilness isn't real so you're on a level playing field with literal autists. Otherwise, if ADHD is real, you literally have NO EXCUSE for your failures and pathetic existence. Black person.

              • 12 months ago

                Nice redditspacing.
                Go back to r/adhd.

              • 12 months ago

                >reddit spacing

                Welcome, newfriend, nice of you to join us.

                Lurk more before exposing yourself as a complete fricking homosexual again.

              • 12 months ago

                Nice man, yes I find it better to be self employed too. Work at my own pace and all my frick ups come back on me and I can handle them instead of it costing other people money.

              • 12 months ago

                >i have a dopamine addiction causing me focus issues, look at all the troubles my "disease" caused me
                I fail to see your point.

              • 12 months ago

                >spends hours on IST hitting refresh waiting for (you)s

                please, tell me more about dopamine addiction

                I had ADHD before the internet or cellphones.

                >ok boomer

                moronic fricking zoomer

              • 12 months ago

                Sure you did.

              • 12 months ago

                >I fail to see your point
                >i dont understand something so it isn't real
                >everyone else is wrong


                Sure you did.

                >Sure you did.
                >look at this thing i googled

                How many hours have you spent on this thread begging for (you)s

                Zoom Zoom.

                Post body

                >Post body

                You have autism, anon. lol.

              • 12 months ago

                >>Post body
                >You have autism, anon. lol.

                Didn't think so, pussy

              • 12 months ago

                >Didn't think so, pussy

                The amount of time you spend obsessing over this thread says otherwise, anon

                Someone objectively analyzing your comments in this thread would absolutely come to the conclusion that you're on the lower end of the autism spectrum.

                >oh no im not moronic
                >i was just pretending

                Sure thing, bro. I bet you're a 140 IQ chad in your delusional fantasies. kek

              • 12 months ago

                I'm sorry, I don't respect DYELs who won't post body, kek

                Go take your good boy pills

              • 12 months ago

                so you can't refute anything that I said. Typical moron.


                You autists can't seem to understand that ADHD is a series of words used to describe the symptoms of living in modern society. You're trying to argue that words don't exist. I know you can't understand how moronic this truly is, but I think it's hilarious, even if you can't understand why.

                >just go in the woods and it goes away
                >just go to prison and it goes away
                >just stop participating in society and it goes away
                >just stop doing the thing and the thing stops
                >look the thing isn't real cause i stopped

                You aren't making valid arguments. You're just artistically screeching about some of the reasons why ADHD is on the rise. You haven't disputed anything yet. lol.

                was a little too real for you to respond, wasn't it?

                Asking men to post their body is unironically the gayest thing a man can do. Believing that a picture of your body can win an argument is just pathetic. Assuming you actually mog anyone in this thread is just delusional, anon.

                I'll make you a deal. Post body with timestamp then I will post mine. I guarantee I mog you even in my mid 30s. We both know you won't because you look liked meth addict right now.

              • 12 months ago

                >Believing that a picture of your body can win an argument is just pathetic.

                Spoken like a true DYEL, I already posted my body, now you

              • 12 months ago

                >i already posted a random picture without a timestamp

                spoken like a true homosexual that won't post his current body. We're waiting.

              • 12 months ago

                I mean it was me about 3 weeks ago but I guess you don't want to be embarrassed and that's okay

                But the person who mogs wins the argument, sorry, you lose

              • 12 months ago

                >Go take your good boy pills

                anon, you seem to lack the ability to follow a thread. I've never taken medication for ADHD and I've managed to build a successful business. ADHD never caused any failures, anon, I started poor and my life has steadily improved ever year, without medication. Once again, I know you will fail to understand anything that I've said because you're literally moronic. I bet you can't even get triple digits on an IQ test.

                >p-p-post b-b-b-ody

                post IQ. Black person brain.

              • 12 months ago

                Sounds like you don't have ADHD but are a typical underachiever that ends up freelance because he can't handle a proper job like a disciplined person.

              • 12 months ago

                >doctors diagnose ADHD
                >moron on IST says it isn't real because just because

                sound like you're moronic, anon


                lol though. Low effort bait. I would say that I expected better from you, but I don't.

          • 12 months ago

            Sounds like you don't know frick all about dopamine's actual role in the body. Provide a single citation for your bullshit, I'll wait.

            • 12 months ago

              You're getting cranky, take another amphetamine.

          • 12 months ago

            >certain circumstances cause a person to have certain qualities
            >but the word to describe this phenomenon "isn't real"
            what do you think the word "real" means? Are you trying to say ADHD is used as an excuse to not change poor lifestyle choices?

          • 12 months ago

            This. Finally someone says it. ADHD is a made up disease thats a result of modern society.

    • 12 months ago

      I'm pretty convinced that playing league of legends has given me uncurable ADHD

      • 12 months ago

        Thats funny because its basically calmed mine down

    • 12 months ago

      >diagnosed with adhd in the 90s
      >forced on medication by the school
      >never really helped but now I love stimulants
      >be 30
      >diagnosed with Sleep Apnea
      >have to jump through a year worth of hoops to get cpap machine
      >get cpap machine
      >all symptoms of ADHD go away
      Wow! Wonder why its easier to get amphetamines than a machine that helps you breathe...

      • 12 months ago

        >Wow! Wonder why its easier to get amphetamines than a machine that helps you breathe...

      • 12 months ago

        did you snore? or did you have bruxism?

  7. 12 months ago

    Real or not, the overwhelming majority of post-graduate/professional degree holders used ADHD meds to get through school. Drug testing prior to entrance exams would btfo admissions in every US institution.

  8. 12 months ago

    Mental illness is caused my demons and low energy, bad energy management.
    They're trying to convince you it's a physical / neurochemical issue so they can sell you pills that destroy your mind.

    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      >muh DEMONS!
      >bitches don't know I'm le HAUNTED by evil DEM0NS!
      >ONLY I have understanding, unlike those.. those israelites!

  9. 12 months ago

    People spend all day getting dopamine hits for minimal effort online, smoking weed, eating like crap, and not sleeping. Then they go on reddit and someone tells them that their symptoms are a clear sign of ADHD. What a relief, that explains everything!

  10. 12 months ago

    People like having a vague, non-debilitating problem that explains why they're failures without a clear cut "cure" that they'd be obligated to act on.

  11. 12 months ago

    internet fault

  12. 12 months ago

    ADHD isn't real.
    Even if it was studies show there are no real solutions.
    Medicine doesn't actually change outcomes, no better grades, no better work, no better life.

  13. 12 months ago

    Social media convinced them.

  14. 12 months ago

    ADHD isn't real, these are all problems most people have. you're just pussies and need special labels to have an excuse to tell to yourself why you're pathetic

  15. 12 months ago

    >Why everyone is having ADHD now?
    Because ADHD isn't a thing. It's a side effect of prolonged hyper stimuli, your dopamine receptors are so cooked from non-stop porn, entertainment, hyper stimulative foods and whatever else you consume in the 21st century that people literally have biologically programmed themselves into not being able to concentrate on anything that isn't super simulative.

    The reason people are so apprehensive to this is that
    1) Claiming mental illness is a very easy cop out for when you're at fault
    2) We live in the age of oppression Olympics
    3) Implying it's something you can actively work on and potential eradicate is bad business for big pharma and (like obesity) means that the person suffering from ADHD did this to themselves when they would much prefer to ignore that truth and just default to "muh fricked brain"

  16. 12 months ago

    Chronic sleep deprivation and endless scrolling (which go hand in hand) atrophy the parts of your brain that regulate attention.

  17. 12 months ago

    Just like troons, ADHD is real but only a very small fraction of the population has it.
    Instead, our current environment rots our brains, and we develop symptoms that look the same as the illness.

  18. 12 months ago

    >difficulty maintaining relationships
    yep i think i have ADHD

  19. 12 months ago

    >dude ADHD doesn't exist, it's just because you're not sleeping well
    >years of porn and vydia fried your brain man you just need to exercise and diet
    >ADHD isn't real, like, you're just smoking too much weed and not getting out of home enough
    >people just invented ADHD to explain that they're lazy
    >it's just the big pharma and the government trying to drug and control people, ADHD is a scam
    >like, I'm 100% sure what I'm talking about, ADHD is just a fake illness and doctors paycheck, people are just lazy

    why are people in this place so fricking dumb

    • 12 months ago

      >lists all perfectly valid points
      >can only counter it with calling us dumb
      bravo anon, least intelligent post of the day award is rightfully yours

      • 12 months ago

        the average fitizen thinks that exercise and diet can fix anything, and they're at certain point right, you can prevent and treat many health problems with just having at least a healthy lifestyle, but the average fitizen thinks that all meds will corrode your body and transform you into a "npc", or even think that all the meds are simply drugs that will addict you for no reason like

        No one really likes the shit you listed, it's not a marker of uniqueness, it's just a matter of recognizing the importance of the boring things.
        ADHD doesn't exist, it's just another American made up meme sickness to sell amphetamine. If you think it's real you're just American and can't be helped because you're hardwired to think so.

        >ADHD doesn't exist, it's just another American made up meme sickness to sell amphetamine
        none of these tin foil hats have a single idea of how pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics works nor even knows the differences between classes of drugs, isn't a surprise that they think that mental illness doesn't exist

        • 12 months ago

          Mental illness does exist but ADHD does not, simple as. It would not prevent one from being perfectly functional in a real situation so it's just an attitude and a symptom of bad habits and too much comfort. One should get his gut health in order, get a 6 pack and test for ADHD then.

          Also both posts quoted are mine.

          • 12 months ago

            naturally, ADHD isn't a flaw but a brain power, during 99% of human story the ADHD brain had to work the way he had work because it was a natural selection of the most dispersive and attentive, the actual bad habits are more like a instinctive mental trap of technological and industrial society, actual ADHD makes you lose focus with the minimal thing that passes in front of you
            >One should get his gut health in order, get a 6 pack and test for ADHD then
            I concur 100%, but even a IST person can have ADHD and it can muddle his professional life, career and relationships

            • 12 months ago

              So now we have "brain power" ADHD and actual ADHD. Right. I can call ADHD bullshit all day. Did you try googling "symptoms" of it? It's literally Skill issue: the list.
              >"Having trouble"
              >Poor time management skills
              Alarm clocks exist.
              >Low frustration tolerance
              aka being butthurt
              >Problems focusing on a task AND Trouble multitasking
              So which one is it? Btw multitasking is THE thing that kills productivity

              None of those are "symptoms" for fricks sake.

              • 12 months ago

                I agree adhd is overdiagnosed and I really don't think we should be giving speed to children, but legit adhd can be pretty debilitating
                >getting ready to go to the gym
                >find shirt
                >start putting shoes on
                >check clock and 25 mins has gone past and I only have 1 shoe on
                Where the frick does the time go

              • 12 months ago

                >actual ADHD
                actually ADHD only*
                i forgor
                also these symptoms are just the scratch of ADHD, the most scary and post-perceptive symptom are the time you waste by simply brain fogging and the oppotunities you lost in life, so no ADHD isn't just a goofy "I can't focus and want anphetamine" thing

          • 12 months ago

            >get a 6 pack and test for ADHD then.
            hahaha what the frick kind of argument is that, I still had ADHD when I was fit as frick.

            • 12 months ago

              >I still had ADHD
              Can't be, since it's not real.

              • 12 months ago

                Cool man

    • 12 months ago

      I think adhd is real, but I think a lot of people abuse the diagnosis to get amphetamines so they can look at spreadsheets more gooder, even though that’s not something you’re supposed to be good at.
      Also, a lot of younger people have fried brains from short-form internet posts, and that gets misdiagnosed.
      For many people who report adhd symptoms, medication is unnecessary, what they need is a lifestyle change.

      As an aside, I was diagnosed as an adult, but the stimulants made me euphoric and jumpy as hell, the way that you’d expect them to in someone without the [adhd paradoxical effect]. Any guesses as to what conditions I should look into? My executive function is garbage, I have the time blindness, easily angered but nowhere near as low impulse control as the adhd kids from when I was in elementary school, rejection sensitivity, some amount of anxiety, forgetting to text people back, generally a lot of the shit in the OP pic.

      But when I take preworkout or drink energy drinks I get hyped as frick, chatty, enthusiastic, etc, so I don’t think it’s adhd, given that caffeine is supposed to make you sleepy when you have real adhd

      • 12 months ago

        firstly thanks for your intelligible appointment, the ~~*other anon*~~ was just attention whoring at this point
        >a lot of people abuse the diagnosis to get amphetamines
        yeah it exists, people think that ADHD meds are the productivity pills, but usually they don't work for them because some ADHD meds in non ADHD people cause anxiety, panic attacks and/or unproductivity by hyperstimulation
        >Also, a lot of younger people have fried brains from short-form internet posts, and that gets misdiagnosed.
        yes, any kind of addiction (especially the most modern ones like games, porn and social media interaction) can cause a "brain frying" and is scary how people are unaware of this, and I agree with the point below this

        >the stimulants made me euphoric and jumpy as hell [...] when I take preworkout or drink energy drinks I get hyped as frick, chatty, enthusiastic, etc
        every stimulant have their own effects on each individual, it can vary depending the dose and/or type of stimulant, caffeine doesn't make people with ADHD sleepy but also doesn't work so well, maybe you might be misdiagnosed
        >Any guesses as to what conditions I should look into?
        I'm not a doctor, but to be diagnosed with ADHD you have to do a neuropsychological exam, show symptoms AND do the EEG to have the complete sure, maybe you have anxiety or some offscreen sleep issue

        • 12 months ago

          >adhd meds in non-adhd people
          Yeah, I’ve seen some people try to take it to study and end up having very bad experiences. Not something to frick around with.
          >internet addictions and brain frying
          This is definitely something I struggle with, I had issues with time management and whatnot as a kid, but it got so much worse when I started spending lots of time online. Porn definitely had a negative impact, gaming too. Although I’ve successfully dropped gaming, so at least I’m on the right road.
          >stimulant effects, diagnosis
          Yeah, I didn’t fully start tweaking out when I was on adderall, but it noticed I was talking a lot faster, slower to get vocally angry but also more tense, twitchy, subconsciously clenching my jaw, etc. it was not a fun experience. It also gave me pretty impactful vasoconstriction, my hands got cold and I couldn’t get hard at all. Vyvanse was a little smoother, but had most of the same effects.
          As for caffeine, I do build up a tolerance but when I’ve taken a tolerance break, even like 150mg is enough to get me seriously hyped up to lift, feelings of vigor and slight euphoria. Even after a few months of daily use, a 250mg caffeine energy drink gets me going in a serious way. So, if caffeine resistance is a normal symptom, I definitely don’t have that.
          Yeah, in the US, they are not giving people EEGs. I filled out like a 20 question survey and they gave me adderall lmao. Will definitely try to follow up with a doc for alternative diagnoses. Anxiety seems extremely likely, could also be a sleep thing. I know that when I have time to get into a healthy sleep routine, a lot of my symptoms are milder and more manageable.

          Thanks for the in-depth response!

  20. 12 months ago

    >have no focus, no discipline, few to no interests, no motivation because i can’t focus enough to do anything
    >the few interests I do have I will obsessively hyper focus on and keep looking at and coming back to the same things over and over and over to make sure it is perfect

    • 12 months ago

      Let me tell you a story.
      >have no focus, no discipline, few to no interests, no motivation because i can’t focus enough to do anything
      *record scratch* *freeze frame* yup, that was me. You're probably wondering what I did about it. I just did things that had to be done REGARDLESS of how I feel, if I have the motivation, or focus. All you need to do is get a bit too close to death and suddenly once you realize you're mortal and will be dead pretty soon ANYWAY, you stop caring and start pursuing your real interests with passion. Suddenly, you don't need no extra motivation and no military discipline.

  21. 12 months ago

    ADHD is just socially acceptable autism.

    Normies won’t see you as a chris Chan type of sperg if you use the adhd excuse.

  22. 12 months ago

    i probably could be diagnosed with this. im not going to though because its fake and gay. also if i started taking adderall i would become too powerful

  23. 12 months ago

    Chicktok simple as

  24. 12 months ago

    Soooo adhd is the new trend phrase for someone with borderline and who is also stupid?

    • 12 months ago

      adhd been a trend phrase since 2001

      • 12 months ago

        Not to the extent it is now. Not where I'm from anyway. Not nearly as many people were being tricked in to thinking they have "adhd" plus it never used to encompass all that op's pic encompasses.

    • 12 months ago


      >I have ADHD
      I'm a self centred twat who eats too much sugar, drinks too much caffeine, lacks empathy and doesn't want to be held accountable for any of that

      >I have high functioning autism/Aspergers
      I'm a pretentious midwit with no social skills and I enjoy having a way to deflect scrutiny in an oversocialised society

      >I have borderline personality syndrome
      Look, it's REALLY REALLY important to me that I frick all your friends then self-harm when you threaten to dump me, OK?

      >I have depression
      I'm miserable because I'm a socially isolated underachiever, and I'm a socially isolated underachiever because I'm miserable, and FRICK YOU if you think I'm going to break that cycle

      >I have hypothyroidism and PCOS
      If you call me out for eating 3000kcal a day, I'll sic my feminazi friends on you

      • 12 months ago

        Based af

        Mental illness is a myth, it is all behaviour

  25. 12 months ago

    >ADHD is le real!
    >muh chemicals!

    Ask anyone who is diagnosed with ADHD, depression, anxiety etc "so when you got tested, what were your chemical levels?"

    They will not answer you, because they didn't get tested. They said they fit the criteria and the ~~*doctor*~~ saw an opportunity to get a moronic patient who will come back every few months for the next decade and give them money for pills that don't do anything.

    There is none of that shit in Hunter gatherer cultures. All of the above are symptoms of hopelessness and meaninglessness that liberalism has pushed onto the Western World.

    • 12 months ago

      >what were your chemical levels
      Shitskin hands wrote this. They don't test "chemical levels" they measure brain activity using EEG

      • 12 months ago


        "What was your brain activity before the insane mind-altering medication?"

        Every. Single. Time.

        Also, imagine defending a made up illness because your single mum couldn't handle your energy levels as a boy.

        • 12 months ago

          >What was your brain activity before the insane mind-altering medication?
          Extremely low alpha waves and very high beta waves. Also no change at all when my eyes close which isn't normal. Pic related is an example of what the eeg results look like. What makes you think I'm medicated?

          • 12 months ago

            >Extremely low alpha waves and very high beta waves.

            Yeah don't worry, I assumed lmao

            >What makes you think I'm medicated?

            Because you wouldn't stick up for a made up illness that JUST SO HAPPENS to disproportionately be found in the sons of single mothers. Wierd how that works, isn't it?

            • 12 months ago

              >Because you wouldn't stick up for a made up illness that JUST SO HAPPENS to disproportionately be found in the sons of single mothers. Wierd how that works, isn't it?
              This literally doesn't even make sense. You really are a shitskin aren't you? Do some research before offering your opinion next time. Adhd is just a behaviour pattern, are you really suggesting that every single person behaves/acts the same?

              • 12 months ago

                Kek, medicated mummy's boy is getting mad, is that one of your symptoms?

                Get off tik tok, read, exercise and clean up your diet Tyrone and the "ADHD" will magically disappear

              • 12 months ago

                >what are your chemicals levels
                Proven wrong
                >what is your brain activity
                Showed you
                >well what about single mums?
                At this point I asked you a question which you can't answer
                You are possibly the dumbest shitskin on this board. You jump from one thing to the next as soon as you realise you're wrong. have a nice day immediately
                PS I bench 160kg for a triple touch and go, don't tell me to lift you skinny fat shitskin Black person

              • 12 months ago

                Omg, maybe you need some more meds for your anger. Keep taking your good boy pills, they'll totally work if you just take more!

                Also, no one cares about your bench, fatty.

              • 12 months ago

                I'm not medicated
                >Black person
                have a nice day
                >still won't answer my question

              • 12 months ago

                Post body

              • 12 months ago

                Answer my question first. If adhd, being a behaviour pattern, doesn't exist. Then do you believe every single human on earth behaves the same way? Or just no one can have that particular pattern of behaviour?

              • 12 months ago

                No, "mental illness" as just a disease you are born with is bullshit. Your childhood shapes your thinking and your behaviours in adulthood make that thinking manifest into a bad life, but you have a choice to not make your life worse but most chose to take the good boy pills.

                Now, post body.

              • 12 months ago

                No one said adhd was a disease and I've never heard anyone call it a mental illness. So does this pattern of behaviour exist or not?

              • 12 months ago

                You're really delaying posting body. You bench a lot, you must look amazing, right?


              • 12 months ago

                Stop deflecting and answer the question first shitskin

              • 12 months ago

                Does the pattern of being easily distracted exist? Yes, no shit, but if you just cut out distraction and have some self discipline then you can overcome this without meds.

                Now, post body

              • 12 months ago

                So adhd does exist then? Stop moving the goalposts to now say that this was all about medication when all along you've been saying it doesn't exist at all. This argument style may work on your fellow shitskin but not an ubermensch like myself

              • 12 months ago

                Not everything is a diagnosis you tik tok obsessed loser, are you a man or a teenage girl?

                >muh ADHD
                >muh Autism
                >muh BPD

                Everyone deals with things in their life, only weak and feminine men feel the need to diagnose and drug themselves.

                Now, POST BODY, I have asked 4 times now and you said you bench a lot so you must look amazing, so go ahead. We all want to see the man who believes in mental health and how awesome he looks.

              • 12 months ago

                ANSWER THE QUESTION. You keep sidestepping it. Why are you so scared to admit you're wrong?
                >not everything is a diagnosis
                Yea OK shitskin let's go tell a 25 year old who can only communicate by screaming and shits his pants 10 times a day that he's making it up and he just needs some exercise

              • 12 months ago

                I'm not answering anything else until you post body, just admit you look like shit and we can end this whole thing or post body. You're either right, or you look like shit and we shouldn't listen to you. So go ahead and post body.

              • 12 months ago

                It's very obvious you know you're wrong. Just admit it and I'll post body

              • 12 months ago

                Cmon fat boy, we won't make fun of you, promise.

                But you won't post, therefore I am correct, thanks for playing you fat spaz.

              • 12 months ago

                >Shitskin backed into a corner realizing he's wrong arguing with an aryan
                Just admit you're wrong and I'll post pics of recent bulk and cut

              • 12 months ago
              • 12 months ago


                >Shitskin backed into a corner realizing he's wrong arguing with an aryan
                Just admit you're wrong and I'll post pics of recent bulk and cut

                He's doing anything to not post body lmao

              • 12 months ago

                >Just admit you're wrong and I'll post pics of recent bulk and cut

                There's no cut, let's be honest, you fat addict.

              • 12 months ago

                Anything to avoid answering my question

              • 12 months ago

                What's more shameful, not answering some moronic question or not posting body on request?

                We all know the answer, fat boy

              • 12 months ago

                Not answering a simple question. In a thread about the topic. Especially when the question was asked first. Answer and I'll post. Until then shitskin keep wishing you were white

              • 12 months ago

                I've answered like 8 of your moronic questions. So I'll ask again, post you fat body or stfu. If you are out of shape, your opinion is worthless in every subject. Because you won't post body, we all know you are in awful shape, therefore we can disregard your opinion.

              • 12 months ago

                You never answered you fricking idiot. Show me where you answered. The closest thing was this
                >"mental illness" as just a disease you are born with is bullshit
                Which is a cop-out because no one has ever claimed adhd is a disease you disingenuous moron. Answer the question and I'll post. Fricking low iq shitskin

              • 12 months ago

                Does the pattern of being easily distracted exist? Yes, no shit, but if you just cut out distraction and have some self discipline then you can overcome this without meds.

                Now, post body

                I answered your shitty question right here

                NOW POST BODY

              • 12 months ago

                Lmao so you admit that it does exist. Why all the hostility then you fricking black c**t

              • 12 months ago

                Being easily distracted is not a diagnosis, you moron


                Now its your turn

                My God, please sort that skin out, that makes me physically ill. Your skin is blacker than mine due to the amount of acne you have.

                >height mugged
                >skin mugged
                >aesthetics mugged

                Ouch, keep taking those pills though

              • 12 months ago

                Mate your barely taller than a colorbond fence
                >leaner than you
                >stronger than you
                Keep crying panty boy

              • 12 months ago

                >Mate your barely taller than a colorbond fence

                MASSIVE cope lmao, what am I, a foot taller than you?

                Your physique looks like you gained muscle with no intentionality, no plan on how to look good but simply to make up for your skin issues and height

                Top kek

              • 12 months ago

                I'm 6' and I reach the same height on one of those fences lmao you look like shit bro you're far from lean and not even strong. Stop posting vahoa

              • 12 months ago

                Last cut

              • 12 months ago

                Now its your turn

              • 12 months ago
              • 12 months ago

                >What's more shameful

                begging anons to post their body, stupid homosexual

              • 12 months ago

                Post body

              • 12 months ago
              • 12 months ago

                It's very obvious you know you're wrong. Just admit it and I'll post body

                you guys aren't even real, why are you this mad?

                but yeah, ADHD is just moronic dopamine receptors. i like having it though.

              • 12 months ago

                I'm not mad I'm just tired of the mental gymnastics people go through to avoid having to think. It's literally the reason for every problem with the world

              • 12 months ago

                >easily distracted
                that's literally the opposite of what adhd is. once you latch on to a train of thought it's very difficult to get distracted from it

              • 12 months ago

                >very difficult

                Oh no something is very difficult, better do some meth!

                My God, just have some fricking self control

              • 12 months ago

                if you think it's just meth them you're clearly too moronic to reason with. does meth usually help you sit down and do the laundry? does meth help you remember to eat? does meth help you mellow out and not spaz about minute things?

              • 12 months ago

                Thanks ESL, but I have discipline and do those things by myself. You can do those things but you chose not to and instead take your good boy pills because big pharma lied to you.

              • 12 months ago

                you have the "discipline" because you don't have adhd. it's like saying "paralyzed people should just get up and walk around, it's super easy, i do it all day".

              • 12 months ago

                Exactly, I was a very fit ski bum, athletic as frick, healthy food, very healthy lifestyle and my ADHD was as intense as ever.

              • 12 months ago

                >my ADHD was as intense as ever
                Assault a hobo and spend a month in isolation in county jail. You'll see that by week three you won't feel "intense ADHD" anymore.

                Do a dopamine fast. Go in the mountain, in a cave, touch grass. Do what israelites do and don't touch an electronical device for a whole day every week.

              • 12 months ago

                I'm 30 you moron I spent 20 years of my life without a device.

              • 12 months ago

                I'm 31 and spent my whole life with a device. I was born with TV and a Sega megadrive at home. I had a gameboy at age 5 and a mobile phone at age 10.
                What the frick are you talking about. Are you some zoomer that thinks electricity was invented 10 years ago?

  26. 12 months ago

    It's pretty clear that you have to be willfully ignorant to deny the existence of ADHD since it is measurable in the brain and has extensive literature supporting it.

    The question that results is: why? What do regular ass people have to gain by entering a thread and proclaiming that ADHD isn't real?
    My gut feeling is that there's a specific persona, status, or image that ADHD deniers want to portray. Likely something to the effect of wanting to come off as superior willed and of greater capacity of the mind.

    • 12 months ago

      Some aggressive ADHD deniers actually have it themselves, it's a mixture of not wanting to admit they could possibly have anything wrong with them and repeating what they've been told their whole lives - that you just need to stop being so lazy and put in a little effort/get organized.
      It's extra fun when their kid gets diagnosed with it and they refuse to let it get treated because of that mindset
      The parents thing happened to one of my best friends who could ask you a question and then zone out during the answer before he finally got medicated.

    • 12 months ago

      Another case of contrarianism. They think that they're exceptionally smart and not like the npcs just because they're against a thing that most normies accept.

    • 12 months ago

      >not a single ADHD denier response to this post
      really makes you think

  27. 12 months ago

    Industrial chemicals cause it

  28. 12 months ago

    Loss of delayed gratification is entirely to blame.

  29. 12 months ago

    >all these homosexuals itt claiming they have adhd
    holy shit what a bunch of women, kek. so many chicks and moron guys I know now claim to have this shit. they all smoke mountains of weed, eat takeout constantly, drink twice a week, and have tiktok installed. I egg them on just for amusement, tell them that having adhd must be ‘so hard’ and that they ‘definitely have it’ just so they never take an actual step to improve their lives. guess what fairies. studying and working sucks for everyone, but we do it because smoking weed bussing tables and eating mcdonalds is no way for a white person to live.

    • 12 months ago

      This, fricking based

      "ADHD" is just an excuse to be unsuccessful

    • 12 months ago

      But I don't do any of those things

  30. 12 months ago

    Because its really convenient to have a catch-all excuse that means you don't have to act like a mature or responsible adult

  31. 12 months ago

    ADHD for me is asking somebody to repeat what they said three or four times. Even when you're trying to listen

  32. 12 months ago


  33. 12 months ago

    has just gone undiagnosed for a long time. ADHD isn't a disability, it's just bad for current school system. adhd people are perfect soldiers for example. a lot of people don't realise that you can utilize the hyperfixation shit for cool shit,and just usi it for anime or other dumb nerd shit. i aimed my hyperfixation thing on lifting and now that's my main hobby.

    most adhd people just fry their dopamine receptors with porn and hollywood dhit

  34. 12 months ago

    >he has ADHD and can't focus Dr. Pillstein!
    >what about video games, sport and building things?
    >well yeah he can focus on those but he can't focus in math or English class
    >say no more, here is some meth

  35. 12 months ago

    >what ADHD actually is:
    >literally any negative behaviors or thought patterns
    Oh boy guess I'll go take some Ritalin

  36. 12 months ago
  37. 12 months ago

    The complete collapse of parental discipline.

  38. 12 months ago

    I have no contribution to make except to not take advice on anything from the moronic ill willed scumbags who post here. Treat it all as entertainment and rely on the opinions of educated, normal people. Don't be fooled into thinking these morons are even remotely connected to reality.

    • 12 months ago

      Especially as a young person. Case in point, this stupid homosexual:

      Mental illness does exist but ADHD does not, simple as. It would not prevent one from being perfectly functional in a real situation so it's just an attitude and a symptom of bad habits and too much comfort. One should get his gut health in order, get a 6 pack and test for ADHD then.

      Also both posts quoted are mine.

  39. 12 months ago

    Because modern psychiatry is mostly made up bullshit. They classify classifications, come up with terms and illnesses, but never actually cure anything.

    Ever heard of a schizophrenic get better? No, the only thing they can do is chemically lobotize them.

    ADHD is just another classification, but of rather common personality traits. Whether it's a real disorder or not is up for debate, but the cure for it definitely isn't shoving meth-like drugs down a kid's throat.

    I remember I used to play video games on US servers and made a few friends. Half of them sounded high all the time. When I asked them why they sounded like that, they all said ADHD medication. It's absolute insanity how modern society allows this to happen, but it is what it is.

    Those drugs can give you "focus" but not without a cost. Much like roids can give you gains for a price on your body.

    You have one brain, don't be a moron and frick it up with "MUH ADHD MEDICATION"

  40. 12 months ago

    >difficulty maintaining relationships
    yep, mainly friendships. i’ve been happily with my gf nearly five years though
    >inability to focus
    >poor impulse control
    >forgetting to eat, sleep, bathroom
    yep, shit myself a bunch of times
    >problem focusing on interests
    yep, haven’t touched my drumkit in ages, flunked out of uni
    >difficulty switching tasks or sticking to one
    >mood swings
    >financial problems
    >sleeping problems
    >poor sense of time
    >trouble regulating emotions
    >chronic unemployment
    in the past yes but i’ve been fine past few years
    >choice paralysis
    >uncontrollable fidgeting
    >forgetting thoughts
    sometimes but not often. i have good recall
    >executive dysfunction
    >trouble recalling words
    >losing items
    >all or nothing

    im fricked aren’t i?
    im 28 btw

    • 12 months ago

      Sort your life out, you bum

      • 12 months ago

        im trying. its been a long process. i’ve been waiting to see a specialist for about 18 months too. the NHS is hot garbage.

        • 12 months ago

          You don't need a specialist, or the NHS

          • 12 months ago

            let me guess, i need muh disciprine and to give up le porn le internet le social media le caffeine le sugar?
            i don’t watch porn. i don’t use social media except for messengers. i drink coffee occasionally but not relentlessly. the internet is required to live in the 21st century and i barely use that now, i rarely have my pc turned on. i prefer savoury to sweet foods and i don’t like chocolate. cmon. what meme will you throw at me?

            • 12 months ago

              >i don’t use social media except for messengers
              IST is a social media you dummy. You are getting dopamine from getting replies to your posts and arguing with people. Most of us are here because we like to argue and get dopamine from that.

              Don't lie to yourself. Cut your screen time in half and go meditate for 10 minutes.

              • 12 months ago

                >IST is a social media
                frick off back whence you came. IST is an pseudo-anon imageboard . there is no socialising. we aren’t friends. i don’t share your posts. i don’t try to link up with you. i don’t share pictures of my dog with you. get a grip.

                You admitted to accidentally shitting yourself because you forgot to go to the bathroom.
                What are you doing when you forget to go to the bathroom?

                almost anything. i could be out walking, reading a book, listening to music, playing drums, reading articles, watching a tv show or movie, digging in the garden. it can be anything i get absorbed into that i don’t want to stop doing.

              • 12 months ago

                Not that anon but just because it's psuedo-anonymous doesn't mean its not social media. Tiktok is social media and most people just use it for videos and junk. Reddit is very similar to IST. If the definition you're going by is connection or active building of relationships online its very outdated.

                That died with early-mid 00s facebook and myspace. It's all about making $$ off users now and algorithms. IST is very much no different in this regard and hasn't been since moot left.

                Sharing images, even reaction images or replying to this post counts as socializing. Like it or not.

              • 12 months ago

                >IST is an pseudo-anon imageboard
                A social media.
                It's social. All we do is talk to each other.
                It's social. It's a media. It's a social media.

                Just like twitter, just like reddit, just like any other forum or imageboard.
                Here is another (You), I know you love those and that it gives you dopamine, which is what you're here for.

                You love social media.

              • 12 months ago

                >there is no socialising. we aren’t friends. i don’t share your posts. i don’t try to link up with you. i don’t share pictures of my dog with you
                You just described Reddit. Are you also going to say that Reddit is not a social media? You're being silly.

              • 12 months ago

                > You just described Reddit.
                lol what? every single one of those things happen on reddit you fricking child. did your flyover hickville only just get dialup or something?

            • 12 months ago

              You admitted to accidentally shitting yourself because you forgot to go to the bathroom.
              What are you doing when you forget to go to the bathroom?

        • 12 months ago

          who could have predicted putting the government in charge of healthcare administration would be a bad idea.

    • 12 months ago

      not fricked because of what you said, but because that whole response was genuine
      channel your energy into something useful

  41. 12 months ago

    Easier to sell meds. I found out I have OCD a few days ago, though

  42. 12 months ago

    the modern world is becoming harder and harder to deal with if you have ADHD. if i was alive 200 years ago and lived on a farm like 90% of other people then ADHD wouldn't have affected me that much and I wouldn't seem all that different. the modern world with its instant gratification and infinite stimulation from the internet, porn, and video games and whatnot make it harder to deal with

    • 12 months ago

      >the modern world is becoming harder and harder to deal with if you have ADHD.
      You don't have ADHD, you're addicted to stimuli and this causes a dopamine tolerance.
      I live in a country where prescribed amphetamines are illegal, so ADHD is treated with no medication whatsoever, simple Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and people have a better remission rate than in the rest of the world.

      Change your environment, change your behavior.
      Spend your next weekend camping in the woods with not much to do, you'll see if the following monday you don't feel relaxed, calm, without having much need to "stim" yourself.

      Put down your phone you addict. You're like fat fricks that don't understand why they are fat.

      • 12 months ago

        CBT referred me to psychiatry specifically for ADHD/Autism because it was deemed ineffective.
        explain that one.

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah, taking amphetamines alleviate your symptoms WITHIN A DAY. It does not cure anything.

          CBT takes time and effort. Swallowing a pill (thanks Pfizer) does not. That's why we also give diabetes pills to obese fricks instead of giving them a therapy to learn how to eat properly instead.

          Welcome to a pharmaceutical dystopia. Treat the symptoms with meds they'll take their whole lives instead of getting at the root cause.

        • 12 months ago

          you can give someone a hammer and a nail but just because the moron doesnt know how to use a hammer doesn’t mean its ineffective

        • 12 months ago

          Like I said, in my country amphetamines are illegal, even as meds.
          So they cannot just give pills to someone every day for the rest of their lives, they HAVE to do something else.
          And CBT works. It takes months or years, but people end up cured, free of symptoms, and drug-free.
          The same thing can never be said for those that take amphetamines. This is why the cure rate is higher here than in the West.

  43. 12 months ago

    ADHD isn't a real thing.

    But I know that none of you spaz will watch a video that would contradict your convenient life view that tells you that none of your failures in life are your fault.
    It's sooooo convenient to have a "disease" on which you can blame all your problems. Nothing is your fault, nothing is your responsibility.

    You're just a poor little victim.

    • 12 months ago

      >low view count
      >low subs
      >entire comment section dissecting and BTFOing the video
      yeah , shill your channel somewhere else

      • 12 months ago

        Yes I admit, it is I, Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D., also the author of The Myth of the ADHD Child, I am currently posting on IST.

        Lmao moron. You're too lazy to listen to a video. Maybe he should have put more colors and flashing pictures.

  44. 12 months ago

    I'm proud of my IST bros. Most of you seem to be aware that it's a fake disease for the maladjusted.

    In other places like /LULZ/ or Reddit, ADHD is commonly talked about and no one dares to talk about it not being real. It's too important for the people there to have an illness they can hide behind.

    • 12 months ago

      Nicotine worked for me.

      • 12 months ago


  45. 12 months ago

    >Why everyone is having ADHD now?
    Tiktok is even more dopamine-driven than youtube was before that. Kids can't focus for more than 12 seconds now.

  46. 12 months ago

    Because there is a massive profit motive to convince as many people as possible they have it.

  47. 12 months ago

    its just a side effect of the digital age, everyone uses tech, everyone sits in front of a screen for hours on end, everyone engages in social media,

    so why wouldnt it make sense that now everyone has ADHD as a consequence?

  48. 12 months ago

    >if i just read headlines and not the body text, i win!
    wait, who is the one with ADD again?

    • 12 months ago

      You do know that not giving me a (You) is not a punishment for someone that doesn't have dopamine addiction, right?
      You're just not doing it because you know it would hurt you, right?

      You're a weak man. You ask source of correlation, get the proof, then say that it doesn't prove causation, therefore you'll ignore it.

      I accept your concession. Consider this your last (You).

  49. 12 months ago

    A big part of it is that it was discovered that woman can have it too so suddenly it gets way more attention and is important.

    • 12 months ago

      >A big part of it is that it was discovered that woman can have it too so suddenly it gets way more attention and is important.
      That's also true. "ADHD" used to be a "little boy" disease. We gave pills to young boys that were not sitting calmly in class like good little goys, and now it's also a disease for 20-something females that have trouble adjusting to adult life, or "adulting" as the zoomers say.

      • 12 months ago

        yeah the funny part about this is these women complain about how men with ADHD were privileged for being diagnosed at kids while the women were discriminated against. It's hilarious because the kids getting diagnosed were absolute little shits who disrupted everything and lots are probably living terrible lives right now, they were diagnosed for a good reason because there was clearly something wrong with them. Women go and call that a privilege baka.

  50. 12 months ago

    >ADHD is not le real yet it has correlations with external stimuli
    > You little goal-moving israelite.

  51. 12 months ago

    > I accept your concession

  52. 12 months ago

    The dopamine-addict is immunized against all dangers: One may call him lazy, weak, pathetic, leech, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a dopamine-addict and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I’ve been found out"

  53. 12 months ago

    >i swear i'm not an addict, i can stop whenever i want

    • 12 months ago

      Not what I said you fricking bender

  54. 12 months ago

    ADHD is a real disease guys.
    Trust the science.
    Take the meds.
    It's safe and effective.

    • 12 months ago

      You autists can't seem to understand that ADHD is a series of words used to describe the symptoms of living in modern society. You're trying to argue that words don't exist. I know you can't understand how moronic this truly is, but I think it's hilarious, even if you can't understand why.

      >just go in the woods and it goes away
      >just go to prison and it goes away
      >just stop participating in society and it goes away
      >just stop doing the thing and the thing stops
      >look the thing isn't real cause i stopped

      You aren't making valid arguments. You're just artistically screeching about some of the reasons why ADHD is on the rise. You haven't disputed anything yet. lol.

    • 12 months ago
      future wife

      adhd was critically inderstudies amd underdiagnosed back then. ppl who didn't take their meds then are now additionally getting them prescribed after getting a late adhd diagnosis

  55. 12 months ago

    >You have autism
    At least autism is a real disease, amiright.

  56. 12 months ago

    Jesus after reading this thread I know that ADHD isn't real, but I also know that Autism for sure is.

  57. 12 months ago

    I have crazy mood swings. They're within 5 minutes of each other too.

    • 12 months ago

      Everyone has different emotions from one moment to the next.
      Letting them control you is merely a lack of fortitude.

  58. 12 months ago

    I'll have an order of ADHD please thank you.

    • 12 months ago

      Sure, I'll prescribe you to stay inside and browse tiktok for 6 hours straight then try to read a book. If you fail at it, then you got it and you can officially call yourself ill and ask for amphetamines.
      If it doesn't work, keep doing it. It's a matter of time before your dopamine circuitry is overstimulated and you develop dopamine tolerance.

    • 12 months ago

      Would you like that served with a side of autism?

      • 12 months ago

        Tism is actually the main course

  59. 12 months ago

    It’s easier for me to rob people now. I can just walk up to a person and show them family guy clips on my phone. Meanwhile I take out their wallet with my other hand.

  60. 12 months ago

    How can anyone participate in a thread that ends up like this and claim that this isn't the worst website in the world

    • 12 months ago

      >making fun of my heckin conditionerinos

  61. 12 months ago

    I'd unironically rather have cancer than ADHD.

    • 12 months ago

      Well good news, only one of those is real, so you'll be fine

  62. 12 months ago

    If everyone posting in this thread committed suicide, society would be better off.

    • 12 months ago

      I know right. Those people that invent fake diseases to make themselves feel better about being losers are pretty pathetic.

    • 12 months ago

      >If everyone posting in this thread committed suicide, society would be better off.

      there's like 4 people in this thread and 3 of them are OPs alternate personalities

  63. 12 months ago

    This whole thread feels like the conversations inside my head

    • 12 months ago

      these idiots cant survive with hurling insults at each other, normies here can't fathom that adhd is real and spergs here are too ignorant that there are different lifestyles with adhd for different persons

  64. 12 months ago

    >Suffer from pretty much every problem in the bottom of the iceberg
    Do I have the ADHD?

    • 12 months ago

      No, since it's not real. We covered that.

    • 12 months ago

      No, no one does

    • 12 months ago

      >Hey kids, I'm Dr Shekelstein
      >Did you know, some experts agree that studies suggest there's a newly discovered mental health disorder that lowers your quality of life? I call this "Being normal syndrome"
      >symptoms of Being Normal Syndrome include
      >Finding it difficult to concentrate when distracted
      >Feeling low or depressed immediately after something bad happens
      >Fatigue after extended mental or physical exertion
      >Sometimes getting an itch under a fingernail, and being frustrated that the only way to scratch the itch is to hit your fingernail
      >Do the above apply to you? Then you'll be relieved to know you can qualify for neetbux and social privileges by getting a formal diagnosis from me or one of my affiliated franchisees
      >Don't go undiagnosed, get meds for this debilitating condition! Let's normalize the frick out of this, just like your favourite social media personalities do

    • 12 months ago

      You lack self-discipline. That's what ADHD is. You can fix it by training your willpower like you would a muscle.

      • 12 months ago

        well you are correct in a way - 50 years ago people just accepted that some people are diligent and some are lazy. Why are some people lazy? We don't know but we sure know they are. What does "lazy" mean exactly? Doesn't matter, it's self-evident. If people want to cling to this mindset, sure why not but times have changed and the discipline of psychology has progressed. Now we have better understanding of the types of "lazy" that exist and how some of those types can be fixed. Basically we separated "lazy people" into three groups: Depressed, who could do stuff but they don't see the reason to. ADHD, who are motivated to do stuff but they have problems doing it. And the rest of them who we still haven't figured out.

        For most people ADHD can indeed be treated without meds, kind of like how most fatasses can lose weight without meds. That doesn't negate the fact that people who need medication DO exist, albeit there are significantly fewer of them than suggested by popular culture trends.

    • 12 months ago

      you are shit.

  65. 12 months ago

    ADHD is as real of a disease as depression is.

    • 12 months ago

      Exactly. It's a state that your lifestyle put you in, but it's not a disease per se.
      It's as much a disease as being sad or tired is a disease.

  66. 12 months ago

    >no life accomplishments at 31
    >unable to focus on anything and just burn all my time fricking around on the internet, if i don't have the internet i just stare at walls
    >needs to do something, go to another room to do it then immediately forget what i came there for
    >when i do come upon something that interests me, i autistically hyper focus on it and obsessively check it, edit it, want to make it perfect, so i hyper focus on these things that really don't matter in the grand scheme of things but then completely ignore improving the big things that have ruined my life by not developing them
    >extremely sensitive to certain sounds and can't focus on anything if i hear annoying sounds but my growing anger about them

    i gues adhd is fake but i dont know what this would fall under

    • 12 months ago

      Functional autism and bad parents.

    • 12 months ago

      it would fall under you being a homosexual for trying to put a label on yourself because you have le quirky behaviors that make you “not normal”

  67. 12 months ago

    I just realised, reddit is down so there's a bunch of redditors here which explains all the onions boys defending their addictions

    • 12 months ago

      Yes I have noticed an uptick in chinese product shills, sissies, and extra moxyte schizophrenia today.

  68. 12 months ago

    Life is incredibly boring and sanitizedz

  69. 12 months ago

    The pic was made by someone with adhd probably because some symptoms are there multiple times.

  70. 12 months ago

    This isn't adhd, it's called 'adult life'.

  71. 12 months ago

    >put monkey in cage
    >monkey becomes suicidal
    >give monkey antidepressants
    Literally all of those are natural reactions to having a dopamine dispenser in your pocket 24/7. Even the ""experts"" admit that ADHD is not based in genetics, its developmental (aka environmental).

    • 12 months ago

      >ADHD tends to run in families and, in most cases, it's thought the genes you inherit from your parents are a significant factor in developing the condition. Research shows that parents and siblings of someone with ADHD are more likely to have ADHD themselves.
      Why does this everyone in this thread have have such strong opinions about things they know nothing about?

      • 12 months ago

        >research shows
        >heres what the experts have to say
        >the experts weight in
        >a new study says
        I know more than these idiots who all parrot each other

    • 12 months ago


      >research shows
      >heres what the experts have to say
      >the experts weight in
      >a new study says
      I know more than these idiots who all parrot each other

      >even the experts admit
      Why are you quoting yourself?

  72. 12 months ago

    Auditory processing disorder is real https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auditory_processing_disorder and it SUCK ASS

    Also: ADHD is a description of a set of highly-correlated symptoms, it isn't a label for a disease that is causing those symptoms (though, in the future a causal mechanism might be identified and confirmed that explains most ADHD cases). If you match the symptoms the DSM lays out for ADHD, then you "have" ADHD, but that's literally all it means. But, some people get an ADHD diagnosis, they try the techniques correlated to improvement in symptoms, and their symptoms improve

  73. 12 months ago

    29/M/Diagnosed inattentive-ADHD here.

    What most of you aren't taking into account is how much MORE attention needs to be paid in the modern era. Going outside and touching grass? Sure, I can concentrate on that. At work (IT) I am bombarded by thousands of "social tests" daily. Look this way, act this way, type this way, make this joke, make eye contact, pack a lunch, make small talk, answer phone, etc. The shit is never ending and exhausting.

    It's not just about paying attention to boring things, but the overstimulation of constant tasks that must be executed perfectly according to those around you and the noise in your brain that won't shut the hell up ever it never shuts the frick up

    • 12 months ago

      Not to mention MEMORY ISSUES. God damn. I can't remember phone numbers, names, faces, email addresses, IP addresses. Hell, I can't remember anything unless it's written down. Even on the phone I forget their name by the time the conversation is over.

    • 12 months ago

      Not to mention MEMORY ISSUES. God damn. I can't remember phone numbers, names, faces, email addresses, IP addresses. Hell, I can't remember anything unless it's written down. Even on the phone I forget their name by the time the conversation is over.

      Holy fricking manchild

      This is called being a functioning human in a work environment, you literally sound like a 14 year old tik tok girl lmao

      man the frick up soi boi

      • 12 months ago

        >forgetting things mean you're functioning correctly

  74. 12 months ago

    highly overblown on TV and in internet.

  75. 12 months ago

    I think adhd is a symptom not a separate disorder or diagnoses on its own

  76. 12 months ago


  77. 12 months ago

    >adhd doesn't exist bro, just learn to concentrate
    >alzheimers doesn't exist bro, just don't forget things
    >parkinsons doesn't exist bro, just stop shaking
    >paralysis doesn't exist bro, just get up and walk
    >blindness doesn't exist bro, just open your eyes

    • 12 months ago

      One of these things is not like the others

  78. 12 months ago

    I take adderall to help me focus on my multimillion dollar software company and I take intense joy knowing there's broke wagies on this site who seethe at something that has zero effect on them.

  79. 12 months ago

    why is it that every one of those "conditions"/"disorders" all the symptoms and all of them describe the same ones

  80. 12 months ago

    Any other Auditory Processing Disorder bros here? It's fricking unbearable man, I wish I could just hear people normally.

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