Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago


      B-but he's a doctor. He wouldn't lie!




      Heavenly trips of truth.


      This is simple pattern recognition my friend.


      Are these not carnivore influencers? Are they not oily? Are they not balding? Are they not pink?

      The carnie denies reality yet again.

      You are mentally ill

      • 5 months ago

        You are in the process of becoming oily pink and bald

        • 5 months ago

          Is that the China man?

      • 5 months ago

        The mentally ill are our best posters

        • 5 months ago

          Leftists are mentally ill in a nasty spiteful way, not a fun way.

    • 5 months ago

      It will improve my dry skin and make me more white?

    • 5 months ago

      could at least post before/after pics


      B-but he's a doctor. He wouldn't lie!

      these 2 men has looked like this for ages


      Heavenly trips of truth.

      was balding when he was vegan.

  2. 5 months ago

    how hard is it to eat a healthy, balanced diet with meat, veggies and fruits ?

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Yeah, but you can’t farm rage clicks and dupe idiots into buying your supplements like that.

      • 5 months ago

        B-but he's a doctor. He wouldn't lie!

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah I'm not sure why people are vegan when they need b12 either.

        • 5 months ago

          Vegan generally is a moral standpoint rather than for health. A plant based diet on the other hand is for health and it's a diet of mainly whole food plant foods (no processed vegan fake foods) but doesn't exclude anything so you can do plant based + eggs and get your B12.

          • 5 months ago

            There's nothing healthy about a plant-based diet. The standard American diet is plant-based.

            Plant-based is what vegans started using as terminology because they knew that saying "vegan" caused people to ignore them.

            • 5 months ago

              Plant based refers to whole food plants not processed shit. So no, pasta, potatoes in various forms etc is not plant based, hence your standard American diet is not plant based. Also it contains way too much dairy and meat to even be considered plant based as you're not mainly eating plants.

              • 5 months ago

                Vegans are already shilling for ultra-processed food. It has been shown that switching to plant-based causes people to eat more ultra-processed food. Processed food is a central pillar of plant-based ideology.


              • 5 months ago

                Plant based and vegan isn't the same thing you moron.
                Plant based = whole food plants (whole foods = non processed)
                Vegan = no animal products

              • 5 months ago

                Plant-based is the terminology vegans use when they are trying to be subtle.

                Pic related is a vegan doctor.

              • 5 months ago

                No it isn't, go look at Wikipedia or go to plantbaseddiet on Reddit to see the largest community and you will see it's not about veganism.
                You're a fricking moronic moron who is confident about things you don't know shit about, probably refers to most areas in your life you low IQ homosexual

              • 5 months ago

                Okay, vegan.

              • 5 months ago

                Tell me about all the carbs in my, coconut milk, nuts and oliveoil homosexual. Plants don't contain a lot of carbs nor do carbs in plants cause problems because fiber slows down the uptake of carbs hence lower insulin responses and hence carbs aren't a problem in plant based diets. It's evident you don't understand biology

              • 5 months ago

                Yes it is you lying homosexual

              • 5 months ago

                You're the lying AND moronic homosexual who cannot even look up a word and still claim you know what it's about but I'll do it for you.

                >A plant-based diet is a diet consisting mostly or entirely of plant-based foods.[1][2] Plant-based diets encompass a wide range of dietary patterns that contain low amounts of animal products and high amounts of fiber-rich[3] plant products such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.[4][5] They do not need to be vegan or vegetarian[6][7] but are defined in terms of low frequency of animal food consumption.[8][9]

              • 5 months ago

                Such amazing subterfuge. Nobody will ever figure it out.

              • 5 months ago

                You must be brain damaged, vegans don't eat any animal products, plant based dieters can do that, it's not the same at all.
                Vegan is a moral standpoint, plant based is a diet for health

              • 5 months ago

                The standard American diet is already plant-based. It's not about health it's about profits.

                Vegans are useful idiots who think advocating 'plant-based' diets is more subtle and persuasive than advocating vegan diets.

              • 5 months ago

                We know what the wiki says, you're still a vegan moron

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah, I'm sure tons of plant-based communities are talking about eating eggs. Shut the frick up.

              • 5 months ago

                Black person, flour and beer is processed, there is nothing wrong with eating flour or beer if you’re White.

              • 5 months ago

                Intolerance to gluten is actually a cacausian people thing according to google dawg and I think it's what is giving me the shits rn

              • 5 months ago

                That’s most likely cause by vaccines, unironically

              • 5 months ago

                >according to google
                Ask google is trans women are women

            • 5 months ago


              A decade or two in the past vegans thought they had achieved absolute victory. People online not eating carbs and now not eating any vegetables at all have caused a panic among vegans.

              The people eating carnivore and keto have also started to get studies done which confirm that meat is a health food. They are giga mad.

              These plantbased eaters look much healthier and younger than any carnivore.

              • 5 months ago

                Okay, vegan.

              • 5 months ago

                Chuando isn't plant based, moron. He eats eggs and lean animal protein daily. His cheat meal is ice cream.

              • 5 months ago

                Plant based isn't vegan moron. Plant based refers to a diet of mainly whole food plants, his diet consists of mostly plants, while yes eating eggs for breakfast and sometimes chicken but he doesn't even eat chicken daily. Look at his Facebook or Instagram feed and you can't even find him eating meat at all but you can find plenty of examples of him eating plants.

              • 5 months ago

                Where are all the examples of absolutely sickly states of malnutrition?
                Actually, I'll just repost the epitome of malnutrition videos by Sv3rige.


                This is what real vegans look like.

              • 5 months ago

                >still cant differentiate between vegan and plantbased
                also you do realize that it's possible to be malnourished on any diet depending on your eating habits? Yes its easier to get your base nutrients on a animal based diet. That doesn't mean it's better than a good planned plant based diet. Your example of that woman is 1. I gave 4 and neither of them have saggy wrinkly skin like your example, she's older than them, yes but she still has all the hallmarks of an older person, if she had gray hair she'd instantly look her age.

              • 5 months ago

                Nice cherry picking, she looks old af, idk if that pic is photoshopped but other videos and pics of her makes her look her age lmao

              • 5 months ago

                Ngl my grandma looked 10x better than this woman at 65. However she looks anglo and we are meds so it’s understandable

              • 5 months ago

                She was carnivore for 65 years, she's over 80.

              • 5 months ago

                Shekelberg never lies!

              • 5 months ago

                >She was carnivore for 65 years, she's over 80.
                She wasn't. She was "meat based"

              • 5 months ago

                she is 82 you moron

              • 5 months ago

                a rancher..working outside. Yeah, that'll age ya bro

              • 5 months ago



              • 5 months ago

                Show us a picture of a better looking 82 year old. Can be vegan or standard American diet. We’ll wait

              • 5 months ago

                she is 82 you moron

                The oldest people into he world smoked and ate chocolate daily. Some one off woman proves nothing

              • 5 months ago

                How did they look at 82? Please show us a vegan who looks like her at 82

              • 5 months ago

                Can vegans even live that long?

              • 5 months ago

                >oh no he wasn't super pretty!!!
                Do you have an actual argument or what? Maybe we should disregard your opinion because you aren't the most handsome person we've ever seen. Please post fave so we can know how seriously to take your non-argument

              • 5 months ago

                Post face**

              • 5 months ago

                and they looked like shit and had a lot of health issues, i saw those videos on youtube too you abobawde cretin frick

              • 5 months ago

                How did they look at 82? Please show us a vegan who looks like her at 82

                >can't read
                >ad hom
                Why are diet absolutists like this?

              • 5 months ago

                lmao you dont even know what straman means
                its like when morons call everything a cope
                come on smartypants, show me where I did le heckin strawman
                you absolute moron

              • 5 months ago

                >next up, ad hom
                Why are diet absolutionists like this?

              • 5 months ago

                >cant tell me where i did le hecking strawman
                thought so

              • 5 months ago

                >throw random words around without knowing what they mean in hopes of winning the argument
                Why are diet fencesitters like this?

              • 5 months ago

                >next up, ad hom
                Why are diet absolutionists like this?

              • 5 months ago

                >throw random words around without knowing what they mean in hopes of winning the argument
                Why are diet fencesitters like this?

              • 5 months ago

                >cant tell me where i did le hecking strawman
                thought so

                lmao you dont even know what straman means
                its like when morons call everything a cope
                come on smartypants, show me where I did le heckin strawman
                you absolute moron

                and they looked like shit and had a lot of health issues, i saw those videos on youtube too you abobawde cretin frick

                Just goes to show you that unhappy people cling to fads to try to define themselves. Normal people who sit down to a a nice balanced meal dont have these arguments. Happy people dont curse out randos on the net. Hope things get better guys.

              • 5 months ago

                uh huh
                any real arguments?
                or just more reddit-tier canned midwit posts

              • 5 months ago

                It's often people who have health conditions. Even if the diet is more healthy, the condition might kill them in the end.

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah, eating disorders have a radically high mortality rate

              • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                The epitome of malnourishment videos that he linked are great. They were removed from YouTube, but were very popular on there.

              • 5 months ago

                I'll take your word for it I'm not watching diet propaganda

              • 5 months ago

                >anti freedom post
                >avatargayging post
                >hollywood post
                >not only that, even hollywood at a ceremony, the worst the world has ever seen. celebrities are FAKE
                have a nice day fedbwoi, your aura sucks major donkey dick

              • 5 months ago

                You okay pal

              • 5 months ago

                so THAT just happened!

            • 5 months ago


              A decade or two in the past vegans thought they had achieved absolute victory. People online not eating carbs and now not eating any vegetables at all have caused a panic among vegans.

              The people eating carnivore and keto have also started to get studies done which confirm that meat is a health food. They are giga mad.


              Because calories are not obesogenic. Pic related.


              Okay, vegan.


              Where are all the examples of absolutely sickly states of malnutrition?
              Actually, I'll just repost the epitome of malnutrition videos by Sv3rige.


              This is what real vegans look like.

              Hey lefty

    • 5 months ago

      fructose gets metabolzied like alcohol

      • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        It absolutely does not

    • 5 months ago

      the idea that we're ominvores, like most hominids, is too rational for all these kooky diets zealots

      • 5 months ago

        Heavenly trips of truth.

        • 5 months ago

          Why would anyone follow this actually mentally ill dude for health advice?

        • 5 months ago

          Isn't it funny how at the start of his carnivore journey he still had hair and muscles
          And now (before the hair transplant) he is bald and skinnyfat kek

        • 5 months ago

          Its wild how this guy started as a runescape pker

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah man we evolved eating rice and mangos in ice age europe. This is what you have to genuinely believe to come out with the ~~*balanced diet*~~ stuff. Food corps do not want you getting food from the butcher they want you getting a ~~*healthy balance*~~ of high profit margin imported shit grown in 3rd world monocrop farms and they managed to successfully convince normies that it's healthy for them to eat like that. Just keep pretending it's normal to need IVF or to get cancer at 50 or to need orthodontics or glasses. Don't read Weston Price whatever you do. Good goy.

    • 5 months ago

      i just eat meat and fruits
      vegetables are nasty, funny how the only vegetable I liked as a kid turned out to be a fruit

      • 5 months ago

        >vegetables are nasty, funny how the only vegetable I liked as a kid turned out to be a fruit
        you are a little child mentally
        does mommy still need to blend up your veggies so you eat them?

      • 5 months ago

        its funny that you grew up to be a fruit, and one day youll be a vegetable

    • 5 months ago

      But then nobody would make money from fad diets

  3. 5 months ago

    A block of butter and 22 eggs per day.
    Surely this has got to be a troll. Noone could be that stupid.

  4. 5 months ago

    This thread feels organic, natural and unforced.

    • 5 months ago

      >everyone that disagrees with me is a glow Black person

      • 5 months ago

        Woah there buddy I didn't say anything about spooks. But this smells forced.

        • 5 months ago

          Yeah, we got an order from the annunaki lizard demons to astro turf a small fitness message board. I’m trans, by the way.

    • 5 months ago

      This is simple pattern recognition my friend.

      • 5 months ago

        No. Women bald in a different pattern, from the top like a monk's crop. They do not have MPB. She's asian and that's just a common hairline for asians. Hairline is genetic. Balding is genetic and unless you're eating a starvation diet, there's no reason to suspect you'll start balding because you started to eat more of some kind of food or started using some supplement. There are a lot of people with shit genes, especially on here, who don't want to accept that they simply just have shit genes and just want to blame something else instead. They all want to believe that having a perfect hairline line that model who rolled lucky with the genetic dice is supposed to be the norm as part of their cope. It's much like where you see manlets roiding hard to cope with being manlets.
        Healthy skin produces oils. The skin produces oils to help prevent micro-organisms from penetrating the skin.
        Healthy skin should have a slight pink hue. It's a common thing especially in white people and other paler skinned peoples.



        Is an example of a proven roider who probably spends to much outside and has red skin from sunburn and side effects of 1.2g of test/week. Also 5'4" and using his roiding to cope with being a manlet.


        Are these not carnivore influencers? Are they not oily? Are they not balding? Are they not pink?

        The carnie denies reality yet again.

        He's probably pinning test too. It's quite common to see that red skin among roiders.


        B-but he's a doctor. He wouldn't lie!

        He probably was never carnivore in the first place and likely just cheated on his diet the whole time. I suspect it's a common thing among carnivore and vegan influencers as both groups cheat on their diets. He was caught with bananas at his house while he was claiming to be carnivore. Baker is also another suspected roider.


        Heavenly trips of truth.

        He had that hairline when he was vegan. Left is when he was vegan in pic related, he's trying to hide it by combing his hair over the side of his head to hide it. Likely had that hairline since he started growing hair as a toddler.

        • 5 months ago

          Here's another white woman with a carnivore hairline (heavy frontal recession).
          Yes, some oil is good, but you shouldn't be visibly shining from the grease while relaxing in your home
          Again yes, a pink hue is good, but excess pinkness is a common symptom of high blood pressure


          Now do this one

          Veganism is gay too.

          • 5 months ago

            who is she?

            • 5 months ago

              Mackenzie Merriott

              >Here's another white woman with a carnivore hairline (heavy frontal recession).
              She's not balding. That's just the hairline she was born with. Female pattern baldness starts at the crown. Women will not have male pattern baldness unless they start to take a lot of roids and I doubt she is roiding.
              >Yes, some oil is good, but you shouldn't be visibly shining from the grease while relaxing in your home
              You should be shining to some degree, especially depending on the lighting.

              Anon, women DO bald. Their hormonal profiles normally do not allow it to advance to the point that it's noticeable.

              • 5 months ago

                >Mackenzie Merriott
                seems like shes not carnivore anymore

              • 5 months ago

                Not even a week after this article was posted?

              • 5 months ago

                I just checked her recent tiktoks and shes eating bread so idk

              • 5 months ago

                anon that's just a b***h with a big forehead
                they're not that rare

              • 5 months ago

                >Their hormonal profiles normally do not allow it to advance to the point that it's noticeable.
                they do moron, they just have a million hairstyles where they either hide it or you'd be focusing more on the hairstyle rather than searching for their hairline

          • 5 months ago

            >Here's another white woman with a carnivore hairline (heavy frontal recession).
            She's not balding. That's just the hairline she was born with. Female pattern baldness starts at the crown. Women will not have male pattern baldness unless they start to take a lot of roids and I doubt she is roiding.
            >Yes, some oil is good, but you shouldn't be visibly shining from the grease while relaxing in your home
            You should be shining to some degree, especially depending on the lighting.

      • 5 months ago

        wasnt this one a fruitarian or vegan or some shit. She really became a carnivore?

        • 5 months ago

          Probably. Both diets attract mentally ill people, which is why they flip-flop from one extreme to the other

      • 5 months ago

        i dont give a shit,

  5. 5 months ago

    She's not balding that is just an average hairline

    • 5 months ago

      There is clear miniaturization and diffuse thinning.

      • 5 months ago

        Oh buddy

  6. 5 months ago

    >typical asiatic hairline
    >and asiatic features

  7. 5 months ago

    Why is this veganschizo always lying on IST?

    • 5 months ago

      Are these not carnivore influencers? Are they not oily? Are they not balding? Are they not pink?

      The carnie denies reality yet again.

      • 5 months ago

        No to all those questions, veganschizo

  8. 5 months ago

    >your skin isn't pale, dry and flaky?
    >ewww wtf is wrong with you are you sick?

  9. 5 months ago

    fructose gives you non alcoholic fatty liver

  10. 5 months ago

    Carnivore diet saved my life. Also it got rid of my skin issues, drink some heavy cream and your skin will be glowing. I've never had whiter and smoother skin in my life.

    • 5 months ago

      >drink some heavy cream
      Dairy and eggs are unironically amazing for your skin but you don't need to stop eating vegetables.

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah I don't need to stop eating vegetables, but I don't want to eat any either. There's no reason to unless you enjoy them.

      • 5 months ago

        Carnivore is good for auto immune problems but I prefer a meat heavy keto diet. Fruits and vegetables are probably fine but the average person consumes too many carbs. Grains and soi are pretty bad.

    • 5 months ago

      Animal Fat is really good for your skin, while sugar causes glycation

      • 5 months ago


  11. 5 months ago

    being pink is a good thing. Its a sign of health. You don't want to be pale

  12. 5 months ago

    wait why is being oily "bad"?
    its just a natural moisturizer
    if you think thats "disgusting" then thats fair, but why is it unhealthy?
    same with the skin color, god forbid not everyone is pale (which is unhealthy, its a susceptible skin)

    • 5 months ago

      being too oily is an indication of inflammation from a bad diet.

      • 5 months ago

        Carnivore inflammation markers are almost always very good, the only questionable thing is LDL.

    • 5 months ago

      >if you think thats "disgusting" then thats fair, but why is it unhealthy?
      Its not.

      being too oily is an indication of inflammation from a bad diet.

      And how would you define to oily?

    • 5 months ago

      Oily skin isn't healthy, if your body produces excessive oils it's because something is wrong. Same thing for when skin is dry, usually because of some deficiency

  13. 5 months ago

    That girl is a bit crazy. She was vegan, had dozens of deficiencies and obviously felt much better on carnivore. She also had an auto immune condition. Let's be realistic, except for the auto immune stuff (which not many will have) she would be doing fine on an omnivore diet as well.

  14. 5 months ago

    Now do this one

  15. 5 months ago

    This guy is weirdly obsessed with keto / carnivore people. We are just doing our own thing enjoying our lives and enjoying good health yet he seethes. I don't make threads about vegans

    • 5 months ago

      >enjoying good health
      Why is the poster boy for carnivore diabetic? Why is his test in the tank? Why did he lose his medical liscence? (He sold meat to his patients)

  16. 5 months ago

    is this the newest vegan cope? looking healthy and attractive is actually a bad thing?

  17. 5 months ago

    It's called seed oil dumping, the body gets rid of unhealthy VEGETABLE oils.

    • 5 months ago

      >It's called seed oil dumping
      And yet this doesn't happen to omnivores or even vegans who stop eating seed oils.

      • 5 months ago

        >omnivores never have oily skin
        literally what the frick

        • 5 months ago

          My claim is that carnivore dieters have an unusually high instance rate of oily skin, not that omnivores never get oily skin. Omnivorous dieting can be extremely unhealthy with poor food choices.

          • 5 months ago

            >And yet this doesn't happen to omnivores
            didn't seem to be your claim
            you don't seem like an omnivore who just doesn't like carni, you seem to be clearly vegan because you're trying to paint healthy looking people as unhealthy because.. they have a natural blush

            i know you'll probably find this concept impossible because of your nature, but I am nowhere near a carnivore, but I can tell that they generally look much better than vegans

            • 5 months ago

              Vegans think everyone looks red because vegans look sickly green. It's just their frame of reference.

              • 5 months ago

                He looks unhealthy in both. Lmao @ your image proving my point further.
                >hairline evaporated

              • 5 months ago

                >proving my point further
                >new ip
                uh huh
                so these homosexuals making these "memes" and posting these shitty threads are from a discord
                now i see

              • 5 months ago

                >are from a discord
                It's literally just moxyte. He doesn't have a team of people he does this all himself. He has been doing it for years now.

              • 5 months ago

                too many new ips pop up and post the same shitty edits, so I'd assume its at least 4-5 morons from a discord planning these little raids

              • 5 months ago

                Or just one autist with multiple devices. He looks obsessed enough to be willing to use multiple devices to flood a thread.

              • 5 months ago

                I'm 99% certain it is just moxyte. Nothing has ever indicated there's anyone else doing this.

                He will post in his own threads with different IPs. Sometimes he is the first 3 posts and they all have different IPs. He's just that mentally ill and obnoxious.

              • 5 months ago

                It doesn't much matter, they aren't fooling anyone. There's too much testimonial of vegans being emaciated and dying for anyone to take it seriously anymore.

              • 5 months ago

                I'm 99% certain it is just moxyte. Nothing has ever indicated there's anyone else doing this.

                He will post in his own threads with different IPs. Sometimes he is the first 3 posts and they all have different IPs. He's just that mentally ill and obnoxious.

                Or just one autist with multiple devices. He looks obsessed enough to be willing to use multiple devices to flood a thread.

                too many new ips pop up and post the same shitty edits, so I'd assume its at least 4-5 morons from a discord planning these little raids

                >are from a discord
                It's literally just moxyte. He doesn't have a team of people he does this all himself. He has been doing it for years now.

                >proving my point further
                >new ip
                uh huh
                so these homosexuals making these "memes" and posting these shitty threads are from a discord
                now i see

                Lmao @ the keto IQ

            • 5 months ago

              If you want to be pedantic, then sure, I misspoke. Omnivores who cut seed oils don't get oily skin at nearly the same rate as carnivores which we can clearly see a pattern of. I agree that carnivores are generally healthier than vegans, but this thread isn't about vegans.

              I just checked her recent tiktoks and shes eating bread so idk

              Lmao she must have gotten too much blowback.

              • 5 months ago

                That pic is so rael. Who would have thought a balanced and healthy diet consists of both meat AND vegetables...?

              • 5 months ago

                A balanced diet consists of good balance of animal fat and protein and limited amount of plant foods.

              • 5 months ago

                Whatever works for you. I think people could do with a bit more animal protein in their life and skip the seed oils. The people shoving sticks of butter down their throat are legitimately moronic though

                A diet of nothing but fatty red meat and fresh water is perfectly balanced.

                Didn't know about this Icelander. Being one myself I'll have to look him up sometime. That being said he's still mostly wrong but I believe him when he says he felt healthy on a (mostly) all fish diet. His advice is far from universal though. With agriculture people's digestive systems have evolved. I don't think 9000+ years of eating different food has had no impact on a race's digestive system. Problem is that Icelanders and Eskimos have lived without agriculture for most of their history. I don't think a healthy diet for a Chinese person would be healthy for an Icelander, and vice versa, because of the different way they are evolved to absorb nutrients. Some people have a very limited history of agriculture and others have lived with it for millennia. Your ancestors ate both vegetables and meat, and you're evolved to do the same. With the abundance of all food sorts it is up to you to find a balance that emulates what you're evolved to eat regularly.

              • 5 months ago

                >That being said he's still mostly wrong but I believe him when he says he felt healthy on a (mostly) all fish diet
                he also went on a mostly meat and water diet between 1926-27 under medical supervision(fat intake consisted most his caloric intake. 3100 kcal per day with 20% coming from protein). several research papers were published on this topic. he was in perfect health.
                as far as chinese or whatever other example: it would be fair to assume that them and mongolians are genetically very similar with similar adaptations and even here we see recordings of excellent health of mongolians on meat and dairy and horrible health of grainslop eating chinks (including small stature and horrible dental health).
                what population is it that does really well on plants? presumably something from tropical zones and yet there's is plenty of research showing higher animal product consumption leading to better health in primitive populations. 9000 years of agriculture is a fart in the wind considering the fact that the modern human has existed for 350000.

              • 5 months ago

                >equates the historical diets of mongolians to that of the chinese
                Please tell me you're joking

              • 5 months ago

                he didn't

              • 5 months ago

                A diet of nothing but fatty red meat and fresh water is perfectly balanced.

      • 5 months ago

        Thats a joke. Not meant srly. Vegans claim that they feel super shitty on their diet first cause they "detox" and the diet needs s long time to "work" and make you "feel good"

  18. 5 months ago

    IIRC she comes up with a new eating disorder every couple years.

  19. 5 months ago

    ketoish diet causes great drip in igf signaling. Laron syndrome whis is extreme igf deficiency has weak hair and high hairline as one of its traits. its not androgenic balding. keto decreases dht by like 60%.

  20. 5 months ago

    Keto/carnivore diets cause hair regrowth.

    You're mentally ill, vegan.

    • 5 months ago


  21. 5 months ago

    Here's another example of keto curing baldness. This time in a man.

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah, carnivore grifters never try to decieve their paypiggies. Goatis had a full recovery too!

      Leftists are mentally ill in a nasty spiteful way, not a fun way.

      The fact that you have pegged people who don't agree with your diet as political opponents speaks more about your own mental health. A balanced and healthy diet is apolitical.

      • 5 months ago

        Veganism is far left.

        • 5 months ago

          Nobody ITT is arguing on favor of veganism.

          • 5 months ago

            OP is a vegan.

            Lying is also left wing.

        • 5 months ago

          I'm a far right wing vegan.

  22. 5 months ago

    why do neurotypicals go on autistic diets when they don't have food sensory issues?

  23. 5 months ago

    science has spoken
    incels must listen

  24. 5 months ago

    Being oily = having moisturized, shiny skin
    Being pinkish= having a natural healthy reddish undertone
    It's interesting how these are the exact things women do with make up to make their skin look better, they make it more shiny by moisturizing and pinker with blush, moxshite wants you to believe his greyish dry vegan skin is good.

    • 5 months ago

      Being OILY is different from being moisturized. Having a rosy complexion is different from having beet red skin from high blood pressure. See


      If you want to be pedantic, then sure, I misspoke. Omnivores who cut seed oils don't get oily skin at nearly the same rate as carnivores which we can clearly see a pattern of. I agree that carnivores are generally healthier than vegans, but this thread isn't about vegans.

      Lmao she must have gotten too much blowback.

      >no concept of moderation

      • 5 months ago

        wait so your saying the girl in your op has skin as red as known omnivore ripochud?

        • 5 months ago

          >as red as
          NO! See

          My claim is that carnivore dieters have an unusually high instance rate of oily skin, not that omnivores never get oily skin. Omnivorous dieting can be extremely unhealthy with poor food choices.

          >Omnivorous dieting can be extremely unhealthy with poor food choices.
          I posted Rip as an extreme example of PINK. (Which you had no problem agreeing with)

          >no concept of moderation

          • 5 months ago

            There is no moderating alcohol, it's a poison

            • 5 months ago

              >Uh but what about moderating drugs and poison?
              Again, nuance is lost on you.

              Also, the state of this website is disturbing. I'm a normal old-school autist. The fact that you gays think a thread full of shitty phone-app edits can only be done by a dedicated team of 5 gangatalkers speaks for the social media brainrot you all have.

      • 5 months ago

        I actually eat carbs but I believe animal fat and protein is the base of the diet. However, rip looks the reddest for sure out of everyone in this thread and does not espouse keto/carnivore..

        • 5 months ago

          >but I believe animal fat and protein is the base of the diet.
          I hold this belief as well. Best source of amino acids. Cholesterol is good. Omega 3s in fish fat are incredibly healthy. I prefer to cook with lard.

          >However, rip looks the reddest for sure out of everyone in this thread and does not espouse keto/carnivore..
          It's ironic for sure. Rip is just a regular fat frick who doesn't care about his health. I would say being carnivore is healthier than the standard American diet, but not >optimal.

      • 5 months ago

        >Being OILY is different from being moisturized
        It literally isn't.
        >Having a rosy complexion is different from having beet red skin from high blood pressure.
        You need some help moving those goalposts? You weren't labelling people "beet red" you were labelling them "pink". Pinkish skin, especially in the face, is indicative of healthy circulation.

        • 5 months ago

          >You need some help moving those goalposts? You weren't labelling people "beet red" you were labelling them "pink". Pinkish skin, especially in the face, is indicative of healthy circulation.
          Pedantic. The carnies I post are more than "pinkish"

          • 5 months ago

            The one in OP is barely pink at all, she's yellow.
            Alex Jones & Rippetoe are fat, alcoholic and unathletic. Baker and Liver King are roiders.

  25. 5 months ago

    Fellow omnivores, we must teach those carnies to eat more fruit.

    • 5 months ago

      >Fellow omnivores

  26. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      G R E A S Y

    • 5 months ago

      i want to put my balls in her mouth

    • 5 months ago

      Clear, healthy skin. Nice

  27. 5 months ago


    A decade or two in the past vegans thought they had achieved absolute victory. People online not eating carbs and now not eating any vegetables at all have caused a panic among vegans.

    The people eating carnivore and keto have also started to get studies done which confirm that meat is a health food. They are giga mad.

    • 5 months ago

      I mean ok, but I didn't ask.
      There is no use in arguing with a vegan, because not only are they moronic, but they also take pride in their moronation. Therefore, winning is equal to losing: you gain nothing, you change no one's mind, and you waste your time. Best thing you can do poke at their dumb ass, then laugh when they explode. Second best thing you can do is encourage them, so they look even more moronic.

    • 5 months ago

      Is that the pedophile who tried to rape his daughter?

      • 5 months ago

        sauce? more people should know about this if true

      • 5 months ago

        yeah i heard about it to. he def has a pedo smile

        • 5 months ago

          you heard it where?

  28. 5 months ago

    >8oz block of butter = 1600kcal
    >22 large eggs = ~1540kcal
    So about 3200kcal a day, how is she not fat?

    • 5 months ago

      Because calories are not obesogenic. Pic related.

      • 5 months ago

        Interesting, thanks anon.

      • 5 months ago

        Does anyone have a link to that study? Also the one where mice were eating seed oils?

        • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        The rodents on the powdered diet gained more weight because their food was predigested. Your body spends a LOT of energy digesting raw, whole foods compared to processed, powders foods.
        The study youre parroting which "disproves" CICO is actually just more evidence in favour of it - the same calories lead to more weight gain when you reduce the amount of energy that the body spends digesting it.

        • 5 months ago

          This, other poster is an actual brainlet.
          The uptake if the energy can start in the saliva when it's in powder form hence why you can sniff coke or rub it on your gums and get the effect because the body can immediately use it. It's elementary to anyone with an IQ above 80

          • 5 months ago

            >deny biology
            >call other people brainlet
            Typical calorietard.

            • 5 months ago

              Strawman, no one says that hormones don't matter. Yes, injecting exogenous hormones into your body will change your metabolism. Roiders and diabetics prove this.
              Why do you have to use medically exceptional edge cases to try and prove a point about the healthy majority?
              Hormones matter. You know what affects your hormones? The amount of food you eat and the amount of exercise you do.

              • 5 months ago

                The reason for the body composition difference in the mice study is that one group was eating powdered carbs, which raise insulin.

                You ignored the hormonal difference.

              • 5 months ago

                NTA but you're moronic and not understanding what he's saying, you're just regurgitating the same shit.

              • 5 months ago

                He's denying the role of hormones in obesity.

                Calorietards are the nutrition version of flat-earthers.

              • 5 months ago

                >He's denying the role of hormones in obesity


                >deny biology
                >call other people brainlet
                Typical calorietard.

                >Strawman, no one says that hormones don't matter. Yes, injecting exogenous hormones into your body will change your metabolism. Roiders and diabetics prove this.
                Yeah bro what a denial.

              • 5 months ago

                >hormones only matter when you inject them
                Why was one group of mice obese and the other group of mice lean?

                His claim is that it was due to calories when the actual correct answer is insulin.

              • 5 months ago

                >His claim is that it was due to calories when the actual correct answer is insulin
                False dichotomy. It's both - the powdered group spent less energy digesting their food, and their food absorbed into their bodies faster. This spiked their insulin and helped them store that acute excess of energy.
                The pellet group had to chew their food and spend longer digesting it and spend more energy digesting it, causing a gradual absorption of energy into their bodies and a gentler spike in insulin. This all added up to a greater energy surplus in the powdered group than the pellet group.

              • 5 months ago

                >chewing burns so many calories it can make an obese animal lean
                What you're claiming is totally insane. Chewing doesn't burn that many calories. In fact even going on a hamster wheel doesn't burn much additional calories. Pic related.

                The difference in body composition was because powdered carbs spike insulin more than unpowdered carbs. Insulin is obesogenic.

              • 5 months ago

                I never said it was just chewing. Most of the energy your body spends on digestion is the stomach muscles that manipulate and squeeze the food and the production of digestive enzymes and stomach acid that breaks down the macrostructure of the food. Most of this energy simply doesn't need to be spent when foods are powdered.

              • 5 months ago

                Again, even running on a treadmill doesn't burn additional calories. Stomach muscle usage cannot be the explanation for the difference in body composition, because muscle usage doesn't increase daily energy expenditure.

                Why are you denying the role of hormones? There's no need to make up an insane biology-denying fantasy. We already know for sure what caused the body composition difference: INSULIN.

              • 5 months ago

                >Again, even running on a treadmill doesn't burn additional calories.
                Oh OK you're psychotically insane. See you later.
                I take solace in the fact that the 2 people lurking this conversation can see that you're bats hit insane and shouldn't be taken seriously.

              • 5 months ago

                Proof was provided in pic related here:


                >chewing burns so many calories it can make an obese animal lean
                What you're claiming is totally insane. Chewing doesn't burn that many calories. In fact even going on a hamster wheel doesn't burn much additional calories. Pic related.

                The difference in body composition was because powdered carbs spike insulin more than unpowdered carbs. Insulin is obesogenic.

                Additive DEE is a childish fantasy. Constrained DEE is reality.

              • 5 months ago

                Not proof, speculative models, theories on bodily energy management. Easily disproven by the lived experience of literally anyone who has ever exercised.

              • 5 months ago

                It's not speculative. There's two studies. Look at the bottom two charts and the highlighted text.

                >Left: Women from Westerterp's half-marathon study. Right: Mice kept sedentary (days 1-7), then allowed access to a wheel (days 7-28).

                Sorry calorietard, you worship a false ideology.

              • 5 months ago

                Read the studies. They are bullshit. The women's half marathon study showed they lost more weight the more activity they did. Their methods for estimating total energy expenditure were extremely crude. No one on IST will fall for your insane babbling because they have LIVED the reality of burning more energy through exercise. You are an insane person.

              • 5 months ago

                >Their methods for estimating total energy expenditure were extremely crude.
                That is a rather histrionic leftist way of speaking.

                The Westerterp half-marathon study used doubly-labeled water to measure energy expenditure, which is the gold-standard.

                And you didn't even bother to give an excuse for ignoring the mouse study which showed the same thing.

              • 5 months ago

                Lmfao it was worth scrolling the thread for this shit

              • 5 months ago

                No, you're denying that they are getting more calories due to the easier uptake.
                Think of it like this, you have a car that's running and using fuel, your fuel tank is at 50/100
                You have an additional 50 liquid fuel (the powdered carbs)
                And you have 50 additional frozen fuel (regular carbs)

                The liquid fuel will instantly add to your fuel tank and fill it up.
                But the frozen fuel needs to be heated up before it can be used and will use fuel from your fuel tank to heat it, your car will also be running in the mean time and use fuel from its tank. Hence when you have heated the frozen fuel your tank is now at 30/100 instead

                So liquid fuel (powdered carbs) puts your tank at 100
                Frozen fuel (regular carbs) at 80
                Do you understand now?

              • 5 months ago

                The hormonal difference was caused by the physical form of the food though, not it's macronutrient profile. I mean that's the whole point of the experiment right? Same calories, same carbs, but one group is powder one group is pellets.
                You drink a can of coca cola and all that sugar is almost instantly in your blood. Your blood sugar spikes. So your body produces insulin to tell your cells to start sucking up sugar.
                What argument do you think you're having? Of course powdered or liquified calories will cause more weight gain - they hit the body quickly and don't require a lot of energy to break down.
                What point do you think you're contesting?

              • 5 months ago

                Insulin was higher in the powder group because more calories of sugar entered their bloodstream in a shorter period of time.

              • 5 months ago

                Insulin response is not a function of "calories" you biology denying nitwit.

              • 5 months ago

                In this context, we're comparing THE SAME macronutrients in powder or pellet form. The only variable is how quickly the amount of energy in the food (gosh if only we had a standard unit to measure food energy with) hits the bloodstream.

                If the energy from your food hits your bloodstream all at once, you're going to have a sharp insulin response, compared to the SAME energy hitting your bloodstream more gradually.

                Drink a can of soda in 30 seconds.
                Sip a can of soda over 2 hours.
                Which one will raise insulin more? This is the exact same situation as your powdered vs pellet experiment. Same energy, same calories, it's simply about how many UNITS OF ENERGY enter the bloodstream in a given frame of time.

              • 5 months ago

                It's carbs. Not energy. Carbs.

                Powered carbs cause a stronger insulin spike than unpowdered carbs.

              • 5 months ago

                The pellet food and powdered food weren't only carbs. It was the whole diet. Carbs, fat and protein.
                Being powdered meant all the fat, carbs and protein were rapidly dissolved into the digestive juices of the rodents' guts. Less energy (almost none) was spent in digestion compared to pellets.
                Look up the thermic effect of food - in regular, whole foods, up to 30% of the energy value of the food is spent in digestion and absorption.

              • 5 months ago

                You're also totally wrong about the slowly sipping thing. A study in humans controlled for speed of ingestion and found that it doesn't really matter. Solid food has a lower insulin response regardless. Note "slow puree" "fast puree" "slow juice" and "fast juice" in pic related.

                The hormonal response is a result of food structure. Not 'calories'. Biological organisms detect and respond differently to different foods.

                You argue so confidently yet you are a totally clueless biology-denier.

              • 5 months ago

                >A study in humans controlled for speed of ingestion
                Did your rat study "control for the speed of ingestion"? Your studies aren't proving the things you think they prove.
                >The hormonal response is a result of food structure. Not 'calories'
                The hormonal response is a function of how rapidly food enters the bloodstream.

              • 5 months ago

                >The hormonal response is a function of how rapidly food enters the bloodstream.
                Wrong. See pic (and video) related:


                You're also totally wrong about the slowly sipping thing. A study in humans controlled for speed of ingestion and found that it doesn't really matter. Solid food has a lower insulin response regardless. Note "slow puree" "fast puree" "slow juice" and "fast juice" in pic related.

                The hormonal response is a result of food structure. Not 'calories'. Biological organisms detect and respond differently to different foods.

                You argue so confidently yet you are a totally clueless biology-denier.

                Slow ingestion of liquid carbs didn't alter the hormonal response compared to quick ingestion. Solid carbs had a drastically different hormonal response.

                The difference is food structure. Not speed of ingestion.

              • 5 months ago

                >Slow ingestion of liquid carbs didn't alter the hormonal response compared to quick ingestion
                There's no indication that ingestion speed was varied in your shitty YouTube video study. The legend only explains the different physical structures of the solid vs various liquid forms, it doesnt specify the timeframe that the food was consumed in.

              • 5 months ago

                >slow puree
                >fast puree
                >slow juice
                >fast juice
                Lol. Lmao, even

                Not only are you a biology denier you're also an illiterate ESL foreigner.

              • 5 months ago

                Black person I'm drunk and high idgaf. I'm not the one claiming that muscles don't use energy. You are literally insane.

              • 5 months ago

                I suspect you're moronic all day every day whether sober or not.

              • 5 months ago

                Your own study shows ingestion time DOES matter. Lower blood glucose on this chart indicates a higher insulin response, and the fast puree led to lower blood glucose after 90m than slow puree.

              • 5 months ago

                Slow juice had a higher insulin spike than fast juice. Same with slow puree vs fast puree. This totally obliterates your claim that the hormonal response was modulated by calories.

                Why deny biology so desperately? It's like biology-denial is a religion for you.

        • 5 months ago

          No it's because powdered carbohydrate raises insulin more than unpowdered. Insulin is a fat storage hormone. Pic related.

          • 5 months ago

            Powdered carbs raise insulin more sharply than unpowdered carbs because it hits your bloodstream faster, all at once, causing a sharp spike. Compared to eating whole foods which has more of a slow release into your body. I'm glad that you concede that carbs aren't a universal evil, and that it's mostly refined Carbohydrates that are problematic.

      • 5 months ago

        So essentially Sv3rige was right years ago when he said that it is impossible to gain "fat" while eating only raw animal fats.

        • 5 months ago

          I feel like you need to reconsider your worldview if you A. Consider IST a legitimate source of scientific information, that B. Proves a YouTube eceleb' delusions correct

      • 5 months ago

        >calories don't matter
        >CICO is fake
        the laws of thermodynamics (namely conservation of mass/energy) do not stop working just because you want to eat a donut

        • 5 months ago

          >the laws of thermodynamics (namely conservation of mass/energy) do not stop working just because you want to eat a do nut
          the laws of thermodynamics can be safely applied to closed systems with constant contained matter. none of it applies to humans unless you draw a boundary and collect all of the input and output. a calorie still is just a unit of measurement of heat. last time I checked your body doesn't "burn" anything. the laws of thermodynamics also don't consider that a "caloric" unit of fat or cabs or protein is treated differently by the body. It also doesn't consider the action of insulin and other hormones. strawman somewhere else please.

  29. 5 months ago

    Pounds of makeup and a filter. She doesn't look bad but it shows the dishonesty. Men on the cult look like absolute shit too. She mentioned her boyfriend at some time ditching the diet because of how malnourished, dehydrated and the brain fog (actual brain damage) he felt.

  30. 5 months ago

    Guys my doctor said I have amazing health markers but his face dropped when I came in this week and had a sunburn, I hit both pink and oily. He said pink is the worst case scenario when it comes to markers. Just wondering if anyone has financial advice to help with getting the pink removal surgery as I am an ameritard. Sweating bullets right now, my wife told me to stop eating the half pound of chicken a day as it was excessive. I should have listened...

  31. 5 months ago

    When it comes to vegetables vs fruits, arent fruits much more nutritious? It’s seems that fruits should be consumed more considering a lot of fruit gets eaten and animals shit seeds out which grow opposed to vegetables which seem to have toxins like oxalates that have to be cooked to reduced them.

  32. 5 months ago

    Babe wake up, New psyop just dropped

  33. 5 months ago

    Out of nowhere I've had diarrhea everyday for around two weeks now at 31.
    I don't know if I just developed lactose intolerance, gluten problems or IBS.
    Anyway, anybody have similar problems that were fixed with a meat heavy diet?
    I need to cut something out of my diet I just don't know what yet.

    • 5 months ago

      You can't think of any lifestyle changes from the last couple of weeks? Are you stressed?

      • 5 months ago

        I would say I am as I was unemployed but now I have a job, stress would be a factor.
        I've been doing a strength training routine and it's fried my cns so I took the week off, possibly related but I'm shitting up stuff I don't even recollect eating at this point.
        No real pain, loss of strength or illness either just really watery shits everyday...

  34. 5 months ago

    I think vegan and carnivore diets are equally moronic

  35. 5 months ago


    Your reddit boyfriend isn't real

    • 5 months ago

      Do you still shit yourself Moxyte?

      • 5 months ago

        what a depressing life. just eat a burger once in a while whats the big deal

  36. 5 months ago

    sneed oil goyslop thread?

  37. 5 months ago


    Singlehandedly this one troll has convinced me more than anyone else in the the thread to try the carnivore diet.

  38. 5 months ago
    Christ Is Lord

    makeup moron
    idk that looks normal for a woman in her late 30s?
    im not a carnitard but this is moronic

  39. 5 months ago

    Im doing carnivore now but I draw the line at eating sticks of butter.. wtf

    • 5 months ago

      Doesn't take much different from cream. I have a little nibble before I make my keto coffee.

      • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago


  40. 5 months ago

    homies on here really arguing about plants and meat, just eat what you want you glow-Black person homosexuals

  41. 5 months ago


    >Same images every time.
    *breathes in*

  42. 5 months ago

    >going high fat anything

  43. 5 months ago

    Ask her how many years of veganism she endured before she began healing the pink oily balding damage with carnivore

    • 5 months ago

      >Uh but OTHER moronic diet.

      • 5 months ago

        >uh n-no i'm not vegan i'm just so upset at those carnirinos

        • 5 months ago

          I AM upset at carnirinos. You gays shit up every nutritional discussion on this board with lies, pseudoscience and general moronation. You idiots have made CICO, the absolute foundation of all dieting controversial here. The only way you can try to find even footing is by accusing everyone of being vegans which is moronic. The majority of IST hates vegans and hates veganism because it's just as dumb to not eat meat as it is to only eat meat.

          • 5 months ago

            >You gays
            not a carnivore, moron. not even close

            • 5 months ago

              So you're just getting mad at imaginary vegans on the behalf of carnivores?

              • 5 months ago

                on behalf of myself

                you almost said it yourself
                >The majority of IST hates vegans
                except you fricked it up (because you're a vegan)
                >and hates veganism because it's just as dumb to not eat meat as it is to only eat meat.

                nobody really gives a shit what you eat if you can accept that not everyone has to agree with you. carnivores absolutely understand this. there's no harm in trying to spread the message on something you think is helpful. that is not what vegans do and you know it.

              • 5 months ago

                >carnivores absolutely understand this
                Which is why they're malding (further) in this thread and shit up every thread about food and nutrition with their cult?

                >that is not what vegans do and you know it.
                True. Veganism is moronic too.

              • 5 months ago

                >Which is why they're malding (further) in this thread
                don't care homie
                it's not the same as lying, harassing and trying to bar people from buying certain foods, physically and legally
                carnis do not do that. you're either incredibly disingenuous or incredibly sheltered to think that shitposts on IST are all that defines a movement. carnis also don't constantly lie and pretend to be other people. i mean look at this shit


                Is that the pedophile who tried to rape his daughter?

                the frick is that?

              • 5 months ago

                >carnis also don't constantly lie
                Carnitards constantly lie and decieve. See sv3rige, Dr Shawn Baker and Liver King.

              • 5 months ago

                lol, allright, we got him. I guess all those "Vegans: The Epitome of Malnourishment" are finally getting to him. god, why are you so easily spotted?

              • 5 months ago

                you couldn't make it more clear that you're a vegan

                >"Veganism is moronic"
                Peak carnitard reading comprehension

              • 5 months ago

                oh yeah you're right I just didn't notice those words. I guess you must not be a vegan, then. it's impossible since those words are there.

              • 5 months ago

                you couldn't make it more clear that you're a vegan

  44. 5 months ago

    how about eating lean meat, fish, eggs, green veggies and fruit instead of sticks of butter or grass?

    • 5 months ago

      That's too reasonable for carnidiots. They select their foods for how much attention they'll get for eating it.

      • 5 months ago

        >They select their foods for how much attention they'll get for eating it.
        yes that must be it. it cannot be:
        normalized blood pressure
        normalized blood glucose/insulin
        weight loss almost exclusively in form of fat loss
        reversal of aching joints
        fixing of gum issues
        and a myriad other issues that get fixed without any medication. something "normal" eating or vegetard slop cannot do.
        no those things aren't why. its specifically just the attention seeking. nice job strawmanning, vegetard troony.

        • 5 months ago

          Tell me how you get the plant only flavonoids that decreases cell damage hence helps your body to repair itself easier and better. Or the flavonoids like quercetin that helps kill senescent cells, not that you even know what those things are.
          >They are not essential
          Yeah not if you just want to live until 50 and then get age related problems, but then you can live on fast food too you absolute moron.

          • 5 months ago

            >Tell me how you get the plant only flavonoids that decreases cell damage hence helps your body to repair itself easier and better. Or the flavonoids like quercetin that helps kill senescent cells, not that you even know what those things are.
            >>They are not essential
            >Yeah not if you just want to live until 50 and then get age related problems, but then you can live on fast food too you absolute moron.
            care to back up any of that garbage you wrote at all?

            • 5 months ago

              >care to back up any of that garbage you wrote at all
              >Fisetin treatment decreased senescent cells in the gray matter of the brain cortex and cerebellum as well as large neurons (GL13 staining) in the non-CA area of the hippocampus. Further, fisetin treatment significantly decreased P16+ and GLB1+ neurons, astrocytes, and microglia cells in both gray and white matter of the cerebral brain cortex, and reduced GLB1+ microglia, astrocytes, and GLB1+ neurons in the non-CA area of the hippocampus.
              >These results suggest that fisetin treatment represents a promising therapeutic strategy for age-related diseases.
              Sheep study, yes but they are vivo studies and because studies like these aren't typically done on humans.
              Here's another but on mice, so we have several studies with different mammals all showing great results in vivo.
              and before you start talking shit about the studies not being on humans, you have nothing but anecdotal evidence from grifters for your "carnivore" diet being healthy so I have already provided more evidence than you

              • 5 months ago

                results suggest that fisetin treatment represents a promising therapeutic strategy for age-related diseases.
                "suggests". lol, lmao even. now show me actual proof. your claim was
                "Yeah not if you just want to live until 50 and then get age related problems, but then you can live on fast food too you absolute moron."
                care to show me anything to back that up? something actually tested?

              • 5 months ago

                >t. brainlet who doesn't understand scientific papers
                Even all the current vitamin studies only SUGGESTS. Do you know why? The body is infinitely complex, and to prove something in the body would require more understanding than we currently have of it.
                It's not as easy as dropping a stone and saying
                >yep, hits the ground
                because even if Fisetin causes all these good things to happen we don't know HOW or WHY it happens hence we can only
                even if we KNOW it happens. The outcome is confirmed, the why and how isn't hence it will be suggests until that is known.
                It's so sad how you talk about diet and health when you know absolutely nothing

              • 5 months ago

                >It's so sad how you talk about diet and health when you know absolutely nothing
                its very sad you cant produce any long term results and assume what you wrote is worth anything at all.

              • 5 months ago

                >The body is infinitely complex, and to prove something in the body would require more understanding than we currently have of it.
                exactly why I will go by results. Ive tested many things, including changing my diet. none of that worked. I've had multiple decades to figure things out for myself and I've found something that actually works. and so called "anecdotes" also suggest the very same thing for a lot of people trying out carnivore. you suggest there's some benefit and claim I'll be getting "age related problems". looking at the population a huge proportion of 50+ year olds fit that description. where exactly is the proof of a balanced diet leading to good health outcomes? just by fixing my blood pressure and T2D according to "science" will bump up my life expectancy by 6 years. its a fricking joke, but I can play that game as well.

        • 5 months ago

          >normalized blood pressure
          Stopped reading right here. All of the idiots posted ITT have visible signs of HBP

          • 5 months ago

            >Stopped reading right here. All of the idiots posted ITT have visible signs of HBP
            come back with a measurement and well argue. see thats your problem. Ive had my blood pressure normalize within 4 days of doing carnivore. this is my own experience. you on the other hand have nothing. I don't care wether or not you keep reading. not only is your opinion 100% irrelevant and of no value, there's about 41% chance we'll never see you again in the future at all.

            • 5 months ago

              >Ive had my blood pressure normalize within 4 days of doing carnivore
              This is an anecdote. It's a lower form of proof than the visual evidence I posted. Since you want to be a smart-ass about quantifiable evidence: let's see you post your
              >blood work (before)
              >blood work (after)
              >food log during the 2 week transition period

              • 5 months ago

                >This is an anecdote. It's a lower form of proof than the visual evidence I posted. Since you want to be a smart-ass about quantifiable evidence: let's see you post your
                you've posted pictures of people claiming they have elevated bloodpressure. its far lower than anecdotal evidence. its no evidence at all.

              • 5 months ago

                I'm claiming that they show visible signs of HBP (they do). Now let's see your blood work Mr quantifiable evidence.

            • 5 months ago

              >1 person
              good job anon but there can be a multitude that caused that, you as a person are not evidence.
              I can claim a vegan diet made my wiener grow 3 inches but that doesn't make it true nor does it prove that a vegan diet did it even if it happened.

            • 5 months ago

              You do realize that it could be because you cut something out that your body didnt handle well or that you got some large imbalance due to your prior diet, maybe you got too much vitmian X and now you get less of it, but it could have been counteracted by more of vitamin Y.
              Unless you have actual evidence for WHY it happened you have nothing, you can't just say
              >i did carnivore and my bloodpressure dropped so its because of carnivore
              you have to prove it by showing HOW and WHY it happened, you know like a scientific study. Why are carnitards the only people who don't know this and just talks about anecdotes all the time? Makes you all seem really fricking moronic tbh

              • 5 months ago

                >You do realize that it could be because you cut something out that your body didnt handle well or that you got some large imbalance due to your prior diet, maybe you got too much vitmian X and now you get less of it, but it could have been counteracted by more of vitamin Y.
                yes, it was vitamin X. lets see, what has improved for me:
                normalized blood pressure
                normalized blood surgar. I was diagnosed with T2D.
                was overweight. fixed that no calorie counting or any other nonsense.
                20+ years of seborrheic eczema, for which I had to use ketoconazole containing shampoo untill that stopped working. head and shoulders did but even then I had to wash myself with it every other day or be covered in skin flakes.
                receeding gum/gum bleeding/aching gums.
                aching joints.
                I am not going to bother listing minor improvements. overall, what Ive listed is regularily experienced by other people trying carnivore. so unless you can point out the vitamin X that caused all of my previous problems, ill stay away from plants. so far Ive been doing great.

              • 5 months ago

                your evidence is just as good as gorging on candy daily and getting bad teeth then switching to carnivore and claiming it must have been carnivore because now you're on the carnivore diet when in reality it was excess sugar. but you're too moronic to understand that so who the frick cares, keep being moronic and eat like shit, the faster you die the better

  45. 5 months ago

    Wait so you can't replace carbs with fats? Or what is the lesson here? Because some legitimate people say you can.

    • 5 months ago


  46. 5 months ago

    Carnivore should only be used for losing weight. In order to maintain your weight on carnivore you have to eat huge amounts of fats. Why does everyone want one diet for life? Once you are at your goal weight add back in normal foods to your diet. You just have to be fricking reasonable.

    • 5 months ago

      >Carnivore should only be used for losing weight.
      yes losing weight and fixing the issues listed here

      >You do realize that it could be because you cut something out that your body didnt handle well or that you got some large imbalance due to your prior diet, maybe you got too much vitmian X and now you get less of it, but it could have been counteracted by more of vitamin Y.
      yes, it was vitamin X. lets see, what has improved for me:
      normalized blood pressure
      normalized blood surgar. I was diagnosed with T2D.
      was overweight. fixed that no calorie counting or any other nonsense.
      20+ years of seborrheic eczema, for which I had to use ketoconazole containing shampoo untill that stopped working. head and shoulders did but even then I had to wash myself with it every other day or be covered in skin flakes.
      receeding gum/gum bleeding/aching gums.
      aching joints.
      I am not going to bother listing minor improvements. overall, what Ive listed is regularily experienced by other people trying carnivore. so unless you can point out the vitamin X that caused all of my previous problems, ill stay away from plants. so far Ive been doing great.

      why the frick would I go back to eating your so called "normal" food if it makes me sick? can you not figure out that there is more to nutrition than just "hurr losing weight"?

      • 5 months ago

        Don't eat what normies think is normal foods. High antioxidant fruits and cruciferous vegetables. For carbs drop wheat and switch to barley. I am on carnivore right now and while it does make me feel better I don't ignore the other factors of health. I am never going to eat sugars, regular flours, nightshades, or poisonous fruits like apples. I get sick from any processed food too. I feel you there.

        • 5 months ago

          >High antioxidant fruits and cruciferous vegetables
          yeah nah, this is what Ive tried first when faced with inflammation. I went through months of pain eating "anti inflammatory" plants with exactly no result. fasting helped (as a matter of fact slightly faster than just eating meat, but cant fast forever) and eating animal products only.

          • 5 months ago

            This is my experience as well, feel the least inflamed fasting, and the closest thing to the minimal inflammation I get from fasting is raw animal foods. I don't care what anyone else says about le studies or le experts this is my experience. My logic is that the digestive system does the least work with "like" structures, in other words to digest animal fat and protein is easy on the system because it's already in the form the body wants it. Plants are not and need to be fermented+ neutralized toxin wise, that's why I think anyone with autoimmune conditions will benefit from fasting and animal foods only.

            • 5 months ago

              based. this coupled with the fact that meat digests slowly makes me think there is probably a density of nutrition that we don't fully understand yet.

  47. 5 months ago

    >vegans providing evidence and studies
    >carnivores seething with only anecdotal evidence
    as usual on fit

    • 5 months ago

      >vegans providing evidence and studies
      so far diagnosing high blood pressure via a single picture of a person, strawmanning, showing complete lack of understanding of lows of thermodynamics and yet claiming to know what they are talking about and oh, as in this case posting multiple replies pretending to be someone else.

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