Why is leanness so sexy?

Why is leanness so sexy?

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  1. 2 years ago

    why do you make dumbass threads?

    • 2 years ago



      Why is leanness so sexy?


  2. 2 years ago

    it's healthy, masculine, and physically capable

    • 2 years ago

      Why is it healthy?

      Why is it masculine?

      Why is it physically capable?

      Evolutionarily it doesn't make sense. Evolutionarily "dad bods" (so strong with extra fat) should be the most attractive since they indicate the fittest animals in regards to survival.

      Evolutionary? You mean you have constructed a population study or what scientific method are you exactly referring to? Because to me it sounds like you are just using philosophy here.

      >since they indicate the fittest animals in regards to survival.
      no they don't. warriors, hunters, etc. all had lean functional bodies capable of running great distances.

      Why would they run great distances? They walked long distances and shot animals from afar.

      Resilience and ability to survive when there isn't food?

      There is no ability to survive without food. Your fat and muscle get burned for food, then your organs. Only protection is inactivity and low body mass.

      Not really. High T alphamales are lean even when eating a lot. They just build more muscle with the extra calories. Those builds are sexy to women also, perhaps even more so. What is not sexy are men who drink a gallon of soi a day but do some powershitter routine.

      No its just calories in versus calories out.

      Humans are not rational creatures, humans are irrational spiritual beings to intelligent for their own good but often too unwilling to learn.

      Humans are rational creatures.

      • 2 years ago

        all that contrarian effort for a (You) lmao

        • 2 years ago

          Nice argumentation technique there. Care to focus on the substance too? Although please dont disagree on anything there, these are all proven facts anyway.

          • 2 years ago

            >Nice argumentation technique there

      • 2 years ago

        Leanness shows muscular. Muscular strikesbour lizard brains as formidable and intimidating to men and capable of protecting and providing to women. Part of the increased desire is the effect on camera. It looks strong. It’s much harder to convey size on camera which is why shredded manlets can tear it up on Instagram and tiktok. In real life overall size becomes important as well and built(slightly)fat is on more even footing especially with shorter shredded guys

      • 2 years ago

        >just calories in versus calories out
        hormones determine what your body does with the excess calories, moron. If you are fat then for most of history that meant you had bad genes. There wasn't gallons of soi to drink like there is today.

      • 2 years ago

        Holy shit tldr kys homosexual its not that hard to understand. Lean = healthy = grug brain like

  3. 2 years ago

    Evolutionarily it doesn't make sense. Evolutionarily "dad bods" (so strong with extra fat) should be the most attractive since they indicate the fittest animals in regards to survival.

    • 2 years ago

      >since they indicate the fittest animals in regards to survival.
      no they don't. warriors, hunters, etc. all had lean functional bodies capable of running great distances.

      • 2 years ago

        moronic conclusion. Perhaps they were lean because they were hunter gatherers and literally couldn't obtain more food

        • 2 years ago

          no, those roles are most optimally done with that type of body. tell me moron what benefit a fatty like you would provide to the tribe?

          • 2 years ago

            Resilience and ability to survive when there isn't food?

            • 2 years ago

              so nothing. you offered nothing in the way of what you'd provide just that you'd hang around a tiny bit longer to mooch. prehistoric women would be absolutely dripping for you.

            • 2 years ago

              that would actually be a sign that your genetics suck because it would mean you're too dumb to find reliable sources of food

      • 2 years ago

        >no they don't. warriors, hunters, etc. all had lean functional bodies capable of running great distances.
        Tribal hunters/warriorr aren't exactly lean and muscular most of the time. They are normal/skinnyfat, no abs or anything.

        • 2 years ago
        • 2 years ago


          those are both lean

          • 2 years ago

            >no abs
            No, they are skinny.

            • 2 years ago

              >both have zero fat on them
              >not lean
              take meds

              • 2 years ago

                >no abs
                No, they are skinny.

                those are both lean


                >no they don't. warriors, hunters, etc. all had lean functional bodies capable of running great distances.
                Tribal hunters/warriorr aren't exactly lean and muscular most of the time. They are normal/skinnyfat, no abs or anything.

                They are lean they just don't have abs fools.
                That's it. I don't understand how you don't understand the distinction.
                Literally Google "African Hunter Gatherer Tribes" and most will have their midsection covered but those that aren't do indeed show no abs, but abs do not mean low body fat.
                We have been over this, you can be 5% body fat and still not see abs unless you work them out.

                Why is it healthy?

                Why is it masculine?

                Why is it physically capable?

                Evolutionary? You mean you have constructed a population study or what scientific method are you exactly referring to? Because to me it sounds like you are just using philosophy here.

                Why would they run great distances? They walked long distances and shot animals from afar.

                There is no ability to survive without food. Your fat and muscle get burned for food, then your organs. Only protection is inactivity and low body mass.

                No its just calories in versus calories out.

                Humans are rational creatures.

                >Humans are rational creatures.

              • 2 years ago

                Greatest mistake in anthropology was thinking Black folk are a good study

        • 2 years ago

          These guys are weak and not a good model to look at, I mean there's a reason they're still in this state thousands and thousands of years later. Warriors in Europe would be a better example, people who actually won wars.

          • 2 years ago

            post body homosexual

          • 2 years ago

            >These guys are weak and not a good model to look at, I mean there's a reason they're still in this state thousands and thousands of years later.
            Ye man, Europe got ahead of everyone because they were stronger and more pretty...

            • 2 years ago

              Eastern Europeans and Slavs do actually have strong bodies and as strong if not more than Sub-Saharan Africans actually. East and North Africans on the other hand are more suited to endurance activities than strength which is why you see a lot of long distance runners from those countries.

              The amount of wrestlers, weightlifters, and fighters that came from east Europe/Slavs is not comparable to most ethnicities.

              • 2 years ago

                >Eastern Europeans and Slavs do actually have strong bodies and as strong if not more than Sub-Saharan Africans actually.
                moron, learn to read. You think Europe got ahead because they could carry a couple lbs more than some African?

            • 2 years ago

              Stringer, prettier, smarter. We had it all

        • 2 years ago


          They are lean they just don't have abs fools.
          That's it. I don't understand how you don't understand the distinction.
          Literally Google "African Hunter Gatherer Tribes" and most will have their midsection covered but those that aren't do indeed show no abs, but abs do not mean low body fat.
          We have been over this, you can be 5% body fat and still not see abs unless you work them out.
          >Humans are rational creatures.

          >no abs
          wtf are you guys talking about? those dudes do have abs, they're just not flexing them.

        • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          >using African and abo hunter gatherers as examples

          This is a moronic meme. Those guys look like that because of the environment they live in and the fact that their diet is very restricted. A typical Germanic man in ancient times just as an example was eating much more meat and calorie dense food in general and was also more conditioned to developing muscle and mass due to the harsher environment and cold weather that often rapidly changed with the seasons

        • 2 years ago

          Even the Masai mostly only playy dress up for tourist money, still nothing wrong with that build looks like a perfect all rounder.

    • 2 years ago

      Not really. High T alphamales are lean even when eating a lot. They just build more muscle with the extra calories. Those builds are sexy to women also, perhaps even more so. What is not sexy are men who drink a gallon of soi a day but do some powershitter routine.

    • 2 years ago

      Humans are not rational creatures, humans are irrational spiritual beings to intelligent for their own good but often too unwilling to learn.

      • 2 years ago

        Human beings are THE rational creatures.
        Frick you, commie Kant lover.

        • 2 years ago

          Kant was all about rationality you dumb fricking moron

      • 2 years ago

        Humans are more rational than any other species on the planet so yea we’re definitely rational.
        The takes I read on this board, man.

    • 2 years ago

      some women do find this type most attractive, usually age 30+ women though

    • 2 years ago

      Except that any amount of extra fat reduces all kinds of physical capacity, except powerlifting I guess. But anything requiring finesse, endurance, or feats of strength that benefit more from moving gracefully than with more weight will suffer from being at all fat. Calorically speaking for lean periods there's plenty in internal fat and the liver for a long time. Not like you don't get weak as shit after only a few days of not eating anyway.

    • 2 years ago

      omg - and what have we been telling you this entire time? Women DO FIND dadbods the most attractive, that's what science says, studies say, anecdotes say, women asked when shown different bodies on youtube say, tiktok memes - they are not making it up. But rather than listen to all of that you apparently listen to incels.

      It IS TRUE that girls under 22 or so like fellows kids and that generally means the skinnier look. After that, dadbod or even a little fatbuilt.

      • 2 years ago

        You type like a man trying to type like a woman

      • 2 years ago

        literally everything shows the opposite. lean natty limit is the most attractive

        • 2 years ago

          >literally everything shows the opposite. lean natty limit is the most attractive
          This is false.

          Literally everything shows girls like dadbods. Literally. Everything.

          Did you look at the youtube video I posted?

          Go look up any more sources, find anywhere they find women prefer thin people and post it here. Now don't come back with someone saying something like males like fit and trim men, I am talking about a real study or something similar, even anecdotes, about preferring really thin guys to guys with some fat.

          It doesn't exist. It is a homosexual thing and/or for bodybuilding competitions.

          • 2 years ago

            The proof is that never has a "dadbod" been featured in the cover of female targeted serial romance books which are also typically written by women. Basically you're a fat coper

            • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago



                Are these what women think are dadbods? Just goes to show how moronic women are

              • 2 years ago

                >T-that's not what I meant. I-I was talking about something different!
                These dudes do not have the traditional tapered look they are supposed to have, they have what more resembles a dadbod or builtfat body. Remember that this is the absolute pinnacle of female desire here. A little more fat and a little less muscle isn't going to destroy your chances.

                The reason you think a tapered look looks good is because literally - your male brain prefers a tapered look and it can't get out of that thinking process.

              • 2 years ago

                That taper you are thinking of is pretty much genetics. Or just absurd amounts if muscle creating it on a heavy roider. Those guys are very lean and in exceptional shape. I hope you are baiting.

              • 2 years ago

                the guy in pic you replied to does not have a dad bod, you colossal wiener sucking dysmorphic homosexual

              • 2 years ago

                Jesus christ your deranged foid brain really thinks that roided out man has a dadbod? That guy has no fricking fat and chiseled abs, to claim dadbod is absurd.

              • 2 years ago



                >T-that's not what I meant. I-I was talking about something different!
                These dudes do not have the traditional tapered look they are supposed to have, they have what more resembles a dadbod or builtfat body. Remember that this is the absolute pinnacle of female desire here. A little more fat and a little less muscle isn't going to destroy your chances.

                The reason you think a tapered look looks good is because literally - your male brain prefers a tapered look and it can't get out of that thinking process.

                You're a fricking moron.

              • 2 years ago



                good morning sirs

            • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            >Literally everything shows girls like dadbods. Literally. Everything.
            What the frick you homies talking about?
            “women were more willing to have short-term relations with muscular men without the requirement that they demonstrate characteristics particularly desired in long-term mates (trustworthiness, emotional closeness, etc.), possibly because these men possessed physical indicators of genetic fitness.”

          • 2 years ago

            >reddit spacing
            >redditor studies show dysgenic roasties like dadbods

    • 2 years ago

      >heres my opinion pulled straight out of my ass
      Insufferable armchair scientists like you are mega homosexuals.

    • 2 years ago

      Not really fatso. Hunters used to outrun animals with endurance so lean guys would be more attractive evolution wise. But now days with the abundance of food is different.

      • 2 years ago

        Not defending that guy because he's moronic but you're also moronic for thinking persistence running is practical or has ever been or that it is representative of how a large portion of humanity evolved. I mean, you go right nexr door to supposed persistence hunters and nigs are built like gorillas and they're just as primitive a people group. Plus persistence hunting has never actually been shown to be practical. The instances of it happening were either staged or ironically one time by people in Siberia who were lost.

    • 2 years ago

      Dad bod is indicative of disfunction in androgenic signaling. Masculine behavior (or the testosterone your body releases in response) not only makes you muscular, but shredded too. Yes dad bod can survive the winter, but leanbulked bod is indicative of someone with masculine behavior, like acquiring the resources necessary to survive said winter, aggressively if necessary. Steal dadbod's food supply with your superior mental acuity and fighting stamina!

      • 2 years ago

        >Dad bod is indicative of disfunction in androgenic signaling
        Nowadays? No way, Its not the best body but it easily mogs most of the population which is comprised of obese people,fat people,skinny-fat people and skinny people.
        Easily top 10% body,It just so happens shredded body is even above,top 5% ,close to 1%
        But lets not fool ourselves most people look like shit.

    • 2 years ago

      evolutionarily everything past your mid 20's is cope
      If I had to come up with a napkin theory for why leanness might be attractive to women I would say time of year might have a lot to do with it.
      Spring is around when carbs start to grow but through spring there's not a lot of them. Although at the time your dudes probably don't look really muscular because no glycogen. The moment they start getting those carbs glycogen comes back but they're still lean probably also their first surplus in around 4-5 months so they're probably horny as hell. Around late spring mid summer would probably be the best time for woman to get pregnant because it means the baby is less likely to die from to the elements before it has a chance to put on enough weight. This is completely out my ass but I think if I had like a few hours I could come up with supporting sources to make dumb people believe it.

      • 2 years ago

        >evolutionarily everything past your mid 20's is cope
        No, we're social animals, it's why even past our sexual prime we still have a function it's passing on knowledge to the younger generations. It's why older people in almost every culture and time except ours has been revered as a source of knowledge and a lynchpin of the community.

        • 2 years ago

          still cope, a long and revered tradition of coping is coping nonetheless. Not that coping doesn't have utility you're just bad meat and if you haven't had kids by then you're probably double coping.

          • 2 years ago

            >still cope, a long and revered tradition of coping is coping nonetheless.
            I don't even know how te responf to mentally ill failures like you.
            >Not that coping doesn't have utility
            Schizo moron.
            >you're just bad meat and if you haven't had kids by then you're probably double coping.
            So you're just useless if you don't have kids but beyond kids you don't have any purpose beyond living past 25

            evolutionarily everything past your mid 20's is cope
            If I had to come up with a napkin theory for why leanness might be attractive to women I would say time of year might have a lot to do with it.
            Spring is around when carbs start to grow but through spring there's not a lot of them. Although at the time your dudes probably don't look really muscular because no glycogen. The moment they start getting those carbs glycogen comes back but they're still lean probably also their first surplus in around 4-5 months so they're probably horny as hell. Around late spring mid summer would probably be the best time for woman to get pregnant because it means the baby is less likely to die from to the elements before it has a chance to put on enough weight. This is completely out my ass but I think if I had like a few hours I could come up with supporting sources to make dumb people believe it.

            like you posted there. ell me how I know you don't have kids and grew up n a very dysfuntional family. Do you even know your father?

            • 2 years ago

              I had kids before I was 21.
              You are so mad, bet you thought you could make it after 30.

              • 2 years ago

                >I had kids before I was 21.
                So by your logic you should die in 4 years, since muh no function.
                >You are so mad,
                Taking about cope
                > bet you thought you could make it after 30.
                Said the thing that peaked at 16.

              • 2 years ago

                This is how I know you're just absolutely seething right now. People over 25 don't have the same imperative to be sexually attractive because they're already past prime. Trying to be sexually attractive past your prime is cope mostly by people who didn't get laid enough in their prime to be tired of chasing prostitutes by then. It has nothing to do with them being useless or whatever shit you're projecting in there to try to make it say what you want it to.

              • 2 years ago

                >This is how I know you're just absolutely seething right now
                Seethe , cope, fren, no cap. Ofcourse you had kids by 21.
                >eople over 25 don't have the same imperative to be sexually attractive because they're already past prime.
                Learn to read you wigger, humans have a function past muh prime sexuality. Passing on knowledge is a thing among social animals, the fact that you ignored that makes me wonder do you or even your mother knoww who the sperm donor was?
                > Trying to be sexually attractive past your prime is cope
                Lol as if being sexually aaatractive is your only function
                >mostly by people who didn't get laid enough in their prime to be tired of chasing prostitutes by then.
                Maybe Freud was right looking at your moronic posts.
                >It has nothing to do with them being useless or whatever shit you're projecting in there to try to make it say what you want it to.
                You have the memory of a goldfish, humans having no function beyond muh 25 was the whole pivot of your galaxy brain posts.

              • 2 years ago

                >You have the memory of a goldfish, humans having no function beyond muh 25 was the whole pivot of your galaxy brain posts.
                I said
                >evolutionarily everything past your mid 20's is cope
                and it is. That is not the same as saying humans have no function past 25. You are 100% projecting your own agendas onto my posts because you're emotional and probably old.

              • 2 years ago

                mid 30's is literally sexual prime for White men lmao
                for White girls/women, it's from period to maybe 25 (on average)

              • 2 years ago

                I would say mid twenties is like an averaged estimate. Asians and whites enter puberty later and boys enter puberty generally after girls as well. Blacks, hispanics, arabs tend to enter puberty earlier and it ends sooner. I wouldn't say mid 30's is average for anyone. It might be good for you because you're getting more DHT and if you're baby faced or can't beard that's when you might look more like a man but I would still say that's on the downslope early downslope though.

              • 2 years ago

                i'll be in my prime for at least another decade, until late 40s
                i've always been extremely good looking, elite, etc.
                superior (Aryan) genetics dude, simple as

      • 2 years ago

        Carbs don't make you fat. Winter wasn't as foodless for hunter gatherers as for farmers.

        • 2 years ago

          a higher carb diet will certainly make you fatter easier if you don't have as much activity to mitigate it. If carbs are more available and game is leaner you don't have to range as far to get fed. Also your game in winter and spring are going to be leanest of the year so even dietary fat they're probably low on around then. I doubt any primitive peoples were eating a surplus or perfect maintenance year round.
          None of this matters though because it's not real it's just bullshit I made up.

          • 2 years ago

            No matter whether they were ranging a bit less they had way more activity than contemporary man.

            • 2 years ago

              >a bit less
              it's like the difference between 200-300kcal per hour * the number of individuals hunting and like sitting around eating whatever until it's gone after a few days and moving on.

              • 2 years ago

                You really think anyone was expending that much from moving all day literally every day?

              • 2 years ago

                yes, even more than that if you include maintenance and take into account some populations being bigger than modern humans. We could only get that big since our hunt success rate so insanely higher than other animals.

              • 2 years ago

                You hunt a mammoth or several and you're in place for days if not more.

              • 2 years ago

                I think mammoth is kind of larpy and reindeer is probably more realistic for a much longer period of time

              • 2 years ago

                Mammoths were unironically easier to hunt and track. Literally just scare them off a cliff

    • 2 years ago

      >t. american lard elemental

  4. 2 years ago

    >tfw just ate a pizza
    go on without me lean bros...

  5. 2 years ago

    Fed enough to successfully hunt, fat enough to stay warm

  6. 2 years ago

    That body pretty much is my goal.

  7. 2 years ago

    It just is, there may be an evolutionary reason for it but it doesn't really signify anything other than showing off your musculature. As others have said a dad bod physique like pic rel SHOULD be much more attractive to women as it shows he has ample food sources in order to be a bit fat.

    The truth of the matter is that humans don't just sexually select for traits that are evolutionary beneficial e.g. light eyes. Some people say that they are better for seeing in the night but at the end of the day people aren't going to be able to measure that thousands of years ago and it's just purely based on aesthetics.

    Here is a meme video about it: https://odysee.com/@looksmaximus:5/island:896

    This is Robert Sapolsky lecturing at Stanford about human sexual selection: https://youtu.be/LOY3QH_jOtE
    That video is very interesting however I would look for the lecture centered on sexual selection within mammals and it gives you a much better understanding of our own sexual selection as people are free to talk about it and study it without ethics or morality getting in the way.

    • 2 years ago

      >As others have said a dad bod physique like pic rel SHOULD be much more attractive to women

    • 2 years ago

      >light eyes
      light eyes are the sign of a more evolved and more trustworthy person
      every race with predominantly dark eyes are closer to monkeys (who also have predominantly dark eyes) on the evolutionary chain
      sorry (not sorry) but this is just facts

      • 2 years ago

        that sounds like moronic racial science.

        • 2 years ago

          it's logic + reality
          stay mad

          • 2 years ago

            Your unhinged opinions aren’t reality

            • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        you're almost there, it has to do with the fact that you can see the pupils easier. your primitive brain is scanning for deception constantly and the pupils give away alot

        • 2 years ago

          shut the frick up monkey Black person

          • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >The truth of the matter is that humans don't just sexually select for traits that are evolutionary beneficial e.g. light eyes.
      Wrong, lighter eyes help distinguish between colors in high light conditions (whiteout), this is why huskies have blue eyes. Several species of polar birds, as well.

    • 2 years ago

      sorry about your obesity

      • 2 years ago

        >sorry about your obesity

        • 2 years ago

          >y-your not fat? you must be a skele!
          >t. obese moron who can't comprehend someone being physically fit and strong

          • 2 years ago

            >>y-your not fat? you must be a skele!
            >>t. obese moron who can't comprehend someone being physically fit and strong

            • 2 years ago

              this has to be bait

              • 2 years ago


                >>y-your not fat? you must be a skele!
                >>t. obese moron who can't comprehend someone being physically fit and strong


                >sorry about your obesity

                put me in the screencap

              • 2 years ago


            • 2 years ago

              lol you know you give yourself away by how you post right? no one fit would think it's impossible other posters are too. only incels doubt every post about getting laid easy on here. etc.
              please lose weight

        • 2 years ago

          Now that's just moronic

          how many more times are you gonna samegay itt?

          • 2 years ago

            >how many more times are you gonna samegay itt?

            • 2 years ago

              >45 mins for an inspect element edit

              • 2 years ago

                >inspect element
                u srs? we just click a button now grandpa

            • 2 years ago

              You can reply without quoting entire posts moron

      • 2 years ago

        Now that's just moronic

  8. 2 years ago

    I think it just shows clarity of the body and a groin indicator
    Less bodyfat = your muscles are clearer to see

  9. 2 years ago

    It shows discipline and exposes your hard work for people to see

  10. 2 years ago

    It’s not necessarily the vascularity, the definition of an Adonis belt and muscles, the attractiveness is stemmed from seeing someone that has an iron will

  11. 2 years ago

    Because it's NOT FAT

  12. 2 years ago

    We live in a world where the average person is fat and stupid.
    Being lean requires at least some higher intelligence (not overeating 24/7 like an animal) and a level of wealth that allows you to spend time lifting/running/etc. and eating healthy foods [occasionally]

    Being fat is a sign of someone who is stupid with low will-power and low-medium socioeconomic status. Leanness is the opposite

  13. 2 years ago

    >the strongobese cope ITT

    • 2 years ago

      they can't help themselves in every thread

    • 2 years ago

      >I CAN'T BREED

  14. 2 years ago

    Being fat is unnatural.

    • 2 years ago

      we have spent hundreds of thousands of years taking the leanpill. fatties literally do not register as human

  15. 2 years ago

    women want to eat cheeseburders an frick healthy things just look at what they do to a cucumber

    • 2 years ago

      >just look at what they do to a cucumber
      they turn it into a pickle?

  16. 2 years ago

    >lol you know you give yourself away by how you post right? no one fit would think it's impossible other posters are too. only incels doubt every post about getting laid easy on here. etc.
    >please lose weight

  17. 2 years ago

    Because it's healthy dumbass

  18. 2 years ago

    The human body considers extraneous fat so detrimental that it evolved to keep it as close to the center of gravity as possible because it fricks extremity movement otherwise. There's literally no argument for fat beyond muh emergency calories. But that one is moronic because we already have storage besides subcutaneous fat and you're fricking up if you go that long without as a hunter/gatherer. It's actually farmers who are more likely to have long periods of no good food. Which happens to also be a large part of why farmers die so easy from diseases.

  19. 2 years ago

    Actually polynesians are inclined to carry extra weight really easily. But it's basically because they are incredibly cold adapted and applies to muscle not just fat.

  20. 2 years ago
  21. 2 years ago

    >45 mins for an inspect element edit

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago


  22. 2 years ago

    Triggered fatties and dyels itt.
    To answer your question op, leanness by itself is not sexy. A leaner muscular physique is attractive because the muscles pop out more, indicating strength. Muscles are sexy even on a body that is carrying more fat, hence the dad bod. Nobody finds a skelly sexy by itself, but as the incels say, a strong jaw can do wonders.

  23. 2 years ago

    >tfw cryptocrash weight
    >tfw still look fat
    feels bad man
    (almost 67kgs at 172cm and shit tier body despite lifting)

    • 2 years ago

      Btw I was 80 soemthing kilos before,
      I though I was gonna be shredded at 72 kilos LMAO!
      More like 65kgs to look decent,probably 64kgs.

      • 2 years ago

        i went from 81 to 62, and now i look shredded, 174cm

        • 2 years ago

          Thats great bro,people really underestimate how much weight they have to lose,now time time to do a slow bulk right?
          Thats whay Im gonna do once I hit my goal body,but I will try to no go over 70kilos in a year,preferably 68kgs at most.

          • 2 years ago

            yeah im trying to clean bulk, i want to steal have leanness

            • 2 years ago

              great transformation,slow bulk is the best bulk.

        • 2 years ago

          I went from 82 to 76 in a month and the only change was my upper chest, face and vascularity of forearms when curling.
          Still gotta cut another 6kg or so for that waistline myself, but I've been slowly bulking for 2 years now.

  24. 2 years ago

    >so sexy
    idk. I don't care about pleasing homosexuals. I lift for strength

    • 2 years ago

      You lift to please yourself so you clearly care, homosexual.

  25. 2 years ago

    What women consider dadbod - guy with huge six pack and 15 percent bodyfat

    What anon thinks dadbod is: amorphous belly on 25% bf brown guy

  26. 2 years ago

    Had a pleasant epiphany recently when sitting in a big govournment waiting area with lots of people.

    I don't think I'm attractive and often chalk my success with women to my personality, but looking back at all my exs, family members and my various friend groups, everyone around me is maybe an unironic 7 or 8 & much cuter & smarter than average but also with that quirky fun spice thrown in, implying I'm also likely, at minimum, unconventually attractive.
    My daughter is also a 15/10 and my ex is a miserable cow so I take full credit for that.

    I should get lean and learn to take photos

    • 2 years ago

      What does this have to do with the thread Black personhomosexual boomer

      • 2 years ago

        Absolutely nothing,
        Go to /hm/ next time you feel like gargling cum

    • 2 years ago

      Nice blogpost gay

  27. 2 years ago

    Pure speculation: Around the time women evolved to find low body fat in men attractive, it would so unlikely to be fat that it would signal some type of illness/defect. Being fat when you walk 6 hours a day and eat mostly meat and whatever you can forage is an actual achievement. Leanness (relative, not necessarily 10% body fat) would be the norm, and any period of being over fat wouldn't ever last long because of the scarcity of calories.
    Being attracted to the opposite sex is normal, what is not normal is being fat - which is unattractive. The default for humans is attractive, but it's so rare now that people think it's a step up.

  28. 2 years ago

    women are attracted to your organs. There is nothing sexier than giving her a glimpse of what lays beneath that pesky outer layer of skin and muscle. The less fat and subcutaneous water, the better to get her juices flowing with a preview of what your liver is shaped like, or the particular bends and turns of your small and large intestines

  29. 2 years ago

    it's not.
    at one point in time I probably would look at this pic and think damn that is a good physique and he looks strong

    it isn't until I far surpassed this physique already that I realize how weak and effeminate it is and not at all what I want to look like

    • 2 years ago

      >sweats profusely typing two paragraphs

    • 2 years ago

      >reddit spacing
      >fat powershitter phenotype coping

  30. 2 years ago

    because it looks good, duh.

  31. 2 years ago

    >cavemen didn't roon
    >dadbod should be attractive to people without daddy issues

    • 2 years ago

      Of course they ran but mainly sprinted, not marathon distance
      >muh tire out animals
      They weren’t chasing goats for 40km. They fricking pounced and/or used tools to catch them

      • 2 years ago

        We simply don't know how they did it, but you're just as moronic as that other guy for stating it was for tiring out animals. But since you know so much what is the purpose of our excessive potential for long distance running if all we did was muh pouncing and muh tools.

        • 2 years ago

          Every single motherfricker on this sub is the one that mentions chasing animals to exhaustion
          We trekked for marathon distances but we never ran it

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