Zinc and Magnesium before bed cure sleep paralysis

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  1. 9 months ago

    how much dosage of each?

    • 9 months ago

      I take 50mg capsules if I've coomed that week and 20mg tablets if I haven't for a while.
      Not cooming and taking 50s I got an erection when this one girl at the gym started talking about babies.
      I get the vibe she wants me to knock her up as one day she was holding her friends one and looking at me.
      Long story short zinc has immediate efficacy but builds up if you don't coom and you start to go insane.
      Take vitamin B1 after drinking alcohol, take b3 and B12 individually.
      Multivitamins are shit.
      Take vitamin d with a fatty meal.
      Anyone that says you only need zinc and magnesium is mostly right but usually young and doesn't train hard.
      Glucosamine stopped my joints from hurting or feeling stiff.

      • 9 months ago

        >I get the vibe she wants me to knock her up as one day she was holding her friends one and looking at me.
        take your meds

        • 9 months ago

          Oh it's definitely a thing between us, compares me to her boyfriend constantly.
          She's literally cucking him with a guy with my same build but she sees me as more intelligent.
          Got really jealous when I took out a girl she knows.
          Honestly if you actively see the same people everyday and know them quite well they can't help but think of you like that

          • 9 months ago

            >she ASKED me to rape her, your Honour
            >not verbally, but with her eyes, you know?
            >also I could definitely smell her pheromones, my olfactory senses were heightened as I megadosed Zinc that morning

      • 9 months ago

        >I take 50mg capsules if I've coomed that week and 20mg tablets if I haven't for a while
        I'm guessing that's for Zinc?
        I'm planning to buy 400mg magnesium glycinate capsules, I'm not going to supplement Zinc since I eat oats and meat everyday and apparently you only need 11mg a day minimum.

      • 9 months ago

        You are autistic.

  2. 9 months ago

    I wouldn't mind if she gave me sleep paralysis, ha ha

  3. 9 months ago

    Yeah cool but after a while you start waking up after 5 hours of sleep feeling fully rested when you're actually not, you're one deep sleep phase short and it takes a lot of effort to go back to sleep because of it.
    That said, if you're 100% stress free you might not experience the above.

    What I do is take zinc every night before sleep, the moment I notice I'm not sleeping enough I stop, I wait until my sleep has been normalized and start again.
    Also make sure to get some copper once in a while.
    Zinc also makes me very horny sometimes even on a deficit.

    • 9 months ago

      You're absolutely right, same thing happened to me.
      Five hours sleep and not being able to sleep longer really fricks with your head

    • 9 months ago

      >start waking up after 5 hours of sleep feeling fully rested when you're actually not, you're one deep sleep phase short and it takes a lot of effort to go back to sleep because of it.
      okay sleep gurus, how the frick do i solve this, it never used to happen to me, but for 6 months this has been going on, what the frick is the solution?
      I have to try so hard to go back to sleep, it's like my body wont let me even though it needs it
      I dont think as insomnia because i can go to sleep just fine, but i always wake up after ~6 hours which is never enough

      • 9 months ago

        I had the same issue, it's emotional I think.
        All went away when I started dating someone.
        You need that close, skin to skin contact.
        Sleep like a baby if you have some sort of human connection
        That or laughter, it's all stress related

        • 9 months ago

          Really? I have had girls sleep over, doesnt change anything

          • 9 months ago

            are they ugly?

            • 9 months ago

              Some are, some aren't but the hotter they are the more i treat them like shit, call me daddy and all that, so there's no real emotional connection there.. Is a ?tfw when no gf actually the problem here?

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah it seems like it, casual sex didn't help me either. It has to be genuine emotional exchange unfortunately.
                Or in actual terms just someone you wouldn't mind getting pregnant.
                Very strange really, didn't sleep well with a girl I wouldn't want to meet my neighbors dog.
                Maybe I'm just a gay but I need to be validated in that way to just relax even

    • 9 months ago

      >Yeah cool but after a while you start waking up after 5 hours of sleep feeling fully rested when you're actually not,

      frick so I'm not the only person this happens to.

    • 9 months ago

      Take 2.5mg of melatonin.

      • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago


          • 9 months ago

            Don't want to 🙁

      • 9 months ago

        Exogenous melatonin lowers testosterone, and ruins your ability to naturally produce the hormone yourself.

        • 9 months ago

          No. Sleep quality improves testosterone production. Fricking idiot

    • 9 months ago

      I took zinc regularly when my wife and I were trying and I would shoot massive loads. I did a preemptive sperm test before we started trying and held off on sex for a few days and I basically filled up the cup like halfway. I also start to get what feels like roid rage when I take that shit. So basically I don’t take it very often.

  4. 9 months ago

    I just remember my dreams when taking zinc and magnesium and all my dreams are nightmare, I'm good

    • 9 months ago

      its true that these impervious medicinal supplements can incur dreams of desolation and the feeing of drowning ina tumid river surrounded by a bulbous thick fog, but one must face these challenges head on lest he would not be doing whatever it takes, and one must do whatever it takes as without the necessary action, one secedes indefinitely forcing themself to embody the ubiquitous mindset obsessed with mediocrity to the point where it suffocates those near.

  5. 9 months ago

    Don’t forget this piece of advice: when you feel the onset of sleep paralysis, focus on wiggling your toes as hard as you can to free yourself.

  6. 9 months ago

    Got any advice for (small) hemorrhoids? I don't strain myself when taking dumps and started taking fiber supplements, but they haven't gone away for a few weeks and it's starting to get me down.

    • 9 months ago

      I've had them for years and fibre intake is what mutes it for me. Lots of all-bran in the morning, beans at night.

  7. 9 months ago

    I got some zinc that is 50mg but on the back it says yields 30mg of elemental zinc. Should I take 2?

  8. 9 months ago

    how fricked up neurologically do you even need to be to experience something as rare as sleep paralysis?

    stop chugging supps OP and get your overall health checked out

  9. 9 months ago

    imagine if she was barefoot

    • 9 months ago

      imagine if you weten't a fricking weird foot fetishists homosexual

    • 9 months ago

      Imagine the footjobs

  10. 9 months ago

    I've only been taking those in the morning. Holy shit, I actually just need to take them before bed instead

    • 9 months ago

      idk about zinc but magnesium is absolutely a sleep thing

  11. 9 months ago

    Magnesium had absolutely helped my sleep

    Zinc is whatever. I already get enough from beef and oysters. Overdo it and you'll get a copper deficiency

  12. 9 months ago

    Imagine her getting BLACKED

  13. 9 months ago

    I want to experience sleep paralysis, how do i get it?

    • 9 months ago

      attempt lucid dreaming, keep journaling your dreams, do "reality checks", that is, ask yourself at random moments of your day if you are sleep, watch your hands, analyze an object that you always have with you (your cellphone for example). You will eventually train yourself to do a reality check in a dream, where hands or objects look and behave different, the first times you realize you are in a dream you will wake up but without being able to move, basically a sleep paralysis

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