why in god's name did you people say lifting would cure my depression, lifting just made it 1000 times worse.

why in god's name did you people say lifting would cure my depression, lifting just made it 1000 times worse. in addition to hating myself every waking second for being a failure in most aspects of life I now also hate myself for not getting up early enough in the morning, not being able to lift enough weight at the gym, failing to hit some autistic nutrient intake level, not sleeping enough, having to eat until I feel sick, being mogged by everyone around me 24/7 and refusing to believe any compliments I get around this activity. I just don't get how all this shit is possible to keep up daily. if even one of these slips up I don't make any progress. oh you slept for 6.5 hours instead of 8 because your crippling anxiety is keeping you up at night? enjoy the deload week you fricking useless homosexual. how in the fricking world do people do this shit

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  1. 8 months ago

    You focus too much on failures and not enough on the little victories that make it an enjoyable journey.

    • 8 months ago



      why in god's name did you people say lifting would cure my depression, lifting just made it 1000 times worse. in addition to hating myself every waking second for being a failure in most aspects of life I now also hate myself for not getting up early enough in the morning, not being able to lift enough weight at the gym, failing to hit some autistic nutrient intake level, not sleeping enough, having to eat until I feel sick, being mogged by everyone around me 24/7 and refusing to believe any compliments I get around this activity. I just don't get how all this shit is possible to keep up daily. if even one of these slips up I don't make any progress. oh you slept for 6.5 hours instead of 8 because your crippling anxiety is keeping you up at night? enjoy the deload week you fricking useless homosexual. how in the fricking world do people do this shit

      remember Pepe's advice:
      1. Stop caring.
      2. Depression is cringe.

      Also does anyone have the pic of the latter?

      • 8 months ago

        >remember Pepe's advice:
        >1. Stop caring.
        >2. Depression is cringe.
        >Also does anyone have the pic of the latter?
        have a nice day in the mouth with a shotgun it will summon your nu internet gods Pepe and Wojak

        • 8 months ago

          hating trollface and funny frogs is the most spiritually reddit thing you can do on a frog website
          kys yourself

          • 8 months ago

            the frogs are the unclean spirit of revelation.
            This is a Satanic website and the dog whistles are everywhere. Don't believe any of these Black folk if they talk about Christianity.

  2. 8 months ago

    "Better get going if you dont want to feel even worse."
    Thats called life.

  3. 8 months ago

    There there
    Wanna talk about it?
    Life is unfair.
    It's like you're always stuck in second gear.
    But you gotta fight for your right to party.

  4. 8 months ago

    Clearly you have autism as well as depression.

  5. 8 months ago

    They only told you have the truth. In order for lifting to fix your depression you also have to start taking trt.

    • 8 months ago

      half the truth*

  6. 8 months ago

    If you are an undisciplined loser like yourself you hate yourself even more because you see yourself failing yet another Endeavour in life

    If you actually become disciplined through lifting you start to like yourself and enjoy life more

    It’s all in your hands

    • 8 months ago

      how does me sleeping less due to anxiety have anything to do with discipline?

      • 8 months ago

        you have anxiety because you don't trust yourself
        you don't trust yourself because you don't have discipline

        • 8 months ago

          no, i have anxiety because it feels like everyone is constantly out to destroy me in this world, even when i trust myself to give it my all

          • 8 months ago

            Don't lie to me.

          • 8 months ago

            holy shit the ego on this guy
            most people dont care about you, idiot.

          • 8 months ago

            Well, you're right.
            They're all in on it.
            They are all watching you.
            homies got cellphone brains and shiet plotting against you cause you a normal human ya dig?
            frick them Black folk
            you gotta learn how hack back. Get your some mathematics n shiet my Black person.
            linear algebra and some electronic shiet ya hurd me?
            Always be thinking "frick these Black folk".

          • 8 months ago

            Any examples of people that tried to destroy you?

      • 8 months ago

        If you would give it your all you wouldn’t have time to feel anxious or waste time to look at everyone around you and feeling inferior
        But here you are, not hitting your nutrition intake, wasting time on IST when you should be lifting or sleeping or doing cardio or prepping your meals

  7. 8 months ago

    The only thing that causes me depression related to fitness is trying to figure out which routine/diet/etc I have to do.
    I thought I just had to workout muscle groups and eat below my TDEE, but apparently no I have to do someone else’s routine.

  8. 8 months ago

    Can't overcome your demons if you don't confront them. The only way to get better is to get worse.

  9. 8 months ago

    I'm not reading your unfunny rant. Frick you. You're not Wojak. You're not Pepe. Stop being autistic.

  10. 8 months ago

    Depression is a trap that we all stumble into. That doesn't make it any less daunting, but remember that others have been where you are now and moved past it you will gradually give this darkness less power. You may deny it but there have been times when you have been happy before and you will be happy again.

    Work to be the best that you can be for yourself.
    Nevermind all this "mog" false hierarchy stuff, it brings no rewards to accomplishments and is forgotten quickly. Simple bullying from faceless cowards looking for some cruel entertainment to distract them from making progress towards their own goals.

    Remember why you started along this path.
    The fact that you are training at all shows you have taken responsibility for your life into your own hands and that progress is within reach. It will be hard but in due time you will grasp your goal and move forward.

    Whether you like it or not, whether you feel it or not, YOU are in control.

    Keep going, anon.

    • 8 months ago

      >The fact that you are training at all shows you have taken responsibility for your life

      >> help me IST I have the sad and it's your fault :~~*(

  11. 8 months ago

    train harder and be humble you whiny homosexual

  12. 8 months ago

    You're neurotic. This is not what lifting does for most people.

    • 8 months ago

      This. Notice how he frames everything he does negatively. Most people would have a positive spin on those things but he finds a way to turn it in to something negative.

  13. 8 months ago

    I am just like you op. Failing saddens me deeply and I easily spiral into negative thought loops.
    What helps me is to track trends in excel. My mission in life currently is to cut to 10% bf and to consistently study for 5 hours per day.
    1 sheet for current weight and daily calories
    1 for minutes studied.

    I frick up constantly but as long as the line is going sideways or down overall, I'm in the game.
    There are days and weeks where i regress but I always reel it back in.

    Hope this helps. It's easy to setup and stick to. No need to track 20 metrics, just pick 1 or 2 goals.

  14. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago
      • 8 months ago

        >he did not have to try and go to football practice every fricking day including weekends physically exerting himself and running drills
        This image stinks and was clearly written in despair and confesses the author has never experienced surpassing their peers in their endeavors

        • 8 months ago

          bro he made it exactly because he was born different
          he had better genetics than everyone else around him, thats why he came out on top
          do you think trying hard = success?
          I got a bridge to sell you

          • 8 months ago

            >He was born different
            >That is why he could wake up at 4:30 am to get to practice and I can't
            I mean, you are not wrong, but also not right

    • 8 months ago


      The people who write these are significantly more pathetic than the people they’re aimed at demoralizing. In order to conjure up something so vile and hateful to people lower in life than you trying harder than you, I would assume you were emotionally abused or bullied to a significant degree.
      Very sad and pathetic.

  15. 8 months ago

    Struggle is the chisel which sculpts all men.
    To not struggle is to not truly love as a man.
    Why do you think being happy is so more important? Why do you feel like you DESERVE to be happy? Why should you be happy? Have you done anything to deserve it besides go to the gym a few times?
    You need to harness your energy and self hatred and turn it into rage! A man without a conviction and without a goal is no man at all. That’s not a life well lived to live without dedicating yourself to something worthwhile.
    We all fricking hate how we look. I fricking hate looking in the mirror. I fricking hate putting on clothes, I hate getting 3/5 of a set or eating over a calorie limit. I hate rest days, I hate myself.
    But every day that I succeed, even a little, I hate myself just a tiny insignificant bit less and it makes it all worthwhile.
    You can suffer the pain of discipline or you can suffer the AGONY of regret.

  16. 8 months ago

    Just wanted to say that while I don’t give a frick about your problems, I really like the pic and have saved it.

  17. 8 months ago

    Don’t worry anon, if you stick with it, you will inevitably get a compliment from a cute girl, and it will suddenly all be worth it.

  18. 8 months ago

    Lifting will treat fake depression. Actually depressed people won’t be fixed by money, lifting, girls, or an active life. See Howard Hughes, for example.

  19. 8 months ago

    imagine being such a weak lossr that you don't have a nice day but instead whine about depression to people who despise you

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