>you only need 30kcal surplus, MORE THAN THAT AND YOU'RE BULKING

>you only need 30kcal surplus, MORE THAN THAT AND YOU'RE BULKING
>wow, you didn't put on size in 3 years of maingaining? you did something wrong, it's your fault, not Coach Gregs
>MAINGAINING IS BETTER THAN BULKING, it doesn't matter that you won't grow, I don't give a shit, buy my book at CoachGreg.com
>*high pitched whining and screaming like a BPD woman on a period*
>if you don't have abs, your fat, it doesn't matter that you're 130lbs, you have to cut
>buy my cookbook with thousands of grammatical errors, all recipes contain sweeteners, because I'm a frickup and don't practice what I preach

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago

    U good bro?

  2. 12 months ago

    Can't stand his voice and way of speaking(shouting). I stopped watching him after maybe 2 videos lol

    • 12 months ago

      Agreed, I think he pulls off a persona for his own videos. He comes off as more sensible person when he is a guest on other people's channels

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah, he's insufferable and annoying like that from in the 2000's

      Agreed, I think he pulls off a persona for his own videos. He comes off as more sensible person when he is a guest on other people's channels

      I saw ~3 of his videos and I think he broke character at some point and all but I've no idea why he'd choose THAT character in the first place

  3. 12 months ago

    Why do homosexuals need some influencer dick 24/7?
    Can't you just lift?

    • 12 months ago

      Because a majority of people need someone to follow or look up to and since the parents these days aren’t doing shit themselves the snot nosed homosexuals are turning to these morons for advice

  4. 12 months ago

    gaslighting israelite
    can't believe people fall for his stupid shit

  5. 12 months ago

    Are you saying CICO is wrong?

    • 12 months ago

      For a bodybuilder? Yes it is.

      • 12 months ago

        Post body

    • 12 months ago

      homie who ITT said that?

      • 12 months ago

        He implied it in his greentext saying he didn't put on size in 3 years of being in a caloric surplus, and further saying that you won't grow.

        • 12 months ago

          You won't grow without caloric surplus. Just as you won't get anywhere without fuel.

          When you train hard you use up more fuel. So you need to replenish it.

          • 12 months ago

            >Literal bot response.

          • 12 months ago

            What is fat if not fuel, and don't give me the "HURR fat can't build muscle, you need actual calories from food", because you don't, it's not like you use 100% of the glucose produced by food for sustaining life and only fat to build muscle, it's a mix of both.

        • 12 months ago

          A 30kcal surplus is on the same level as a minor calculation error. Minimum 200kcal for a bulk to know you're getting in enough

        • 12 months ago

          You cannot intentionally maintain a 30kcal surplus is the OP point you seem to be missing. You can't even accurately calculate it, and even if you could measure your caloric intake to that level of precision, you could accidentally burn it off with a vigorous fap or by fidgeting.

          • 12 months ago

            A 30kcal surplus is on the same level as a minor calculation error. Minimum 200kcal for a bulk to know you're getting in enough

            >a minor calculation error
            >You can't even accurately calculate it
            The thing that CICOtards keep denying is now something they acknowledge.

            • 12 months ago

              The principles of cico are valid regardless of whether or not you even calculate calories at all.

              • 12 months ago

                >Principles of "calories in calories out"
                kek. What principles? Also
                >Implying 30kcal surplus will give you gains.

              • 12 months ago

                >kek. What principles?
                How moronic are you? The principle is if you want to gain weight you need to eat more and if you want to lose weight you need to eat less. Whether or not you even calculate your calorie expenditure and intake has no bearing on that.

              • 12 months ago

                >The principle is if you want to gain weight you need to eat more and if you want to lose weight you need to eat less
                That's less of a principle and more of a tautology. Nobody reasonable is ever arguing against that. The argument is that it's not useful in any way.

              • 12 months ago

                >That's less of a principle and more of a tautology.
                It's the basic underlying principle of cico
                >Nobody reasonable is ever arguing against that.
                Every anti-cico gay here argues against it.
                >The argument is that it's not useful in any way.
                It clearly is since there's deluded fatties that make moronic claims like
                >I can't lose weight even though I'm in a deficit!

              • 12 months ago

                >It's the basic underlying principle of cico
                There's nothing else to CICO. That's literally all it says.
                >Every anti-cico gay here argues against it.
                Nobody is "anti-CICO". They're just saying it's useless and unhelpful.
                >But muh fatties...
                I specified "reasonable". I only care about what actual people say.

              • 12 months ago

                >There's nothing else to CICO. That's literally all it says.
                So now you agree with me?
                >Nobody is "anti-CICO".
                Honestly, how fricking new are you to believe this?
                >They're just saying it's useless and unhelpful.
                It's not though, it's an essential part of reality you have to accept being going any further.
                >I specified "reasonable". I only care about what actual people say.
                Every anti-cico gay is a coping fatty. You're just an odd confused contrarian who seems to be trying to shit on cico whilst simultaneously agreeing with it 100%

              • 12 months ago

                There's nothing to disagree with besides the claim that it's useful.
                If you can't measure the calories in nor the calories out, then just spamming "CICO CICO CICO" is a display of pure moronation.
                Moreover, you gays deliberately try to derail and ignore genuine advice for altering metabolic rate and appetite, which would actually help people to lose weight.

              • 12 months ago

                >There's nothing to disagree with
                Correct. There's many anons here that dispute this though.
                >besides the claim that it's useful.
                Being aware of the basic premise that you need to lower or increase your caloric intake depending on your goal isn't just useful, it's an essential reality you need to accept. The reason you don't think it's useful is because you've already internalised it as such.

              • 12 months ago

                I've gained weight while eating less, I've lost weight while eating more. My appetite has pretty much halved since I was a teenager, and I only gained weight since then.
                The one time I tried cutting, I ate about 500ckal less than usual and didn't lose any weight.
                I can basically fluctuate the amount I eat by +-500kcal and not gain or lose any weight.
                The amount and type of training you do and the type of food you eat has a far greater impact.
                >inb4 fatty
                I have never been above 15% bodyfat.

              • 12 months ago

                Can you elaborate on type of training?

              • 12 months ago

                I've posted bits and pieces about this sort of thing and have been thinking about writing it all down in one post. I'll try to just summarize the main points here. It largely boils down to the various forms of cardio and how your body recovers.
                Cardio ranges from very high intensity (5+ rep sets to failure) all the way down to very low intensity cardio (slow jogging or brisk walking). While cardio on the lower end can make it easy to get a high volume and you'll burn a lot calories from the sheer volume of movement, unless it is something brand new to you, your body will not need to put forward many of its resources toward recovery compared to higher intensity cardio. Moreover, your body is constantly trying to adapt to be as efficient as possible, so an increase in low intensity cardio will cause it to slow its metabolism.
                Upping the intensity to say the low-mid range of cardio, this will be where it is possible, but difficult (especially without training) to hold for extended periods of time without any rest. At this point, your body will start to need more resources to recover, though this will be recovering from fatigue more than muscle recovery. At this low-mid intensity, you can still get in a good amount of volume, and will burn calories quicker, and additionally burn some calories during your recovery, but it will "steal" from your muscular recovery which builds muscle. This is why a lot of people on cuts will lose more muscle than they need to; they fatigue themselves doing low-mid intensity cardio and moreover don't eat enough to replenish their muscles.
                At the higher end of the spectrum, is stuff like sprinting, or doing heavy compounds for 5+ reps. This stuff is ideal for building muscle, but it does also work the cardiovascular system. In fact, this very high intensity cardio is vital for improving the cardiovascular system if you combine it with other cardio forms.

              • 12 months ago

                I've posted bits and pieces about this sort of thing and have been thinking about writing it all down in one post. I'll try to just summarize the main points here. It largely boils down to the various forms of cardio and how your body recovers.
                Cardio ranges from very high intensity (5+ rep sets to failure) all the way down to very low intensity cardio (slow jogging or brisk walking). While cardio on the lower end can make it easy to get a high volume and you'll burn a lot calories from the sheer volume of movement, unless it is something brand new to you, your body will not need to put forward many of its resources toward recovery compared to higher intensity cardio. Moreover, your body is constantly trying to adapt to be as efficient as possible, so an increase in low intensity cardio will cause it to slow its metabolism.
                Upping the intensity to say the low-mid range of cardio, this will be where it is possible, but difficult (especially without training) to hold for extended periods of time without any rest. At this point, your body will start to need more resources to recover, though this will be recovering from fatigue more than muscle recovery. At this low-mid intensity, you can still get in a good amount of volume, and will burn calories quicker, and additionally burn some calories during your recovery, but it will "steal" from your muscular recovery which builds muscle. This is why a lot of people on cuts will lose more muscle than they need to; they fatigue themselves doing low-mid intensity cardio and moreover don't eat enough to replenish their muscles.
                At the higher end of the spectrum, is stuff like sprinting, or doing heavy compounds for 5+ reps. This stuff is ideal for building muscle, but it does also work the cardiovascular system. In fact, this very high intensity cardio is vital for improving the cardiovascular system if you combine it with other cardio forms.

                The stress put on your body is the greatest for this high intensity cardio, but the volume is necessarily relatively low (even if you do something like GVT, the volume is simply nowhere near what you can do for mid intensity cardio). Hence, your body will spend a lot of its resources on recovery of the muscles and whatever other systems, which uses up a lot of energy, while not receiving the same fatigue stimulus it would from the lower-mid intensity cardio. Hence, it does not try to compensate by slowing down the metabolism.
                I'll note that doing stuff like 1-3RM sets will cause muscle damage and your body will need to spend energy resources on that, the lack of volume and fact that it does not receive practically any cardiovascular stimulus means it won't burn as many calories.
                I will return to the low intensity cardio now that I've addressed what happens in high intensity. One of the absolute keys in recovery is bloodflow; if you have more blood flowing to your muscles, you will recover quicker and better. This is the utility of (very) low intensity cardio; it causes significant increase to blood flow compared to being sedentary, while not causing the damage or (as much) fatigue of higher intensity cardio. In other words, while you are doing a brisk walk or slow jog (or if you are more ahtletic, quicker jogs), your body will be recovering. Again, 1-3RM stuff and especially stuff like Bulgarian systems of training will be exceptional in this regard, where any movement at all will impede recovery, but as a general rule, this type of "active recovery" idea holds.

                So different types of training refer to the different areas of cardio as well as strength training, and the various amounts of volume put into each one.

  6. 12 months ago

    >you only need 30kcal surplus

    E-celebs saying shit like this and then we wonder why there is a rise in eating disorders

    • 12 months ago

      what there is a rise of is binge eating obese women getting diagnosed with anorexia because muh feelings
      has nothing to do with male targeted youtubers

      • 12 months ago

        There is a rise in orthorexia which I think is a type of anorexia. It's when people obsessively eat "healthy".

        • 12 months ago

          If everyone had "orthorexia" the world would be a much better place and I say this as a binge drinker who eats a lot of sugar. The average man in the west is overweight and you're afraid of some internet geeks who care TOO MUCH about their health?

          • 12 months ago

            >t. I measure ever grain of rice

            • 12 months ago

              I just told you I'm an alcoholic that eats candy every day. I'm not an "orthorexic". But if I was I'd be better off.

              • 12 months ago

                >I drink a beer every evening and have a sweet tooth that means I'm an alcoholic with a candy problem, not an orthorexic
                It's funny that you don't notice it.

              • 12 months ago

                I'm 7 beers in

              • 12 months ago

                im a drinker too but think of all the lost gains alcohol steals from you

          • 12 months ago

            >If everyone had "orthorexia" the world would be a much better place
            t. orthorexic

    • 12 months ago

      it was mentzer who said it lmao, 40+ years ago
      its half the amount coach gaycette says to get 10 pounds of muscle a year
      gaygory x2'd the digits so that it would look like he came up with the idea of maingain/mainbulk himself

  7. 12 months ago

    >forgot to season my chicken
    >bulk ruined

    • 12 months ago

      >help family move a chair
      >bulk ruined

  8. 12 months ago

    I am convinced that after your 1st year of lifting, it is physically impossible as a natty to gain any kind of muscle or strength without constant decent caloric surplus. Anytime my bodyweight remains the same for 2-3 months, I practically look and feel the same and I'll be lifting the same weight week by week. Start stuffing my mouth more and the next week itself all my lifts start going up.

  9. 12 months ago

    post body fatass

    • 12 months ago
      Liver enjoyer

      Grow some inches, you roided up impotent manlet.

  10. 12 months ago

    the problem is that this is exactly what the average moron thinks bulking is
    how many guys actually just eat +250kcal above maintenance with whole foods when they're "bulking"?

    • 12 months ago

      >the problem is that this is exactly what the average moron thinks bulking is
      But that's exactly what Greg craves. This little homosexual can't stop talking about fast foods. I bet he stuffs his little homosexual mouth with McDonald every night.

      • 12 months ago

        i doubt it considering he's shredded year round

        • 12 months ago

          >i doubt it considering he's shredded year round

          • 12 months ago

            Most steroid users aren't shredded year round though

    • 12 months ago

      It's what bulking meant until autists hijacked the scene in the 2010s.
      And now people complain they can't eat enough food for bulking because their idea is eating 4lbs of plain chicken breast and two handfuls of rice every day.

      • 12 months ago

        >it's what bulking meant before posting images of yourself online became normalized and fatass morons would just blatantly estat about their appearances and lifts on forums and get away with it
        Yeah and it was wrong

  11. 12 months ago

    >if you don't have abs, your fat, it doesn't matter that you're 130lbs, you have to cut
    yeah he's right
    if you lift weights to look better and are fat 90% of the year, you're doing it wrong

  12. 12 months ago

    homie always looks like he was crying for hours before shooting the video.

  13. 12 months ago

    Here's my problem with Greg's advice:
    He fundamentally understands bodybuilding principles and the correct foods to eat for health and performance, but he chooses instead to shill his meme cookbook goyslop and protein bars, because he knows he gets more views pandering to lazy zoomers who can't go a few hours without shoving some absolute processed crap into their mouths.

  14. 12 months ago

    >train hard
    >do cardio
    >don't eat like a fatfrick
    This revolutionary new advice confuses and distresses the powerlifter

  15. 12 months ago

    >Liver enjoyer
    Every time I eat medium rare liver I get an energy boost similar to full on mania
    should I try raw liver?

    • 12 months ago
      Liver enjoyer

      Liver is superior to every A-Z pill, that's true. If you can get your hands on good quality liver and you're not disgusted/afraid you might try eating it raw.

      I prefer to cook it with onions and apples though.

      • 12 months ago

        Nobody wants to hear you talk namegay

        • 12 months ago
          Liver enjoyer

          I didn't ask about your Black person opinion, you lower form of life. Chances are that you're a shitskin.

  16. 12 months ago

    >listening to a manlet roid troony who is israeli and that thinks glyphosate is a healthy and has a high pitched voice

  17. 12 months ago

    Greg is literally the strongest deadlifter on the planet who the frick are you ytboi?

  18. 12 months ago

    I can't stand this fricker's face in the catalog

  19. 12 months ago

    >>you only need 30kcal surplus, MORE THAN THAT AND YOU'RE BULKING
    Sounds like something Mike Mentzer said.

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